Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Harry Potter, they all belong to J.K. Rowling. However, I do own the characters of Diana Renton, Nicole Portman, and Sarah Ferguson.

Author's Note: at first this story starts out cute with the nauseatingly traditional beginning of the love hate Lily and James relationship. Then it jumps to sixth year because I say so! There will be eventual sex and raunchiness in the future, and I make James and Sirius into male sluts. I have to amuse myself don't I? But, there is a plot. I cant take the plotless stories, and this isn't one of them. The first 2 chaps are a simple prologue; chap 3 is where it starts. Enjoy and do not hesitate to suggest.

*In the early 70's, on a platform in a station just like every other, a mother and daughter exchanged a goodbye as her little girl was about to start her real life, as a witch, in the only magical boarding school they had ever heard of. Hogwarts. It wasn't the most attractive of names, and they had never actually seen it, but the girl was brave. She was ready to leave, even though she hadn't hit puberty. She was told she was beautiful, and as she got older it would become more defined. She had her mother's hair, and her father's eyes. She had a flower as a name, like her sister. But she would bloom later on, unlike Petunia, her sister, who would not.

"It's ok mum, you can let go now." Lily Evans gently stated to her mother, who was hugging her so tightly that Lily couldn't breathe. She thought she heard her mother sniffling for her departure. She felt worried for her daughter, but somehow she knew she would be fine.

"Just one more second honey." Her mother said. She got up and wiped away the tears.

"You don't have to worry, Mum, I'll be fine." She said reassuringly.

"I know, I know. It's just that this is all so new, and, well, strange. I just don't want to see my baby off into a strange world. I am proud of you though honey. I always knew you would be different." With that Lily's sister, Petunia coughed, to make her presence known. She had a pointed expression of annoyance on her face. She assumed they had forgotten she was there.

"Well, of course you are unique too Petunia, but in your own way." Mrs. Evans then dismissed her oldest daughter once again. She dismissed her. Although Petunia hated Lily, now, she envied her too. Her mother and father never thought of her in that way. They expected her to fail, and she knew it. "Now if only we knew how to get to that Platform. What was it? 9 ¾? Well, how are we ever going to find that?"

"Maybe we should ask?" Lily said.

"What a brilliant idea, smarty." Petunia said, so Lily could hear.

Just then Lily, her mother, and Petunia saw another little girl walking with her parents. She had an owl with her, and a broom. It was an odd sight for the three of them, and Petunia looked disgusted, but also sad. What an oddly exciting sight seeing a bright, exotic owl and a broom. She, and Lily alike wondered what it could possibly be for.

"Let's ask them over there." Mrs. Evans said. She saw the three stop between Platforms 9 and 10. One of them, a blonde haired, attractive man, seemed to walk right through the wall without anyone noticing. Lily and her mother approached, dumbfounded. Petunia remained in her place.

"Hello." Said the woman. "Can we help? Are you going to Hogwarts?" she said, but not loudly.

"Yes!" Said Lily, enthusiastically, before she remembered her manners. "Can you show me, well, how to get onto the Platform? That man-how did he-- "

"Yes, my husband. Well, of course dear. It's really very easy. You just have to walk strait at the wall. It takes you right onto Platform 9 ¾. My daughter is in her first year as well. I'm Alison Renton."

"Julia Evans. I'm Lily's mother. Oh, this is Lily, my daughter. I have to say thank goodness we ran into you today, or else we'd have never found our way here. Professor Dumbledore explained some, but these little technicalities--"

"Oh, no trouble at all. I take it you aren't wizards then." Alison Renton said. She drew her daughter, who was behind her, closer to her.

"Oh you've got that right. We had no idea what this was all about until we went to Diagon Alley. Oh, and was that a trip to remember." She said, throwing her head back and putting her hand on her chest.

"Well that's the place to go then. Yes, our ways are a bit comical. My husband still laughs at some of them." Alison said. "We were thrilled when Diana got her letter. But, we knew she would. Hogwarts is really the best school for our craft. And, it is the closest."

