A/N: I was channel-surfing the other day and came across 'Are you the one?' and then got this idea.

Disclaimer: I don't own 'Are you the one?' or Victorious.

Jade West still didn't know why she agreed to come here. Cat had insisted that it would be so much fun and that they were destined to find their perfect matches in this show. Not willing to let her best friend take part in such a show alone and after a lot of begging from Cat, Jade had reluctantly agreed . However she still thought that this was a stupid idea, as if some weird scientists could find a guy that was perfect for her. Perfect was a concept that was overrated anyway and the only thing that would hopefully come out of this was a lot of money she could use to finally direct her own play in a small theater.

Beck Oliver stood next to his best friend waiting for the show to start. Andre had told him about this a few weeks ago and at first Beck hadn't been all that interested in it. However even if he hardly admitted it Beck was a romantic at heart and maybe this was his chance to finally find someone who was truly the girl he could love forever. The money they could possible win was of course a great chance as well, but mostly Beck really hoped that he would find his perfect match. Nervously running a hand through his hair he followed Andre and the other guys outside to finally meet the host of the show and the female cast members.

When the doors opened and the guys entered the beautiful garden for the first time Jade almost rolled her eyes. She still couldn't believe that she was really going to participate in this show. Cat, the reason for her even being here right now, bounced excitedly up and down next to her at the sight of the guys. Jade scanned the guys with a critical eye and knew they were doing the same to her. There were the guys that definitely spent too much time in the gym, the awkward kind, the musician, the bad boy and finally what she could only describe as a pretty boy. The last one, despite probably being the pretty boy kind that would surely end up dating someone like the girl with the cheekbones that stood a couple of feet away from her, caught her attention. There was no doubt that he was good looking with his dark fluffy hair and tanned skin, but what really made her consider him were his eyes. It took Jade a moment to see that the guy was looking right back at her with a warm expression in his eyes and charming smile. Jade quickly shook her head and looked away, this show was still stupid and she wasn't going to put her heart on the line.

The moment Beck entered the garden with the rest of the guys the sun momentary blinded him and it took him a few seconds to adjust to the light. However when his eyes adjusted he looked at the girls in front of him. There was a good looking brunette with great cheekbones and a girl with blond hair that was already smiling brightly at him. Looking further he saw a redhead that looked happy to be here, but the girl standing next to her took his breath away. She had long black hair with highlights, pale skin and the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. It seemed that she noticed him staring because a second later their eyes met and Beck found himself intrigued. The deep blue was so full of emotions, but it still seemed like there was so much more that she was locking away deep in her heart. Their eyes only met for a few seconds before she broke the eye contact and Beck felt like he had been in a trance. This girl fascinated him and all he wanted to do now was get to know her better. Their host explained the rules for the show to them but Beck only listened halfhearted, his focus only on the beautiful girl who didn't even give him a second glance.

While Cat was listening carefully with wide excited eyes Jade only rolled her eyes at their host's words. At least he confirmed what Cat had told her about winning one million dollars. All this was already annoying her and she asked herself once again how anyone could seriously think some scientists were able to find someone for her. Sure some of the guys were good looking, she could admit that, but as if any of them could be a perfect match for her. Thinking about the guys she couldn't help but think back a few minutes ago when her eyes met the ones of the pretty boy. If she was honest to herself there had been something in his eyes that pulled her in. Shaking her head Jade focused back on the host who was about to leave. There was no way she would find someone here that would match her and pretty boy wouldn't be an exception. However when they all entered the house, most already going for the alcohol to party it up, she cursed herself for being disappointed when she saw a slutty looking blonde and two other girls throwing themselves at the pretty boy. Trying to get rid of the strange feeling in her heart Jade rolled her eyes and focused on Cat who pulled her over to a guy wearing glasses.

After the girls, whose names he couldn't even remember if he tried, finally left him alone Beck looked around for the girl that really interested him. While he had caught a glimpse of her talking to the redhead and a guy with glasses he had lost track of her when the girls began dragging him away. All he knew was that he had to find her and get to know her. It sounded strange but there was definitely something between them during their eye contact and Beck wanted to know more about her. After searching the whole room for her he finally found her standing by the side, looking more than annoyed. That was his chance to finally talk to her and he wanted to make it count.

