January 2, 1947

Leia spent the entire morning filing all of Mon's past cases and clients by year and alphabetical order, rather than the old secretary whose filing system was shoving the file into wherever it would fit. She imagined working for Mon is much different than it would be for her father. She remembered Sabé having to run men like Tarkin in circles to keep them out of the office, as Mon's secretary she never had to go through the same ordeals as no one in those social circles associated themselves with women in politics.

She sighs as she put the last filing box away, feeling a sense of accomplishment for her first task since returning from holidays. The new year had come and went without anyone in her life really noticing, similarly as it had been for the past three years.

"Leia, once you're done that would you mind calling Carlist to confirm our appointment for this afternoon?"

"Of course." Leia nods as she walks over to her desk.

"I appreciate you coming into work. But really, you could've taken this week off."

"I know. I get bored when I have nothing to do. Also, Han has been driving me stark mad for the past week."

"So Han stayed for Christmas?"

"Yeah. Chewie went home to visit his family, so it was just us and Luke."

"Oh, so it's us now?" Mon asks, avoiding eye contact with the young woman. Leia begins to feel rather awkward now, discussing her relationship with one of her father's oldest friends.

"So, I'll call Carlist to confirm your appointment for this afternoon. Anything else you'd like me to do?" Leia asks, changing the subject.

"No, I don't. There isn't much work yet, you can leave early today. I can handle it by myself." Mon smiles before going into her office. Leia goes to her desk before calling up Carlist to confirm for that afternoon.

After following through with the task Leia stands, grabbing her overcoat and scarf from the coat rack near the front. She walks to the Mon's office door as she places on her coat.

"I'm leaving for the day." Leia announces, buttoning up her coat and placing on her yellow scarf.

"Okay, I'll see you on Monday." Mon smiles, briefly looking up from her paperwork to bid Leia farewell. The young woman turns from the office and makes her way to the front door of the office. She walks outside into the cold air, tucking in her neck so her scarf covered her face and shoving her hands in her pockets. She keeps her gaze focused on the snow-covered pavement.

"Hey Sweetheart." A voice greets her as she walks on the street. Leia looks up to see Han standing in front of her.

"Hey hotshot." She responds, untucking herself from her scarf. Han smiles at her, giving her a quick peck on the lips. "What are you doing? It's not like you to be out during the day. I thought you were allergic to daylight."

"Very funny." Han rolls his eyes, grabbing her by the arm. Leia chuckles at her own quip, pressing herself against him.

"What are you up to?" Leia repeats, raising an eyebrow at her lover.

"I've got a project I'm working on."

"What project?" Leia furrows her eyebrows in confusion. In the past months he had never mentioned a project. Han sighs, tucking a stray hair behind Leia's ear.

"Come with me." Han links their arms together, leading her down the street in the opposite way.

"Where are you taking me?" Leia asks as Han leads her down a small side street that was hardly used. He comes to a stop in front of a large brick building, a large overhead door taking up most of the façade with a smaller door off to the side. "What is this?"

"Lemme show you." Han leads her into the building. The interior was slightly warmer than outside but was in rough condition. The main floor was open which was connected to the overhead door, the stairs near the door went up to a half floor which overlooked the main floor, providing enough space for an office.

Leia walks into the middle of the main floor, looking around very confused.

"What is this?" Leia asks again.

"It's a repair shop…y'know for cars." Han says, following Leia around.

"Yeah, I can see that. I don't understand why you're showing it to me."


"What?" Leia stops moving, staring at him.

"Well, It's mine and Chewie's. We bought it together. Once this place starts to make money, he's gonna bring his family up here to get a place." Han explains, placing his hands in his pockets. "We're staying Sweetheart."

"You are?" Leia asks, stepping closer to him.

"Yeah, I am. I mean if it's alright with you. Wouldn't want to step on the toes of the great Leia Organa."

"No, I'm happy that you're staying." Leia coolly states, trying hard to suppress her excitement.

"So y'know with Chewie moving out I'll need someone to help pay rent on the apartment."

"You don't pay rent on your apartment."

"Okay fine. I want you to stay with me…y'know…permanently." Han shrugs, not maintaining eye contact with her. Leia approaches Han, placing a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her.

"I'd like that very much." Leia smiles, tangling her fingers in his hair and pulls his head to hers. Han pulls away from her, staring at her lovingly.

"Leia…." Han begins, his thumb brushing her cheek. Leia makes a noise in response, staring back at him. "Ah…well what do you think?"

She feels her heart slightly sink when he finally asks his question, she looks around the building once more.

"Well, it's a little worse for wear but I think between Chewie and I we can make something out of it."

"You and Chewie? What about me?"

"You can help I guess." Leia shrugs. Han chuckles in response to her.

"I'm starting to think you're the incorrigible one princess."

Leia rolls her eyes at him, walking away to explore the garage some more, a smile spreading across her face. He was staying.