Chapter 4

After Killian left her room, Emma turned around let her head drop back to the door and let out a sigh to relieve the tension. She was in a terrible mood and very angry at the boy that came waltzing into her friend group the day before.

And then he showed up at her door. A fitted black t-shirt that did wonderful things for his muscles, sweatpants that were tapered at the ankles, some worn down converse, tousled hair and tired blue eyes.

He brought her coffee and bearclaws, which was just what she needed and used the exact right words to apologize to her.

But to be honest, she thinks he could have said or brought anything and she would have forgiven him. She just couldn't stay angry at him. And that never happened, because she was great at holding grudges. He already had a hold over her. He was a bit of a dick last night but his eyes spoke different words and told her he was a genuinely nice guy. Being hot also helped.

Not that she would ever publicly admit such things. She needed to remove him from the drawer in her mind that said 'potential bang' or 'serious boyfriend material' and put him in the drawer that said (no screamed), 'JUST FRIENDS'.

If she didn't do just that, it would only end in heartbreak. He couldn't be just a nice guy. That just didn't happen. Because Emma Swan did not have luck in the love department. So, she vowed to herself to never open herself up to a man again.

She was angry at herself, because the already had to tell herself these things one day after meeting him. But she was sure that he would soon prove her right. She hoped that day would come soon, it would make it a lot easier to calm her head.

She let out another sigh and pushed away from the door. She needed to get dressed and meet up with her friends. Now that she forgave Killian, she was sure they were waiting for her. She quickly threw on some ripped shorts, a tank top and some flipflops. Brushed her hair and put it back in a bun – it was way too hot for her to wear her hair down – and put on some mascara. She checked herself out in the mirror while brushing her teeth and she was good to go.

She walked to the boys' room and already heard laughing coming from inside the room. She knew she didn't have to knock before coming in. She entered the room and let out a laugh at the sight before her.

Ruby was on her knees next to David's bed yelling in his ear, while David was groaning and had his pillow pulled over his ears. Mary Margaret and Killian were both on the floor laughing. Oh, how she missed her friends.

"Looks like someone is having a rough morning." Emma laughs.

"I never thought you would be in a better mood than David this morning." Ruby said while getting up and patting the pillow David is holding over his head.

"Well, we all know that David can't hold his alcohol and bearclaws and coffee are all it takes to cheer me up in the morning." Emma walked further into the room and set herself down on the couch.

"Sure, it was the bearclaws and coffee." Ruby said so only Emma could hear while sitting down next to her.

Emma glared at Ruby quickly changed the subject. "So, David, why the hangover? I don't remember you drinking that much last night"

"Jones here is already a bad influence, he forced me to drink rum last night. And rum never goes well for me"

"You did this to yourself Nolan, no one forced you to do anything." Killian quickly threw back at him.

"Fine, but you were the instigator."

"Ladies, stop fighting. It's a lovely day outside. Let's pour some coffee in Charming, give a tour of the campus to the new roommate and enjoy the rest of the day by the water." Ruby demanded.

And that was exactly what they did for the day.

Emma leans her head on her arms while she's slumped over on her desk in the lecture hall. It was Monday morning, and with that the very first day of the semester. She was looking forward to having structure back in her life, even if it meant waking up at ungodly hours.

Let it be known, Emma Swan was not a morning person.

Other than the structure, she was looking forward to the classes she was going to be taking. The last three years had been an absolute joy. Growing up in the foster system she struck up a good relationship with one of her social workers. Ingrid had become as close to family to her than she had had at that point, and there wasn't anyone in the world who she looked up to more. So, at the age of 16, Emma decided that being a social worker, and helping children like her, was what she wanted to do in life.

So, for the past three years, she took all the classes required to become a social worker. It all made her more and more enthusiastic for her future career path.

On this Monday morning on the first day of the semester she was waiting for her English professor to arrive. This was the only class she loathed with her entire being, but unfortunately, she was obligated to take one language course. She thought English would be the easiest option.

