A/N: Hey guys here is the Epilogue that I promised. I still can't believe how many people liked this story, it blew my mind and gave me confidence to write my other stories which you should all check out by the way. So some other big news, I have decided that there WILL be a Sequel to this story. It will take place a few years after the end of this Chapter and other than that I don't want to spoil too much of the plot other than Hiccup and Astrid will end up back in the fight. (Scans the crowd for razor95) Ah there you are razor, I know you sent me that message as an idea for a one-shot or an Epilogue but I have decided to use that as a main point for the sequel. Thank you for the idea it will be very helpful. Now the sequel will not be written until some time next year as I have some other stories I want to write, but for now sit back relax and enjoy this little bonus chapter. Leave a review and let me know what you think I read them all.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Mexican ;p

The ship landed on the platform that had been built off to the side of their new house and all six occupants couldn't get out the ship fast enough. On solid ground once again they all stared up at the new home. It was massive, two story house with a basement and stretched for over 50 yards. The fields and rolling hills around the house would provide an excellent area for the kids and dragons to play in and still remain in view of the house for the most part.

Taking Astrid's hand Hiccup led his family into their new home. Carth and Mission dashed through the doors and were running up and down the long corridors. The house had an ungodly amount of bedrooms and storage places. The floors were made of a deep midnight blue tile, while the walls were a snow white. The only windows were on the second floor as per Hiccup's request. He still had to have a good vantage point, he couldn't knock all of his sniper habits.

He carefully led Astrid up the stairs to their room which was the second floor. The room was breath taking, it was surrounded by windows that looked out amongst the fields, and it would give them a gorgeous view of the rising and setting sun. Astrid dropped her bags on the floor and let out a small gasp in surprise. She brought her hands to her mouth and couldn't stop the tears of joy that formed in her eyes.

Hiccup came up to her and wrapped an arm around her while pressing a gentle kiss to her temple.

"I hope you like it." He whispered to her.

"This is more than I could have ever dreamed of babe." Astrid replied, wiping the tears away.

Hiccup proceeded to give Astrid a full tour of the house. The house had everything they could ever want. It had security cameras that covered every square inch of the house, it had an armory, a small shooting range, and even a wrestling ring in the training room. There was even a small medical room with a droid. The kitchen and living areas were absolutely divine. The living room was hardwood with a fire place and a massive viewing screen that hung above it. The kitchen was right next to it and was an open concept, so one could look into it if they wanted. The light fixtures and the appliances all brand new.

The smile never left Astrid's face as she sat down on one of the many couches in the living and gently caressed her now very swollen belly. Hiccup sat down next to her just as Carth and Mission came running into the living room and stopped right in front of them.

"WE KNOW WHAT ROOMS WE WANT!" The young kids shouted out with joy.

"Okay, okay you guys can show us here in a mom- Ah!" Astrid exclaimed as she bent over slightly and held her stomach a bit tighter.

"Astrid what's wrong?" Hiccup asked, clearly worried.

Astrid simply smiled up at her Fiancée and brought his hand to her stomach. The tiniest of kicks could be felt on the palm of his hand and the smile and look of unconditional love couldn't have been wiped off Hiccup's face even if the galaxy was being destroyed. He looked over to Carth and Mission who were looking at him with confused gazes, he motioned them over to him and took each of their hands and placed them on Astrid's belly.

The children felt the kicks and the similar look of happiness and awe washed over their faces. The smiles they had couldn't possibly have been any cuter and sparkle in their eyes told Hiccup and Astrid that they would be fantastic siblings. But Hiccup and Astrid's hearts melted when the twins bent over and spoke to their baby brother or sister.

"Hey there little one." Carth began.

"We are going to be your brother and sister." Mission followed.

"We are going to have so much fun together, we'll teach you how do everything." Carth said as he rubbed Astrid's belly.

"I personally hope you are girl so that way the girls will rule the house." Mission whispered.

"No mattered if you are a boy or girl we can't wait to meet you. We don't know what you look like but I know that Mission and I already love you. So come on out already and stop giving mom a hard time." Carth said jokingly.

Hiccup and Astrid had tears well in their eyes. It was one of the sweetest and most adorable things they had ever witnessed. Hiccup brought his arms around his family and pulled them into a massive hug. He kissed the tops of each of their heads and smiled thinking his life couldn't get much better.

(Three Weeks Later)

Today was the day they were finally bringing the baby home. It had been an exhausting process but everyone was simply over flowing with joy. When Astrid had gone into labor they had to rush her out to the Nightfury and take her to the nearby settlement of Khoonda. They had a better doctor staff and knew of Astrid's pregnancy. It was only a short 20 minute ride on their ship and it was the longest 20 minutes of Hiccup's life so far.

Astrid had been in labor for 12 hours and even though Hiccup knew she was fine he still couldn't help but worry for her. When the head doctor emerged saying he could come in Hiccup's entire body froze with anticipation. His feet felt like they had ten ton weights on them, his mouth had gone dry, and his hands started to sweat. He swallowed and slowly made his way to the delivery room and gently pushed the doors open.

