Eli was nearly done packing.

And that was his problem.

As silly and childish as it was, he'd been slow-working the entire time he gathered up his belongings. As though if he took too long at it, Thrawn would change his mind about sending him away. Even if Eli knew Thrawn would never do that. Not once his mind was set.

Eli sighed. Looking around his quarters, starkly vacant of everything he had, Eli knew the time had come.

He was about to board a shuttle and head off to a corner of the universe no human - as far as he knew - had ever been. He'd be going to Thrawn's homeworld, as Thrawn's hand... to help the Chiss defeat a greater evil in Thrawn's place.

And Eli was scared stiff.

It was a stupid thing to get worked up over. He trusted Thrawn, and he would do whatever duty the Chiss entrusted him with. But still… Eli could never be a stand in for Thrawn. Not to mention, Thrawn was all too blunt about his people's own tendencies towards xenophobia.

Eli was fairly certain he wouldn't have his own "Eli" waiting for him, either.

He sighed again - his heart rate was skyrocketing in apprehension and the only way his brain could get the oxygen it needed was to trigger sigh after nervous sigh.

Eli winced, and then tried to hold back a smile.

He was only aware of how much he sighed when he was nervous because Thrawn had pointed it out.

He was really going to miss having him around.

A small change of light and Eli's smile grew.

"I kept you waiting," Eli said. "Sorry."

"There is no need for apologies, Commander," Thrawn said as he stepped into the empty quarters, his voice smooth as always, yet holding a slightly different tone. Amusement? Eli turned.

Thrawn was holding a box.


Thrawn held up a hand. There was a playful smile on his thin lips.

"I wanted to do something for you that would be appropriate for our temporary parting of ways," Thrawn said. "A gesture truly meaningful for you. I looked into your culture and discovered a very interesting Lysatran tradition."

Eli could feel the heat rising to his cheeks.

Of course. As a culture heavily slanted towards space faring, voyaging - even freighting - Lysatrians had developed a serious tradition of gift giving when family, friends, or especially lovers, parted ways.

"That it is customary to give a gift to one in which you must leave but intend to see again," Thrawn went on. "It took some time to organize an appropriate gift for this occasion. I found a merchant on Lysatra who was willing to work on commission, even using wool from animals raised on Lysatra so you would have a piece of home to take with you."

Eli's chest tightened in appreciation.

He knew what the present had to be - a sweater. Eli had been really wanting a sweater. Thrawn had warned Eli that Csilla would be cold. Far colder than anything he'd been comfortable with before. And the amount of times Eli complained about the temperature? It had to be.

Eli's eyes glazed over in a moment, treasuring the thoughtfulness of it all. Eli had sort of abandoned some of those aspects of his homeworld. Or, they were watered down so badly no one could recognize it for what it was - taking a departing colleague out for lunch, for example.

But this! Thrawn went through all that effort… all that research…

Eli numbly took the box from Thrawn's hands, blushing furiously, trying not to think too hard on I didn't get him anything, lifted the lid off the box and-

Eli's blood ran cold.

"It's... " Eli stammered, feeling horrified. "... a doll."

And it was.

It was well made, but that was hardly the point. It was absolutely, positively, no-doubt-about-it a doll. Of Thrawn no less.


Eli was at a loss for words. There was no way he was going to show up to Chiss space hoping to be taken seriously as a stand in for the greatest military commander in the galaxy by bringing along with him a handmade woolen doll of the man who'd sent him there.

"I can't-" Eli stammered before he could stop himself.


He should have just thanked him and stashed it away somewhere. Now he was going to explain himself.

"I beg your pardon?" Thrawn asked, inclining his head slightly.

Eli winced. How to do this without hurting his feelings.

"Dolls….umm…" Eli couldn't look Thrawn in the eyes. "Dolls are… well, that's what parents give their children. Young children. Not a gift for… friends."

Thrawn didn't react whatsoever.

"I see," Thrawn said. "Well." He leaned closer, that thin smile growing microscopically. "I appear to have misread the art of your culture. How unfortunate."

Eli scowled a little. It seemed entirely out of character for Thrawn to misread something. He swallowed down a suddenly rising fear to scold himself - what am I thinking? Thrawn had done something utterly unexpected and kind and the only thing Eli could think of was how that gift would embarrass-

"I love it," Eli blurted out. "I'll … keep it with me. Hell, I'll keep him in bed with me. Lysatrans have a reputation for not taking life too seriously."

"Indeed," Thrawn mused. "A trait my people will need for the dark road ahead."

The rest of the night went by too quickly. After a few other customary parting ways rituals, Eli found himself alone on his shuttle, the blue dappled backdrop of hyperspace overtaking his viewport.

Well, that's all there is for it. I'm really on my way.

If only he could think of something to do with that doll. Perhaps he could give it to someone. Pass it off as a it's my tradition to give gifts to those who welcome me into their home.... No, Eli frowned. He couldn't give a gift of something he was too embarrassed to be seen with. Maybe... Thrawn had told him he had a brother. Maybe Thrawn had some nieces or nephews he hadn't mentioned…. Who would love a doll of their uncle?

Eli winced.

What would these proud, deadly serious warriors think of me if I showed up with this?

He left the cockpit to rummage through his things - trying to find the doll with half a mind to throw it out the airlock. And that's when Eli paused. There was a new box. One that he certainly hadn't brought on board. One that had to be sneaked on.

Suddenly panic rose into his mouth like bile.

Thrawn had plenty of enemies. What if someone had seen Eli leaving? Had sabotaged the ship? What if it were a bomb - what if -

The box fell over.

Eli had gotten far too curious and leaned in a little to close, but now… seeing the thing was harmless, he scolded himself for overreacting and picked it up.

There… inside the package… was a beautiful, hand knit maroon sweater.

The corner's of Eli's eyes prickled with awe.

It had to have cost a fortune. The thread was thin, soft, the cable work meticulous and incredibly detailed… there was a nearly majestic way in how the fabric moved as the sweater passed over Eli's hands. And the maroon… a bright, bold color. Regal almost. Something that he'd feel confident in... stand taller wearing. And it was warm. Cozy and soft and warm.

It was everything he could possibly have wanted.

A note was fastened to the packaging.

"I also discovered in my study of your culture that Lysatrans value a well played practical joke. Enjoy your trip."