Hey everyone I decided to make a fanfiction based on Akame Ga Kill and Elder Scrolls for a change so i'm going to make the first chapter a paragraph describing the turn of events that happened which led to this.

After The Fourth Era, the Argonians faced genocide at the hands of a cult of dark elves. Many Argonians perished but some managed to flee by using a powerful spell to migrate to another world, there they learned that there were many hostile creatures. Some they recognized and some they didn't, here there were people similar to the men of Nirn but the first encounter with them the humans reacted with fear, attacking them on sight. In order to help them survive, the hist they brought with them altered it's sap so when the Argonians ingested it they became stronger, faster and more durable. Now they survive in the marshlands and forests, under the radar only revealing themselves rarely to avoid confrontation with the inhabitants.