Author's Announcement:

I had this story in my head for a bit, well an idea. A Harry potter (Female version) and Digimon frontier crossover. So as I say before, if any characters are OOC or something like that, just trying to make them fit better in the story. Also I might do some Dumbledore bashing, as well as some dursly bashing a bit. Maybe others in future chapters. So my idea is that a slightly abused female harry, who was doing great at school, got punished for having better grades then Dudley dursly. She was hurt badly and had her left arm broken a bit from Vernon. She wished for someone to love her as a mother would, since she noticed most mothers would treat their own daughters nicely at playgrounds, and picking up form school she goes to. Gets teleported and you know the rest. I'm also changing the year from the original story for the harry potter franchise to a common year like either the 90's or early 2k. Ranamon will still be herself a bit, but slightly OOC. Same with the other digimon. I do not own digimon or harry potter, only OC I have managed to think up. This will also be a slight crossover with Kingdom hearts, and others from movies, anime, or books, so I don't own anything I'm using from the franchises, except my ideas from it. So on with the story. But before you do, know that I am working on two others, which might take some time. One involves Jade Chan and a hybrid of Zanpakto and a Keyblade, and the other is another version of this story, but with the equastian girls in the 2nd movie, after the battle that is. Also it involves one of the Sirens, and Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (Princess Version in girl form), so that one might be an AU version of the story. Now let's resume.

Also if anyone of the other readers who has read this story, the beginning, I changed it from the original, as I still have that in the pc data files. I saw some complaints, and that is was I modified the entire chapter for this story. eventually I will be going through all of them to see if I made any mistakes, and modifying them as well. Also to verify: anything that is different is also considered from my other stories on what details on or in chat, whispers, and such. same thing with the other chapters to this fic.

I also decided to change some things as in later chapters it might get confusing; so I changed the current date in this chapter to a more reasonable timeline as well as decided to reduce slightly the longer paragraphs.

(Modified: 10/14/17)

(I would also like to announce that please despite them being too-soon crossovers; as at the end or in some announcements, it will stick to the current until I decide otherwise. If you stop at certain chapters; you will miss-out on other important things. I also realized about the POV Switching as such, but I will mostly make it from now on, past these current chapters that is, mostly Normal POV or unless it is needed One Single or two's Views with mostly Normal POV Chapters.)

October 10th, 1998…

A little girl was crying inside her supposed room; a cupboard under the stairs of a very common household in Surry, England. Number 4 Privet Drive to be exact. Said little girl was currently using her right-arm to hold her left one which was causing her pain since it seemed to be broken, and she was trying to hold back any tears that were trying to fall. The little girl then heard the lock outside of the door being locked securely, to not even allow her to escape.

She seemed to be a healthy girl, but in reality she was currently wearing second-hand-me-down clothes that her aunt got her from a discount store, since her aunt also refused to hit her, or billeted her even though she seemed to struggle as such as if she was being forced to. Her Uncle Vernon though, was demanding and abusive mainly to her, but also demanding to his whole entire family. This only allowed them to only be helpful to her sometimes.

You see her Aunt Petunia Dursely nee Evans knew of this, but couldn't do anything except gave her the very first gift she ever received from her: a personal bag with some of her only possessions that once belonged to both of her parents. She wasn't slightly the best aunt at most times when she was angry, but Petunia only sent her to her cupboard without words for at least an hour or so. But her Uncle Vernon, at least or close to a week. Her Aunt Petunia also sometimes sneaks food to her and many other things, even though she wasn't sometimes the best or greatest aunt to her as mentioned; she was an ok one in her heart.

Petunia Dursley was a skinny woman and Vernon seemed to resemble a whale of sorts in weight, like her Cousin Dudley as they had blonde hair. Petunia however had light-chestnut hair that was the only thing good about her, but she resembled a horse most of the time when she either thinks, or other things.

The little girl in question however was wearing a slightly torn green t-shirt with some holes, and tan shorts that was old-looking, like in the early 90's. Her hair is red as blood, with some black high-lights in it to which are natural for her since she was born with the colors. She has a heart-shaped face with bright-green eyes which also gave a glow sometimes when no-one notices at all. She also seemed to be around 6-7 years of age.

However recently she was beaten for the worst part of her unhappy, yet satisfied childhood as she had blue skin from an brief encounter she barely recalls, but would remember if she sees something that resembled the angel that saved her. The little girl currently has her personal bag beside her, with all of her personal belongings within. This child's name when she also found out when she first started school is none other than Rosalina Lilith Potter, the unknown and famed Girl-Who-Lived to Wizarding England Society. Of course some of her prized possessions were unique in their own way, and speaking of, one of which was out.

It was a picture of her mother. Which she sort-of resembles slightly like her hair, but she had normal looking skin instead of the blue like Rose has now. She seemed to be at least a young woman in her early twenties, and is currently wearing an aqua-blue dress. She appeared to be smiling in the photo with mirth in her eyes as well. It was of course burned at one corner from when Rosalina was trying to save it from her uncle.

Rose then thought back to what happened to make her this way at this moment.

Rosalina's POV, after school in Surrey 2 hours ago:

I was slowly swinging on the only swing-set that was at this school playground, and I also carefully observed all around me; knowing at any moment that Dudley was going to play his "game" with me with his bully-based friends at any moment since he also told me during my lunch time with the class.

So here I was swinging back and forth now as I tried to keep those future thoughts out of my head, and enjoy what free moments I can to save for myself. I then heard a shout that was a few feet behind some tall bushes that was near the school I had to go to. Even though I tend to lower my grades on purpose as I am smarter then an average child my age, and as such I just didn't want to get punished like last time when I did better than him from "Uncle Vernon". So I tend to be cautious when it comes to danger, but mostly curious as well. But this time I threw the danger sense off, and was curious. Since no other kids seemed to be looking right at me, including Dudley at the moment, I decided to get up and head to that noise.

When I went to look from the bushes of where I heard the noise, I was kinda surprised at what I saw. I closed my eyes and counted to ten in my head, and when I opened them, it was the same thing.

