Hello, beforehand I'd like to make y'all know that this is my first story, also, English is not my mother language, thus if there is any mistake in the grammar ambit y apologize. I expect this story to be 5 chapters (maybe more). I'd appreciate constructive reviews and favs.

I do not own Little Witch Academia. (Is there really any need to say that?)

That's all, please enjoy.

I must make you know I am a very busy person, always finding myself with loads of things to take care of. Hence I cannot accept any step back in my activities. But knowing that the very first stone in the road one had to face was the most difficult to deal with due to lack of experience, I find myself in a rather troublesome position at the moment. Something is constantly distracting me from my tasks, rather someone. Atsuko Kagari is a student in the same school I attend to, she has always been a rather clumsy, distracted and, the truth be told, annoying person in some cases. But the particularities in her personality and behavior did not prevent me from developing a particular interest in her. But the matter that perturbs me is not whether I have or not have affections toward her, but how much. I am not a child, thus I am perfectly aware of what is it to be in love, but I have never experienced it before so it is difficult for me to distinguish what I am undergoing from a full sentimental affection. Once I have found out which is my situation I will have to figure out what to do, but for the time being I will have to turn all my attention to the root of my distractions.

The things that I do know from reading universal literature and overhearing Hannah and Barbara talking about their romantic lives or at least I think that is what it is, is that concerning the person you are supposed to love, the common behavior is to constantly find yourself thinking in them, having the feeling that you would do anything for them, pulse and sweating increasing in their presence, and of course sexual desire (which I think is not mandatory but might as well confirm).



-Akko, turn it off…

-I know, I know, dragon Sucy must not be awaken!

Geez I really hate waking up early, it'd be nice if classes started one or two hours later, but well, if Chariot had to bear all this I ain't gonna complain!

-Lotte, know where my boots are? - I said to Lotte.

-Hmm? No, remember where did you put them last night? - Lotte answered.

-Not at all…Ah actually I do heh – I said, under Sucy's bed I think?

-Sucy wake up! We're going to be late – said Lotte.

-Ughh fine… -said Sucy -Hmm? Akko… What are you doing under my bed?

Cough –Looking for my boots, it's all dusty and cramped here, what do you keep here? –Ah I think I see them.

-Mostly potions, be careful, I'd love to test some of them on you but there are pretty dangerous ones down there –said Sucy whit an evil grin and rubbing her eyes.

-Kay, found them! Hey Sucy, do you have any potion to prevent me from falling asleep in class? Y'know, like a focus potion or something like that –I said, I'll kiss her feet if she actually have one.

-Hmm? ...oh! Actually I do! –said Sucy, then began to rustle in the boxes down her bed.

-Wow! Really? –I said, well, I think kissing her feet would be too much.

-Guys hurry up! We're seriously gonna be late –said Lotte.

-Here it is! –Said Sucy –I only have this one so be sure to use it at the right timing, and alone cuz I've never tested it before so it could go wr-

-Yeah, yeah, whatever, it's not the first time I test one of your potions Sucy. Whit this, I'm one step closer to be like Chariot! Ohh! –I said taking the potion from Sucy's hands and putting it into my pocket –Let's go!

-… Well whatever –said Sucy.

-Okay let's go –said Lotte relieved.

So yeah, actually I tried my best to imitate the polite speech of Diana, but I'm not really used to it so sometimes it could be ooc or just weird, I dunno. Next episodes should be longer, I'll leave it here cause it's 2 in the morning already, not like I'm actually sleepy *cries*.

Thanks for reading