Hey guys! I know what you're thinking..."she hasn't finished Uncle Someone, why is she uploading a new story?!" Well you are right, I haven't finished Uncle Someone. I have the next chapter, which may be the last chapter, written. But I'm not fully happy with it, so I haven't uploaded it yet. Hopefully really soon. But as I was sitting down to edit it today, this just flew out. So I thought I would upload it and see what people thought. If you guys like it I will continue with it after I finish Uncle Someone. It's kind of short so sorry about that, but I thought this was a good little tidbit to see if anyone would be interested. Hope you like the idea.

How could this have happened? It was one night! Okay so it was an entire week, but it was just one time. Or it was a lot of times. Charlotte and Henry had gone on a trip with some of their college friends on spring break. It was their senior year of college, they were all 21 years old, they figured why not spend the last spring break before becoming full-fledged adults by spending the entire week at the beach. A friend of theirs had a beach house. Well his parents had a beach house, but he was allowed to use it. That provided them with free lodging, and the beach was hosting a spring break party, which provided them with entertainment. All they had to do was bring the booze. And they brought a lot of booze.

Normally Charlotte didn't drink that much, and actually neither did Henry. He was still helping Ray fight crime in Swellview on occasion, although not as often since he was focusing on school. He didn't want to drink often in case he was needed. But Ray had promised them both that they could go on the trip for spring break and he wouldn't need them for anything. So they both indulged a little. Maybe a little too much.

You see, everything that happened that week, lead Charlotte here. In the bathroom of the apartment that she shared with Henry. Looking down at a stick that she had the unfortunate pleasure of peeing on. And it was staring back at her, with a pink plus sign.

It all started a few weeks before spring break…


"Hey Char!"

Charlotte looked up from her book to see her blonde best friend running into their apartment like a crazy person. He had his backpack with him, so she figured he had just rushed home from class. Looking up at the clock, seeing it was about 3 oclock, she realized she was right. His business class usually let out about 2:30pm.

"Hey, Hen. What's up?" Being polite, Charlotte bookmarked her page and set the book on the coffee table.

"You will not believe what I am about to tell you." He sat down on the couch next to her.

"Okay. Well it must be exciting, since you are pretty much out of breath. Did you run home?"

Ignoring her question he said, "Char. You know my friend Brant?"

"Brant, from your Remedial English class Freshman year? Yes I know Brant. He's only been friends with you for about 3 years now." Brant had become a good friend of Henry's, since Jasper had been a few hours away at a different school. They still talked all of the time, and Brant could never replace Jasper, but Henry enjoyed having a guy to hang out with every now and again.

"Right, of course you know him. Well he just told me that his parents have a house on Playo Beach that they use every summer, and he's inviting us there for Spring Break this year!"

"Oh my gosh! That's so cool. How many people are going?"

"About 8 or 10 I think." It was just an estimate, since he didn't get all of the details. Brant and he had passed each other on Henry's way home and he had invited him.

"Well I'm excited for you Henry. That sounds like a fun time."

"And it will be even more fun if my best friend comes with me." He poked her in the arm repeatedly, smiling the smile he knew would get her to say yes.

"You're inviting me? Why? Are you even allowed to?"

"Uh yeah. He told me I could bring one other person, and I'm choosing you."

Charlotte sighed. "I don't want to go if it's just going to be a bunch of bros showing off for girls all weekend." The last time Henry had invited her somewhere with his friends, she was the only girl and she had to watch them all attempt to flirt and show off for girls who were way out of their leagues. It was amusing, but not something she wanted to repeat.

"Nah, I don't think it's only guys. Brant is bringing his girlfriend. Colin and his sister are coming. And I think Brant's girlfriend asked a few of her friends to come too. It will be fun. I promise."

"Wouldn't you rather bring one of the girls you're interested in?"

"I'm not really interested in anyone right now. Besides, you're the only one I would want to spend Spring Break with." If Henry was being honest, he would have told her that he always had way more fun with Charlotte than he did with any of the girls he ever dated.

"Okay, fine. I'll go. But it had better be fun." She ended the conversation by grabbing her book back from the coffee table and returning to her page.

Henry smiled in success. "It will be a week that you will never forget. I promise."


Staring down at the positive pregnancy test in her hand, she couldn't help but remember the week that had gotten her into this mess in the first place. Boy…did Henry make good on that promise or what.

So there you have it. A college aged story. It's a little different than we are used to from this pair, since we see them in middle school or high school in most fics. Let me know what you think of it. I have a rough idea of how I would have this story go if you guys want me to continue with it. Sorry if there are any major grammatical errors also, I didn't really edit it hardcore yet.