by Gunman

Disclaimer: I do not own Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 or their characters.

Summary: Stakar gets a last message from Yondu.

Authors Notes: This is just a little alternate idea I came up with after watching the Guardians of the Galaxy 2 movie. It's just meant to be a short little story, nothing really in-depth, but I wondered what would have happened if the Ravager Fleet had been more early-altered to what was happening on Ego's planet. Not that they would have helped to save the galaxy from Ego's interplanetary terraforming event, but it does give them a better understanding of Yondu and his desire to change, more than just Rocket telling them what happened.


Aboard his ship, the leader of the Ravagers, Stakar Ogord, looked out over the vastness of space. He was still sore about how things had ended between him and Yondu Udonta. But the former Kree slave-master had made his choice.

It did break Stakar's heart a little to have to exile Yondu and his crew, even after everything they had done to help stop Ronan the Accuser and his Kree forces from wiping out Xandar.

There was a part of him that thought maybe, just maybe, Yondu had a chance at being brought back into the fold.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't hear a small beeping noise from behind one of the consoles.

"Stakar. You have a message." Martinex T'Naga said to him.

"Who's it from?" Stakar Ogord asked in a bored tone.

"...Yondu." the crystal man said hesitantly.

"Hmm." he grumbled to himself.

"It's labeled 'Last Will'."

"Really? Okay. Play it."

Yondu's face appeared on the monitor.

"Hello, Stakar." Yondu's voice echoed over the speakers. "I know I'm the last guy you wanna hear from right now, so I won't waste your time. I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, even when I was back with the Kree. You gave me a chance, but I got greedy and I broke The Code by trafficking in kids for a guy named Ego. Me not knowing what he wanted them for came back to bite me. Big time. He killed them all. Every single one."

The crew looked horrified. Stakar had turned around and was facing the monitor now.

"Why? I don't know. But it's why I kept Quill with me, raised him as a Ravager. Their blood is on my hands, and I own that. I know I messed up. More than any Ravager in the entire galaxy ever could. I deserve the punishment I got a thousand times over and then some. But I'm gonna try and make things right. There's no redemption where I'm going. I don't ask for it, and I sure as hell don't deserve it. By the time you get this message, me, what's left of my crew, and Quill's team, are gonna be eyebrows-deep in trouble. I don't expect you to do anything 'bout it. Pretty sure I'm gonna die. Maybe it's a kinda justice. But at least you won't have to worry 'bout me messin' up no more. And for whatever it's worth, I'm sorry."

"Sir? What... should we do?" one of the crewmen asked.

Stakar was silent for what seemed like several minutes, before growling and slamming his hands on the armrests of his captains chair.

"Yondu, You Fraggin Idiot!" Stakar shouted.

"Captain?" the crewman gasped.

"Set Course For Ego! Through the Jump Points!" Stakar ordered.

"But, Captain! That's over 700 Jump Points!" the crewman said.

"I'm aware of that." he hissed.

"Yes, sir." he said as he punched in the coordinates.

"Sir! How do you know Yondu will be on Ego?" another crewman asked.

"After that message... where else would he be?" Stakar asked.

And with that, the Ravager Fleet bolted through the Jump Points, their bodies and faces warping and twisting into almost inhuman shapes.


Authors Notes:

Hope everyone liked this.

I was trying to portray Yondu as being more humble, and everyone seeing that for themselves rather than having Rocket tell them about it.

Hope I got it right.