Samurai Jack Theory

I feel like I had to post this somewhere. If you haven't seen season 5: episode 8 then you shouldn't read this! Spoilers!

I think there's a way Ashi can stay with Jack now, even though he doesn't age. This is all assuming he decides not to go to the past and just defeats Aku. This is my theory, so I'm not concerned about being right, I'm just happy Jack and Ashi are together! With all the pain both characters have faced, I'm just happy for them. So cute!

Anyway, in episode 8, Jack and Ashi fought a super regenerative monster, named Lazarus, made of alien leeches. At the end, both characters where covered in the alien's blood, which seeped into their skin and disappeared, I think. This could give both of them regenetive abilities. Not only that, I think Ashi could possibly be ageless.

I think of it like Deadpool. Doesn't his body constantly regenerate to battle his cancer? Therefore, he's essentially ageless and practically immortal. What if Ashi's body did the same sort of thing? It would constantly regenerate new cells to keep her body at the same age as when the blood seeped into her skin. Not only that, both her and Jack could probably be considered immortal now. Seems not much of anyone can match them in fighting, and any small wounds they would get, if not fatal, would heal. This is just speculation since I don't even know if they have regenerative powers. How well would they work anyway?

Just thought I'd type this. If the monster's name isn't a big clue, then I don't know. I really felt I had to type this out after I saw last night's episode. So happy to see Jack and Ashi! I know some of the fandom is pretty upset. I'm so happy! One of my ships became true canon!

Reviews would be appreciated. Remember, I could be wrong, but it's just my thoughts.