Ah, the last chapter. *tears*


Please remember to review at the end! :)

The crown rested delicately on her brow as she stepped towards the mirror. It was golden with a pearl set, and it was perfect.

She smiled, wanting more than anything to let him see her but not yet. Not until she was ready.

After everything they had been through, this was the most dangerous in her mind.

Today, she was going to be presented to the masses as the official Queen of the Supernatural. It was a simple ceremony. Nothing like the one she had endured for family.

Lifting her hand to her neck, she gingerly touched the pearl necklace before tracing the simple mark on her neck.

The mark which concurred with what she was. She was the King's mate. She was his Queen. His equal.

Her hand trailed down to her stomach, where the butterflies fluttered inside. She would make a great Queen. Her mother had believed.

Tears threatened to break through as she recalled her mother's sacrifice. Giving up her existence here in order to allow Caroline and Klaus the time to kill Mikael.

Mikael's final words had played over and over in her mind, and after a long discussion with Klaus, she came to an understanding of them. Mikael had been wrong about who she was. He knew her to be the daughter of Nature, yes, and Klaus' favorite flower, but he did not truly understand the nature of her and Klaus. She was more than Klaus' soulmate. She was a force.

For Mikael, he realized the greatest crime of all and suffered the consequences. He went against Nature herself, and the crime was the harshest of all. He tried to kill the balance. A balance that occurred and was completed the moment Caroline and Klaus mated.

Mikael tried to disrupt their love. Takeaway their destiny. The destiny Nature had intended for them. For that, he suffered. For that reason alone, he would forever be in the flames of torment. Imprisoned in the stars above, guarded by the Moon and Caroline's mother.

So much had happened in the weeks following Mikael's defeat and the preparation for the coronation, which Caroline learned was more of a presentation of the Queen. There were no scepters or crowns or legalities to perform. The people did not need such a ceremony. This was more for them to see the woman their King had chosen to be his mate for eternity. The woman who broke the curse. The woman they would call Queen.

For two weeks, she wondered how the people would accept her, but the gifts, the messages, and the joy throughout the land had quelled her fears.

She recalled how the witches, during the time, had accepted the roles as ambassadors to the supernatural. All of them with the exception of Grace, Cleo, and Riana, would travel the world and act as emissaries to the other witches. They would be the peacekeepers. The ones who ensured the family and the balance would never again be harmed.

Grace stayed with Damon, having decided she would take the final step and become bonded to her true love. She had been relieved when Cleo had given her blessing with a smile. They would live in Elizabeth's cottage in the woods, a gift from Caroline for their assistance and devotion to the family.

Cleo remained in the castle with Riana, who was still in training. Cleo vowed to help Bonnie and Caroline learn more about their strengths and weaknesses, which both were very grateful. Caroline smiled in memory of Cleo's devotion to her mother, and recalled with fondness how Bonnie and herself asked if they could call her, mother. For she was their second mother, and from the way, the sun shone that day, Caroline knew her own mother approved. Cleo, herself, cried with joy.

Stefan remained in the castle with his love and mate, Rebekah, grateful that the spell of the Berserker was no more and he could remain by his love's side for all eternity. Though, they requested leave after the coronation to travel the world. Klaus acquiesced, knowing Stefan would protect his baby sister.

Katherine, still a knight, stayed by Elijah's side. After the coronation, they would remain in the castle, only traveling around this land, as Katherine never wanted to be parted from Elijah again.

Kol and Bonnie remained the same. Happy and grateful they never again had to hide their love in the shadows. Their love grew stronger with each passing day, and some said they could rival Klaus and Caroline's, but for the time, they just laughed and said no love could surpass the King and Queen.

A timid knock on the door triggered a smile brighter than ever as her love entered the room. "I thought you were going to wait until I was ready," she stated, as he approached her.

"I was, but I felt your sadness, and I could not wait," he revealed, reaching forward to grasp her hands in his. "Thinking of your mother," he added, firmly.

She sighed with a nod, lowering her eyes. Their hands blended together like two halves of a whole. It always fascinated her how perfect they fit together. "I wish she was here, standing beside me, encouraging me like she always did," she whispered, his thumbs caressing her the tops of her hands.

He leaned forward to place his forehead on hers. "She is, Caroline, and she always will be, you know this, as well as I," he encouraged, gently.

