"Oh my god Vik! We're here, we're really here!" I spun around on the balls of my feet, trying to take it all in. We'd spoken about going to the Grandaddy of them all for years, hell since we'd met. We'd planned it all to a T. I glanced at the various sections of Axxess. It was only day one but already I felt overwhelmed, I hadn't even seen a superstar or legend yet. I felt Vikki's hands grab my shoulders. "Calm down Elle, you need to compose yourself!" she smiled soothingly at me. I inhaled deeply, pulled her in for a hug and whispered "let's go tallyho" before grabbing her hand and dragging her towards the stage where Lita was now sitting.

We milled about for a few hours, getting pictures and autographs and generally being like kids in candy shops. "I need a drink…a strong one." I said with a definitive exhale. Vikki laughed at me before nodding in agreeance. "Me too, hotel to shower then hit the French Quarter?" she beamed at me, there wasn't really any arguing with that. "Please can we get food first – I'm Marvin!" With that we pushed through the throngs of people who didn't seem to realise it was over. We'd decided to treat ourselves to a fancy suite because after all it was Wrestlemania xXx, the big one. Hell it was older than me, than both of us but it didn't stop it feeling brand new. Maybe it was because it was our first time, or maybe it was just the fact that the atmosphere in New Orleans was electric either way it was AMAZING! I pulled on my skinny jeans, and slipped on my favourite heels. "ahya bastard!" I pulled my finger away. I always managed to catch my damn fingers on the skulls. But they were the comfiest shoes I owned so were oh so worth it. Pinning back a couple of my curls I headed out into the lounge area. "You ready V?" I called towards her door, only to hear a series of *fuck, shit, damnit's* before she pulled the door open with force. I buckled over at the site of her, laughing my head off. "Holy Shit! What the heck have you done?" I managed to get out in between gasps for air. She stumbled out of the room; her tights ripped down the front and tugging at her hair. "My damn curler got stuck and I caught my fucking leg on the edge of the bed, help me out you asshat!" she growled at me, firing the dirtiest of looks my direction. "Sit down, stop pulling you're making it worse you eejit." I worked the curler out of her hair, trying and failing to stifle my giggles. Half an hour later after I had re-done my make-up and she had new tights on we grabbed our bags and headed for the door.

*A few hours later*

I stirred my drink slowly, people watching as I did it. Cocktails were amazing here. The club we had found had a carousel style bar that could only be described as gorgeous. I got up from my seat glancing at Vikki who was currently dancing her socks off, "another drink?" I mouthed at her, *nods* I headed to the bar, hopping up onto one of the stools. "What's your poison sweetheart?" The waitress asked with a smile. I leant forward for the cocktail menu but someone beat me to it. "Oh shit, sorry." He smiled at me, handing over the menu. It was a few seconds before I realised I was staring at him. His brown eyes had me transfixed, shaking my head I smiled back before reaching out my hand to take it. My fingers brushed his, and I could have sworn there was a physical spark. "Thanks" was all I could get out; instantly I felt my cheeks go red. I pulled the menu up over my face as a shield. "um an Alabama Slam and a Twist of Fate please" I loved the fact N'Orleans had fully embraced Wrestlemania fever, all the bars and restaurants we'd been to over the past few days had wrestling inspired menu's. "Nice choice, although the triple power bomb packs a bigger punch." The menu stealer said with a playful grin. I smiled back at him before taking my drinks and heading back to the table we had commandeered. I couldn't shake the feeling that I knew him from somewhere, or that we'd met before but for the life of me I couldn't figure out where from. "Why does your face look as if you're trying to figure out what 79 divided by the square route of 157 is?" Vikki asked as she plonked herself beside me, swiping up her drink in the process. "I dunno, that guy at the bar" I gestured only to realise he was gone. "Oh never mind." I said with a sigh. She gave me a look which I figured was a mix of pity and 'you're insane'. "Ah well, let's down these and dance." She responded downing her drink quicker than I'd ever seen. I followed suit and scooped up my clutch that was beside me, passing the chain over my head, getting to my feet I headed to find Vikki in the crowd.

We had been dancing for ages, I turned to head back to the bar I was gasping for a drink. *thump* I had managed to walk smack bang into someone great. "I know I grabbed the menu before you, no need to get physical…I said I was sorry." A voice that made me instantly beam beetroot said chuckling and holding his hands up mockingly in defence. "Oh shit, sorry I didn't see you there." I stuttered out at him. Great Elle, make a total dick of yourself. "I tell you what, let me buy you a drink as compensation – I'll even let you take the menu first this time." He looked at me eagerly. "It's good, I don't take drinks from strangers. Thanks though." I smiled at him, hoping not to make him feel like a total creep. "How about this…" he outstretched his hand towards me with a warm smile, "Hi I'm Shane, Shane McMahon. Pleased to meet you." I could have sworn my jaw hit the floor.