Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose and put the book down. After many meetings, phone calls and emails back and forth with Naruto, the manuscript hardly resembled its first draft anymore - in writing, at least. Kakashi had done his best to protect the essence of Naruto's story. Much to his surprise, Naruto had been receptive to his every suggestion and let Kakashi work as he pleased, even when he decided to change details to fit the narrative he knew. Now, flipping through the pages, Kakashi had no more suggestions. He would go through it another time, but this was the final draft.

Umeko wrapped her arms around him, bending down to press her cheek to his temple. "Are you done?"

Kakashi nodded. It had taken months, but he was. It was over.

Smiling, Umeko read the first page again. "It sounds so much like the story you told me about, that other life you lived. That's where you got it from, I bet."

Kakashi chuckled. Indeed, the book was familiar, so familiar he wondered if his old life hadn't been dreamed up by Naruto. So much of it was laid before his eyes, etched in ink for him to read like a fantasy, from the beginning of his team, to their fissure and reunion. Details were different - chakra wasn't chakra - but the basis was there.

"Or maybe I gave him the idea," Kakashi said, flicking Umeko's nose.

Umeko grumbled and stood straighter, pressing her growing belly against his back.

"Your ideas suck," Umeko scoffed.

Kakashi laughed. While she had been happy about his conviction that the baby would be a girl, she hadn't been so enthused by his choice of the name Sarada. This was how he knew Sasuke had named their daughter and not Sakura.

"You like all the stories I tell you."

Umeko hummed. "Yeah, but now I know you stole them."

"I did not."

"If you say so."

Umeko hid behind her hand again. Kakashi stood up and pulled her hand away to kiss her. "Can you watch the shop tomorrow?"

"I have a job too, you know," Umeko said.

"Right. I'll just take an impromptu vacation then."

Umeko followed him through the apartment as Kakashi stretched the kinks out of his back. He was rather impatient for the new desk chair he'd ordered. Working on books in the shop would be much more comfortable once he received it.

"What are you going to do?"

"I have people I want to visit," Kakashi said. "I might be late."

"You're always late."

Kakashi glanced at the clock. "Almost always."

Umeko huffed, but didn't protest when he kissed her goodbye. As usual, he was on time to meet with Minato.

Sparring with Minato had become the last thread tying him to his old life. When they fought, Kakashi could taste the same fire that always used to light his veins. Here or there, the taste was the same, almost like blood. He missed it, missed it like he missed chakra and the feel of lightning in his hands.

Kakashi pinned Minato to the ground, twisting one arm behind his back and pressing a hand to his neck. When Minato didn't fight back, Kakashi let go and Minato got back to his feet.

"That was great," Minato said, shrugging his shoulder. "You did good today."

Kakashi nodded. As the months went by, Kakashi began recognizing his body in the mirror - and in battle. Thursdays hadn't been bloody for a time already.

Minato stared Kakashi in the eye and Kakashi waited for him to speak.

"You're on the right path. I can see it," Minato said. "I'm proud of you, Kakashi."

Kakashi bowed, closing his eyes to hide the shimmer in them. "Thank you, Minato-sensei."

Minato put a hand on his shoulder and Kakashi stood straight. "I've waited a long time for this day. Your father would be proud, too."

"I hope he is a proud father," Kakashi said, then paused. "And a proud grandfather, too."

Minato smirked and cocked his head to the side. "Did I hear that right, Kakashi?"

Kakashi nodded.

"I see I wasn't wrong about anchors," Minato laughed. "That is good."

Kakashi scratched the back of his head. Naturally, the pregnancy hadn't been planned - but what had he ever planned in his life? Whatever he did plan always turned out horribly. He could rely on chance and destiny every now and then. It had served him better than he could.

"Kakashi," Minato said. Kakashi broke out his thoughts to look back up to Minato. "You should meet your mother. She should hear the news from you."

Kakashi nodded. "I will tell her. Soon."


"There a few things I need to take care of first," Kakashi said, "but I will meet with her soon."

Minato pulled Kakashi into his arms and Kakashi returned the embrace, hanging on tight. He was terrified of everything, but he didn't mind. It was a battle he was ready to face like any other. One step at a time.

Waiting in the hospital, box in hand, Kakashi sighed. He had never liked hospital. The antiseptic smell had never been kind to his nose. Here, though, it didn't bother him so much. He hardly smelled it. It had taken him a while, but he had found Tsunade's secretary, and after much convincing her that he would die within hours if he did not meet with her, was told to wait in the chair he sat in.

