I don't own Harry Potter or The Flash.

Pairing: Harry/Barry.

Warnings: None. (I know! I hate it too!)

Word Count: 2467.

Next Pairing: Harry/Luke Hobbs.

He couldn't believe how fast he was running, moving from between buildings and people, as if they were hardly even walking, it was fascinating. He'll never get bored of the exhilarating feeling it brought to him. Unfortunately, he was still learning how to control his speed when he accidentally crashed through what appeared to be a bathroom wall to come face to face with a very naked man covered in water and soap.

"What the bloody hell?!" The man shrieked, one hand trying to reach for the shower curtain while the other tried to get rid of the shampoo covering the black shoulder length hair and his eyes.

"Sorry!" Barry blurted out covering one eye and trying to watch where to run too with the other eye. He decided that leaving through the Barry sized hole in the wall would be the wisest choice and ran out of the bathroom, barely missing the green eyes that opened.

Barry didn't think that the mortifying incendint from this morning would ever leave his thoughts, thinking about it caused him to almost miss the announcement that captain Singh planned for this morning. He arrived just in time to hear the captain introduce the new detective.

"... Detective Potter, if you'd like to say a few words." The captain stepped back so the figure of the new addition to CCPD could step forward.

"Thank you, captain." The man turned and his green eyes locked briefly with Barry's as he looked around at his new colleagues. But that brief moment was all it took for Barry to realize that the new detective was the same man that he 'intruded' on this morning, while the man was having a shower. Naked.

Barry closed his eyes, mortified. Trying not to remember how that ma- detective Potter looked like having a shower. Completely missing what he was saying to the department, his mind only snapped back to reality when everyone around him started to cheer and clap prompting Barry to join them halfheartedly.

"Thank you, Detective Potter, for those rousing few words." Captain Singh smiled at the younger man before he gestured for Joe to step forward, before he turned back to detective Potter. "Detective Potter, this is detective Joe West. He'll be your new partner." Barry tried to sneakily go to his lab, freezing in place when the captain called out to him. "Allen! Thought you'd miss this one when I didn't see you, come meet our new detective." Barry took a deep breath before slowly expelling it and turned around with a forced smile, moving closer to the trio when the captain beckoned him forward. "Potter, this is our forensic scientist. Barry Allen, meet Harry Potter, our new detective."

"Nice to meet you." Harry smiled at his new coworker and extended his hand for the other man to shake.

"You too." Barry smiled back awkwardly, one hand shaking Harry's hand.

"I look forward to us working together." Harry looked down amusedly before looking up at the man who kept looking everywhere but at Harry. "I would like my hand back some time today if you would."

Barry's head snapped back and his eyes locked with amused emerald green eyes before quickly looking down at where his hand was indeed still shaking the shorter man's slender hand.

"I'm so sorry," he gasped, quickly letting go of Harry's hand. Mentally wishing that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

"No harm done." Harry smiled. Finding the other man's awkward demeanor adorable.

"I should probably get back to work." Barry muttered, moving backwards and stumbling against an officer. He quickly turned around and apologized loudly before helping the other man pick up the files he dropped when Barry bumped into him.

Harry was interrupted from checking out Barry when his new partner politely coughed to get his attention.

"Is he always like this?" Harry asked the older man, looking between his partner and the tall blond's retreating back.

"You'll get used to it." Joe gave a half smile with a head tilt, his eyes scrutinizing the younger man who finally looked back at him when Barry fully disappeared from his view.

"He's adorable." Harry admitted, grinning at Joe who looked down at him in amusement.

"He's my son." He smirked down at the younger man who froze before raising his eyes to look Joe in the eye.

"Your son is adorable." Harry repeated, grinning cheekily at Joe making him let out a bark of laughter.

"Let's go, Potter." He moved towards the lift, feeling the younger man follow him.

"You can call me, Harry." Harry allowed, standing next to his partner in the elevator.

"Sure thing, Potter."

The elevator closed to the laughter of the CCPD's newest addition.