It was a beautiful woman dressed as an armored angel, and she was fighting against some kind of monster that looked like a pitch-black snake with sinister looking armor. She was also using a medium-sized sword and a shield as she was taking no damage from the monsters claws, which kept going across it that the snake was also giving her an evil look since the female also kept dodging its attacks as well. The woman also had teal-blue, mixed with gold plated armor and had a symbol on the chest part. She also seemed to have her eyes covered in a strange-yet-fit for her mask that was also the same as her current armor.

The creature she was fighting however, looked like a huge snake with four arms on the sides, like it was a humanoid like snake I saw or heard from a videogame, to which I cant recall at this very moment. The snake also had very large, webbed, demonic wings that was the width of the play-set back at the playground behind me. Its eyes though were red as blood though. Also on both their own gear was runes of some kind or a ancient language I noticed; as I even or couldn't tell from my position as well.

The woman now grunted as the monster kept attacking her big shield and now said with a hiss to her, enjoying her getting tired with each blow to it, "Just give it up Ophanimon. No-one will save you at all from my wrath as I must take you away for Lord Cherubimon." I was confused at who that was, but I simply just kept watching them fighting at each other. The woman said some words that I couldn't hear, and a huge glow of light then showed on her sword. She then made a wave-like slash against the snake monster, and it dodged. But it still got hit since it was supporting minor cuts on its body. It quickly glared at her with hatred, and then suddenly it began to sniff the air. The lady, Ophanimon at what the monster said her name was from hearing it, put her guard up yet was also curious at to what the snake monster was doing.

The snake monster then turned its head to where I was at and I quickly widened my eyes as it said to her, with a wicked grin that was also showing very sharp teeth, "Well, if you want to not come at all, then I will take her instead!" It shouted at the end of its speech, and the next thing I knew I was wrapped very tightly in its long tail. I tried struggling, but the grip this snake monster had made it tighter for me to do so. The woman, Ophanimon now gasped in shock at first, then I saw to my mixture of confused and shocked eyes, a motherly rage was on her face of what I can clearly tell as she shouted at it, "Basolumon, the girl is innocent in all of this! Leave her out of our affairs; face me now, or die."

The snake placed its face right against mine now and then puffed hot air into it, making my own eyes water from the foul smell from its breath. It then turned to Ophanimon in a wicked way, replying sinisterly, "Well, Cherubimon is looking forward to having you, but I sense something in this little girl that might bring more power to usssss." I now gulped as I was very scared and I looked back at her in a silent plea of help as without warning, it suddenly bit my left arm. I than began to feel very woozy all of a sudden when I felt the fangs in my arm, as the last thing I heard from the woman was a loud 'no'.

Ophanimon's POV:

I couldn't believe that a young girl would show up in the middle of our battle, the fight being me killing the digimon and him, trying to take me to his master. My former friend. I was even more enraged that he poisoned her with his venom by biting the child; of which his species of digimon is famous for. I knew I had to end this quickly so I can deal with her as fast as I can, knowing how his races venom would either kill her, or paralyze her for at least a week and only be able to survive that with help by either I, or someone I can place her to.

I then raised my sword and ran straight threw him as I also increased my speed to do so without harming the child. This caused him to gasp in a loud hiss as I faintly said to him, "You should of not done this to the innocent, now be gone from this world demon." He screamed as he knew that he was dissolving to nothing but data, and then he was gone as such, his data particles vanishing away.

The girl dropped with a small thud when that happened, and I also heard the child's left arm break part-way when she also landed on the hard ground from it being cold mixed with warmth this season in the human world. That caused me to wince in sympathy to what her situation was as a result to all of this. I then went quickly and kneeled down beside her so I can begin the healing with my own power. But I did sense after I felt her aura, the power she secretly holds within. But I then also noticed something tainted besides the poison when I began to channel my healing aura into her. So I purged it from its main source: her infected-like scar.

I then heard a very loud screech-like sound that I didn't understand, but then pitch-black smoke began to come out of her scar itself rather quickly, and then slowly diminish into nothing. Then the scar began to heal while I was still channeling my power into her, but left a bright-pink one in place of the infected version of itself. But I also quickly gasped in shock as her skin now began to turn blue; similar to someone I have known for a long time. I however was surprised my healing energy I was using still on her as well as I then began to feel pure magic; which I was also surprised she can use, get completely absorbed by my aura when healing her into itself, and adding that to her DNA. As from what I heard, this would make her a half-angel if something would happen to her severely.

I decently picked her up carefully now with kindness and also looked threw the little girls' memories. I was shocked and was then filled with hidden rage at how her life was, from what I found out about her. But I sighed to myself inwardly as I only thought that I couldn't do anything about it at this moment, but if she willed to be away from them, I can help with that. I needed to return if what Cherubimon is planning is true for our world. I need to get the warriors back to the digital world.

So I teleported to her home, to which I noticed matched most of the human's homes around this area and placed her on the steps. I also placed a necklace in her pocket so I can keep track of her, and do what I need to do in order for her to be able to live a better life. Then I teleported back home to the digital world. I was then clonked on the head as I saw it was my old friend grinning madly at me as if he expected my arrival at this location.

I then blacked out.

Rosalina's POV:

I woke up in pain, but when I came to I was truly confused. How did I get back to my aunt's house? I thought to myself wearily as I then began to stand. When I then placed my hand on the doorknob to the house, I quickly froze to what I didn't believe I saw right now. I noticed my own hand was a natural teal-blue instead of my original pale-like tone I had all my life.

I then quickly took a peek inside through the door, and I quickly saw that there wasn't anyone here at my so-called home. So I then quickly ran to the bathroom upstairs and was then shocked. It seemed I gained blue-tinted skin all over myself as I began to slowly build-up fear, yet didn't show it as I was numbed with shock. I then placed my right hand in disbelief as my mirrored image did the same back to my vision on my face as I then mumble to myself, "what happened to me." I then checked under my clothes to make sure it wasn't everywhere, and sure enough, my new skin color was all over my body. I sighed as I thought a way in case they get back, which I believe they might have wanted to pick us up at school to make an excuse why I wasn't there as usual... and why I had somehow gotten blue skin instead of my normal pale one I was born with.

Then I heard the front door of the house now open loudly and then slam; making me silently gasp in feared surprise. I knew then I didn't have enough time to get anything done to hide my current skin tone with make-up that is in the bathroom. I then gulped as I then left the bathroom and slowly headed downstairs partway; the restroom was in a hallway upstairs near Dudley's bedroom.

