Hello! Here's the next chapter!.. Obviously. I really hope you enjoy this, 'cause these are kinda hard to write. But I'll try my darndest to make as little mistakes as possible! And if you do see any please tell me! Also, spoiler alert, but I'm going to try and have Juvia introduced in the next chapter! 'Cause she'll be playing a big part in this story!... Well, not a HUGE part, but she'll still be pretty important :D

Talking -- "War, war never changes."

Thinking -- 'War, war never changes.'



"Su!..Nat!.." Natsu's head was pounding painfully, he groaned inwardly at the throbbing headache. Unable to move for a reason unknown to him, every inch of him was in agony, he was nearly brought to tears by it. Slowly he began to understand the voice screaming at him, which he wished would stop. As it caused nothing but more pain for him.

"Natsu! Can you here me?! Please don't die on me!.. Please!..." Trina's sobs made Natsu want nothing but to embrace her and sooth her. Yet he was incapable of doing so, which infuriated him to no end. With as much force as he could muster, he forced his eyes open a crack. Only to close them immediately when the light beat down on him painfully. After trying but failing to for a few seconds, he managed to keep his eyes open long enough for Trina to notice.

"...!" Trina's heart froze when she saw Natsu open his eyes. Tears began to dribble down her face as she looked in shock, holding a hand to her mouth. unable to function properly enough to speak.

"... I'm starving." Natsu whispered hoarsely, bringing her out of her shock.

She hugged him tightly, making Natsu grit his teeth and squeeze his eyes shut. Something she didn't notice. "You're so stupid.. But.. I can't thank you enough for what you did. How can I ever repay you?" She whispered quietly, hugging him even tighter.

"You.. can start by getting.. me food?" Natsu said through clenched teeth, trying to keep his voice as even as he could. He felt blood begin to pool in his mouth, he quickly gulped it down. Not wanting to worry Trina any more then she already was, even if it was gross.

She finally let him out of her embrace, facing the door as she did. "Oh!.. Yeah, I can do that at the very least!" She hurried out of the room, in search for enough food to satisfy Natsu's appetite.

When the door clicked shut, he began to cough violently. Getting blood all over the blanket. When he no longer felt like coughing out his lung, he took in his surroundings.

He was in what was most likely a infirmary. White marble tiles laced the floor boringly, a few potted plants, a end table, and a measly few chairs only added to the boring-ness of the room. A singular window which showed the scenic hills allowed natural light in. Two fluorescent lights hung from the ceiling, brightly lighting the room up. To his sides were curtains, blocking his view of anything past them. He sighed softly, immediately regretting it when he felt like he inhaled sandpaper.

Only then a thought occurred to him: where was he? Last he remembered, (which doesn't say much.) he was fighting John near some grassy hills, and threw a massive fire ball at him.

Looking around again, he focused on his senses other then his sight, straining to hear or smell something to help him Identify this place. He heard faint breathing coming from behind the curtain to the left of him, it was ragged and slow. That's when he noticed the smell coming from there, it made him gag when it assaulted his senses.

Burnt flesh was the only thing that came to mind, something he smelt fairly often. But never to this degree. It was very putrid, making his eyes water. He thought of who it might be, and only one person came to mind: John.

His mind began racing; why was he here? Didn't he..? Natsu's questions burned at him. Frustrating him to no end as he thought of possible answers.

'Maybe Trina brought him here? But why would she do that? He nearly killed her!.. But that doesn't mean he deserves to die.. But I'll bring him damn near close to it!... Again!' Trina entered the room arms full with an abundance of food, enough to feed a family of three. She carefully made her way to Natsu, balancing the precariously stacked food on a tray the size of her torso.

"If you want anymore there's plenty. The cooks are surprisingly talented!" She said while setting the tray carefully on the mattress, bringing out some fancy silverware. A few seconds later and Natsu was upright in bed, gulping down food faster then humanly possible. His throat burned annoyingly, making the heavenly feeling a little less heavenly.

Trina left to get more food to satisfy his monstrous appetite, which still made her gawk watching him eat.

"...Heh.. Your hair is pink, and you eat like an animal.. What, are you a descendent of some pig race? Haha!.." Natsu stopped eating when a familiar jackass-y voice insulted him. Bringing him to rage in an instant, he summoned a small flame and threw it at the curtain between them. It quickly turned to ash, giving him a view that made his stomach twist.

John was sitting on the bed with bandages surrounded him, rolls of gauze fell onto the bed around him as he undid more and more. His entire body except for his head was covered in them, but more and more of his gruesome skin was revealed with each passing second. His arms and hands had 3rd degree burns, the skin peeling off and flesh entirely visible as he continued to unwrap the bandages. His back was turned to Natsu, not allowing him to see what was likely the worst of it since he was facing Natsu when he used his fire.