Barry was in his lab, sitting on his wheelie chair looking at the ceiling and bemoaning his first 'official' meeting with the new detective. The problem is that every time his name was mentioned or he would pass by Barry, it brought back that 'incident' and then all Barry could see was the other man naked covered in water and soap running down his body. Barry never felt as perverted as he did these past two weeks. Not to mention his growing crush on the other man that has grown from seeing Harry charming his way through the department. It didn't help that everyone kept talking about how sweet and nice he was. How his green eyes would sparkle in the sun or how his dimples would show when he grinned making him look boyish as if Barry didn't know all of that already from his intense observations of the English man. Worst of all he was starting to suspect that detective Potter 'Call me Harry' was starting to know that Barry was avoiding him like the plague. It didn't help that Joe was enamored with him and kept talking about how amazing he was in the field. Currently, Barry was hiding in his lab, having sneaked away there when he glimpsed the shoulder length curls of his crush walking into the floor. He didn't even deign to look up when someone knocked on the open door of his lab. He just sighed and told them to come in.

"Someone is in a mood today." Came the amused accented voice of his new obsession.

"Harry?!" Barry choked, in his attempt to quickly stand up, the chair slid back and he fell on his ass. "Ouch."

"Let me help you." Harry chuckled, moving into the lab to help the clumsy man up. "Why do I always find you on the floor?" He asked, amused as the other man accepted his helping hand.

Harry as it appears was stronger than his height or build suggested and he suddenly hauled Barry up, making them suddenly stand very close together.

"Um," the blond stuttered. Trapped in very green, very amused eyes. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Harry smiled up at the adorably shy forensic scientist.

They stood there for a minute just staring at each other before as usual in the presence of the other man, Barry's mind was assaulted by the other man's image of the abominable 'incident'. Which made Barry step back and tinker with the equipment on his desk.

"You needed something?" He asked, not noticing the frown Harry gave his back.

"Yes," Harry raised an eyebrow when the other man seemed more focused with the machine that was whirring than with him. "We found new evidence in the case Joe and I have been working on." He moved forward to get Barry's attention only to have the other man try to subtly move away from him. "Ok, that's it!"

Barry froze when Harry exclaimed and forcibly turned him to face the other man's frown.

"What did I do to you?" He crossed his arms against his chest defensively, not quite masking the hurt in his green eyes. "Why do you keep avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you!" Barry answered too quickly, looking away when Harry raised a disbelieving eyebrow.

"You can't even look me in the eye even when we're talking." He huffed, pointedly gesturing at Barry's half turned face. "From how much Joe talks about you, I really thought we'd at least be good friends but apparently not." Harry sighed and shook his head self deprecatingly. "Try to find if there's anything that would lead us to the culprit and I try to stop imposing myself on you." He placed the evidence bag on the closest table to him and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Barry quickly stepped forward and grabbed Harry's wrist, stopping him from leaving. "I'm sorry, it's not you. It's me." Barry admitted, his eyes flicking between the eyes staring at him and the wrist in his grasp. "I've never been the type to make friends easily. I'm too awkward and weird as I've been told so many times."

"We're all awkward and weird sometimes." Harry said softly, turning his hand to hold Barry's wrist. "It's what makes us who we are."

"You're not, you're cool and so smooth all the time." He whispered, his eyes not daring to look away from Harry's.

"Oh, you think so?" Harry chuckled, eyes sparkling in mirth as he stepped closer to Barry who held his breath as Harry raised himself slightly to reach Barry's ear. "It's all an act."

"What?" Barry breathed out as Harry moved back, an amused grin that showed his dimples lit up his face.

"I'm a total disaster." Harry whispered conspiratorially, chuckling. "I fell twice just trying to make it to your lab. Not to mention that I leave extra early everyday because I keep forgetting the way to the station."

"No!" Barry gasped, before bursting in laughter.

"I swear!" He exclaimed, laughing along with the blond. "Not to mention that most of the female officers and half the male ones kept flirting with me and trying to ask me out and I didn't even notice until Joe pointed it out to me."

"Oh my god!" Barry collapsed against his desk as he kept imagining the situations that Harry went through, pulling Harry with him as they were still connected.