I took a peek from what I could see from the step-railways since I was hiding at the moment, and sure enough it was Uncle Vernon that was grumbling at nothing, but I bet he was upset over something that might have happened. Well from judging what I can see from his face; to which was truly red in rage since he was currently knocking things over and also shouting out of nowhere; most likely to himself, "They fired me cause of my ways do they! They wanted a better employer to do their own work do they! I'll show them! I'll show them all..."

I gulped because unlike his usual rages that will always tend to get myself hurt from him, this time it might be better to just simply hide somewhere until he truly calms down. So I began to go backwards slowly up the steps, and I flinched as I spoke to soon as the stairs made a loud creaking noise. Knowing that they have yet to either make me replace them as such for a punished task, or something they have yet to hire a remodeler for.

He immediately looked up to see my form and quickly had a wicked grin to which also sent a shiver down my own spine, since from his gaze he was drunk enough from what I saw to not see my new skin. Uncle Vernon then calmly said with still a red face, "Girl, get down here…" I froze as I didn't even want to know what he might do to me, then he shouted loudly which caused me to jump, trip, and tumble down the stairs by accident, "Girl now!" When I landed I had no time to stand as he suddenly grabbed my left arm and yanked me hard to him, and lead me right to the kitchen.

I was terrified at this point and I began to shiver with my Uncle Vernon kept pulling my arm to a certain place, and then I began to slowly whimper in minor pain from his constant pulling. It was a big mistake I think because he wacked my right-cheek with his puffy hands, hard, as he now shouted out harshly, "stop that freak! Freaks tend to get injured for whining."

Then he pulled me some more with him now also looking for something in the kitchen. I was even more scared then before, knowing that this time around something worse was about to happen to me. He then gave a wicked-like grin as he found what he was looking for: a rubber mallet, and it was the kind that's used as a tool instead of a hammer. But this one had an iron plate on the hammer part. I don't know what they would mainly use it for, but the idea began to slowly sink in as I now begin to struggle against his firm grip on my arm even more then usual.

He suddenly pushed me with enough force I landed onto the ground harshly, and before I could or even begin to struggle to stand since he was rough, Uncle Vernon then grabbed my left arm and swiftly swung the mallet on it, hard. It took not even five seconds to begin to cry with tears quickly falling down my own eyes, and I then begin screaming in major pain as I felt my own bone in my left-arm snap in two.

He wacked me once more as he then dragged me by my hair, and I began crying silently now as he then opened my room; my cupboard that is, and shoved me near my bag that my aunt gotten for me to keep. I was then slammed against it with brutal force on the wall with Uncle Vernon then shouted out loud, but not enough so the neighbors might hear in finality, "For not taking my punishment well, you will stay in that cupboard for the remainder of the week! Freaks like you should never cry to pain!" He then slammed the door and then I also heard him locking it with that strange lock he obtained recently, that wouldn't even allow me to escape by my freakish abilities he mostly calls it as such.

I then after making sure he wasn't near my door, went to the corner to where my bag was and I began to hold my left-arm with my right working one; as I placed them both to my chest now, silently holding back the tears and whimpering also in pain. It was then I reached into my bag and took out the picture, in pain that is of my mother, and looking at it. It was a week or so ago that he tried to burn it, along with my bag. But I somehow managed to teleport it to my room. After that I got smacked in the face for it as I was sent to at least a week or so with supposedly no good food, except bread and minor water.

I whimpered now as I also made a silent wish, in a soft voice filled with pain and true heartache, clutching my bag as well as photo to myself closely, sobbing as well from what I needed after so long, "I-I wish I wasn't here at all, and a mo-mother that truly loves me like I knew o-of one. Please an-anyone please." I then placed my head down and then began to sob within my one non-broken arm as I barely ignored the pain in the other, and kept crying.

After a few minutes of crying that is, I heard a strange sound. It was faint but I slowly raised my head, and then heard what I thought was impossible: a soft melody, which also began to play normally around me. I then was startled as a faint, but passionately-kind male voice said, speaking softly to me as well, "Do you want to leave this place child. I can grant your wish." I sniffled and then nodded as I begged with remorse as well as hurt, after so long of torture and abuse from my family I only known, "please, I wish I was away from here. I wish I had-had a mother. I don't w-want to be a freak anymore." I then felt my body as well as my bag with the photo now begin to float slightly in the air, and then I was glowing along with the items. The voice then said to me faintly, but with kindness and love to which I never had to experience before, begin saying to me then, "your wish is granted then child, but don't be alarmed to where you end up. You will have a mother sooner than you think."

I was about to respond to that, but then I blacked out. But I sensed that I was away from it all, and away from the home I hated the most even now, yet barely loved at the same time.

Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, October 10th, Headmasters Office, Normal POV:

Albus Dumbledore, just returned three hours ago to his office after casting a complicated mind-spell on one Vernon Dursly, and was grinning inwardly at what he told the man to do. But he was no fool as he has caused many things in secret, things that others may say is dark. But it was for the 'greater good' after all as he read another letter from his suppose watcher to the fabled chosen one, the Girl-Who-Lived.

It was no consequences that cause him to alter her former parents minds with them hearing his faked version of the prophecy, and realizing that it was to late as he placed wards at his former house he set-up to them back then to keep them there as prisoners. Thus revealing his true nature to the two for the first time they known him, mostly as a grandfatherly figure with issues sometimes. In fact he even made sure after he re-gave them their free will back after they of course made Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper besides Sirius Black, as he too was considered a threat to the molding of the child he was going to use as a sacrificial weapon for years to come.

So he back then paid Peter well enough to deal with Black as he saw fit, and it was a success as he convinced the committee when it came to his supposed trail, to simply sent him a one-way trip to Azkaban. So far so good was his current plans to be famous for was going smoothly as well as other plans from what he agreed to do thanks to a deal he made to a cloaked person to give him the power to defeat his rival back then, but it was now going to change at this moment.

