The Other Mikaelson

Chapter 6

Hey people! I am back with the final instalment of my The Other Mikaelson story!

I have thoroughly enjoyed writing this fiction. They are characters that I love to write in more depth than they are originally portrayed with the television shows, movies or books.

Anyway, I really hope you have enjoyed this piece of writing and I hope you don't hesitate to leave a review to let me know what you thought. I have already had such positive feedback which I am so immensely grateful for.

So, on with the final chapter.

Christmas – Five Years Later

Five years had gone by as though it was nothing. Family was reunited, relationships were made and battles were fought, but the Mikaelson family had never been closer. That was mostly due to the fact that their family was once again whole, the only person missing was their brother Finn. Although he was gravely missed by his siblings, because of the other side falling five years previous there was no way to bring him back to the world of the living.

Once the Mikaelson siblings had been reunited in Forks, the family fell back into their old ways with each other. They acted like they had once acted, before they had been forced to become monsters by their mother. After the original stories were told and the Mikaelson's reasons for tracking down Bella were explained, the Mikaelson's headed back to New Orleans, the Cullen's in tow.

Once they had returned, they had put all of their time and resources into finding a solution that would make the prophesy hanging over their family's heads moot. They figured out the family part of the prophesy when Rebekah decided that she would be daggered because of the curse she was under. She temporarily fell when she was daggered by Elijah. Then they decided it would be their best course of action to take out each of their enemies one by one. If they didn't have any enemies lurking around New Orleans, their chances of eventual death would decrease drastically. The first vampire they took out was Tristan de Martel. He would have been a particularly easy target to take out, if it wasn't for the fierceness of his sister. They took the opportunity to take down Tristan when Jackson was killed. They had made a deal with Tristan and The Strix to get them down to an abandoned warehouse at the docks, it was there that Tristan de Martel saw his last daylight. The next person they had to take down was Tristan's sister, Aurora. When they caught Tristan, they held the element of surprise when they used Cami's situation to use his own Serratura against him. They soon learned that they had to be smarter when it came to wiping Aurora from the face of the earth as she was much more cunning than her brother ever was.

They had tracked down the remaining weapon on the earth that could kill them with great difficulty. Blood was spilt when the Mikaelson's tried to retrieve the last remaining white oak bullet. They soon came to learn that the weapon had fallen into the hands of the person they wanted to eradicate, Aurora herself. When Aurora has taken Freya; Klaus, Elijah, Bella and Alice had ran to her rescue. Although Aurora hadn't counted on the Mikaelson's having a future-seeing cold one on their side. With the help of Alice, they had been able to anticipate that Aurora planned to kill Elijah. Whilst Klaus and Alice got Freya to safety, Elijah and Bella had confronted Aurora. Their plan failed, and Elijah had ended up with the bullet edging closer to his heart with every breath. Much to Elijah's dismay, Bella, Klaus and Alice has stayed to keep him alive which lead to Aurora's quick escape.

Although the last remaining white oak had been destroyed, the prophesy was still in action. That is how they ended up in Mystic Falls. Elijah had gone with Emmett and Jasper to save Freya and put a stop to Lucien Castle for good. As hard as they fought, Lucien had won the battle and consumed the vial of serum that would turn him into the beast from the prophesy. Although they had managed to bring Freya home safely, the war had officially begun when Lucien drank the serum.


"So now what?" Hayley had asked, walking into the courtyard with Hope on her hip.

Everybody had congregated in the courtyard of the Mikaelson compound to hear their plan of action. The group consisted of the Cullen's, the Mikaelson's, Marcel Gerard, Vincent Griffith, Cami and Davina Claire.

End of flashback.

All of their plans changed when Klaus was taken by Lucien and Aurora. All of their plans went out of the window as they began the plans to retrieve their brother from his temporary prison. Elijah, Carlisle and Freya had gone to lure Lucien out into the open, this was to give Cami, Hayley, Alice and Rosalie the chance to get into Lucien's apartment. They thought it was the best option to take Alice and Rosalie with them as they were cold ones, therefore they didn't need an invitation to get into the apartment, unlike Cami and Hayley. This time, their plans had succeeded and Elijah, Carlisle and Freya had bought enough time for the girls to retrieve Klaus and take down Aurora. Aurora had been in a coffin in the deepest depths of the Mikaelson cellar since.

They were thrown again when Lucien had used Cami to get to them. Her bite had forced everyone to rethink what Lucien could really do. As Cami died and Klaus' heart broke again, it was silent in the compound. Everyone sat in the courtyard, the silence deafening. Everyone took the chance to say goodbye to Cami, each of them either speaking sadly or swearing their vengeance on the person who had done that to her. Even the Cullen's, particularly Rosalie and Esme, had become close to Cami in the weeks that they had been housed in New Orleans.

After that, Freya had set up another warning system. This time the person they were after was Rebekah. Hayley and Klaus had rushed into the Bayou to retrieve Rebekah's daggered body. However, they never made it home when their car was intercepted by none other than Lucien Castle. The Cullen's, Bella, Elijah and Freya had run to their aid with the intention of killing Lucien. A feeling of dread lifted from the group when Klaus ripped Lucien's heart out of his chest. Although the fight was far from over. It didn't take the group long to realise that Marcel held the serum that had been taken from the compound. It took time, and a hell of a lot of patience for Marcel to half the serum back. Eventually, it was Davina's pleas and her love for Kol that persuaded Marcel to hand her the deadly serum.

Elijah had contracted a reluctant Bennett witch in Mystic Falls and asked if she knew of a syphon that could syphon away Rebekah's hex. His request had paid off and within the week Rebekah was undaggered and unhexed.