"Hey, I'm Beck." He smiled charmingly at her when he reached her.

"And I'm not interested."

"But you're here."

"I'm only here for the money and to look after my best friend." She nodded in the direction of the redhead who was talking to a guy with dark hair. "She trusts guys way too easy and someone has to stop her from putting her heart on the line."

"So you're not willing to do that?" When she looked confused at him, he continued. "I mean you don't want to find love here?"

"As if some idiotic scientists know who would be my perfect match." She made sure to make air quotes around the words 'perfect match'.

"Well if you aren't interested in dating someone at least consider getting along with me?" He smiled, not at all willing to give up so fast.

"Seeing that Cat is busy and you seem to be the only one currently not drunk or a jerk it doesn't look like I have a choice." Despite her harsh words she smiled slightly. "I'm Jade."

"And I'm interested." He smirked, remembering what she had said when he had introduced himself.

"Don't ruin it pretty boy." But she mirrored his expression.

Despite that Jade didn't really had the intention to even talk to someone here except for Cat she found herself sitting with Beck in a corner away from the dancing people deep in conversation. In between he asked her if she wanted to go outside where it was quieter, but she always refused, still keeping an eye out for her best friend who was looking really happy with that awkward guy. What was his name again? Robert, Ronnie, Robbie? Jade shook her head, whatever his name was he better only have good intentions with Cat. Focusing back on the guy in front of her she couldn't help but listen to him about his dream to become an actor. Ever if she was reluctant to admit it, they seemed to share their love for art and he seemed to be a decent guy. It wasn't like she was falling for him or anything because this was still a show and he could be lying for all she knew.

Little did Jade know that Beck was completely and honestly interested in her. From the first time he had seen her and their eyes had met he had known that there could be something between them. Jade was not only unbelievably beautiful but she had character. She wasn't afraid to be harsh and told him her opinions straight out without trying to please him with her answers. That she loved art made Beck even more sure that she could possible be his perfect match. However judging by what he knew so far about her, telling her that would only result in her pulling away from him immediately, so for now Beck hoped that she would give him a chance if she got to know him better.

When it was time to end the day Jade only rolled her eyes when she saw the huge bed they all should share. Sighing she chose a spot on the side for her and Cat. While her best friend lay down in the far corner there was one more spot free next to her and it was just her luck when an obviously drunken guy came over to her.

"Hey gorgeous, you're one lucky chick because I will sleep next to you tonight."

"No you're not." Jade was close to pulling out her scissors.

"And who is going to stop me?"

"That would be me." Two pairs of eyes turned to the new voice and Jade looked more than surprised when he continued. "That's my bed and I'm sure you don't want to provoke a fight and get kicked out of the show."

The drunken guy didn't seem in the mood or able in his state to fight and with a few curses went away. When he was gone Jade turned to the other guy angrily.

"I had it under control you know. I don't need someone playing knight in shining armor or some crap like that."

"I know but I need a bed and this one seems to have beautiful surroundings."

"You're an idiot." Despite her words Jade gave Beck a small smile and didn't protest when he lay down next to her.

When Beck woke up the next morning a few others were already up and complaining about their hangovers. It seemed except for Jade and him pretty much everyone had partied it up last night, but Beck found himself not regretting spending all his time with Jade. After they talked for hours he felt closer to her and she fascinated him even more than when he first saw her. She had strong opinions and of course he noticed that she was very beautiful. Looking next to him he saw that she was still asleep despite the others making so much noise. The redhead that just woke up a few minutes ago saw his confused look.

"Jadey is a heavy sleeper. One time my brother had a band and they rehearsed in the room next to mine while she stayed over and she still slept through it all." She happily told him. "Oh I'm Cat, you know like the animal."

"Nice to meet you Cat. I'm Beck. Are you and Jade friends?" He asked interested. When he had seen them together yesterday he assumed that they knew each other already before the show, but he would love to hear more about Jade from Cat.

"Yes, we're best friends since we went to the same Middle School." Then she looked thoughtful. "Oh now I see. You are the guy who talked to Jadey all evening. You look so cute together."

"Thanks Cat." He smiled honestly at her. If Jade's best friend thought that it had to count for something. "Did you meet anyone nice yesterday?"