She hummed and leaned into his embrace, content now than ever. "How do you do it?" she asked, quietly.

"Do what, love?"

"Make me feel such peace, when I am in turmoil inside," she answered, pulling back to gaze into his eyes.

He smiled. "Because you bring peace to me, Lily," he answered, leaning forward to brush his lips over hers.

Her body flamed at the touch, and soon she was wrapped in his embrace, lips moving over his in a flaming touch that made her moan. It was always like this between them, even before the marking, but she was grateful for the mark. It only enhanced what she already knew.

She loved him. She loved him with every fiber of her being.

She cried out in a low whimper as his lips trailed down her neck, avoiding the pearl necklace. She never wanted this to end.

She moaned in displeasure when he pulled back, licking his lips as he caressed her face.

"We keep this up, we are going to be late for your coronation," he remarked, lifting his brows.

She smiled and leaned forward to brush her lips over his. "Well, then, later, my King," she whispered, seductively.

He hummed and returned her kiss. "Definitely, my Queen," he concurred, glancing at the silver and gold-threaded dress she wore, which seemed to compliment her and her beautiful long blond hair. Her hair was braided and wrapped into a low bun at the base of her neck, and the mark is shown brightly, signifying her importance to him. "You look ravishing, my love."

She shivered at the low growl in his voice and leaned into his side. "You look pretty handsome yourself," she whispered, noting the same design of her dress matching his overcoat and silver pants with a white collared shirt.

He bowed his head, encircling his arm around her waist, holding her securely to his side. "Rebekah has been a nervous wreck all morning."

Caroline smiled, thinking of how her friend was a perfectionist, worse than she or perhaps the same. "She has stopped by at least ten times this morning, making sure my hair and dress, everything was perfect."

"It was kind of you to allow her this."

"After everything she has done and been through, I felt it was right for her to help her sister-in-law and plan the coronation."

Klaus smiled, facing her, as they stopped in the hall. "Sister-in-law?"

She laughed, caressing his cheek. "Well, by all accounts, we are married, or somewhat married, would you not say so?"

His smile widened and he leaned forward to brush his lips over hers. "I would, my wife."

She shivered at the husky tone his voice made when he produced the words. She melted and wanted, more than anything to continue what they had started a few moments earlier. "When we are alone again, remind me to get you to say those words over and over."

He hummed, kissing her, lightly, teasingly. "There would never be a need to remind you."

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck, opening her mouth onto his for a deep, passionate kiss. A kiss so powerful, he lifted her and pushed her against the stone wall of the hallway. Neither heard the thunder or the wind for they were too wrapped up in each other to care much.

"I hate to interrupt such an interesting display of affection, but the weather is startling the people outside and Rebekah is on the warpath."

Klaus' lips froze on Caroline's before sliding over them as his head turned towards the direction of the voice. He growled as his eyes and Caroline's flashed gold.

Kol raised his hands and shook his head with a laugh. "Do not kill the messenger."

Caroline gripped Klaus' white shirt and held him until he was able to control his temper and passion. She sighed, leaning against the cool wall, licking her lips before smiling. "How is the weather now?" she asked, keeping her voice as even as she could.

Kol glanced outside and nodded. "Sunny and peaceful," he answered with a shake of his head. "Someone should have warned the people about you two."

"We shall try to restrain our displays of affection until the coronation is over," Caroline remarked, still holding Klaus' shirt.

Kol bowed his head. "I am sure the people would appreciate it," he returned, pivoting slightly. "Oh, I was not kidding about Rebekah. Apparently, the wind blew the trellises, causing the flowers to lose some of the petals. Grace and Cleo are trying to restore the flowers, and uh, Marcel has arrived."

Klaus relaxed with a smile, bowing his head. "Thank you."

Kol smirked before walking away.

Klaus inhaled deeply, before turning his focus towards Caroline. "See what you do to me, love," he whispered, his eyes sparkling with love. "You caused me to almost attack my own brother."

She laughed, caressing his cheek, before straightening his overcoat. "Well, a few moments prior, I would have attacked him too, but I would hate to have to explain his appearance to Bonnie."

He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand and nodded. "Not a good conversation," he agreed with a swift, tender kiss to her lips. "Shall we?"

She nodded, threading her arm around his waist until they reached the front doors, which lead out into the massive garden, where the people waited.

Caroline turned her attention to her King and marveled at how far they had come in just a year. A year was all it took to fall in love, break the curse, mate, defeat the worst threat to them, and become Queen.

