You slam the front door, your parents immediately question your nightly whereabouts. Before they finish, they note your puffy, tear stained eyes.

They ask what happened, encase you in bear hugs, but you escape them. Heading towards your room, you lock the door without a second thought. Although you're wet, you flop on to your clean sheets, letting your clothes and tears ruin them.

The scabbard pokes your ribcage, alerting you of it's existence. It scares you, and makes the awful memories repeat all over again.

It was his mom's, the one he loves, but also resents. The leader of the Crystal Gems, whom used this sword to shatter Pink Diamond, and the many other threats upon Earth.

He bestowed this to you. To use it in battle, training, fusion, but you never thought you'd have it without him. You're a foolish girl, but somehow he didn't agree. He called you 'his Connie,' and even fused with you! Why can't you just be happy?

Arguing with your interconflicts makes you fatigued. Tired, but you can't sleep. Awake, but you can't argue no more.

Lost in thought, you silently, and finally, fall asleep. Scabbard still poking you, so you won't forget its presence.

You don't forget its prescence, you'll never forget its prescence.

When you awake, you overhear your parents, and other certain familiar voices. Pressing your ear up against the door, you you hear them. The gems. They're talking specifically about him.

Horrified, you back away. Not wanting to face any of them for eons. You sit in the middle of your room, trying to relieve yourself. Breathing, the sword is still attached onto your back. You unsheathe it, revealing the rosy tint of pink that colors it.

The reflection of your eyes linger upon the blade, while your palms graze the handle, you feel the guard's vine pattern. Such an important blade, made by such an important gem. But staring at it only made memories retreat faster by the second.

Placing it down, you pick up the sheathe. Not like it'll be any different from the sword, but you need something to drown out the dialogue in the nearby living room.

Your eyes immediately draw to Rose's symbol, the small flower's marking reminding you of his shield. No, not her's, his. She gave all of her to him. And when saying everything, you mean it. His shield has protected a multitude of different creatures simultaneously, and you can't help but feel grateful for that.

To help your mind ease off of things, you try to remember your first encounter with the half-human, half-gem boy. Being trapped his bubble, almost engulfed by the ocean itself, and almost eaten by a worm monster just because of that special little glowing bracelet.

The bracelet's still in the freezer, so it never loses its glow.

Like a burning love's flame, you'll never lose your flame for him.

You blush profusely, your face resmebling the scabbard itself. Yet you know you can't deny it, you love him.

Love him for his hectic life. His crazy gem mothers. His carefree personality, even when intergalactic rulers are upon him. His mother caused it, and you can't help but grip the scabbard in angst.

Your knuckles go pale, and tears start to flow from your eyes. Putting the sheathe down, you get up and walk towards your window. Rubbing your eyes, you open up the window's pane, and gaze out of it. Irritated by the cookie cutter houses, just like your home, you frustratingly close it.

He had shown you the opposite of your life.

Sighing, you look back down at the sword. Staring at the rounded blade's tip, you lace the hanging strands of your long brown hair. That random thought is interrupted by a knock from the other side of the door.

"Connie? Please, honey. We need to know more of what's going on."

You swallow hard, still not wanting to face anyone that isn't him. Even your own mother. Sheathing the sword, you place it under your bed, and ever so slightly, you take a breath.

It feels as though you hadn't taken one in ages. It's a relief, and although it helps you in the least, you still needed it. Another knock is heard.

"Connie, please. We need to talk to you."

Your mother rings again, and you wonder how long she's been there. You can't help but linger your attention to the doorknob, and your fear increases as your pulse does the same. You await to hear trailing footsteps away from the door, but you don't. Instead, you feel more coming your way.

"Connie. I'm not asking you to come out, nor am I asking to enter, but we need information of what exactly happened on the ship."


The fusion spoke calmly, like she always did. You sit on the floor of your room, leaning against the door, you place your head between your knees in defeat.

You want to tell her, truly you do. But your head and heart are caught between crossroads. Your emotions are like a battle, and you wish you could cancel them out, listen to your head, but you can't. If he was here, he'd give you advice, and help solve it.

But he's not. Those Homeworld gems took him.

"Connie. I know you miss Ste--Him, but we need to know if you are in possession of Rose's sword. Is it on you?"

So this what they came for. Her sword. The only remains of him left, besides the memories that resided in your heart. You stand, trudging towards your bed, you lean down to grab the blade.

Sliding it under the door, a little bit inside of you brakes. You never thought you'd have to give it up so soon. And to see it go, you feel the urge to speak.

"Please, Garnet. Keep it safe, it's-" you struggle, and as the fusion takes it in hand, she knows.

You lose the blade's touch, his touch. Leaning your head against the door, tears begin to blur your vision once again.

"It's all I have left of Steven! I don't have him, and all I have left are my memories. Everything's gone! It's like it never happened in the first place!" You scream through tears.

You feel your entire house go silent. Backing away from the door, you climb onto your bed. Clutching your blankets, you cry into your pillows. Your sobs are ugly, but you don't care, you're in grief. In grief over someone who was probably just a dream. In grief over someone you loved enough, but apparently not enough to save.

In the midst of your horrifying breakdown, you hear the sound of your door being broken into.

Barely opening your eyes, you see them all. Your parents horrified at the broken door, and the gems charging in. Garnet's gauntlets disappear, and she walks into your room. Pearl and Amethyst travel behind her, Pearl looking utterly distraught as yourself, and Amethyst with her head hung low.

Garnet sits down next to you, along with Pearl and Amethyst. You sit up, trying to suck up the tears welling in your eyes. Pearl has Rose's sword in hand, and gives it to you. You take it back, in awe at the confusing moment.

Amethyst looks straight at you. She locks you in a tight hug, and you return it graciously. Pearl joins in, tears escaping her red eyes. And lastly, Garnet as well. Encasing you and the others in a benevolent hug, and you can't help but feel relieved. You breathe, and it felt like you hadn't in eons.

You catch a glimpse of your parents staring at you, crying the same ugly sobs you had. Placing your hand out, you usher them to join you. And they do.

When the hug ends, you explain everything to the gems and your parents. While the gems have assumed it, your parents look as though they are about to have a heart attack.

Later, when the gems have gone back home, you sit on your front door's stoop. The streetlight shines upon the sword in your hand, and you can't help but think of him.

Looking up at all the cookie cutter houses, and thinking about the boring lives they hold, you suppose yours isn't drab in the least.

Sighing, you smile. And a few tears escape your eyes.

"Steven, I'll find you. Whether I have to go to Hell and back, I'll make it my sworn duty to do so. Even if you can't hear me, please know someone down on Earth is worried sick about you. I...I love you Steven. A lot, and I hope to tell you once we meet again."

Unsheathing the blade, you take your long brown hair, and contact it with the sword. Watching as your brown chopped off locks escape with the wind, you admire your new look.

Like a burning love's flame, you will never leave his dark. You'll find him, and the flame will keep burning. Being kindled as your bond grows stronger.


Phew! This was a doozy to write! I wanted it to originally be a short one-shot, but my imagination kind of got out of hand. Due to the whole Steven sacrifice, I wanted something from Connie. Since one, I'm a HUGE Connverse shipper, and two since she was the last to speak to him before leaving. Anyway, I'm not sure whether to continue this...