A/N: IM BACK HOMIES! Okay, Why did I say homies? What is wrong with me?


So last we left off, the droids escaped and Luke knows Jyn and Cassian's secret. We'll be focusing on them for a while before getting back to Jenny and Leia on the Death Star. Last we saw them, it was chapter two. Damn, that feels like a long time ago!

Also... THE LAST JEDI WAS AMAZING I FUCKING LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! I'm not saying spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet, but now you know my opinion! I loved it so much! It's tied with Return of the Jedi as my favorite Star Wars movie of all time. It did it. It made it up there with what I said to never be beaten. I never thought I'd be this amazed with a Star Wars movie to be honest.

Anyways, I'm going to shut up now. Here's the chapter!

Luke rushed outside of the garage with his micro binoculars to look for R2-D2. Jyn, Cassian, K-2, And C-3PO followed him to help him look, but they couldn't find any sign of the astromech droid. The protocol droid kept on talking about how he couldn't understand R-2 at times due to his actions.

"How could I be so stupid? He's no where in sight! Blast it!" Luke exclaimed, groaning a little bit.

Jyn took the microbinoculars from the blonde and started to look around herself. He was right; the droid was no where to be found. They needed to find this droid. He had the plans in his databanks, she just knew it. He could possibly lead her back to Jenny and be able to save her from the Empire. She stopped looking around and handed the microbinoculars back to Luke.

"We'll be able to find him right?" The rebel asked.

Luke nodded in response. "We should be able to. We'll have to go out in the morning though. It's too dangerous to go out now with the Sandpeople wandering around," He said.

Jyn raised an eyebrow at him. "Sandpeople?" She asked.

"You don't want to know what they are," Luke said.

Cassian then spoke up, "So tomorrow, we go droid hunting and then we get off this planet?" He confirmed. The other two nodded in response. They then heard Owen shouting out to Luke, telling him that they were going to shut the power down. The farm boy yelled back, saying that he'd be be there. Then he looked back at the two Rebels with a worried look.

"Boy am I going to get it. My uncle isn't going to be happy if he hears about this. That droid is going to cause me a a lot of trouble," he said.

"Oh he excels at that, sir," C-3PO commented.

Kaytoo turned to the golden droid. "Just like how your mouth excels at not shutting up?" He said.

C-3PO turned to face him. "Well at least I have proper programming!" He shot back.

Cassian couldn't help but chuckle at the two droids. Kaytoo never got along with other droids who were like the protocol droid, so this didn't surprise him much. Jyn, on the other hand, was annoyed at it and kept on rolling her eyes at their feud. Even though she got into fights a lot, she never wanted to see a droid fight between two or more droids. Now she was seeing it and she hated it.

Luke then broke up the argument between the two droids. "Alright Alright That's enough. I'll wake you guys up early tomorrow. I'll show you where the guest rooms are. The droids can stay in the garage as long as they don't go running off on us," he said.

Jyn And Cassian nodded and they followed Luke to the guest bedroom. There were two beds in the room, enough for the Rebels that would be sleeping in there. They thanked the blonde as they went into the room, got on the beds, and went to sleep.

They didn't know what to expect for tomorrow's events.


Early in the morning, Jyn and Cassian woke up to Luke shaking them to wake up. They got up from the beds and got ready to head out. The three of them met up with Kaytoo and C-3PO in the garage and the farm boy led them to his landspeeder. Luke hopped into the passenger seat, C-3PO sat in the driver's seat, Jyn, Cassian, and Kaytoo sat in the back. Once everyone was settled in, they went off to look for the missing astromech.

After a while of searching, something popped up on the scanners. Luke said that it looked like R2 so they went to the spot that the astromech was. They all saw him in the distance and managed to catch up to him.

"Hey whoa! Just where do you think you're going?" Luke said, getting out of the vehicle with everyone else following suit.

R2 made a few beeps in response, which C-3PO responded with, "Master Luke is your master now! No more of this Obi Wan Kenobi gibberish! And don't talk to me about your mission either! You're lucky that Luke, Lianna, and Jeron don't blast you to pieces right here!" He said in a firm tone.

"We're not really Lianna or Jeron, just so you know," Jyn muttered under her breath. Then she spoke up in a louder voice, "Anyways, we best be going now, right? We got the droid and the plans now so let's go," she said, starting to head back to the speeder.

Suddenly, R2 started beeping wildly in frantic beeps. Everyone looked at him in concern as Luke asked what was going on. C-3PO then said that there are several creatures approaching from the southeast.

The blonde started to look around in concern. "Sandpeople, or worse," he said. He then went into his speeder and grabbed a rifle. "Come on, lets go have a look. Come on!" He said, motioning for everyone to follow him.

Jyn and Cassian exchanged looks with each other before looking at Luke in confusion. "Didn't you say yesterday that the Sandpeople were dangerous?" The captain asked him. "You said yesterday that it would be too dangerous to go out there with them," he added in.

Luke shrugged. "I just want to make sure that it's them or something to be unconcerned with. That's all. You guys are Rebels anyway. The Empire seems much worse than these Tusken Raiders," He said. The two Rebels just shrugged and followed the farmboy to investigate.

