Penny was with her girlfriends in a popular club having great time drinking and dancing, the only down side was she was constantly being hit on, although it was nice getting all the attention no to mention free drinks, she hadn't had to buy one all night. She was not in the mood for getting herself a new guy or a one night stand which is what most these guys where probably looking for.

Her friend Cheryl who she had been staying with saw Penny reject yet another hot guy wondering what was going on she decided to ask.

"Hey Penny are you okay?"

Penny just looked at her and smiled" i'm fine why do you ask?"

"Well all night you've been turning guys down what's got into you?"

Penny frowned" Nothing i'm just not interested in just a hook up that's all and that's all they're looking for"

By this point the other girls had joined them" what's going on?" ask Sally

Cheryl turns to her" Penny has been rejecting guys who've been hitting on her all night, saying they're only after one thing and she ain't giving it them"

After hearing this Sally spoke up" Penny you don't know that maybe they just want to dance with you or actually wanted to date you?"

Penny just scoffed" Oh please none of them asked about me just kept going on about how great i looked and using awful pick up lines"

"you know you're allowed to start dating again" said Cheryl

Penny nodded" I know but i don't think a club is the best place to meet a guy anymore that's all"

"I think you're just scared, after what happened with Kurt and your worried that you will get hurt again"

Penny was getting alittle annoyed with the questioning" Look if i wanted to date again I would, i could get any guy i want to ask me out,but i don't want to at the moment"

"Really?" asked Cheryl" you could get any guy you want to ask you out?" Cheryl started smiling

Penny saw her smile and got suspicious," yes any guy, why are you smiling?"

"Because i think we should put it to a test, i bet you can't get any guy to ask you out"

Penny just laughed" Of course i can ,here point out a guy and i can garuantee i can get him too ask me on a date.

Cheryl just smirked" Oh I have some guys in mind but they're not here"

"Doesn't matter i'll still be able to get them to ask me out" Penny said defiantly.

"We'll see about that, are you willing to make a bet on this?" said Cheryl

"I don't know what do you propose?"

"If you can get one of the guys i'm thinking of to ask you out, we'll buy you nice pair of shoes. oh you have to say yes and actually go on a date with them."

Penny's eyes lit up at the thought of getting some new shoes because there was no way she was going to lose this bet, i mean go on a date with a guy to get some new shoes how could she possibly turn that down. But she had to know what her forfeit was if she lost" What do i do if i lose?"

"you'll have to go out on a date with a guy of our choosing"

Penny thought about it for a moment, before quickly agreeing expecting to win this bet easily.

"Deal i'll get one of them to ask me out and then you have to buy me some new shoes" she said the last part quite exitedily.

"Don't forget you have to say yes and go on an actual date with him and we'll want to know what you did on the date aswell "said Sally.

Penny nodded" I know so can you tell me anything about these guys?"

Cheryl smirked again" No but you'll need to change shifts with Emma in order to see them they only come on Tuesdays at 6"

Penny looked over at Emma" Is that okay with you? "Emma was giggling knowing full well who these guys Cheryl was referring to where, then nodded" of course Penny"

The night continued on as before, with a difference Penny was imaging what sort of shoes they'll have to buy her when she wins.

A/N: Thank you for reading this, If you love it or hate let me know, also if it is worth pursuing and if something like this has been done before