He was currently drinking his lemon based tea, since Dumbledore has a addiction to anything with lemon in it, and looked at the instruments as he then briefly began to choke on his own drink. The one that was displaying the illegal blood ward he placed himself personally with the girls blood, was malfunctioning. Also the other ones next to it that was tracking the girl with charms he himself placed on her to bind not only her magic, but mainly to be a royal pet or obedient servant to him to mold into a perfect minion, break. One by one to his growing horror, each device he had was destroyed as he then ducked when they all went off. He then got up and wearily looked at them. It was then and there that he then knew now that his pawn was gone.

He began to get angry at first yet then also quickly began to calm down, and Albus then decided to check on her. He wanted her to be loyal to him, so why not add memory charms to the relatives like he had done a while ago with Vernon to fracture her more, but this time mentally. He then left, not seeing the bird he doesn't own as a familiar anymore, trill in laughter as it knew from a new source as it fled and replaced itself with a fake, that the child would be alright yet will meet him in the near future.

Dumbledore then appeared at the house, and went inside. He was then shocked to find out that indeed the charm he placed on Vernon worked... Maybe a little to well, as he seemed to be drunk, and passed out on the couch. He scanned the area with his tracking spell around the place and it told him his wife and son was gone completely from a argument both Vernon and Petunia recently had this morning, but still left a trace. He would have to adjust the man's memories more from this, probably claiming he was the child's muggle guardian instead of the woman, but the girl in question was completely gone.

He now went to the last place he told the family to place her at the age of five, the cupboard and noticed everything was gone, even her possessions. He then looked at Vernon and casted the mind-reading spell and was shocked to find out he didn't freak out about her skin, which was now teal-blue to make the old man ponder over this later on, but his worthless job he made him get offered to. It was all going to plan still when he overdid it with the mallet, but heck it was for the greater good. But then he felt some kind of residual magic of sorts left behind in the closet. Something completely unknown to one Albus Percival Dumbledore.

Seems whatever took her, decided that it didn't want to be traced at all. Because when he did the 'point me' spell for the girl as well as the magic behind it, it didn't respond at all. He frowned and decided then to teleport back to the headmaster chambers at his school currently, and then sat down in his chair. He thought for a moment, then gave a wicked grin inwardly as he then took out a box of his favorite candy, sherbet lemons, and began to eat it as he then said to himself, "At least I will know where she is thanks to the letters she will get once eleven years of age." He then began to do small wicked chuckles to himself as he thinks his plans will still work.

But little did he know it was already gone from when she left. And it will all crumble one by one once she finally arrives at the school.

Digital World, Cherubimon's Palace, Ophanimon's Cage Area, Still Normal POV:

It has been exactly three entire weeks since she was captured, and she was being constantly drained of her own angelic-based power so that she could not escape if she even wanted to. Ophanimon now sighed as she remembers the good times when she, Cherubimon, and Seraphimon were enjoying each others company, and the olden days of true friendship. She was interrupted though from those good yet long-ago memories when the angelic digimon now heard a very familiar female digimon, one of the corrupted Warriors of Legend coming to her area; she listened as said warrior now complained in somewhat Texan accent, "That no-good Duskmon stole my chance of pleasing Cherubimon. I should cast a Acid-Rain around him while sleeping… Damn."

The digimon mentioned was a female who had natural aqua or teal-blue skin and also seemed to be some type of hybrid of a fish, but mainly human in form in both body and face. She was also around 5'3 in height and had a pure-red orb on her supposed squid-like hat that also matched her skin, but lighter. She was also wearing a blue-like dress outfit for once and a bikini under that, as it was the same color as well. She currently had a slight scowl on her delicate face which was heart-shaped with some defined features as well as having large-almond-shaped eyes as they were magenta colored and she just kept complaining to herself, even though she has a average figure and at least a small C-Cup in chest size. This digimon was better known as Ranamon: The Human Warrior of Water.

Ophanimon decided enough was enough as the mega angel digimon then said out loud so the female digimon can hear her, "Ranamon, it seems you were upstaged again. Why not take this current time for a break?" Ophanimon tilted her head as she finished to Ranamon. Ranamon jumped briefly as she then turned to the mega digimon with Ranamon now speaking rudely to her; still angry as to what occurred not to long ago, "Sugah, don't you think I know tha'? My lord has me goin' all around the place for data to get to him. I'm just tired of Duskmon upstaging me at some of mah jobs." She stated softly at the end yet now huffed and sat down, crossed-legged and then also sighed to herself.

Ophanimon looked at her in pity; Ranamon wasn't always like this. She was kind, gentle yet also loyal and witty with her allies and friends from the other warriors. Stupid Cherubimon and corrupting her. Ophanimon thought briefly as she just gently smiled and motioned Ranamon over; the digimon was looking at her warily, and just sighed once more. She stood up then and went over to the mega as the mega replied in kindness to Ranamon,"Things will look up Ranamon, you'll see. Just have patients and just go with the flow." The mega grinned slightly at her own brief joke to lighten the female digimon's mood, despite her power being syphoned though the cage she is in. Ranamon sweat dropped at that, but smiled small after a few moments as she quietly replied back, but in kind as well, "well Sugah, you always seemed to know what to say to me don't ya? Seems that it was long ago we hang out with Kazamon and did female stuff."

Ophanimon nodded in agreement, as it was her when she had half her power unlocked still, and quickly without him knowing, unlocked Ranamon's true memories that Cherubimon locked away when the Water Warrior was currently near her at the time. He did that to all the warriors he found, and corrupted them one by one till he had not only water, but wood, earth, metal, and darkness as to what he was able to find by himself. The other's location was a mystery though, and she refused to tell her former friend as such.

Then all of a sudden Ophanimon now froze as the necklace that she felt with from leaving it with the child a while back, finally responded after all this time. She hasn't thought about the little girl in these three weeks, even though the necklace became powered by the girl's magic as of now. Ranamon noticed the mega currently frozen in place and now looked at her curiously, "hey Sugah what's wrong?" She didn't get a response at all as Ranamon tried for at least three minutes, and then decided to shake her out of it as when the Water Warrior now touched the mega's right-arm, she too froze as Ranamon then felt her mind... no her soul take off with the mega to somewhere she didn't recognize.

They both now looked around and saw a little girl laying down on the place the mega placed her three weeks prior. Ranamon was also truly confused, but the mega she was currently standing next to wasn't. The necklace was telling her what happened from what Ophanimon had to guess to herself. The Warrior of Water was about to respond until she noticed the girl in question on the very step near them.

