Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters used!

First Chapter (Introduction) is basically a rant about everyone Harry hates. It is very short, I know, but the next chapter shall be longer I promise!

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It had been two weeks since Harry had been sent home for the summer. Locked in Dudley's old room once more, the fragile curtains had been drawn closed, leaving the glow of the fading sun to illuminate the otherwise lifeless area. Harry lay facing the wall on his bed, his finger ghosting round a piece of dust stuck to the damp plaster.

The Dursleys had gone out for the evening, having been invited to one of Vernon's new colleague's house for dinner, leaving the poor teenager without yet another meal. Speaking of which, Harry hadn't eating for two days. Food meant having to not piss Vernon off, which was practically impossible in his case, being the 'attention seeking whore' that he was.

While this was the case, it didn't bother Harry as much as it should have. He no longer argued against the Dursleys, he could no longer find amusement from the way Vernon's face would grow red and distorted in anger and his words no longer made sense.

In fact, Harry hadn't felt it in him to speak any more than a sentence to anyone. Ever since Sirius' death, nothing at this moment seemed to matter. He made this clear to his friends too, having sent Hedwig to the Weasleys beforehand, with a plea to keep her safe during the holidays. As a result, he had no contact from anyone. Thank God.

Harry's tracing upon the wall had come to a halt; the sound of his nail resonating throughout the room. It was dark now; the light of the lamppost across the street casting shadows upon his floor. Staring down upon his out-stretched arm, palm now laying out in front, Harry could no long see the dark ring of bruising that painted his wrist. Along with any of his bruises, they all melded into his grey, dirtied skin.

Vernon did not often have tie Harry's hands behind his back, but the young wizard could no longer notice how his blunt nails jutted into the man's lumpish thighs as his head was forced further along his uncle's…or when Harry attempted to push Vernon away from himself before he could thrust into his…Sometimes Harry wished that Vernon would tie the rope around his neck instead; it would be easier that way. He could forget about Voldemort, forget about Sirius. To die. But that would be too much to ask for, wouldn't it? To get some peace?

The tell-tale groan of the opening door echoed through Harry's ears. Heavy steps, similar to that of a large pig, steadily made their way up the stairs (if you can imagine that). It was only when the doors opposite and beside his own closed did Harry sigh, letting go of the breath he had unknowingly held. His body ached as he moved to lie on his back, having been in one position for the majority of the evening. He was so tired. He wanted to escape this reality; however his dreams would not allow that. The deaths of both Cedric and Sirius plagued every minute of his unconscious state. If not them then it was of the punishments he so rightfully deserved from Vernon for being so pathetically worthless.

And while Harry knew he had rid Voldemort from his mind, he could not help but feel taunted still. The Dark Lord was alive, and the whole of the wizarding world expected him to kill him, or die trying to do so. No slacking from the Boy who lived. The Boy who lived with his abusive relatives and nothing but the bloody blood wards that Dumbledore had so lovingly put up to protect him. How thoughtful. How thoughtful it was for old Dumbledore to love each and every one of his his students.

But really, who could blame him for not caring? Harry was worth no one's time it seemed. Not his 'friends', not the Dursleys, and certainly not anyone at Hogwarts.

This is my first fan-fiction and I hope you have enjoyed it so far. I don't know when I will update but hopefully it'll be soon depending on how popular this can get.

First Chapter (Introduction) is basically a rant about everyone Harry hates. It is very short, I know, but the next chapter shall be longer I promise!

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