Natsu felt tears prick his eyes with each of John's pained gasps, face twisting into one of remorse. He never meant to do this to someone, its never happened before, so how could he of expected it to happen now? How did his.. his flames do this? Natsu bit his lip softly, eyes flicking between the rolls of bandages and 3rd degree burns. Bile rising up his throat from the putrid smell, his fists clenched slowly until his knuckles were white. Squeezing his eyes shut, he gulped before hesitantly opening his mouth to speak.

"Hey, I.. uh.. wanted to say sorry for what I did to you. I- I never meant to hurt you this bad. I failed myself, I failed my nakama, I failed Gramp's. But!.. But, even though I promised them I would never take a life, I was so.. mad. I couldn't think straight, when Trina was in danger I saw red. And I could only think of.. ripping you limb from-" Natsu said quietly, gradually getting slightly more hysterical with each passing second. His hands now gripping his pink locks, pulling them over his eyes. A nearly inhuman screech stole his voice from him, John was now staring at Natsu with unbridled rage. His face was dark red with bubbles and blisters, some of which were oozing a yellow puss. His right eye was burned over, the pupil clouded over, indicating his new blindness in his eye. The once handsome face, was reduced to a mangled puss filled mug that would give grown men nightmares. Natsu recoiled in shock/disgust when he saw what he did to John, cheecks bulging when he finally puked. He emptied his stomach into the trash can near his bedside, his appetite long since gone.

"You..! Don't you godd..DAMN DARE! Do that fucking bullshit, or else I'll gouge out your eyes, AND SHOVE 'EM UP YOUR GODDAMN ASS! I WILL RIP YOUR TESTICLES OFF AND FORCE FEED YOU THEM, YOU HEAR ME?!" John's banshee like howls horrified Natsu beyond anything he's ever felt, he backed up as far as he could until his back thumped against the cold walls, leaving him cornered.

John took a ragged breath before he heaved himself off of the bed, he staggered over to Natsu as flaky skin fell off him like leaves in Fall. Once he was nearly in arms reach of him he let his rage consume him again.

"L-look, what you did to me, bastard. Is this what you call anger? Is this what you do when your angry? You're a goddamn monster! Don't you fuckin' dare try and blame me.. for what YOU DID! YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A MONSTER! 'Oh look at me! I'm angry, so it justifies my actions!' I want you to keel over and die, bastard."

With each passing word Natsu felt more and more terrified, tears were streaming down his face as he shook his head in denial. John glared at Natsu for a few more seconds, before scoffing and returning to his bed to mend to his burns. Natsu however stayed backed up against the wall, shivering as John's mutilated face haunted his mind, forever etched into his memory. He took a few more shaken breaths before black spots began to dot his vision, until it fully consumed him. His body slumped against the wall, head resting on his shoulder.

John looked over briefly as he finished up his bandaging, rolling his eyes at Natsu.

"What a bitch." He carefully lowered him self onto the bed, drowsy from all his wounds. He closed his eyes and propped a hand behind his head, minutes passed with him drawing closer to slumber until his was rudely disturbed by Trina's abrupt appearance. Her loud heals clacking loudly against the marble tiles, he opened one eye to glare at her. She held a tray of more food, and two syringes filled with the same liquid Natsu used to heal himself. His eyes widened in surprise, he quickly sat up and held his hamds out demandingly. "G- gimme those syringes." He demanded impatiently.

Trina stilled in shock, but set the tray of food down and handed him a syringe. He immediately jabbed it into his arm, emptying the contents of it into him. "Both." He said while throwing the other into the trash bin. She hesitated before handing him the second one, looking guiltily at Natsu.

After he injected the second one into his other arm, he flopped back into his bed as a wave a relief hit him. He sighed tiredly before falling asleep in a matter of seconds.


Woah! That was a tough one to write! Now, I have alot to explain in this chapter, don't I? Mainly being Natsu's behavior, 'cause you were probably confused by it, right? In this chapter I wanted John to be an example of what Natsu's powers could do to a normal human, something thats never really shown in the manga. Plus I wanted to write Natsu as scared more then anything in this chapter, because in the manga or anime death and anyone getting hurt to a extreme degree causes him to react violently. But what if it was him that did it? So instead of reacting in fury and rage, he could only act defensively, and act mortified by his own actions. This is going to be a life changer for Natsu, not drastic, but it'll definitely change him. Another thing I've been wanting to do is make new fanfics! Its probably not something you want to hear right? But most of my ideas are crossovers. BioShock x Fairy Tail, Dark Souls 3 x Fairy Tail, Self insertion x Fairy Tail, Self insertion x The Last of Us... Thats basically all I've been wanting to write! But I really want to finish this fanfic before any of that, so don't worry about me abandoning this!

Time to reply to comments! :D


Me: Sorry, but I have no intentions of adding E.N.D into this story! But maybe that'll change? I don't know 100% where I'm taking this story XD

rufus264: Great chapter

Me: Thanks!

Barbatos Rex: this was an awesome chapt I can't wait to see how Natsu and Trina relationship develops

Me: Thanks!! But don't get your hopes to high for Natsu x Trina! I mainly want her to be his friend! But maybe something else will develop between them? :)Anyways..! See y'all till next time! :D