Ranamon was surprised to find out they were in the human world somehow, but not really at the same time. But she took a real wide-eyed gander at the girl... no young child as she noticed she had blue skin, just like her own skin tone. Ranamon was then about to ask the mega something, until the girl woke up, and then looked around as if she was cautious. Then the child went to the door but froze as she then noticed her skin tone. Ranamon noticed the panicked look the little girl had as she went inside quickly with her also running to the stairs and up them. The door was open still, and then slightly began to close by itself. Ranamon turned to the mega angel digimon to finally ask her what was on her mind, "Where are we Sugah, and what is with that little girl?"

The mega in question looked at her fellow digimon, since she was truly surprised that the Warrior of Water was viewing through the necklace as well. But she responded to her anyways, keeping her own surprise in check, "The girl wasn't always so blue-skinned Ranamon," she looked back at the door as she continued, "She has Magic within her that surprised me; since I saved her three weeks ago from Basolumon's poison. As well as other things." Ranamon understood about that awful snake digimon her lord hired back then that Ophanimon easily killed, but she was even more curious as well as slightly suspicious on why she was here with the mega at the human world, just at the girls' home that is.

Ranamon was about to ask another question, until a car silently pulled up. It looked old, and slightly used. And it was also ugly-painted in some areas. The person that came out of it though looked like a whale that was malformed if it could be living on land; at least from her own opinion, and she now looked at Ophanimon and noticed she actually showed a look of pure disgust at him, making Ranamon's curiosity peak with it also slowly growing with each moment. The man had dirty blonde hair, and he also was wearing a grey suite shirt and pants. Also the man had fancy brown shoes. He also had brown eyes and an old-style moustache that matched his hair color as well. He also seemed to be angry… No enraged over something, judging by the color of his face. He slammed the car door now, and then locked it. Then he looked at the house, and Ranamon thought he should have screamed when he saw them, but he didn't as he passed right threw them like they were ghosts. When he was going to unlock the door with his house keys, he suddenly was frozen in place.

It was then that Ranamon noticed an old geezer with robes on within some bushes nearby, and pointed to the mega; the mega looked at the old man in confusion at first as to why he was there, and then froze noticing the item in the man's hands. It was a wand that was pure white, and giving a lot of hidden ancient-like power. Ophanimon said quietly, but a little out loud in disbelieve at the realization of what the old man was, "A wizard…" Ranamon snapped her neck to her also in disbelieve as she shouted to her, but not in rage, as most digimon knew them for at least a few years going back and forth into the worlds. "A wizard! That old fool," she pointed to him and continued, "is a wizard!"

The mega just nodded a silent yes as she then noticed the girl on the steps looking at her uncle, in fear on her face and eyes to which looked to be in both panic and in terror; since the child herself was on the stairs. Ophanimon went inside and Ranamon just followed as she noticed the mega was only looking at the girl in question and then froze, noticing her features as well as feeling her emotion of terror to the man. Not the old geezer right outside, but the whale man.

They both now jumped as the man came inside now, and noticed the Wizard vanished with a slight popping sound with a satisfied grin on his face before he did so. The whale man grumbled out loud over some work. Then they both heard creaking and noticed the man did to. He looked at the girl as she went back partially up the stairs, but he then shouted to her. They then gasped as she tumbled down the stairs and was dazed, and they were even more shocked that the man roughly grabbed her hair to pick her up, then began pulling her arm to a direction. They had no choice but to watch in horror and despair as the events unfolded all around them, until the child was then tossed into the closet harshly. The man locked the door as he then went into the kitchen and grabbed a beer with him taking a drink-like sip at first, then he drank the whole thing in one gulp. Then he came back into the living room and then passed out on the couch instantly.

The two female digimon looked at each other in agreement, and Ophanimon tried to open the door but realized in error that she only passed through it. She sighed as she then told Ranamon why that happened. "I have forgotten that we are only specters to past events at the moment; let's just go into the girls… Room I take it and see what goes from there." Ranamon now sweat dropped after hearing the mega's confession, but shrugged because inwardly she was concerned with the little girl in there as well as her.

Once they got inside, they were fuming at her state in distress as she was also holding her broken arm and sobbing to herself as both her arms were laying on her chest in pain. Ranamon turned to the mega as she was about to respond once more with a question, until they both froze and was then right next to her as the area became a pitch-black place; instead of what they were currently at that is.

The two looked at each other, then around the place as they couldn't see anything except themselves being in a abyss of nothing to gaze at. Ranamon began to chuckle nervously to herself now as well as she stating slowly, also moving closer to the mega out of minor nervousness; her voice to her surprise echoing briefly as well, "Well, this place done seemed to be creepy enough, does it Sugah. Iif I think right tha' is?" Ranamon turned her head and looked at Ophanimon, and noticed she was in shock with realization as she somehow knew where they were at the exact moment. Ranamon waved one of her hands across the mega's face as she was about to say something or try to like last time, until she to froze as a chuckle was now clearly heard out of nowhere from this strange place. Ophanimon and Ranamon looked behind them and saw a huge digimon they have thought or never seen before as they also now face it.

It mainly resembled a humanoid dragon, but it had golden scales as well as golden amour with silver symbols and lining on its arms, torso, and legs. It also had two different swords on each side of its waist. On it's shoulders armor though were two symbols they recognized right away. One was the Hazard symbol, and the other was the symbol for the element of light. It seemed to be a relation to the Agumon race, mixed with the Veemon race because of the mixed skin tones it had and the ears are like a Veemons, but a more human-like version of a Greymon. Its wings though were different. On the hazard side it was a pitch-black demon wing, and on the light was a pure white angelic wing. On the chest armor was the symbol of what seemed to be that of a Japanese ying-yang symbol. It also had silver orbs with golden colored eyes.

It was gently smiling at them both now with it also responding in a young male's voice, but echoing slightly not only kindness and power, but the area itself was making his voice as such do that, "it is an honor to finally meet both the legendary Warrior of Water, and the one of the three angels in one of my many domains." Both female digimon were startled by the male digimon before them, seeing as he spoke as such. He just bowed a head in acknowledgement as he then continued, "My name is ChaosZenmon, and I am the wielder of particular weapon as I am the only known digimon as such by name: the Keyblade of Destiny and Fate. I summoned you both here for a specific reason and purpose."

