Hello! Finally a second entry to this compilation!
Today I come with an Au that I will leave open. From time to time there will be a chapter under this same universe!
Well, i leave you with the introduction to this new au!

Homeless? I Don't Think So!

Every day was the same, the same routine from the moment she opened her eyes until the time to close them at night, every day was leave, get to the train station, work, to finally return home.

Every day she met familiar faces in the station, people who had their own routine too.

The same guitarist in the same place with his hat containing a few coins, the same girl whose clothes stained with paint revealed his profession, she always took the same train. The man in perpetual suit and work briefcase. All of them were always immersed in their business, so much that she doubted that anyone realized that they all coincided in the same place and moment.

Each day the station was the same and different at the same time, there were the recurring faces and the sporadic ones. The same graffiti on the wall expressing the author's disagreement with the world and then there was her. Almost invisible in the corner. Almost, since until two weeks ago she had noticed her.

Two weeks ago... After a year of the same routine.

Walking with her eyes on her phone's screen, -she had not yet arrived at her office and already had three mails to send- something caught her attention, a slight movement to her right.

And that's when she first noticed her, on a wet cardboard, with an old and torn red sheet with which she tried to keep the warmth from leaving her body.

From that day on, she always watched her as she passed that corner at the train station, and she seemed to be the only one in the crowd who glanced at the girl.

Every day she saw her and it never happened more, except today.

Today the girl looked up and looked directly into her eyes, it was the first time she could see her face and at that moment her feet stopped moving. Never before in her life had she met with equal eyes, eyes devoid of hope, joy... life.

The complaint of annoyance of those who walked behind her was what took her out of her trance and she quickly continued her walk, but from this day nothing would ever be the same, that empty look would not leave her mind and for the sake of her last name that she would do something to change those eyes.


This is my first time working an Au like this, I hope to take ruby's personality well here.
It will be difficult to see the cheerful girl deal with a life in the street, and at the same time to show that even under the sadness lies someone capable of being happy.

On the other hand, do not hesitate to leave ideas for new chapters.
I collect all in a document and when I have time I give it a look and develop one!

See ya later!