*April the following year*

"So just go to will call with your ID, and they'll give you the passes and take you to my office, can't wait to see you!" Vikki sounded extremely chipper on the phone. "Ooo lah-Dee-dah your office, my aren't we up our own arse." I couldn't help but poke fun at her in jest. "I'll be there in an hour or so, the joys of HelLA traffic." Hitting the end call button, I tossed my phone into my bag and reached for my lipstick – Maybellines' Divine Wine was my go to shade, it was Vampy yet sophisticated. "Soph I'm away I'll see you this evening. Patch is in the yard, the other two are lazing on the couch." Grabbing my keys from the counter I headed into the garage and prepared myself for the wonders of Wrestlemania and LA tra-fuck! It had been ages since me and Vikki had seen each other properly. Just fleeting coffee catch ups when we were in the same towns, I missed my bestie. Sitting at stop lights I checked my phone, opening the messages and quickly typing - hoping to finish before they changed. "I'm in Van-city next weekend filming a cameo on Once, fancy a catch up and a coffee. I miss your face. Xo". Opening the contacts, I scrolled to R, tapped his name and hit send. *BEEP* oh shit, changing gears I moved forward. What seemed like an eternity later I finally arrived at the stadium, I headed to get my pass, pulling my jacket collar up slightly higher to avoid prying eyes.

Smiling at the kid behind the desk I moved forward in the queue "Ah Elle, Vikki is expecting you, if you'd like to follow me." I did as I was told. *Knock, Knock* "Enter." I walked through the door that had just been opened for me and was nearly pushed to my backside as Vikki launched herself at me. "I'VE MISSED YOU BESTIE!" I hugged her tight, I'd missed her too, after everything that had happened I'd hated that we'd distanced ourselves from each other. "So, how's it going tell me all your gossip. Is Rob not with you?" She sat on the couch gesturing for me to join her. "Jeeze didn't I tell you, Robert and I called it quits, contrary to the song we certainly weren't best friends better off as lovers." Judging by her face this was a bit of a shock to V "Don't worry it was totally amicable, we both said the 'we need to talk' practically at the same time, was kinda funny really. We decided that it wasn't what either of us wanted or needed. So yeah called it quits." I smiled at her, hoping she'd believe that I truly was fine. "You sure it was amicable, and both sided?" She placed a concerned hand on my arm. "Totally, honestly Vik, Rob and I are way better off as friends." "Then why do you look like a lost puppy?" "I'm not a lost puppy, just so much has gone on this past few years and things have been weird. Is he here?" I tried not to look eager to find out, I knew rightly she could see right through me. "Yes, have you spoken to him lately?" "Nope, I genuinely couldn't tell you when we last spoke...I've been so busy with work, it's been manic, getting that part in Chicago has me even busier, I dunno how I'm managing to fit everything in." I chuckled, leaning back on the sofa and slipping my shoes off to throw my feet over her legs. "Sure, make yourself comfy jackass." "No bother V – I will." I grinned at her in a completely cheestastic way. "So, Miss Head of Creative…what exciting things have you planned for tonight?" "Well first I decided that…" "WAIT TELL ME NOTHING I WANNA EXPERIENCE IT ALL *Sticks fingers in ears* LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" she shoved my legs off and got up. "Will you at least sit up and look like a grown up, well as much as you can in a Seth Rollins T-shirt and Becky Lynch goggles round your neck, you major league loser." She said with a roll of the eyes and shaking her head. I lifted my hand to flip the bird at her when there was a hard knock at the door, it swung open before Vikki even had a chance to look up. He was actually quite scary to look at in person, I certainly wouldn't want to cross him. "Ah Mr. McMahon I wasn't expecting you for another few hours. How are you? This is my friend Elle I don't think you've met." He turned looking me up and down, I instantly felt like I was being judged. Extending my hand, that was what you did when you met business men wasn't it? Act cool act cool I repeated in my head over and over…I didn't want to make a complete fool of myself or embarrass Vikki. "Nice to meet you Mr. McMahon." Shaking my hand "Yes, yes you too." He nodded before turning away quite sharply. "V I'm gonna head to get a drink then find my seat, I'll see you later." Quickly putting my shoes back on I headed out the door without looking back. Vince made me feel like a school kid who'd been caught throwing wet toilet paper on the bathroom ceiling.