Ranamon then shifted slightly as she then asked, with dread in her voice to which also made Ophanimon look at her as she now asked him, "You here to collect our souls or something like tha' sugah?" He just chuckled as he then said to her kindly, still floating around in the pitch black void they were currently in, "No, I'm not that type of digimon who does that." They both sighed in relief as he then chuckled, then said with mirth to them, "That's my twin sisters work though, GrimZenmon." They looked pale to the male digimon as he laughed gently as he then waved it away, then said to them in a warm tone, "Well, it's not your time yet anyway. In fact that is not even the one of the main reasons you are both mainly here."

Ophanimon had a look of understanding, but Ranamon was merely confused. Ophanimon then asked the other mega, at least to what celestial digimon can sense he was in power, "It is about that girl in question isn't it, ChaosZenmon?" He nodded briefly to her a firm yes as he now conjured up a ball of pure light, then tossed it into the air. They were both blinded for at least a few seconds and were then shocked to find out where they were: they were in the abyss of the heart, and in this case, a portrait of the girl in question on the ground. Ranamon secretly read books back at the base that her lord had to ease her boredom sometimes, and she recently read a particular book all the way through, and one of it's terms relates to this strange place. It would seem the female mega digimon next to her already knows of this area as well from what she quickly guessed by Ophanimon's posture.

The orb of light then vanished, but the floor was glowing briefly; still giving off the girls and many other frames from others they didn't know yet on them as it then faded to see only blank portraits with it only having the girl in the middle of the area. He looked at them closely as they studied the ground with him also pretend-coughing to get their attention, and as he did, they jumped in minor movements as he then now pointed to Ophanimon first, then Ranamon with his left-hand last. Then quickly placed his arms together in a crisscross as he grinned at them, stating the obvious, "All three of us are, at this moment, are within this girl's heart." They were shocked then at his words. They knew that the Zenmon race were powerful to what they both knowingly read, but not this much.

He cleared his throat once more as he since the digimon then began addressing to what they were thinking, "I summoned you to her heart, my abyss of heart realm that is to discuss on her placement." Ranamon was confused once again so she then asked curiously to the male mega, "What placement is tha' Sugah?" He chuckled at the nickname the Warrior of Water uses on everyone and clearly stated with humor, but in a serious tone, "her wish for starters." They were about to ask what wish when he just simply raised his hand, and stated quite clearly to them with a small smile, "I will tell you…." He placed his left hand-like claws to his chin for a moment to think about something, and then looked back at them as he said, snapping his other hand as he then stated quite clearly, "I'll just show you what she wished for."

The same orb he conjured up now quickly reappeared then, and began also to change to random colors, floating towards the three digimon with it merely floating in the middle between them all now. Then ChaosZenmon just snapped his fingers and the image of the little girl appeared, in her supposed room-based cupboard, crying and holding her arm in pain and hurt by pure emotion. They noticed that the girl was holding a picture of a young woman who somewhat resembles the girl, but the skin tone was pale and not blue at all.

ChaosZenmon sighed as he remembered the young woman in that very picture. This is all her doing after all; interfering with the young girl's fate for the sake of being something more to her as a friend and college over the years when she was younger, to when she summoned him once again by a ritual she heard about; by a girl she was friends with, Melanie Greengrass if he recalled. He cleared his throat as he calmly said to the two female digimon, "Listen carefully, for you see why I summoned you here," he paused and then continued, "Well one of the reasons that is."

The two began to listen as a strange melody began to softly play, but the girl didn't hear it at first. But then they heard her wish, and was shocked what they heard. "I-I wish I wasn't here at all, and a mo-mother that truly loves me like I knew o-of one. Please an-anyone please." Then the young girl began to sob softly into her uninjured arm. ChaosZenmon looked at the two as they slowly raised their heads to look at him since he paused the orb-viewing. He then stated to them once more, but with a hint of remorse and sadness in his tone now, "This young girl's fate was decided long ago by Magic to be a savior. But to die as one from the one who murdered her father, and mother in a very magical way. By using the killing curse at them both." Ranamon seemed to be getting many questions unanswered by the two digimon, and she was about to ask until the mega next to her, gasp in realization, making the Warrior of Water turn to her with a raised eyebrow in silent question, what do you know about it.

Ophanimon did something Ranamon thought she never see from her, she was shivering not in cold, but in fear and pain as she weakly asked, "The soul removing curse?" ChaosZenmon just nodded firmly to the mega as he then cleared his throat once as he continued, making Ranamon even more curious what they mentioned until what he said chilled her to the bone, so to speak, "yes, and the one forbidden way to kill someone without getting their hands bloody. The curse is only useful to animals that have lived a long-enough life, but to use it on a human…. Sigh… It is murder of no way to return the victim to life and above all, a way for the soul to not return to the world that they were born into even considering reincarnation to said world. It is what my sister does mostly as she guides the souls of the departed or recently deceased to the Afterrealm. But using that spell makes it harder, because she has no choice but to send them away to another soul, who I know will aid them in their time of need, and help them live once more after they are told the horror of not returning to even seeing the ones they loved again; unless it is the one of many reasons I called you here at this moment."

The digmon noticed that Ophanimon was in shock because he knew she read on not only about the digimon, but those more powerful then them in existence. Once he looked at Ranamon, he noticed she only looked at the girl in sadness, pity, and strongly with a motherly sort of look in her eyes. This would be easier then he thought though because of that look. He waved the orb, and it now resumed. It continued showing the girl crying for a few minutes and the two females were in shock quickly about the voice: it was the digimon standing before them. The little girl was gone along with her belongings afterwards.

Ophanimon looked carefully at ChaosZenmon as they both now heard sniffling near them. They froze as they turned to see Ranamon who was crying with silent tears, not bothered at all as they saw her walls slowly began to crumble. Ranamon only cried for real when something truly upsets her, or something that she thought deserved her tears. This is one of those times as she tends to hide this fact from her fellow warriors as well as her lord, as he doesn't take these emotions in stride at all.