"You're definitely not dying."

Kakashi looked up to find Tsunade behind him. "I assure you I am."

Scoffing, Tsunade led him into her office. "You better have a good reason to meet me here. I'm working - "

Kakashi put the box down on Tsunade's desk and the flaps bumped open.

Tsunade frowned. "Are you crazy? Bringing this here, are you mad?"

Kakashi shrugged. "A gift from your favorite patient. I'm sure everyone will believe it. But it's not like they'll see any of this."

Tsunade shoved the box under the desk. "What is this?"

Kakashi smiled. "I figured you could make a pretty penny out of it. Can't you?"

"That's not my question, Kakashi."

"You know what this is," Kakashi said, crossing his arms. "I'm done. It's over."

Tsunade stood and began inspecting him. Before long, he was near naked on an examination table. He should have fought back, he realized - neither Tsunade nor Sakura could overpower him after all, but old habits died hard. Tsunade poked and probed at him in the exact way Sakura always had. Like teacher like pupil.

"Everything looks good."

Kakashi put his clothes back on while Tsunade asked him question after question. He mentioned the symptoms he'd had during alcohol withdrawal and she hit him over the head again. He probably deserved it.

"Your poor mother's heart couldn't take losing her boy," Tsunade chastised. "You've always been a brat. You never learn."

"I'm trying."

Tsunade paused. "You are."

After a long sigh, Tsunade hugged him where he sat. Her massive breasts pressed against the side of his head and his shoulder. Thoroughly uncomfortable, Kakashi patted her shoulder until she finally let go.

Laughing, Tsunade sat in her chair. "You've always hated my hugs."

"I wonder why."

"What's that?"

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Can I have that plant?"

Tsunade turned to look at the large potted plant Kakashi pointed at. "That thing? Why?"

"Payment for my gift."

"It's not a gift if I have to pay for it," Tsunade chuckled.

"Call it an exchange of gifts, then."

Tsunade shrugged and agreed, so Kakashi left with the plant. He carried it in the subway, hidden behind its leaves until he arrived at Yamato's apartment. Kakashi wished he could see Yamato's face when he opened the door, but alas he couldn't.

"Kakashi," Yamato said, "what are you doing?"

Kakashi handed him the plant. "It's for you. The other died so I thought you could use a replacement."

Yamato took the plant, shifting awkwardly as he tried to balance it in his hands. "Um. Thank you. I think."

"You're very welcome."

"Do you want to come inside?"

"Actually, no," Kakashi said. "You're coming outside with me."


"Just follow me."

Kakashi shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away. Yamato put the plant down and locked his door in a hurry.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

"You're really not telling me?"

Kakashi chuckled. "Can't I surprise my little brother every now and then?"

Yamato smiled, scratching the back of his head. "Sure, but I don't remember the last time you have."

"There's a first time for everything, don't you think?"

"I suppose."

"Don't be so gloomy," Kakashi teased, squeezing Yamato's shoulder. "You'll love it, you'll see."

Yamato, of course, did not love it when Kakashi sat him down at the bar and presented him to the bartender who had offered him peanuts and alcohol on one dark night.

"Kobayashi," Emi laughed. "You've brought company."

"This is Yamato. He needs help finding company."

"What?" Yamato sputtered, turning back to Kakashi. "This is not - "

"Don't worry, sweetheart," Emi said, leaning over the counter to expose her generous cleavage. "You're not my first."

Yamato stared at her, frozen with his mouth half open. Kakashi sat, laughing, and clapped Yamato on the back.

"The usual?" Emi asked.

Kakashi nodded.

Emi poured sparkling water for Kakashi and a beer for Yamato. "So what's your name, handsome?"

Yamato shifted in his seat and cleared his throat. "Yamato."

"You didn't tell me you had such pretty friends." Emi tried to flick Kakashi's nose, but he batted her hand away. "You should have."

"I thought you liked surprises," Kakashi chuckled.

Emi hummed. "I do. That's true."

Yamato sipped his beer, avoiding them both. Kakashi smirked behind his glass. Flirty and feisty as Emi was, Yamato would be no match. Not when he teamed up with her to torment his little kohai.

Kakashi leaned in to whisper in Emi's ear. "He's a bit shy that one. Have fun."