She feels someone sitting down next to her and is mildly annoyed. She prefers not to have any social interaction on a morning, especially not on a Monday morning. She is also positive that there is plenty of space for her new neighbor to sit down, instead of right next to her, in her very personal space. Her neighbor quickly makes himself known.

"Fancy seeing you here, love." Shit, she recognizes that accent.

She doesn't want to look up, but eventually she does and meets the now familiar blue eyes with a glare. She is so not in the mood for this right now.

She hadn't seen much of him this weekend. On Saturday, they gave him a little tour of the campus and hung out by the water for the rest of the day, as Ruby had demanded. Sunday had been a girl's day. She missed her two girls way too much, and there just were some things that they couldn't catch up on in the presence of the boys.

"Morning." She grumbles back, as she lets her head fall back on her arms. Killian lets out a snort at that.

"Should have brought you coffee and sugary pastries to make your presence more bearable. Probably would have, had I known that I would have the pleasure of sharing this class with you."

God, some coffee sounded good right now. Getting out of bed early on this first day of class wasn't very easy for her. In her rush to be on time she didn't have enough time to get her first cup of the morning.

"Would've probably made me like you more."

"What do I hear now, Swan?" Killian said teasingly, "You like me? Never would've guessed, you know, with all the glares you're throwing at me."

"Not what I said, and you're not doing yourself any favors with that attitude, buddy." She glared at him for good measure.

Secretly she loves banter like this, this way she has a way to let some of her frustrations out. All her friends are way too nice to rile her up. Apart from Ruby, but Ruby is a case of her own. However, her frustrations are only building up, because she doesn't want to have more reasons to like this boy.

"Just going to have to bribe you with hot drinks and food then."

"Hot drinks and food won't bribe me to like you, they will only make me tolerate your presence more"

"I'll take what I can get. I'm sure I'll win you over one day."

"Good luck with that" Emma grumbles back. But little does he know he's already well on his way in doing just that.

"Good morning, everybody!" A loud voice startles her. Looks like the professor finally decided to show up.

While she had a passionate hate for this English class, Professor Hopper made up for it. For the past three years he had been one of her favorite professors. He was one of those people who had a true love for their profession, and that showed in his teaching skills. He was a very patient man and 'something like a stupid question doesn't exist' was one of his famous quotes.

"Long time no see, I hope you all had a splendid summer, I surely did" He started his class "Now let's see where we left of last year."

Two long hours of having to avoid the intense stares from the boy next to her Professor Hopper finally started to wrap up the lecture.

"To finish these two hours, I want to tell you that we are introducing a new concept this year. To make the class a little more practical and not so theoretical, we are going to be working on a project this first semester."

Oh god, she couldn't already sense what was coming.

"These projects will be worked on in groups of two, your partner will be the person sitting next to you right now." Shit, only the seat on her right was occupied, by an infuriating Englishman." What the project will entail will be explained in the lecture of next Wednesday."

Emma immediately raised her hand on this.

"Yes, miss Swan. Glad to see you so eager this Monday morning."

"I really work better on my own, is it possible to just to this project by myself?" She already heard Killian chuckle next to her. She threw a glare at him, just to keep the streak going.

"No, I'm sorry miss Swan. You really must do this assignment in groups of two. See it as a learning experience to work together then." Emma finally let out a soft groan at that.

"Afraid you won't be able to resist my charms when working so closely with me, love?"

Yes. Yes I am. She thought, but luckily her mouth had other plans.

"No, just worried I'll pull all my hair out from frustration this semester. I'd rather not be bald."

"I'm sure you'll still look lovely even bald." God, does this guy ever stop? "And if you need some help pulling your hair, I'll happily oblige. Just ask nicely." He said with a wink and a husky voice while packing up his stuff.

God, this was going to be a long semester.

This chapter is a product of serious procrastination. I have finals for the next three weeks, but why study when I can also publish a new chapter? That said, don't expect an update for at least the next four weeks. The next three weeks will be a hell of studying only and after that I'm immediately fleeing the country to go on vacation (again, oops). After that I will have a lot of free time for at least two months and I hopefully will be throwing out chapters left right and centre.

I hope you're enjoying it so far!