Ophanimon now placed a hand on Ranamon's right shoulder, making her jump with her looking at the mega in sadness. She felt the warrior's emotions like it was clear as day to her. ChaosZenmon gently smiled as he then clapped loudly, making them both jump once more to get his attention again as he now stated in a business tone, but with hope in it mixed as well, "Well, now to get to why I brought you both here." He began to circle them, making them nervous because even though Ophanimon was a mega digimon, she knew she would be outmatched by this other Mega digimon currently circling them. "The first reason was letting you hear the young girl, Rosalina Lilith Potter, and to decide her new fate and destiny; which is one of many reasons of my existence." ChaosZenmon continued circling them as they both just looked at him to which is only when he was in their view. He then stated with a bright smile filled with hope now, "So I decided to chose... that one of you will become that young girl's new mother." He stopped in front of them, crossing his arms with a mirth-like smirk on his face.

Both digimons jaws dropped as they were told what he planned for them. Ranamon recovered first as did the mega after as she stated to him, pointing a finger, "You expect one of us to be the young girl's new mother, just like tha'?!" Ophanimon once more placed a hand on her shoulder as she then asked kindly to the other mega digimon, "She does have a point, but I cannot be the girl's mother as to my current predicament as such. So if it is not going to be me, who is it?" Ranamon now looked at her old friend in shock as she asked that to the other mega digimon. ChaosZenmon just chuckled and just stated out randomly to them both, two simple words, "It's Ranamon."

Ranamon's jaw dropped once more in disbelieve. What most digimon don't know is that, to tell the truth, she knew one day she wanted to be a mother; but right now she was about to object as Ranamon now then remembered the pain and suffering she saw the little girl go through, the tears, and one thing the child seemed to crave the most when she was hopefully staring at the picture of her deceased mother: a true mothers love. She sighed as she knew it wasn't up to debate at all as she said hesitantly, but loudly to ChaosZenmon, "I-I'll Do It."

Ophanimon was in a mixture of both minor shock and pride at Ranamon. She knew what the other mega was truly setting up Ranamon for once he mentioned her being the girl's mother, but she was thinking Ranamon wouldn't do it at all, knowing the Zenmon-digmon species as to what she read, they have ways to deal with things. Like the girl's case here. The digimon in question looked at not only at Ranamon, but at Ophanimon in acceptance as he then waved small energy serge's at the orb, and the orb was now gone. But the floor underneath them pulsed slightly from the wave itself and then the floor returned to normal.

Now the one that brought them both here, snapped his fingers and low and behold it was the very girl they discussed over. She was still passed out in his arms with her also holding onto the photo, and her own personal bag was floating besides her as well by his doing they assumed. Ranamon walked to him as he handed the little girl into Ranamon's arms carefully and also stated quite clearly, but in a soft tone to her, "This girl is very unique, and as you being her mother she might end up some traits from not only you, but all ten warriors of legend in abilities and power, but she must earn them as time goes by either a hidden trial of sorts, or a task she has to do by herself. Not only that though, she will exhibit traits from… alien ancestry within her on the surface from both of her figures. But be warned though: if she is angered; the elements without training would do more harm then good as a result."

They both looked up in surprise at him for that, but Ranamon was truly concerned about the girl as well as she is lighter then what she appears to be from what she can tell from the girl being in her arms. ChaosZenmon noticed Ranamon still looking at the girl in worry as he now sadly chuckled, then placed a hand on Ranamon like Ophanimon did earlier, and softly stated to her in kindness, "She is underweight from the former family she used to live with, so I suggest that you at least feed her Digiberries from the one sweet fruit tree. The blue ones that match her skin tone for at least one weeks' time during her meals or in secret while asleep; to which I will provide as such as I know how rare they currently are in the digital world. She will gain her normalcy back in weight and in growth as a result." Ranamon looked at him as he then raised himself. He also then snapped his fingers with a strange chest appearing now.

He then begin to place not only her bag but the photo, and some things they didn't get a chance to glance at into it, and then he did something amazing: he just tapped it with one of his claws and it shrunk enough to fit into any known pocket. He smirked to them as he then handed Ranamon the tiny chest with valuables to her, and she carefully as to not to wake the girl, placed them in her storage void most digimon have after being around for some time. He stated in amusement to them, but mainly to himself, "I got to hand it to Aeroza, he does make the most unique items to use all the time." The females froze for only a few seconds as Ophanimon stated in realization to him from that name he spoke, "Aeroza, the Digital Chaotic Lord is involved!"

He nodded a firm yes with his head and said quite clearly, "yes, that is one of his many titles," he looked at the little girl, and waved small spurts of energy over her and was surprised at what races she was now gaining from her own ancestry; from her original parents and also blood-adopted parent, and he inwardly was surprised at celestial magic mixed with chaos being in her veins, yet not developed enough for her use till later on in life.

ChaosZenmon now looked at the females carefully and then said with kindness and yet with a firm tone still, "This girl, believe it or not, has awaken several alien bloodlines within her, and while she is passed out they are fusing not only with her core of magic, but her entire being." Ranamon looked even more concerned and worried after the girl, heck since she is her mother at the moment Ranamon has to right? the male digimon now reassured her when he continued saying more to put Ranamon at ease, "She will be fine of course, but she will gain her ancestry knowledge from their attacks, skills, and abilities slowly, but unknowingly as if she already knew of them as time passes. Especially since she is related to one Saiyan, in particular." Ranamon looked at him with confusion as she then turned her attention back to the girl… no her daughter to which she needs to remind herself that, and gently began to rock her back and forth out of habit from her early years of tending baby or child digimon back then. When it was simpler times and not the times currently in the digital world.

Ophanimon smiled true at the two, but then turned back to the mega in question as she asked about what he just said to the two, "ChaosZenmon, what is a Saiyan?" He sighed as he explained to the both of them for at least or near an hour with them being shocked. An alien race only used for destruction of worlds, and they were long gone. Except the ones Aeroza saved secretly after a certain Saiyans' warning to his planet or those that were exiled for not following their race's beliefs, and they were now happy and war free since they take jobs to aid the worlds instead of what they had done before. But they still honor themselves as such through tournaments and battles to no end to keep their skills, and teach the next generation of their own kind. Heck he even made a small moon for them to inhabit that orbits a world he made and mostly lives on, which shocked them even further. If that wasn't enough he finally told them something, which he could hardly blame the parents she was created from, "Her true father is Broly, the supposed overpowered Saiyan of legend and her mother is in fact Aeroza's descendent and daughter, Lilly Potter-Evans."

