"Engaged isn't married, people get engaged all the time. After you're married, we'll deal with it then." Anna's voice sounds in my head over and over as I drive back home. "What like I'm some big inconvenience? All I want is to meet the girl properly, not be her mother!" I think to myself as I drive past Luke's closed diner. "Heck the whole town, including my daughter has met her, yet I'm not allowed near her. Luke has made it clear that I'm not to enter the diner while she's there, yet when he stays over all he talks about is April; it's just starting to get on my nerves." I ramble on and on to myself as I drive up to the crap shack. As I park behind Luke's green pick-up I mentally prepare myself to see Luke after the disaster of a conversation with Anna. Only as I unlock the door and walk in, Luke is standing there with his arms crossed waiting for me not looking happy either.

"What the hell did you say to Anna?" Luke asks while I set my purse and keys on the end-table by the door, hang up my coat and kick of my heals. "I just went over there to talk to her about the birthday party, to assure her she has nothing to worry about when it comes to me." I say as we head up to the bedroom so I can get ready for bed. "Hey it's Monday, you have early deliveries in the morning what are you doing here; you usually stay at the diner for deliveries?" I ask confused as I grab the blue flannel shirt I swiped from him and walk over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Don't change the subject! Whatever you said to Anna tonight really pissed her of because now she's not letting me see April for two months." Luke snapped. "I have waited and I have stayed away, and I let you run this thing, and no more. I asked you to marry me, and you said yes." I said getting frustrated. "Let me think here." Luke said shocked. "We, we fixed up the house right? We have a bigger closet, and I didn't get the purple wallpaper because you didn't want the purple wallpaper. And if it's between the purple wallpaper and you, I pick you! I pick you. Do you care about me?" I ask starting to cry. "Yes!" Was Luke's firm answer only I was starting to finally get things out in the open that I had felt for months.

"Because I'm going crazy here. I made a commitment to you, and I need to make it happen." I cry as I hold back the tears with everything in me. "It will. It will happen, okay? I just have April to consider." Luke stated grabbing hold of my hands to try and calm me down. "But once we're married everything with April will be fine. Anna said so." I state pulling my hands back. "Anna said so? What does that mean?" Luke asked confused. "When I talked to Anna." I stated as I started to pace. "You weren't supposed to talk to Anna." Luke snapped. "For months now, I've been skulking around not saying anything, not having an opinion on anything like I'm Clarence Thomas or something and I, I-I-I'm done with that. I-I've been waiting for a long time and I don't want to wait anymore!" I cry as I stare into his eye's. "I have to think this through." Is all he says as he stands there staring back at me with his arms crossed. "No!" I shout. "I have April." Luke reminds me. "You're gonna have to figure out how April fits into our lives, not the other way around." I argue. "I'm trying." Luke pleads. "Well, try marring!" I shout again. "Just wait!" Luke yells. "No, I'm not waiting. It's now or never!" I yell back as tears burn my eye's. "I don't like ultimatums!" Luke yells again. "I don't like Monday's but unfortunately they come around eventually." I point out. "I can't just jump like this." Luke argues as he walks out the door and down the stairs while I follow. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that." I yell at his back as he puts his shoes and coat on, then walks out the front door while I start crying.

At first I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that the best relationship I've ever had was now over, the wedding I had planed was canceled, and Luke had left. Then when the tears started I just sank down onto the stairs wrapping my arms around my legs barried my face in my lap and sobbed until I couldn't breath again, until the walls felt like they were closing in on me. Wiping my tears away, I put my heals back on grabbed my purse and jacket before I left to the only place I could think of. The whole drive there I kept my mind on the road so I wouldn't start crying yet again, but as I made the final turn and parked in the driveway of my parents home the tears came and didn't stop. As I walked up to the door that for so many Friday nights separated me from the life I left, my hand started shaking as I forced myself to knock on the thick oak door.

"Honestly who on earth could be knocking at the door at this hour?!" I could hear my mother yell seconds before she yanked the door open. "Hi mom." I squeak out as I try to wipe the tears away again. "Lorelai what's wrong? Is it Rory!?" Mom asks starting to panic. "Rory's fine mom. I-It's me. Luke and I broke up, and he left." I say wrapping my arms around my waist as the tears continue to fall. "What did you do this time?" Mom accuses me as she looks down her nose at me. "I finally told him everything, and I gave him a choice; marring me and being a family or we're done. He just walked away, so I guess I got my answer." I sniffle while shifting from foot to foot. "Come in it's late and I don't like talking in the doorway." Mom says with a look of what could be sympathy in her eyes as she wraps her arm around my shoulders and escorts me into the den.