Just then a slightly shy little girl with wavy dark, brown hair and almost black eyes came out behind her mother. She was a little nervous, but didn't really show it. Her shoulders were back and her posture was strait. Her mother's overbearing presence towards strangers confused her.

"Hello." She said and held out her hand. "Diana Renton." She said, in a matter she thought her mother would answer in.

"Lily Evans." She said. " Pleased to meet you."

"Would you like to run through together?" Diana asked, picking up her broom, which was tucked under her arm.

"Oh, sure." Lily exclaimed. "Bye Mum, I'll miss you and dad so much. Bye Penny! I love you!"

"Don't write!" Petunia yelled, and her mother shot her a horrified look.

"Bye darling." Julia said, and continued to talk to Alison.

"Bye Mum!" Diana said, looking back at her, blowing her a kiss.

The two girls held hands and ran through the brick wall. Suddenly they were on the other side of the Platform. There were scores of children there, all eager and excited. They still had their hands clutched tightly around their luggage. Just then Diana's father appeared. He had brought the first batch of Diana's luggage up for her.

"Well hello, Chéri." He said to his daughter, who smiled when she saw him. His dark eyes and strikingly blonde and wavy hair blew in the subtle wind. Then he saw Lily, and smiled at her too. "I'm Mark Renton. I believe the little witch that you are with is my daughter."

"Lily Evans. It's nice to meet you sir." She said, politely.

"Likewise. Do you want me to show you girls to the train and help you find a seat?"

"No, Dad, that won't be necessary. I think we have been on a train before." Diana said, a little embarrassed. "I think we can manage."

"Very well. Have fun darling; I'm going to miss you!" He gave his daughter a huge hug. "Don't get into trouble now." He said, before walking back through the wall. "It was lovely to meet you Lily!" Then he disappeared.

"Sorry about him. He's so protective of me." She said, her cheeks reddening. "Don't really know why."

"Oh, don't worry my dad's the same way. So tell me, are all of your family wizards?"

"No, actually, my dad's a Muggle. I am what you would call half and half. But, I've been called worse." She said, laughing a bit.

"A muggle? What's a muggle?" Lily asked, wondering if the girl had chosen the right words.

"Oh, it's a non-magic person." She said. "Sorry, should have known better."

"How'd they meet? A witch's brew?" Lily chuckled.

"No." Diana laughed too. "My mum met my dad in London while she was doing an assignment for the Ministry of Magic. He was quite taken back at first, but now he loves it. The whole culture fascinates him. The first sign of magic I had scared him to death"

"Wow, my dad is still recovering." They both laughed. "And my sister, well, she thinks I'm a freak now."

"A freak? Well you're not a freak I can assure you." She said. "And I can tell you this: you are going to meet people a hell of a lot weirder than me."

"Thanks Diana." She said, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Sure." She replied. "Well we had better find a compartment, they all look pretty full."

"There's an empty one over there." Lily pointed out. They went in and sat down. As soon as they got comfortable they heard a bunch of loud voices coming down the hall of the train.

"Oh my God, did you see his face?!" One of them said.

"I think he was about to cry! It was fantastic!" Said another.

"I can't wait to see him get sorted like that!" Said a third.

"Perfect! Absolutely perfect!" Said the first voice.

"Hold on we had better find a compartment." Said the third voice.

"What the bloody-" Diana started.

The three boys approached Diana and Lily's compartment and looked in. A handsome, black haired boy spoke first.

"Well, well, well, if my eyes deceive me I believe I have found the two most beautiful girls on this whole train. My name, beauties, is Black. Sirius Black." The other two boys snickered. He walked over to Diana and put his arm around her shoulder, despite her moving away. "And what is your name, bright angel?" He asked her.

She couldn't tell whether or not he was kidding. "I don't believe you've earned it yet. Sirius, was it?" Diana replied. "Sounds a bit like a dog's name, and I don't like dogs." Sirius looked puzzled. This approached had worked with all the other girls. The second boy decided to come and save him.