While he told them what she might end up as, Ranamon just kept gently rocking her with a small smile, but still listening. She then thought of something that almost froze her over in complete yet quick fear. I have completely forgotten about Lord Cherubimon! If he finds out from what the mega said during the hour-long discussion of what Basolumon truly wanted with her as well as other things, I don't know what to do with myself if she is taken from me. ChaosZenmon placed a hand up to stop their conversation with Ophanimon, which he was telling her about what might happen to her, and she has already accepted child's fate. He spoke loud enough to make Ranamon jump, but not wake her little girl as he said approaching her, then softly saying, "if it makes your fears lessen Warrior of Water, I can make sure you are no longer part of his army, but remain within as a secret. You will however have a different Beast Spirit Form then you were supposed to get though."

Ranamon now froze as he said those very or exact words to her. Then she looked at him in both uncertainty and slight hope, as well as disbelieve saying to him quietly so not to wake Rosalina, "You can do tha', for me? Because if what is happening right now is true, tha' would be a big deal for the both of us." He just nodded to her in acceptance at her words, then just said a simple chant that she couldn't quite hear but it took affect because she suddenly felt a warm glow in her heart, and for some reason Ranamon could feel her little girls feelings, which seemed to be happy at the moment; even though she was still sleeping.

He chuckled at the female digimon's expression on her face and now said with a joke, "Well, seems she warmed up to you." She sweat dropped at that, but then snorted quietly and just responded back while looking at him, "Well Sugah, it is getting warm in here at the moment; why not cool it down a notch." He just smirked as he quickly said to them both certain things, like what her birthday was and what she was allergic to, and they were also surprised that she was allergic to pumpkins as well as strangely, water that has been blessed in churches. He also told them about Albus, since Aeroza was kind enough to tell him and they asked why he wasn't here instead, and he sighed softly, "He is busy at the moment, rescuing one of his younger daughters to which I think," he now looked at the young girl still in Ranamon's arms, "is the same age as her." They just nodded as they understood about that.

ChaosZenmon smirked once more to the both of them as he then stated with mirth, "I fought with him before, and I got to say he is quite skilled at what the girl here will be obtaining in the near future." Then he had given them a solemn look, as he then began to give off an aura that was slowly spreading around them, making the area they were in slowly go bright as he finally said to them, "Make sure the Chosen Wielder of Harmony is safe Ranamon," His voice began to echo as they were nearly blinded as he shouted out to them, "The fate of all worlds depends on it!" When the two females came to, Ophanimon was back in the cage and this time Ranamon wasn't touching the mega when they did their side-trip. She was instead holding the girl in her arms still, and Rosalina was sighing happily in her sleep.

This made Ranamon sigh as well in small happiness, then looked at the mega in question in silence with her eyes, stating 'are you going to be ok for a while'. The mega nodded and gently smiled at her now freed friend, and motioned her to leave before they were caught with Rosalina. Ranamon made it to her chambers, and then decided right then and there, nothing is going to get between her and this little angel. She tucked her in, and as since it was nighttime currently, Ranamon decided she was going to get something to eat. But before she did, she briefly looked back once more at her new daughter and then smiled softly.

As when Ranamon began to gently close her door without making a sound, a slight male-cough was heard from behind her to which startled the female digimon, and she turned around quickly to find out it was one of the other corrupted legendary warriors: Mercurymon.

He was a humanoid-like being that was made of three mirrors, and mostly green armor. He did also have red-like slit-based lips in the middle mirror for where his head is, and the other two were like mini-shields. He crossed his arms and had his red lips in a smirk as he stated to her, "Why Ranamon I thought thou wasn't a mother at all until I noticed you have a human child, a little girl no less in thy room."

She gave a panicked looked to him now in which he just sighed and then calmly stated to her with a grin, "Do not worry, for thou I shall not tell Lord Cherubimon this and let him find out himself. As it seems… interesting. I also however sense you have more light then dark in your dear." She gulped and was about to respond until he raised his hand up and stated quite clearly to her, "I shall not indulge at the moment of your time, and since I sense your are fast, I will get you both food. Just return to the little maiden, and enjoy. I know what it's like to have a child of thy own."

Ranamon looked at him in surprise from how he was currently acting, and what he briefly told her to surprise yet made her curious over to what he meant as the metal-male digimon now just left her standing there for at least a few minutes. She then shook her head as Ranamon went back into her chambers. it was a good thing as well as Ranamon went immediately to her daughter as Rosalina was having a nightmare once the female digimon saw her fretting on her bed, and to solve that easily Ranamon now began to gently sing to her.

Her species are related to myth-like entities known as sirens; to which give off wonderful songs and voices to those they truly care for or trust. As well as misfortune sometimes as well to those her race dubbed as enemies.

The girl stopped struggling in her arms slowly and then simply sighed in contempt, and Rosalina now began to rest peacefully within Ranamon's arms. She was about to rub her hands threw her hair until the Warrior of Water noticed the pitch-black tail that sneaked its way out of the bed for when she placed Rosalina gently back into, and with that she briefly froze. It was then she remembered what ChaosZenmon said as her daughter is immune to the effects of the were-ape form, but may have increased abilities from that discussion. She now sighed to herself as she also mumbled; looking at Rosalina, as she now brushed her hair gently with her fingers, "What am I going to do with you Rosalina."

The young girl just smiled gently in her sleep in response to her words.

Well what do you guys think? Like I am going to be saying in my other two stories, any oc's or plots you guys can think of, might help me out a bit to make the stories come out, so to speak. And of course I plan on making them as long as I can think up. If they turn out to be short in anyway, I will try to make them longer next time. I will also be trying to stay around the T rating for all three stories. Of course there will be some themes in all three, but it's only minor a bit. Chapter two might take some time, once I get an idea on my other two and how to give more plots to the story.

I also noticed some mistakes with some of the other chapters as I will fix them as well before making a new chapter to go with this one.

This is Aeroza signing off till next time, peace!