"I will, I will," Emi laughed.

Yamato stared at them, already suspecting what kind of evening he'd be subjected to.

But by the end of said evening, Yamato was laughing. He was a bit tipsy and every drink loosened his tongue further. It hadn't been long before Kakashi leaned back in his chair and melted in the background. Emi was all ears for Yamato's stories - as she always was, as it was her job - and Yamato doled them out freely. Emi had never been this quiet with him. Of course, he never spoke freely like Yamato did, and always fled from her frisky hands. Yamato seemed to enjoy those hands, though.

"Look at you," Emi huffed, turning to Kakashi. "All quiet and silent while we're having fun here. What's up with that?"

Kakashi shrugged. "I came for the peanuts and the entertainment."

"You'll run this place out of business with all the peanuts you eat," Emi scoffed. She leaned on the counter, exposing her cleavage for him. "You'd think there would be other things to catch your attention."

Kakashi patted her on the head. "Oh, there are. Don't worry about that."

Yamato cleared his throat.

"What is it, honey?" Emi asked, turning to Yamato. "Dry throat? Need another drink?"

Kakashi laughed. "Aren't you sweet, hm, Emi?"

"Of course I am." Emi pursed her lips, still looking at Yamato. "But he isn't. Don't you think, sweetheart?"

Yamato chuckled. "He's special."

"That he is," Emi laughed.

Kakashi put his glass down on the counter and decided it was time to leave. Yamato protested, but together with Emi, convincing him to stay wasn't so hard. On his way out, he mouthed a thank you to Emi.

She flashed him a big smile and waved him goodbye. "I'll see you soon, beautiful."


Sakura hadn't been lying when she'd said his business had been successful. Following a secretary through the halls of the company he'd once co-owned, Kakashi chuckled to himself. It was no surprise he hadn't been a good fit here - all the men wore suits and the women fancy dresses. He was still wearing sweatpants and he liked them very much, thank you. The secretary stopped in front of a door and motioned for him to go inside.

"Hey, you came," Obito said.

Kakashi lifted his hand in greeting. "I did."

Kakashi sat across from his Obito. Papers were scattered all over his large desk and a few sported coffee stains. Kakashi smiled.

"So you're done with it?"

Kakashi nodded. "I am."

Kakashi handed the manuscript back to Obito. He had only met with him a few times since they'd last had dinner together with Rin, but Obito smiled all the same, as if nothing had happened, ever cheerful.

Obito began reading, reclining in his chair. "Do you think it's good enough?"

"I do."

While Obito read, Kakashi let his eyes wander through the office. The entire wall facing Obito's back was made of a window and gave view on the city center below them. With no buildings neighboring it, it was rather private. Thumbing the edge of Obito's desk, Kakashi smiled. It was much nicer than the one he used in the bookshop. Of course, the entire building was nicer than his bookshop. It was odd to think this all could have been his - that he could have worked here instead of the bookshop.

Kakashi reclined in his cushy chair, crossing one leg over his knee. He already missed the musty smell of his shop. It smelled of the past and old memories, everything he ever cherished.

"Your style has changed a bit," Obito said.

"Has it?"

Obito nodded. "But it's good."

While Obito read more, Kakashi messed around on his phone. It was no Icha Icha, but it filled the time just as well. There were plenty of smutty books to read on the internet, he'd found out. And for free, too. Heaven for a cheapskate such as himself. When the clock finally showed ten, Kakashi smirked and sent a text to Yamato.

Had fun?

Yamato replied almost immediately. I don't think I've ever been so hungover.

Emi's always been a good saleswoman. Did she find you some company like I asked?

This time, Yamato took a while to answer. She did. We have a date on Sunday, apparently. Emi marked it on my calendar. With a bunch of hearts.

Kakashi smiled. Good. He knew he could count on her.

Good luck.

"Reading something funny?"

Kakashi looked up at Obito. "It's nothing."

Obito chuckled, smiling, eyes still down in the manuscript. "Are you causing trouble for your brother again?"

"I would never do such a thing."

Obito snorted. "Right, right. You're an angel."

"I am. Thank you."

Obito put the manuscript down. "I think it looks promising. We'll publish it."

Kakashi lifted an eyebrow. "You didn't even read half of it."

"I trust you." Obito shrugged. "If you say it's good, I'm sure it is. You always had a sixth sense for these things."