Astrid was still on the bed but she looked like she had just gone through the Battle of Kashyyyk all over again. Her hair was frizzy and matted. Her bangs stuck to her sweaty brow, her breathing was slow and deep but the smile on her face and the small bundle in her arms caused Hiccup's heart to leap into his throat.

Astrid looked up and with a smile that was so warm it could melt the snow and ice and Hoth she waved him over. Hiccup took a tentative step forward but eventually made it to the bedside and knelt down so he was even level with the small bundle in Astrid's arms. Astrid looked down and smiled and cleared her throat to get Hiccup's attention.

"Hiccup would you like to meet your daughter?" Astrid asked soft and sweetly.

"D-D-D-Daughter." Hiccup gasped out as tears of joy filled his eyes.

Astrid turned the bundle toward Hiccup and carefully placed it in his arms. The baby was sleeping and all that could be seen was her face and both of her hands that were sticking just out of the blanket. Hiccup started to laugh with joy as tears spilled out of eyes and fell onto the blanket. His daughter had dark Auburn hair just like he did, her skin was smooth and white just like her mother's, and he couldn't wait to see what her eyes looked like.

He took one of his fingers and gently nuzzled her tiny face with it. As he was tracing the outline of her face one of the tiny hands reached out and grabbed hold of his finger. Hiccup caught his breath as he looked down at the small appendage and smiled infinitely.

Astrid was basking in the sight of their child grabbing hold of Hiccup's finger, she knew it was a moment he would never forget but now she knew they had to come up with a name for her.

"You know we never did decide on a name." She whispered.

"Only because we wanted it to be a surprise." Hiccup answered back, eyes still on his daughter.

"Well we know now, any of them stick out at you." Astrid asked.

"One actually." Hiccup admitted.

"Oh really, well then I guess you can name her." Astrid said with a smile.

Hiccup almost gave himself whiplash with how fast his head snapped up at her. Astrid just giggled and waved him off.

"I just get to name to next one." She said with a shrug.

Hiccup would have fainted if it weren't for the fact he had his first born in his hands. He smiled and looked down at the child.

"Welcome to the galaxy…Meetra Haddock."

(Two months later)

Today was the most important day of Hiccup and Astrid's lives. Today they were finally getting married. The had decided to hold the wedding on Dantooine on a hill that over looked a small pond they had found one day while they were out hunting.

They also decided on a small wedding as well. They didn't want a lot fuss made about it but they did still want to celebrate with their friends. So they invited the entire Nightfury squad, Avida, and some of the friends they had made on Dantooine. Heather, Cami, and Ruff all squealed with excitement once they saw Astrid clutching Meetra. They almost got into a fight over who got to hold her first.

Fishlegs and Tuff simply walked up to Hiccup and pulled him into hug, while Avida gave him a short nod and a warm smile. Hiccup ushered everyone into the house quickly so they could get changed and head to the location.

Chairs were set up in the field at the bottom of the hill. Hiccup and Astrid were standing at the top holding hands while an official over saw the proceedings.

"Now then the Bride and Groom have each written their own vows. As Hiccup has made it very clear, ladies first." The official said with a small gesture to Astrid.

"Hiccup…we've known each other for so long now that I can't seem to remember a time in my life where you weren't in it. It still seems like a dream to me but I know with each passing day and every time I look upon our daughter, I know that no dream could possibly be this perfect. We've been through everything together. We fought in battles, been declared traitors and have faced death so many times I think I lost count." She said with a chuckle.

"I love you Hiccup. I always have and I always will and nothing in this galaxy will ever make me change my mind. I'm yours now and forever." She finished as she slid a ring onto his finger.

Hiccup had to bring one of his hands up to wipe the tears out of his eyes. The official looked over to Hiccup who gestured for him to begin.

"Astrid… I don't think the words exist in any known language for me to describe how I feel about you. I've tried to find the perfect combination of words for on this day and even still I don't think they will truly express what you mean to me, but I'll try to put my feelings to words. To put it simply Astrid, I love you. I have loved you for long now that it seems impossible to recall a time where I didn't love you. You mean everything to me in this galaxy, I would give up everything, if it meant that you could have everything. I would walk from one end of the galaxy to the other if it meant I would get to see you. You are hands down the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will never stop trying to prove to you how much I love you and our family." Hiccup said softly.

"I love you Astrid. I always have and I always will and nothing in this galaxy will make me change my mind. I'm yours now and forever." Hiccup finished as he slid her ring onto her finger.

"By the power entrusted to me I know proclaim you man and wife! You may kiss the bride." The official said smiling at Hiccup.

Hiccup didn't waste a second and brought Astrid to him and captured her lips with his own. The crowd jumped up and shouted with glee while Toothless and Luna flew overhead and released a shower of flower petals that fell softly down to the earth. Hiccup released Astrid and took her hand and started to walk down the hill.

"Mrs. Astrid Haddock." He mused lightly.

"I think I could get used to that." She smiled at him as they walked toward their friends.

In this moment everything was perfect and nothing could ruin it.

A/N: Bonus points to anyone who knows where I got the name for the Daughter ;p. Alright guys now this is truly the end I hope to see all of you when I write the sequel and as of right now the working title is Dawn of The Night Fury. But that might change, Until then Peace.