After the war was won, the Cullen's and Bella had gone back to Washington. Bella had found the goodbyes some of the hardest she had ever said, but she knew she would see her family soon enough, and she was right.

It wasn't six weeks before the Mikaelson's had travelled up to Washington to celebrate Renesmee's birthday. It was a few days after this occasion that Kol and Davina revealed that they were engaged. The night was jovial as the large group drank and shared stories of their past experience. Even though they had spent weeks together fighting the prophesy, there were still many stories to be shared.

After that, the two families continued to visit each other. They would spend Christmases and thanksgiving together, whether it was in Forks or in New Orleans they were happy.

A year later, the Cullen's were in New Orleans for Kol's and Davina's bachelor and bachelorette parties. They spent the week that lead to the nuptials of Kol and Davina. The festivities were in full swing as guests crowded St. Anne's church. It was the venue of their choosing as it was the first place Kol had laid eyes on Davina, bringing dead flowers back to life. The ceremony was beautiful, and the two were ecstatic that Hope and Renesmee were their flower girls. They said their own vows, and Kol acted as his typical self, earning and laugh and an eye roll from Davina. Kol would never change, not even on his wedding day.

The next time they saw each other was the following Christmas. Everyone had gathered at the safe house that was used l to keep Hope safe all of that time ago. They all gathered around a bonfire and burned their wishes for each other, much to Kol's enjoyment and Klaus' annoyance. That was the Christmas Rebekah and Marcel had announced that they were dating. Bella could recall the glare Rebekah had given Klaus when he had muttered 'again' under his breath. It had been almost two years since they had stopped the prophesy from occurring, and not one of them had encountered an issue since. The Mikaelson's were living the way they had always wanted. They had their city back, as well as each other. Bella was happy too, her family had found her after all of that time.

Years passed, and they continued to live and love as they deserved to. It had been five years since their enemies were eradicated and everyone was gathered at the compound for Christmas.

Rebekah and Marcel were happy. They were still going steady, but Rebekah kept on dropping hints for an engagement. This was continuously bought up in conversation by Rebekah's brothers, much to their enjoyment.

Davina and Kol were six months pregnant. She had channeled power from the ancestors and found a spell that would allow a vampire to have a child, in this case Kol. When Davina had announced her discovery, Rebekah's face illuminated and Klaus would swear that he had never seen her happier. It was everything that she had always wanted.

Freya was happy too. She was yet to settle with anyone, but she was happy and content to spend lost time with her family and exploring all that she had missed whilst she was in a magical coma.

Klaus never got over Cami. Although he continued to put on a brace face for him family and his daughter, everyone could see through the façade. Bella was concerned that he would never find love again as it was so rare, but he had centuries to at least try.

Elijah and Hayley were happy as well. They had been together for over five years, and the same look they shared every time they looked at each other was still there. The small glint of love and adoration shone on both of their faces every time they were around each other. Although they had never spoken about taking their relationship further, everyone knew that Elijah was far too noble not to make an honest woman out of Hayley eventually. And even if he didn't, everyone was sure that Hayley would take the lead and demand they they get married in a true Hayley fashion.

Three years after the Cullen's returned to Forks after the war, they had relocated to Alaska to avoid questions they could not answer. Bella was distressed over the move, because of the distance between her and her siblings. But she soon cheered when visits between the Mikaelson's and the Cullen's became more frequent.

The Mikaelson's and the Cullen's all gathered in the festively decorated courtyard of the compound. As soon as Alice had walked into the compound at the beginning of December, she was outraged that there was not a decoration in sight and she had got to work straight away. When Elijah and Klaus walked into their home later that day they were shocked at the winter wonderland that they had walked into. There was a table in the centre of the room, with enough hairs for everyone. A tree in each corner, each of them tall and ornately decorated. Alice had assigned Edward, Emmett, Kol and Davina to decorating trees. The three boys were thoroughly peeved when Davina used magic to perfectly decorate the tree before leaving the room. There was a thin layer of fake show on the ground, and reaves of holly hanging on every wall and stair railing in sight. It was amazing what Alice had managed to do in the six hours since she had arrived that morning. In the kitchen, there were several compelled chefs and bakers preparing food for the Christmas party that was being held at the compound that evening.

Everyone was dressed in their finery and there was Christmas music playing in the background when the private party started. There were waiters and waitresses walking around with trays, offering alcoholic beverages to the attendees. The attendees consisted of the Mikaelson's, the Cullen's, and a few other close friends including Marcel and Josh.

Klaus stood at the end of the table in his suit, his champagne glass in his hand and a small knife in the other. He tapped the glass three times and smiled when he gained everyone's attention immediately.

"Five years ago, we got our vengeance and we got our happiness. We have lost many, but we have gained others." Klaus raised his glass in the direction of the Cullen's and Bella. He then raised his glass to the sky, and everyone followed suit, knowing he was wishing for Cami.

"Now then," Klaus turned back to the large group in front of him, each of them holding a glass of some beverage or another, "a toast to this family, may we always remain together."

Everyone cheered and clinked their glasses together, all of them sharing in the moment of happiness. Bella smiled, knowing that each of the feeling of happiness would remain the same for years to come, as long as she had her family.

And that is it! The end of The Other Mikaelson. I might do a small continuation, like I did for my The Vampire Diaries story Eternal. Let me know whether you'd want me to in the reviews, and any scenarios that you may want to see.

Please remember to let me know what you thought, I love hearing your opinions.

I shall be seeing you soon enough with another Originals story. I already have another in the works.

Farewell for now,
