There are so many different ways to spin this story! These characters are so complex and complicated. Tell me what you all think.




Daniel paced in the hallway. He didn't know what to say. They had found Emily that much he knew. The doctors were trying to stabilize her. Daniel stood with his family. Victoria had lectured him in the car to keep his mouth shut no matter. She reminded him that even if Emily survived all of this no one would ever believe her. Conrad and Charlotte had no idea about Daniel's involvement. They were worried. When the doctor finally walked out Charlotte nudged Daniel. The doctor spoke to them.

"Mrs. Grayson is incredibly lucky all things considered. We just removed her appendix and we may have to remove her spleen but she can't handle anymore for the night."

Conrad spoke. "How is her prognosis?"

"If we can get the bleeding in her spleen under control she should make a full recovery. Her head wound is pretty bad so I would expect some damage there."

Charlotte spoke tearfully. "And the baby?"

The doctor hesitated. "I think I need to talk about that to Mr. Grayson privately."

Daniel walked aside with her. She turned and spoke to him quietly.

"Mr. Grayson I am not one to sugarcoat things. The trauma to your wife's abdomen is severe. As of right now the baby's heartrate is strong but the next 24 hours will be critical."

Daniel felt his heart sink. "She's really pregnant?"

The doctor nodded. "Around 8 weeks I would say. I'll be able to tell you more after an ultrasound. But I think it would be best to let Emily get some rest for the night. You can stay with her if you would like."

He nodded. When he walked back into the hall his family looked at him. He leaned against the window and looked in at Emily. He spoke quietly.

"The baby has a strong heartbeat but the next 24 hours are critical."

Charlotte rubbed his back soothingly. Conrad was at a loss for words. Victoria looked at her son in disbelief.

"What do you mean baby?"

Daniel looked at her livid. "Emily is eight weeks pregnant." He took a deep breath. "Go."


"Mom I want you gone."

Victoria was going to argue but Conrad grabbed her and steered her away. Charlotte was confused but hid it well.

"I'll go grab some coffee."

He sighed and nodded. He let his thoughts take over. He had almost killed his wife and child all because his mother told him that she had been lying.


Daniel woke up the next morning when Charlotte nudged him. The doctor had returned. She looked at Daniel.

"Mr. Grayson. We are going to take your wife down to imaging and see if her spleen is still bleeding."

He nodded. "And if it is?"

"Then we will be taking her back to surgery."

She walked into Emily's room. Soon he saw Emily being taken out. He stopped the nurses.

"Can I have a minute with her?"

"You may have a second."

He sighed and leaned down. He brushed her hair out of her face and spoke in her ear quietly.

"I am so sorry. I promise that I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you and our baby."

He kissed her forehead before allowing the nurses to take her.


Emily's spleen had stopped bleeding which meant that she wouldn't need another surgery. For that Daniel was relieved. He sat in her room the entire day. In the early evening Emily's eyes shot open. She looked up at Daniel terrified.

"Where am I?"

He hesitated. "You're in the hospital."

"What happened?"

"What do you remember?"

She tried to think. "Nothing...I can't remember anything..." She looked up at him desperate. "Can you tell me who I am?"

He felt panicked. He pressed her call button and soon a nurse walked in with the doctor. The doctor saw how distressed Emily was and spoke to the nurse who grabbed a syringe. The doctor spoke to Emily calmly.

"Emily, my name is Dr. Rollins. You're in the hospital. You were shot."

Emily looked at her. "What?"

"You're going to be okay. I am going to have the nurse give you some medicine to calm you down."

After a few minutes Emily relaxed. She still looked freaked out. Dr. Rollins spoke to her again.

"Emily do you know where you are?"

"The hospital?"

"That's right." She smiled and motioned to Daniel. "Do you know who this is?"

Emily shook her head. Dr. Rollins nodded.

"This is your husband."

"My husband?"

Dr. Rollins paused and then continued. "Do you remember that you're pregnant?"

Emily shook her head. "No...why can't I remember?"

"Emily you have just been through a major trauma. Amnesia is very common. I can have you start working with a therapist to get your memory back."

Daniel tried to hide the fear that sent through him.


The next morning Emily had to get an ultrasound to see how the baby was handling everything. Daniel arrived just in time. He watched as the doctor adjusted Emily's hospital gown and squirt gel carefully onto a small section of her stomach.

"So I won't be able to get a full view since I don't want to reopen your wounds."

Emily nodded. The doctor then looked intently at the screen. After a minute he smiled and turned the screen to face them.

"Here we go. See that?"

He pointed to a small flickering blob. Emily didn't know how she felt. Daniel felt guilt and joy all at once. The doctor looked at something and then furrowed his brow.

"Huh...did you two know that there are two sacks?"

Daniel looked at him. "Excuse me?"

"There are two sacks. Two babies."

Emily looked at Daniel. "Did we know?"

Daniel shook his head stunned. "Twins? We're having twins?"

"Yes. I would estimate that they are around eight weeks. The bullets didn't pierce their sacks. That is incredible."