"Naruto will be glad to hear it, then."

Obito toyed with a pen, staring down at it. "So… Does this mean you want to work here again?"

Kakashi stared out of the window for a moment. "Maybe. I could take a project back to my shop every now and then."

Chuckling, Obito looked back up at Kakashi. "You don't want an office here? It'd be done easy."

Kakashi shrugged. "Hm. I like my shop."

"Alright, then," Obito said. "I've already got another one for you."

Kakashi chuckled. "How did you know I'd want it?"

"Because you love this job, you always did." Obito smiled wide, mischievous. "I knew you couldn't let it go once you started again."

Kakashi hummed. Obito retrieved a piece of paper from his desk and handed it to him. A check - and a check for a surprisingly large amount.

"What is this?"

"It's what I owe you for the work on the book."

Kakashi nodded. For the six months he'd worked, he certainly couldn't complain. Money couldn't hurt right now. Umeko had been looking for a bigger apartment since she found out about the pregnancy, but little fit in her price range - much less Kakashi's. The shop didn't bring in much without his box. Maybe he could buy a house.

"Is it enough? I put you in the highest pay grade - "

"It's enough," Kakashi said.

Obito paused. "I talked to Rin when I heard you were done with the book. She wants to celebrate."

"Celebrate the book?"

"Yes," Obito said, "amongst other things. Will you be free this Sunday? Mari will be there too."

Kakashi nodded. "I'll be there."

"Good, good." Obito smiled, already impatient. He looked down at his hands. "Kakashi… I'm so glad to have you back."

"So am I."

For a while longer, Kakashi sat together with Obito. They talked of Mari, Rin, books, anything that crossed their mind. Kakashi never mentioned Umeko or the pregnancy. Only Minato knew. Every day, he promised to tell Yamato, at least, but he never did. If he continued at this rate, it wouldn't be done before the birth.

Before Kakashi left, he stood in the entrance hall for a moment longer. If only for a second, he saw the Hokage tower around him. That, too, he had left behind without much regret in favor of his tiny, comfortable apartment.

That night, Kakashi lied in bed with Umeko to his side, reading to her what he hadn't already of Naruto's book. She looked up at him, smile on her face, breathing quietly. Her round belly pressed into his side in ways it hadn't before, but he didn't mind it. Discomfort only came when he remembered Sakura and the pregnancy he'd barely seen her go through. It was hard enough on Umeko; he couldn't begin to imagine how Sakura had handled being on the road with Sasuke right up to labor. Umeko would never receive such disregard for her well-being and that of her child from him. Never. Earlier, he'd given her the check he'd received from Obito. Her eyes had nearly bulged out at the sight of the amount and she congratulated him, handing him back to check, but he didn't take it. He'd told her to keep it and, no matter how much she insisted she couldn't, told her to use it for her and the baby. She had fallen silent then, but smiled. It was enough for him.

"It was such a nice story," Umeko breathed against his shoulder. "I really liked it."

Kakashi nodded. "It was a good story."

For a time, they stared into each other's eyes. In them, Kakashi saw all he had seen in Sakura's eyes for Sasuke but had faded from them with time. The love in Umeko's eyes right then might die one day, too, but Kakashi wouldn't let it happen without a fight. She deserved better. He wanted better.

Umeko hid her smile behind her knuckles.

Kakashi chuckled. "Why did you always hide like that?"

Umeko shrugged, averting her eyes.

"Tell me," Kakashi whispered into her ear, tightening his arm around her shoulders. "I want to know."

"I just…" She sighed. "I just wish things were different."


She turned her face into the mattress. "You know how."

Kakashi hummed. Of course. It went unsaid between them, how they were only in each other's arms because of Sasuke's death and their personal bond to him, but they could never forget. It would always be there.

"You're happy," Kakashi said. "It's how it should be."

Umeko chuckled. "Right. I bet you'd just say 'Oh, that's true. Everything is alright then,' if I told you that."

Kakashi kissed her temple. "It's so not so bad to trust the good things other people say sometimes."

He'd learned that lesson the hard way.

Umeko sighed, pulling away. Tears welled up in her eyes. She sat up, wiping them away. Kakashi sat up with her, hand on her thigh.

"Are you happy?" he asked.

Umeko pressed her palms to her eyes. "Don't ask me that."

"Why not?"

"Because I can't answer."

Kakashi pulled her closer to him and she began trembling. "Tell me."