"Captain Morgans and Fanta please." I hopped up onto the stool of the restaurants bar, I liked the VIP experience at Wrestlemania, no lines to try and maneuver. I pulled out my phone, the usual single girl at a bar signal for 'fuck off leave me alone'.

*one new message*

"BAMBI! Sounds great call me when you're here. X"

I smiled, tapping a quick message confirming I would and put my phone back in my bag but not before I checked the time. Shit, the pre-show was starting any minute now and I didn't want to miss a thing. I turned and headed towards the doors. "ELLE!" I heard a chorus of voices shout. Glancing over my shoulder I spotted three small humans bounding towards me. "Well look what we have here!" I called back, spinning round just in time to avoid being steam rolled. I squeezed them into a tight hug. "Who're you here with then, is Daddy not with you?" "Gramms is just around the corner, we're going to the sky." Rogan replied with a boyish giggle. I glanced up and saw a worried looking Linda hurrying towards me. "BOYS! What have I told you about running off? Oh Hello Leanne, nice to see you again. Now come along boys I need to get your cousins. Enjoy the show." She smiled at me allowing me one more second to hug them again. "Have fun kiddos." I got back up and continued for ringside…the perks of your bestie basically being the boss. Pulling my phone out I leaned against the barricade with my back to the ring and took a cheeky selfie, posting it to Instagram straight away.

'Great to be back in the Wrestlemania arena…to think a few years ago I was in the nosebleeds with my bestie relying on the 'Tron to get a good view - now I'm ringside and she's back of house! Oh how times change but somethings don't! #WrestlingFanSinceDay1 #SeasonsChangeButPeopleDont #Wrestlemania32'

I settled myself on the seat and got ready for the show to begin. A few hours later I was texting back and forth with V, a noise distracted me from my phone I glanced up to see the monstrous structure of the cell being lowered. I felt the goosebumps rise in anticipation. Of all the types of matches WWE had this one was quite simply my favourite, it had everything.

*one new message*

"Hope you're ringside, gonna be one hell of a match. S x"

I smiled, and settled in for what I was hoping would be a phenomenal match. I glanced round to see Linda sitting a few seats over from me alone. #Here comes the money# Shanes music hit and I was instantly transfixed.

Shane paced back and forth, handing his phone to Stephanie. "Don't fuck up big brother!" she laughed before giving him a hug. He bounded out of the curtain, the explosion from the crowd only served as fuel for his fire. A few minutes later he beckoned for his boys to follow suit and the sound only increased. They were in their element, Shane thought back to when he'd told Declan that he was getting to do his own Wrestlemania entrance. You'd have thought all the boys Christmas's had come at once. They made their way towards the ring and then he saw her, sitting ringside a smile on her face so big it lit up the room. Nothing had changed he was still irrevocably in love with her. It was now or never. "Declan!" Shane grabbed the boy before he fell over the barricade, lifting the younger two across also. Hugging his mom and turned towards the ring, before he had quite turned round he spotted how close she was and took his chance. Leaning forward and bringing her lips to his. She didn't pull away or protest…that was something wasn't it. Shane pulled her into a final hug and whispered, "I love you." Before making his way to the ring for what would quite possibly be his final match in WWE.

My heart was in my mouth as I watched him climb the cell. It was like a car crash I didn't want to watch it but I just couldn't take my eyes away. It took every fiber of my being not to dive over the barricade to check he was okay when he crashed through the table. When the bell finally rung I was a wreck but insanely proud of him. He'd fought like a lion. I headed to the back, I had to make sure he was okay. Rounding the corner, I saw him slope into a medical examiners room, I pottered about outside of it keeping my eyes on the screen to make sure I kept up with the show. He walked out or rather limped out of the room. I must have looked shocked or something because his first words were "If you think I look bad you should see the other guy." He chuckled. "Actually, I did…he won." I stuck my tongue out at him. He shoved me lightly, wincing in pain when I retaliated. I'd missed this. "So…" he looked like a school boy speaking to his crush for the first time...I waited on him to continue. Truth be told I liked watching him squirm like this it was relatively cute. "So…what now?" he reached forward and brushed my hair behind my ear, his hand lingering on my cheek. "Well I'm going back to watch the rest of the show; you can do whatever you want you nutjob." I smirked and attempted to walk away. He spun me round and locked our lips together. "Meet me after the show. I'll be here."