Is there hope for CALLIE?

Hi, Readers this is my first time writing a fanfiction story. So please give me any advice on how to make my stories better. I would love to hear any suggestions on how to improve to become a better writer. Thank you! Without further ado, here is my story! I hope you like it!

P.S. I don't own The Fosters or the characters. They belong to Bradley Bredeweg, Peter Paige, and ABC Family/Freeform.

Chapter one

The morning of the update trial of Callie future was putting every member of the Adams-Fosters clan on edge, especially Callie. Callie couldn't sleep the night before her trial and she didn't really fall asleep until 3:00am. By the time she was waking up she heard noises. It was her sister Mariana going to her closet to get her clothes and was picking them out to get ready for school. Callie turns over on her side to look at her phone. It was 6:45am and Callie didn't have to be up early, because she didn't have to be at the courthouse until 10:00am. So Mariana saw her sister eyes and told her "good morning'' Callie said hi back to her. Mariana then said "I'm sorry that I woke you up and I hope everything goes well for you today. I see you when you get to school. I love you! Callie said "thank you and I love you too." Mariana look at her phone and told Callie "well it's time for me to jump into the shower before the boys get up." So after her sister left their bedroom Callie tried to go back sleep for a couple of hours.

Downstairs Lena was making coffee and breakfast for the kids and Stef. She was cooking eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage with toast. They usually do the big breakfasts on the weekends but she change it up today. She was big on making sure that her kids had breakfasts in the morning before they start their day. She had to leave early to get to a school meeting. It was her first day back since she been on leave of absence of taking care of Jesus. Stef came down the stairs in a plaid navy blue shirt with blue jeans with a black blazer. She always likes to see her kids before they go school and her wife goes to work. Lena saw her and said "hi honey." Stef said "Hi love and good morning." Breakfast smells good." Lena said "that coffee is ready and ask Stef are the kids up?" Stef told Lena that "the four of the kids are up and should be down in a few minutes but I think that Callie is still asleep." I don't think that Callie got much sleep last night but we didn't either." So they were sitting at the table and Jude came down the stairs and told both of his moms "good morning" Lena ask him if he slept good last night and he shakes his head no. Stef said to Jude that "everything will be alright, so don't worry about Callie so much." Jude knows that nothing work out great for Callie. Jude asks "what is for breakfast." Lena reply eggs, bacon, grits, and sausage with toast with your choice of drink. The next person to come down the stairs is Jesus and he was doing a lot better with his TBI. He is improving every day.

Today was his first day back at school too. He said hi to his moms and Jude. He sat down and took his medicine and started to eat. Brandon came next and he was ready to leave to go to school early. He had to make a pit stop first to grab his music journal and his books. He told his moms that he doesn't have time to eat breakfast this morning but Lena aka (mama) stop him and told him to grab something to eat. So Brandon grabs an apple from the fruit basket and juice drink. He said "mama I see you at school and mom I see you tonight." "Bye and I love you." The women said I love you back to him. Finally Mariana came into the kitchen and Stef told Mariana "it's nice to see you Miss Thang." Mariana told her mom's that her hair was a mess so she had to fix it. Mariana said " that Callie was awake when she got up to get ready for school this morning but I think that she went back to sleep after I left the room." Lena said "that's good." "She needs her rest." "She didn't sleep good last night."

Stef said "I will get her up in a little awhile." "She will be fine." Lena looked at the kitchen clock on the wall and told the three kids that was in the room. It was time to go. Give mom some hugs and kisses. So they did and they were out of the door. Stef told her babies to be good and learn something. Lena gave Stef a hug and a kiss on the lips and told her to keep her posted on Callie trial. Stef told her that she will and they said I love you back to each other and she was gone too.

So that is it on my first chapter please let me know how I did. Thanks for reading my story. I had fun writing this. I don't know how many chapters this story will have but it depends on how many followers and reviews I get. Have a good Night. Bye guys!