"Then tell me why you can't."

Umeko choked out a sob against his shoulder. "Because I said it, I wish things were different. I wish I could say what I think and feel without guilt just… eating me up."

"Stop it," Kakashi said, tilting her head so he could look at her. "Just stop. It's useless - trust me. So just tell me."

Umeko hesitated, sniffing. "I should be happy. All these good things are happening, but I can't do it. I always feel like I'm betraying him - "

"You're not," Kakashi cut in. "He's dead." Umeko winced and tried to pull away, but Kakashi held her. "He's never going to be with you again and there's nothing you can do about it. All you can do is keep living - for you."

Umeko swallowed, tears streaking down her cheeks.

"Are you unhappy? Is that the truth?"

Umeko stared at the bed between them. "No," she whispered. "It's not. But that's why I've been hating myself since I met you. Because you make me feel good, so much better than - "

Sentence unfinished, Umeko looked away, refusing to look at him.

"Better than what?" Kakashi asked, shifting on the bed to face her.

Umeko sucked in a deep breath. "Better than him."

Kakashi said nothing. He breathed through his nose. Perhaps for his own sake, he'd always imagined Sakura was living an idyllic marriage, against all evidence of the contrary. She loved Sasuke with all her heart, didn't she? She couldn't be unhappy, then.

"Do you want to know why I cried that time?" Umeko said, timid. "When we were having sex."

Kakashi nodded.

"I never even had an orgasm before you," she said. "Not with someone else - not that I slept with anyone else - but I just… it never happened."

Kakashi didn't know what to say. He'd never really had to try hard with her - nor with Sakura, not that he liked to think about that - but he figured it must come from Kobayashi's habits. Maybe it hadn't.

"And that doesn't even really matter," Umeko continued. "But it's just - it's a symptom - was a symptom - of something bigger. He never really cared for what I wanted. The life we'd planned - it was always all about what he would do. And I convinced myself that's what I wanted, too."

So had Sakura, but Kakashi knew the truth.

"And I hate myself because I never feel this way with you. Because… even though you're a prick in your own ways, I know deep down how much you care for me." She wrapped her arms around her growing stomach. "That you'll be there for me. No matter what. And..."

Kakashi slipped his fingers between hers, massaging her palm with his thumb. Everything she had said was true, but it wasn't what unsettled his stomach - it was realizing how real it all was. For months now, he'd been with her, laughed with her, slept with her, lived with her. He wanted it. And he'd wanted it like any other being since the beginning of the world wanted it, because how could he not? She was warm and smiled for him. It was all he could possibly ask for. That he would protect such a gift with all he had went without saying. He wished Sakura could know this was how it supposed to be - both ways. He could never blame her, though; if anything, he was the one to be forever late.

Umeko closed her fingers around his hands and sighed. "And I feel that way, too. I like it. I don't want it to change."

Kakashi looked up at her.

"Kakashi," Umeko whispered. "I love you… I do. I really do. I love you."

Kakashi shut his eyes. He breathed through his nose and the world felt like it spun around him. In the darkness that swallowed him, he could think without distraction. He really was late. It had taken him forty-one years to hear these words. Sakura had first said them when she was, what? Twelve? Naruto had taken longer, but even he was a loving husband. They loved and were happy for it.

Kakashi, though, had yet to say it.

Kakashi opened his eyes and the darkness around him faded gradually. Umeko was no longer in front of him. Frowning, Kakashi stared at the ceiling above him. He was laying down - and he recognized the white panels of that ceiling, blurry as they were. He'd spent so much time in the hospital he couldn't possibly not recognize them. There were sounds around him, but Kakashi felt deaf to them. I love you. He had wanted to say it, but he was too late.

Sakura's face, complete with her green diamond, hovered above him and came into focus. Tears welled up in her eyes. I love you.

"Kakashi," Sakura whispered. "Kakashi. You came back, you came back to us, at last."


And this is it, guys! This is the end of Vagabond. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I'm very curious what everyone thinks about the ending. I won't be surprised to hear many people think it is abrupt, but that was the feeling I was going for. Vagabond was meant to be a short and sweet story which heavily focused on one part of Kakashi's life, and that part has now come to an end. What he will do from now on is an entirely different subject that Vagabond will not be exploring, but I think people can see where it will go rather clearly. I hope so, at least.

Thanks for sticking with me through this!