Clarissa's POV

Today I had to go to another one of those boring meetings in Idris. All they ever talk about is "On no Sebastian is coming!" Well duh, we knew that or "He took more of our people and turned them into endarkened!" We knew that too. Like seriously you have more powerful people to worry about like me... *evil smile and laugh mentally* I could really be anything a powerful demon, angel, warlock even a vampire! But no, Valentine is making me play the stupid shadowhunter who can't do anything! Apparently, I can't fight because I'm too "inexperienced" supposedly.


After the incident when Valentine summoned Raziel (for his own stupid purposes ), they thought Valentine was dead, but I actually asked Raziel to bring him back as my wish instead of Angel boy. I brought Jace back myself (so easy!) just to prove that I "love" him oh so much. It was super easy bringing him back I just let a bit of power leak into "Clary's" form and brought him back.

*End of Flashback*

Finally, when this boring meeting was done I told Jace and the others that I was going to bed. (They are so trusting!) they are so stupid they actually believe everything I say! I left Clary "sleeping" and went to my more interesting meeting with all of my demonic parents and my brother of course. These meetings are usually more interesting than the one with the Clave mostly because we actually got things done unlike *cough* the Clave *cough*. It's funny they actually almost look like a council...

Thank you guys so much for reading this book! This is my first story so review what you think and follow this story!