"Trust me, you haven't been awkward until you do that weird little dance at the door as someone wants out and you want in." Harry huffed, taking a seat on the table beside the other man.

"That happens to me too!" Barry defended, making Harry shake his head which led to Barry getting a whiff of his lovely sandalwood scent.

"Does it happen to you everyday?" Barry shook his head no. "Well, it does me! It's like the only time anyone wants to go out is when I come in! And let's not talk about the barista at Gitters."

"What about the barista at Gitters?" Barry asked, eyebrows raised in amusement and a wide grin on his face.

"He keeps adding nutmeg to my latte even though I specifically order it without nutmeg!" He locked his eyes with Barry's and moved his face close to the other mans. "Every. !"

"I'm sure you're just imagining it." The blond comforted, voice a little breathless at Harry's proximity. Chuckling when Harry harrumphed.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better!" Harry accused, scrunching his nose and pouting at Barry.

"Yeah, I am." Barry admitted his eyes flicking between the bright green eyes and the pouty pink lips.

"You jerk." Harry complained, voice lowering as he teasingly shoved the other man with his shoulder. Barry grinned, looking down at their still clasped hands before looking up again to find Harry's face mere inches away from his. "Barry, I,"

"Am I interrupting something?" The amused voice of Joe made them both spring away from each other. Barry turned away from the amused gaze of his adoptive father to the evidence bag that Harry brought back.

"I just brought the evidence that we found today." Harry muttered, averting his eyes away from the knowing eyes of his partner.

"I see," he hummed, moving into the lab.

"I'll just," Harry pointed at the door and was about to walk out of the embarrassing moment when Joe called out to him.

"You're still coming for dinner tonight, right?"

"Yes, if you'll still have me." Harry smiled at the older man, eyes glancing to where Barry left his work to look at them.

"And you, Barry?"

"Yes!" He quickly answered before coughing and running a hand through his hair embarrassed when both men chuckled.

"If that's all?" Harry clapped, waving goodbye to both men before leaving.

"So," Joe started, moving to sit close to where Barry was leaning against his work bench. "What was that all about?"

"What was what?" Barry muttered, looking down at his hands.

"You know what," Joe rolled his eyes at his adoptive son's demeanor. "You were both looking pretty cozy when I walked in all smiles."

"I don't know." Barry shrugged, looking straight forward at the door Harry just walked out of before turning to look at Joe. "We just started talking."

"And?" Joe prompted, leaning his shoulder minutely against Barry's.

"And," Barry sighed, hanging his head down. "I think it might be more than just a crush."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Joe said, putting his arm around Barry's shoulders. "As long as you're both consenting adults, nothing should come between you two."

"But, what if he only wants to be friends?" Barry groaned, getting up and pacing in front of an amused Joe.

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Have you seen him?!" Barry hissed, afraid someone might overhear. "He's gorgeous! Have you seen how his eyes sparkle in the sun? Or how his cute nose scrunches when he can't remember something? Or how he ruffles his beautiful, soft black hair when he's frustrated? Or.."

"Ok,Ok! I get the picture." Joe laughed receiving a betrayed look from Barry before he went back to pacing. "You're not half bad yourself, you know?"

"You're my dad, you're supposed to say that." Barry huffed, before he was stopped from his pacing by Joe.

"Look," he placed his hands on Barry's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "You haven't even asked him out, why are you so sure that he doesn't like you back?"

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am." Joe winked, patting his shoulders once before he stepped back. "You'll have plenty of time to talk to him tonight."

"Oh my god!" Barry exclaimed, falling down on his chair. "He's coming to dinner tonight!"

"He is!" Joe smirked by the door. "And just to let you know, I have it on good authority that he thinks you're adorable." Joe walked out to find his partner, laughing when he heard Barry exclaim in shock behind him.

Tonight is going to be fun for him, Joe was sure.

I know you probably want more of this, well, I hope you do cause this one is shaping up to be a multi-chapter fic because I'm still writing it! This will be cross-posted as a solo fic that I hope you will like!

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