"What are you thinking, love?" he asked, holding her eyes. They had long since practiced the art of reading each other's thoughts, and only when necessary did they use that gift.

She smiled a bright smile. "That we have come so far to get here. To this moment. To find a love to last for eternity."

His eyes sparkled with unshed tears from the beauty of the moment and he brushed his lips over her cheek. "Yes, my Lily, we have."

The doors opened and Caroline inhaled deeply before letting it out.

For she would never be alone as long as her King stood beside her, her family behind her, and her mother shining upon her.

La Fleur had become the Queen, and brought peace to the kingdom.

Please be kind!

It has taken around three years to get this story finished, and I hate taking that long, but life has a way of getting in the way of writing.

I hope you all enjoyed this tale I wove after watching the French film La Belle et La Bete (which is highly recommended, if you have not watched it!). I know some readers have left, partially because I took too long between updates and two, they did not like the way I carried the tale. I don't mind, I have been known to drop a story I was reading because I lost interest, so no worries on that front.

This story was another tale in which I received scathing reviews, which I think of from time to time, about how I was a horrible writer and I had no idea of what I was writing or something to that extent. I know bad on my part, but in a way it was a wake-up call. I have since conversed with several other authors and actually strengthened some of my writing skills. I have a way to go, but I'm still thrilled to those who continue to support me!

You guys, the ones who continue to follow me, are the reason I keep writing! I love you all so much!

In case you guys are wondering about my decision, I have decided to do the Damon/Grace story. Here is a sneak peek of the new tale:

Water billowed onto the small boat he had procured from the port a few leagues back. The storm had come out of nowhere, and continued to blast him at every turn.

He groaned as the wound in his side stung and pulsed out the poison, he was sure invaded his blood. He had to get help. He had to.

From a distance, his enhanced vision saw an island. Briefly, he wondered if he could reach it in time. The vervain was spreading. He was getting weaker and with a passing thought, he wondered if it was just vervain in his system.

Surely, they would not include the other.

Damn hunters, he thought, groaning as he tried to lean onto the mast, holding on as another wave came across the port side.

As the waves tossed his boat in all directions, he worried he would never see his brother again. Would he? Would he see his best friend?

He recalled with hesitance how she had worried and sent a message to him about the city he was traveling to. Among many things, his best friend, Bonnie Bennett was a witch. Not just any witch, but a Bennett witch, a witch who also happened to stay in the castle of the King of the Supernatural, Klaus Mikaelson, and who could see the future or certain events, if she focused enough.

In the message, he recalled how she had warned him to stay away. The city was dangerous now because it was not protected. Mikael and his Five were on the prowl there and had recruited regular humans to dispatch of any supernatural beings. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and even witches.


She saw the boat and her heart beat faster in her chest.

It was him. It had to be.

The vision she had carried for weeks was coming true. Running down the rocky embankment, she landed on her knees in the sand and gasped as the boat capsized.

She had to reach him. She felt the pain in her side ache and burn through her veins.

Without a single thought, she dived in the water and swam.

All the while, the vision continued to push her onward. She dived and with a silent prayer to the Lady, she saw him.

He was fading below. Shaking her head in the water, she swam against the tide, never bothering to swim up for air. She could not risk losing him.

His dark hair flowed in the water and his eyes remained closed. With no other choice, she reached for him, calling once more to the Lady to help her pull him to safety.

She reached the top and gasped as the storm continued to beat and rock the waves. She swam, holding on tight to the man in her arms. They had to make it to shore. They had to.

She struggled and finally the sandy shore greeted her as she climbed out of the water, dragging him with all her strength. She placed him on the ground and pushed her drenched red hair behind her. She touched his chest and head, gasping when the wound in his side caught her eye.

Her eyes jerked to his still-closed eyes and without a single word, she called the object out of his side.

He groaned, coughing up the water which had invaded his lungs, and she waited on her knees as his eyes opened and in an instant, she knew she was right. Her vision had come true.

"I am Grace," she introduced, watching his eyes widen.

"Damon," he whispered, weakly.

I hope you enjoyed the sneak preview! The title will be: The Avalon Witch and The Vampire Knight and it'll be up Friday (5/29)! It will be approximately three chapters, instead of two. I hope you agree and will like it! Enjoy!

Until Next Time...