"Well, ladies, my friend seems to have forgotten his manners, although I can't blame him. He knows not how to treat a lady. I on the other hand.." He then walked over to Lily. "Hello. My name is James Potter." He held out his hand. She didn't take it.

"Well James, do you find that this approach usually works, or let me guess, you've never tried it before?" Lily spat. She was not crazy about his demeanor and wanted to annoy him.

"And what approach would that be?" James asked.

"The kind where you set yourself up to be the hero, hoping that the hopeless girl will fall deeply and madly in love with you. I am sorry to say that that sort of cocky approach does not work, at least not on me."

"Well, don't we have ourselves a clever little witch? I will have you know that my approach ALWAYS works! Right Remus?" He looked over to the last boy, who was leaning against the compartment door with a sly smile across his face.

"Yea, whatever you say James." He answered. He found this all incredibly trivial.

"My guess is that, James, your ego is, if it is even possible, is bigger, and more messy than that head of yours." Lily said.

"How dare you! Do you even know who I am?" James answered, in a rather cocky way.

"I don't care who you are! Now if you will please get out of our compartment! And bring Casanova here with you!" she said, referring to Sirius. Diana found that incredibly amusing.

With those words James took out his wand. He said a few words and in an instant Lily's appearance was completely different. She had green skin, and a huge mole on the side of her face.

"Now that is what a wicked witch like you SHOULD look like!" He yelled.

They all broke out into a fit of laughter. Even Diana thought it was funny. Then she straitened up and pointed her wand at them.

"Now that's enough!" Diana cried. "Leave now!"

"We have no where to go, everywhere else is completely full!" Remus replied.

"If you think for one minute that I am going to let this SCUM sit in my compartment, you are completely wrong. Look at what he did to me!" Lily cried.

"Hey! I am NOT scum!" James said.

"Well you did a horrible job trying to convince me otherwise!" Lily spat back at him.

"Well maybe if you weren't so rude and obnoxious!"

"I'M obnoxious?! You can't be serious?!"

"No that would be me." Sirius exclaimed, rather inarticulately.

"SHUT UP!" Everyone else said in unison.

"Listen Potter, I will throw you off the train if I have to. I will tell you right now that if you don't fix this, the first chance I get I will curse you until you are unrecognizable!"

"Is that a threat?"

"It's what ever you want it to be Potter! Just fix it!"


"For heavens sake I'll fix it!" Remus said. He then said a few words and Lily's face was back to normal.

"Thank you! I'm sorry, what was your name?" Lily asked

"Remus Lupin."

"Right, well thank you Remus."

"Your Welcome.ummmm. Miss."

"Alright. Now that we all look like ourselves you can stay. But, you have to be civil with each other. Now apologize." Diana said.

"I will not." Lily said

"Do it...NOW!" Diana yelled and James and Lily quickly exchanged two feeble sorrys without looking at each other.

"There. Now I want everyone to sit and be quiet! Is that clear?"

"Who declared YOU leader of the train?" Sirius said.

"Do you want to start with me Black?" Diana replied loosing her patience.

"No, not really, ummm, what ARE your names anyway? This is really frustrating not knowing who I am talking too."

"Diana Renton."

"Lily Evans."

"Ahhh, the Virgin huntress and the flower of death...interesting." Sirius said, rubbing his chin.

"You're a weird one, aren't you?" Diana asked.

"Whatever. Make what you want out of our names Sirius but please stop talking." Lily said.

They all sat down on opposite sides of the compartment, staring at the window but most of all, not each other. Ten minutes passed of complete silence when there was a knock at the door. It slid open to reveal a petite girl with honey blonde hair and hazel eyes. Remus almost fell over at the sight of her.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know here was anyone else in here. I couldn't here anything from outside. I'm sorry I'll leave."

"No! I mean, you don't have to miss, there is plenty of room here." Remus stuttered. James and Sirius looked at each other, and snickered.

"Oh, ok thanks! I'm Nicole by the way, Nicole Portman." She held out her hand.

"Remus Lupin."

"Lily Evans, hi!"

"James Potter."