The three of them stopped by some rocks and hid behind them to get a good look. Luke looked through his microbinoculars to get a closer look while Jyn and Cassian just looked from far away. The three droids were close behind them so they weren't left alone by the speeder.

"Well, there are two banthas down there, but I don't see any..." Luke said, looking through the microbinoculars. He got interrupted when he saw something in the distance.

"What is it?" Jyn asked, curiously.

"There's Sandpeople alright. I can see one of them now," the farmboy said.

Suddenly, one of the Tusken Raiders appeared right in front of them. C-3PO screamed and fell off the cliff while R2 and Kaytoo ran away. The Tusken Raider knocked Luke to the ground as two more came up towards them. Cassian shot one of them while Jyn took out her baton and whacked the other one to the ground. After she finished beating up the Raider, she looked back to where Luke was, but he was gone.

"Where did Luke go?" She asked in concern.

Cassian then noticed that Luke was gone and started to grow worried. "I don't know. But we better find him." He said. Then the two started to look for their missing ally.

The Rebels finally found him laying unconscious on the ground by the speeder. The Tusken Raiders were looking through the speeder to find things that they could steal. Just as Jyn and Cassian were about to attack them, they all heard a loud noise that sounded like a Krayt Dragon. Whatever it was, it scared off the Sandpeople and they took off running. Jyn and Cassian looked over to where the sound was coming from and they saw a cloaked man walking towards them. Cassian had his blaster out and Jyn had her baton out, just in case this man was a threat.

The man knelt down by Luke and put a hand on his forehead. He seemed to be checking if he was okay instead of hurting him, so the two Rebels put their weapons away. They walked over to them as the man took off his hood, revealing him to be an old man. He gave them a warm smile and motioned for someone to come out of a cave.

"Hello there. He'll be alright, don't worry," the man said. Luke moved a little and opened his eyes, proving the claim to be true.. The old man helped him sit up with help from Jyn. "Rest easy son. You've had a busy day. You're fortunate to be all in one piece," the man said.

The blonde finally noticed that there was someone new with them. His eyes widened a bit as he realized who he was. "Ben? Ben Kenobi? Boy am I glad to see you," He said.

The man, now revealed to be called Ben, chuckled. "The Jundland Wastes are not to be traveled lightly," he commented.

"Wait, this is the Ben Kenobi you told us about yesterday?" Jyn asked for clarification. Luke nodded in response. "Well then. Maybe you could help us out. I'm Jyn and this is Cassian. That tall grey droid over there is K-2S0," she said, pointing to Kaytoo who was standing by R2.

Ben nodded. "What can I help you with? What brings you guys out this far?" He asked.

Luke looked over at the blue astromech droid. "This little droid. I think he's searching for his former master, but I've never seen so much devotion in a droid before. He claims to be the property of an Obi Wan Kenobi. Is he a relative of yours? Do you know what he's talking about?" He asked.

Ben seemed shocked at the mention of Obi Wan Kenobi. That reaction made it clear to the others that he definitely heard of the name from somewhere. He muttered the name to himself a few times while looking away. Luke, Jyn, and Cassian waited patiently for him to respond.

"That's a name I have not heard in a long time. A long time," the old hermit said.

"I think my uncle knows him. He says that he is dead," Luke said.

Ben shook his head. "Oh no, he's not dead. Not yet," he said.

The farmboy and the Rebels now knew for sure that he knew him. "You know him?" Luke asked.

The hermit smiled at them. "Well of course I know him. He's me," he said, pointing to himself. R2-D2 started beeping excitingly, happy that he found who he was looking for. "I haven't gone by the name of Obi-Wan since, oh, before you were born," Ben said, sounding distant with his words.

"Well then the droid does belong to you," Luke said, motioning over to the blue astromech droid.

"And you can definitely help us out with this mission," Cassian added in.

Obi-Wan nodded and shrugged. "Maybe I can. But I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid. Very interesting," he said. The group then heard some howls in the background. The old man stood up with a concerned look on his face. "I think we better get indoors. The Sandpeople are easily startled but soon they'll be back in greater numbers," he said.

Everyone then started to head back to the speeder before R2 started to beep and squeal frantically. The four humans and the Imperial droid looked over at him, trying to understand what he was saying. Luke then realized what the astromech was talking about and he ran over to find the missing protocol droid. Obi-Wan followed him and helped the blonde stand C-3PO up and led him to the speeder. Kaytoo didn't seem too happy that the golden droid was coming with.

"I would've just left him. Who needs him here anyway?"

A/N: Wow Kaytoo. Lmao.

Boom. In order to make up for the wait, I gave you guys a long ass chapter. Hope you're happy! Please no trying to kill me in the reviews for this update taking way too long! I'm really sorry!

Also, I may be planning on a brand new story based off of The Last Jedi. We'll see. And yes, I'm going to continue my other stuff, like this series and my SkyRogue series, even though that series is definitely a huge AU now. I may have to change what I'm planning for this series though. I had big plans, but then The Last Jedi ruined them so I have to change that up! Luckily, that'll be a while so I think you guys are good!

By the way, it's mah bootiful husband's (Finn Wolfhard) birthday today! He's 15! WHY IS HE GROWING UP?! WHY?! Also, check out my YouTube channel, ReyofLight 011, and subscribe!