Chapter One:

My Big Brother and I

"Life is basically like a soap bubble. It rides on the wind, flying here and there... and before you realize it - pop! It's gone. When it's about to disappear, you think that you could've flown a little higher. But by the time, it's already too late." -Gintoki Sakata.

Reincarnation; the rebirth of a soul in a new body.

She never really believed in reincarnation. She didn't believe in heaven or hell either.

What could she say?

She was an atheist. A non believer, despite only a select few knowing this fact about her.

It wasn't really a good thing to be an atheist in her old life.

But it wasn't really her fault that she didn't believe. She never went to church. Her family consisted of agnostics that didn't proclaim belief or disbelief.

The closest she had ever been to believing was reading the bible for a school project. Afterwards she simply handed it over to a nearby church on account that it didn't make any sense.

So pray tell her, how did a non believer like her get reincarnated? Was she the butt of a cosmic joke?

If so, she didn't find her situation the least bit funny.

Then again no one who has been a butt of a joke ever really thought the joke was funny.

To make her situation less desirable, she had been reincarnated into an anime she used to watch in her past life.


She wasn't going crazy, okay? Just hear her out.

Her hair was pink and so were her eyes. That sort of thing wasn't really normal.

She lived in a world surrounded by magic known as etherious. Where magical creatures existed and humans known as Mages could control elements.

Her mother's name was Mitsuki Dragneel and her father's name was Theodore Dragneel. They were both Mages as well.

Her own name was Natsuki Dragneel.

Dragneel. Like Natsu Dragneel, fire Dragon slayer from Fairy Tail.


Yeah, she couldn't believe in that concept.

Not when her big brother was Zeref Dragneel.

Yes, the Zeref. Black Mage. Cursed immortal with a death wish.

Albeit, he wasn't really immortal nor cursed at the moment.


At the moment, he was just braiding her hair into two sections.

"What are you thinking about Ki-chan?"

"Thinking about Dragons! They're so cool!"

"Dragons, huh?" Zeref repeated, amused.

"Uh-huh," Natsuki seriously nodded.

"You do know that they are dangerous, right?"

Natsuki smiled at her big brother, still not believing someone as sweet as him could ever turn out to be evil. Then again, she did know that it was Natsu's death that changed him.

Wait...did that mean she was going to die?

She didn't want to die again!

The panic must have shown on her face, because Zeref now held a reassuring look as he patted her spikey hair.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you from the big bad dragons."

Natsuki was more fascinated than she was scared of dragons, but she still managed a shaky smile for her dear brother.

"Promise you'll always protect me?"

Childishly, she raised her pinkie up for the universal pinkie swear.

Despite being mentally twenty four, she still believed pinkie promises to be the epitome of genuine promises.

Zeref smiled and looped their pinkies together without a shred of hesitation.

"I will always protect you, Ki-chan."

Natsuki didn't detect a hint of a lie from her brother.

"I'll protect you too Big Brother," she grinned, showing off her teeth.

"But it's the big brother's job to protect the little sister," Zeref protested gently.

Natsuki defiantly shook her head, "It doesn't matter if you're older, we're siblings! We protect each other!"

"She's right, son," a male voice added, startling the two siblings.

They turned to look at a black haired man with pinkish eyes smiling warmly down at them.

"Pa!" Natsuki was the first to recover, launching herself into the adult's awaiting arms.

She nuzzled her face into his chest, breathing in the smell of iron and grass.

"Since when did you get home dad?"

Their father looked at Zeref with a warm look, which one could find on any parent when they looked at their children.

"About ten minutes ago, bought some chicken for diner."

Natsuki looked down at her older brother with a toothy smile, "Ma's making chicken stew!"

Zeref automatically returned her smile with one of his own, "How do you know Ki-chan?"

Patting her father, Natsuki was set on the ground. She sheepishly smiled at the knowing looks both her father and brother were giving her.

They all knew she basically annoyed her mother into telling her.

"I gotta go help Ma cut the veggies," she scrunched her nose up in disgust.

Call her childish, but she really didn't like eating vegetables. She preferred meat.

"Go ahead, Natsuki. Your brother and I have something to talk about."

Natsuki tilted her head to the side in confusion, curious as to what her brother and father had to talk about.

"Mother's waiting for you, Ki-chan."

Natsuki startled and ran away, throwing a hasty 'Bye bye' over her shoulder.


Natsuki carefully chopped the tomatoes resting on the cutting block in front of her.

She tapped her feet on the stool she was standing on due to her height and bobbed her head along to her mother's soft singing.

"Tonight may be dark,"


"I may be scared, but I know,"

Natsuki hummed along to her mother's self made song. The inspiration? Her, duh.

"You'll shine the way for me, yes, you'll take me back home,"

Out of the corner of her eyes she saw her father enter followed by her brother. Both had smiles on their faces so she assumed whatever they had to talk to went well.

"My little moon, my light in the dark, yes, even in the saddest of nights you are always smiling,"

She shared a smile with her mother, not able to contain her awe.

Her mother had the same pink hair she did, but a lot more tamed. Her mother's singing voice was the best ever. She didn't care if she sounded biased.

"My little moon, my little moon, don't you ever leave me, stay with me forever, my little moon."

Natsuki grinned at the love that shone in her mother's pink eyes.

"I'm home, love," her father embraced her mother from behind, planting an affectionate kiss on the crown of her mother's head.

"Welcome back, darling," her mother was full out smiling at this point.

Neither Natsuki nor Zeref blamed her really.

See, they lived in the town on the outer edges of the capital city of Mildian and their father was a traveling Mage who took on odd jobs around their town and sometimes ventured into the city for more jobs.

So, it wasn't a stretch to say that their father was away a lot.

However, whenever he was home he made up for the lost time. He was the perfect father.

Smiling at her parents, Natsuki made her way over to her brother's side.

"So what did Pa tell you?" Natsuki whispered to her brother.

Zeref looked at her with a contemplating look.

Not the 'to trust or not to trust' type of contemplating look, because Zeref trusted her with everything, just like she trusted him with everything.

No, her reincarnation did not count.

"Father's going to enroll me into the capital's Magic Academy."

Natsuki's eyes widened at the news as she peered up at her brother's hesitating face.

"Really? That's great!" Natsuki excitedly whispered, already enthusiastic for her brother.

"I don't know if I'll be any good at it though..."

Natsuki frowned and grabbed her brother's hand, "You'll do great! You'll be the bestest Mage ever!"

Zeref looked taken off guard at her proclamation, "You really think so?"

He was so quiet, that Natsuki barely heard his voice.

But she gave him a serious nod.

"Yes, you'll be great at Magic, big brother."

You'll be too good at it.

Zeref looked at her for a moment.

Natsuki had no clue what he was thinking about.

Then, suddenly, he engulfed her in a hug.

"Thank you, little sister."

Chapter End.

Author's Note: ...I feel guilty for writing this fanfic, but I couldn't help myself. This idea has been stuck in my mind since April, so I decided to release the plot bunny. Tell me, what do you think of the story so far?