"Diana Renton."

"Sirius Black."

"Well hello everybody." Nicole replied. She took a seat next to Lily. To stop the deafening silence, Lily spoke.

"So Nicole, where are you from?"

"Oh, I'm from Bristol. It was quite a drive to get here. I'm new to the school."

"That's ok Nicole so are we." Sirius told her. "We're all first years."

"How did you know we were first years?" Diana asked.

"You came onto the train already in your robes, only first years do that. Hey, don't worry we did that too."

"Oh, I wasn't worried Black." Diana said, rolling her eyes. "So Nicole, do you come from a wizard family?"

"Um, no I don't. I am the only one."

"Really." Said Lily, excited. "Me too! We are what they call muggle born."


"Non magic people." Diana answered.

"You're muggle born?" James asked Lily.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" James shrugged and rolled his eyes.

"You see Lily, Potter is what the wizarding world calls 'pure blood'. He can probably trace his ancestry back to the time of the founders. Oh, and his father happens to be the Minister of Magic."

"Well she knows her facts." Sirius said.

"Don't even, Black. I know all about you too." She said, smirking.

"Oh is that it." Lily chuckled. "I thought this 'I'm above everyone' attitude originated somewhere, now I know where. He's a cocky little rich boy."

"You want to say that again Evans?"

"No I'm fine thank you."

Just then a little blonde boy came rushing past their compartment. He ran back and stopped in front of them.

"Where did you guys go I've been looking for you everywhere!"

"Sorry Peter we thought you were right behind us. You disappeared." James replied. "This is Evans, Renton, and Portman." James said rather quickly. They all said hi in unison.

"Hi. Sorry, Malfoy caught me. He was threatening me, he punched me in the stomach."

"I'm surprised that's all he did Peter." Sirius said.

"Yeah. With Malfoy, that was lucky." James said.

"Who's Malfoy?" asked Nicole.

"Oh you don't want to mess with him. He is awful. He's another pureblood but the worst kind. His family has been in the dark arts for years, although they won't admit it. His name is Lucius. Stay away from him. He's blonde and slimy, and, well, evil." Remus said.

"Wow." Lily said. "Way to liven up the crowd Remus."

A reluctant chuckle escaped James and Sirius. Diana and Nicole also let out a nervous laugh. Just then the Hogwarts Express came to a stop. This startled all the passengers in that particular compartment. They all got up and gathered their luggage.

"C'mon Nicole, you can come with us." Diana said. "Gentleman." She said as the three girls walked passed the boys in a huff.

"Pistols aren't they?" Sirius exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, and the worst kind too." Said James. "C'mon, let's go."

They followed the girls out. They were half startled by the sight of a giant man.

"Firs' years this way!"

All seven followed him. They were escorted into the boats. Lily was dumbfounded. She was staring at the monstrosity that was to be her new school.

"Is that...I mean. Is that Hogwarts?"

"Yep." Diana replied. "Look at it, it's huge!"

"Oh don't make me even more nervous than I already am." Lily said nervously. "All I have to say is that Potter better stay far away from me!"

"Oh I doubt that. Him and Black are inseparable. That is obvious. I am sure they will try hard to make their presence known to us. I think they like to be bothersome gits."

"Oh I can't stand them and I've only known them a couple of hours." Lily laughed.

"Well, Remus isn't that bad." Nicole said shyly. "And Peter seemed nice enough."

" Yea I guess. But, I WILL get him back for what Potter did to me though, that is for sure. I'll learn and he'll be sorry he ever messed with Lily Evans!"

"Calm down girl, you have all year to think of a prank." Diana said.

The boats docked and the three eager young girls hopped off.

"You know these next seven years are supposed to be the best years of our lives." Diana said.

"Well, with those four I don't know how that is possible." Lily said. All three girls laughed. They joined hands and made their way to the entrance.

"Well, it's now or never right girls? We are all in this together." Nicole said.

"Friends?" Lily said.

"Of course." Diana said. "Best friends."

*(That's chapter one, I hope you liked it! Please read and review!)