"His name is Robbie and he is so funny and he listened to me and my stories, which is great. He is so nice and-"

"Can you two stop talking, you're giving me a headache." A voice coming from between them suddenly complained.

"Jadey you're awake."

"How could I not with you two talking."

"Cat told me that you can basically sleep through anything, so how comes that we could wake you?" Beck asked amused.

"Please don't tell me you're a morning person as well. Cat is more than enough morning happiness than I can take." Jade replied annoyed.

"Is there any way I can make it up to you for waking you?" Beck smiled charmingly.

"Get me coffee, black with two sugars."

"Alright, but only today because I didn't know you aren't a morning person." With that he got up and left the two girls alone.

"He seems like such a great guy Jadey." Cat gushed when Beck was out of earshot.

"He is decent and now shut up and let me wake up in peace."

Cat smiled at her best friend. Normally Jade complained immediately about someone she just met, but for her to think Beck was decent was a huge compliment. Despite talking to Robbie and concentrating on their conversation Cat had watched her best friend and Beck yesterday. It was rare to see Jade already talking so much to someone she barely knew and Cat hoped that Jade was finally enjoying it here. After she had known Jade for so long Cat really wanted her best friend to find the one she could be happy with and she had a feeling Beck might just be that guy. Jade hardly opened up, but with him it seemed to come naturally and Cat could see them as a perfect match. Still smiling she got up to get breakfast and maybe talk a little more with Robbie.

When Beck came back with the coffee made just the way Jade had instructed him to, Cat was no long sitting on her bed and Jade seemed to have fallen back asleep. The way Jade looked so peacefully made Beck smile. He knew this girl for hardly two days and he found himself not getting enough of her. Holding coffee under her nose he thought this would be the best way to wake her up. Eyelashes fluttering at first Jade slowly opened her eyes to the smell of coffee.

"How did you know that this would wake me up?"

"I had a feeling." Beck replied amused.

Taking the cup of coffee from him Jade had to admit that waking up like this wasn't so bad, but that didn't mean that she would like this show or think Beck was her perfect match. However it wasn't until she went down to the kitchen before she remembered why she was so against coming here. Socializing with so many people so early in the morning just wasn't her thing. Sighing she made herself breakfast and took her plate with her outside in the garden to have a little time alone. Despite that Cat was her best friend and Beck seemed like a decent guy she just had to get away from everyone for a while, after all she still wasn't a morning person.

If it was up to Beck he wouldn't mind eating with her, but he had a feeling she needed time for herself and the last thing he wanted to do was annoy her. Sitting down next to Andre at the table Beck began eating his own breakfast. It didn't take long for Andre to speak up, after the rest of the people left the room.

"So who is that girl you were with the whole evening yesterday and I even saw you two come down together from the bedroom. Care to tell me what is going on man?"

"Well, let's just say Jade fascinates me."

"You couldn't be more cryptic about that, could you? Seriously dude what's going on? You didn't even talk to any others girls by choice."

"What would you say if I tell you that I already found my perfect match?"

"I would tell you that you're crazy and a hopeless romantic. Come on this Jade is your perfect match?" Andre asked.

"I don't know, I'm here to find that out." Beck smiled secretive and changed the topic. "What about you? Saw any girl you could like?"

"Here are a lot of beautiful girls and I talked to a few yesterday while you were all over Jade." Beck only rolled his eyes at that and let Andre continue. "I meet this girl, Tori, you know the one with the amazing cheekbones. She seems like a nice girl and a few of the other girls seem alright too."

"Sounds like you had a good time yesterday."

"I did and maybe today you should try talking to other girls as well. I mean you never know maybe one of them is your perfect match."

"Nah, I think I already found her." Beck smiled before standing up and bringing his plate in the kitchen.

Andre looked after his best friend, he had never seen Beck so intrigued by a girl. He had to admit that Jade was hot and of course he noticed that she was fascinating. If Beck didn't already tell him that he was so set on her Andre might have tried to get closer to her. However now it was against the bro code and he didn't play that way. Andre could only hope that Jade and Beck would end up together, after all his best friend deserved happiness and Andre had never seen him quite this open to a girl.

A/N: Please review and tell me what you think :)