Kit kissed Fudge hungrily as Fudge's hair held him up to her eye level. Fudge sat on Kit's bed as she never wanted this moment to end. The week they had just had been non-ending racing. Parties, game visits, and lot's of cheering and whistling. Ever since they first started dating they had been too afraid to tell anyone. And could you blame them? Many thing's happened in the arcade and many characters dated other characters. But...only a few characters dated outside their species. And many of those couples didn't last. Because of the ridicule and tauntings from other characters. Fudge and Kit knew it was silly to keep this a secret but...they loved each other more than life it's self. And they didn't want to have to face anymore pain after their last adventure. Finally the two separated, Fudge smiled but Kit frowned.

"I want more!" Kit screamed like a candy-crazed five-year old, Fudge blushed and smiled.

"Now calm yourself Kitules. I know we've haven't been able to get a moment's peace for a week but no reason to get over excited." Fudge said sweetly as her hair put her embarrassed and pouting boyfriend down. Kit muttered something as his face turned red.

"What was that?" Fudge said and Kit sighed,

"But I don't want to! I want your sweet lips against my own! I...I just want more! I'm sick of keeping this a secret and it's only been a week!" Fudge blushed redder and sighed as she picked Kit up and let him lay in her arm's.

"I know but...what else can we do? If we tell anyone they might hate us or me or you or just hate out relationship. And I want my strong honey bunny to not be criticized." Fudge said and Kit sighed knowing she was right as usual,

"Can we at least do dinner? A movie, tunnel of love rides, anything with you that doesn't involve hiding our love!" Kit said with a mixture of enthusiasm and desperation. Fudge saw this as his eye's we're big and pleading,

"Anything, anywhere, anytime! Please...I'm diein' here." Kit said as his ears drooped and tears builded up into his eye's. Fudge bit her lip Kit was the master of beginning, sure she was good be she could never persuade Kit; anyone else yes. She sighed and kissed Kit,

"Fine! But it can't be anywhere where our friend's have hung out and the game we go to nobody can know anything about us. Okay?" Fudge said with a tone of caution in her voice,

"Yeah! Of course that's all I want time alone with my sugar mama!" Kit said as his eye's gleamed. "Plus it means I get to know what makes you tick." Kit said giving his best bedroom eye's. Fudge blushed a deep crimson

"Kit!" Fudge said,

"Awww, come on I'm joking!" Kit said and Fudge stopped for a moment,

"I know." Fudge said as she smiled and giggled. Kit started laughing,

"So how about the game...Sonic Boom and then we travel to Mario Collections?" Kit suggested and Fudge smiled. Both games nobody knew them and both games didn't have zombies. Lethal colds that come through the air, cybugs, or killer robots. (No offense to the animatronics in FNAF's as they we're pretty nice.)

"That sounds great! What should we do?" Fudge said,

"That's the fun! Anything we want! The sky's the limit!" Kit said his enthusiasm in full swing. Fudge's smile widened,

"So we can get a shake with two straws in it? Hold hands? Hug each other? And call each other by our pet names?" Fudge asked she didn't want to admit it but she wanted this as much as Kit did. Keeping this meant they had to avoid everything that could cause them to get all gushy and romantic.

"Yep and lot's more just a day for us and us only! So get as gushy as ya want!" Kit said and Fudge blushed slightly, she and Kit looked out his bedroom window as the sunset. Fudge sighed and put Kit onto his bed, Kit's ears drooped,

"Can't you sleep here? I slept with you once!" Kit said desperation filling his voice again; he didn't want Fudge to leave. Fudge sighed as her sad eyes met Kit's hungry and desperate one's,

"I wish I could but you only slept with me for an hour before we both agreed you should've gone to your house. And...with as much as we miss each other I think I'd be a bad move to sleep together. Kit's face reddened as Fudge's did he knew she was right,

"Okay...I love you my sugar mama." Kit said sadly. Fudge kissed Kit on his nose,

"I love ya too Kitules, stay sweet." Fudge said as she walked down the caramel staircase. And crawled through the hole to get out of Kit's abode. Kit groaned, he missed Fudge so much. Fudge sighed as jumped into her kart and put her headphones on, and started playing some ballet music. And put her foot on the gas pedal, she missed Kit every time he left her touch. But soon they'd have some peace and that's what they needed. Fudge continued to drive as she smiled slightly and thought,

'I can't wait to have time alone with Kit...and nothing will go wrong.' Meanwhile Kit was trying to figure out if Sonic's came had a tunnel of love he had been eager to do that first. After all nobody would be able to recognize them in the dark; plus in the dark Fudge's eye's glowed. And all he wanted to do was stare into her beautiful eye's. Kit sighed dreamly as he walked into his restroom excited about the day to come.

'And nothing will ruin that wonderful day!'' Kit thought that horrible phrase.