Henlo. I am here. Sorry, this is not a new chapter but rather another update on story progress.

I just got done with my summer college classes and so I will be getting to finishing the coming chapter. It's not quite done yet but it's still under early development as college has stolen a lot of time from me so I will be getting to work on the final chapter(s) of Max and Annali. Everything that had occurred within the story has come down to that very moment in the room with the Docs and so it would make sense if I take my time and put more thought into this next one as the story I have planned will be a bit tricky to word it.

Other than that, I cannot give an accurate date of when I'll finish and post the new chapter considering the trickiness of the story that you will not notice only because I will have worked it down to at least "understandable." Hopefully, those of you that remain still reading the story will understand my situation and are patient as I continue on.

I hope you all have a great summer and spend time with your family and friends on the beach or in another country (Hopefully you have internetz over there :D) and thank you for sticking around for the story. As always...

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