Chapter Three: Remembering

Here is the third chapter and the start of the smut;) you've been forewarned. Hope you enjoy, thank you for all the support! -Love, TheRabbitRe.

(p.s. There's a possibility that the next chapter may take two rather than one week to come out, because I'm foreshadowing a busy week. However, if my week isn't as busy as I'm afraid it'll be the chapter will come out on Sunday like always!)

We arrived at the DWMA not long after, skidding to a stop on his motorcycle; we headed out on foot to the woods behind the school, where stein frequently held classes. Neither of us particularly wanting an audience for this. We wouldn't admit it, but we were both worried about how well this was going to go. I don't have my memories and even I realize our souls aren't resonating like they used to. I wonder how you feel Soul.

Soul broke the silence, pulling me to a stop in the middle of a clearing. "There should be plenty of space here, you ready?"

I nodded defiantly, holding my hand out for his, he did the same. The light of his soul shined out as his body transformed to its death scythe form, the smooth silver metal landing in my hands. The eye of the red and black scythe focused on my face as I winced, his metal searing my hands.

"MAKA, what's wrong. Why did you drop me?" Soul shouted at me from the ground in his weapon form.

I looked down at the fresh burn marks on my white gloves. "The metal, your metal it burned me."

From the far side of the bridge we were standing on Tsubaki called out from BlackStar's side. They couldn't fight anymore, I knew that. Free stood in front of me prepared to cast his next spell. I was afraid, but I would have to fight through it. I picked Soul up from the ground, tightening my grip as I felt the heat sear my skin. Bracing myself I stepped forward-

"Maka, Maka, do we really need to keep doing this." The demon rocked, moving toward me he snapped his fingers. The pictures on the wall shifting to screenshots of every fight me and Soul have ever had, majority of which I don't remember. "Are you and Soul even really compatible, I mean you don't even have your memory of these fights and yet your souls won't sync up."

His smile widened as I stepped towards him threateningly. "Give me back my memor-"

"Oh, but not so fast Maka." He winked.

Once again my brain felt like it was being torn apart, if the burn of Soul's shaft hadn't already caused me to drop him, this pain would have. I staggered, gripping my fist into my overcoat and clinching my eyes shut, I refused to give the demon the pleasure of hearing me cry out.

"Maka? Maka, what happened?" Soul's hands were already at my sides, waiting for me to open my eyes. He was closer than I had expected him to be, his face just far enough away for me not to feel his breath.

When the pain finally subsided, I recapped the previous events, which he had been unaware of considering they all took place in my mind.

"I guess I can't say I'm surprised, but I really was hoping this would be easier." He replied.

"I want to try again, change back." I looked up at him. I'm going to get this right today. I will be able to wield you. My demanding tone didn't faze him; he was either use to or expecting this. It could go either way. Maybe even it was a mixture of both.

Once again he was a weapon in my hand, still uncomfortably hot searing into my skin. I gripped him tighter. Closing my eyes, I tried to concentrate on aligning our souls, but more so just calming mine. His soul was everything my body remembered it to be, but mine, mine was erratic, refusing to succumb to his pace. I felt like BlackStar, my soul bouncing from one place to another like it was lost, unsure of who it was supposed to be and maybe it was unsure. I wasn't sure how to fix it. Even when Soul tried to match me, chaos erupted. We were at it for hours. "Maka…" He spoke up, knowing we were getting nowhere. Knowing I would fight stopping.

"I can do this Soul." I took a breath. No matter how hard I tried to force our souls to cooperate, it wasn't working. So, I tried a different approach, I decided not to worry about the differences in our soul wavelengths, instead I thought back on the memories I'd regained of us. On how I knew I had felt about Soul. The way his soul was always there with mine, supporting me without speaking, how I had known what he was feeling without words, I even thought back to the fights we've had. I could feel our souls start to tick in place, mine finally remembering who he was to me. But who was that exactly? It wasn't quite there, not cohesive, but the burning in my hand eased up some which showed progress.

"That's getting better." He sounded relieved.

"Soul?" I had an idea.

"Yeah Maka?" He changed back into human form as I let go of him, giving my hands a break. I didn't want to see the skin beneath the gloves.

"Tell me a story. One of us. Something we did before all this happened. I think it'll help." I nodded towards him, smiling encouragingly.

He returned the smile, standing across from me he paused to think. "The first time I took you on a date, your father, we found out, had been stalking us wearing some shoddy disguise."

"He didn't." I was mortified at something I didn't even remember happening.

"He did. Not only that, but he had half of Chupa Cabras there with him." Soul laughed at something only he remembered.

"I'll kill him."

"Oh you did, slammed a hardback you just bought into his skull, more than once, it rivaled even one of Lord Death's chops." He sniggered again. "That's another thing, you demanded I take you to the book store for our first date, which is really just an everyday activity for you. Later you told me it was because you had been nervous," he paused, "it was really cute."

There was nothing more that I wanted at this moment than to remember what he was talking about, but I didn't, and not even his words brought it back. I just wanted to be able to laugh together with him. I stepped closer to him so that I could take his hand. "I wish I remembered that."

"Nothing came back to you?" He looked a little sad.

"No." Although I had thought it would.

"Maka." He sounded mildly alarmed.

"What?" I jerked my head around trying to figure out what was wrong. Only to realize he was observing the glove in his hand. Or more importantly my hand in that glove.

"There are holes burned through your glove!" He ripped the glove off, flipping my palm up to observe. "You didn't tell me I was burning you this badly." No doubt, he was angry.

All I could do was sheepishly smile, in all honesty I hadn't realized how bad it was either, but part of my hand was blistering. I knew I couldn't lie, but I did anyway. "It's really not that bad. I barely feel it."

He gingerly touched one of the sores, only to watch me grimace. He made a sort of 'mhhmm' sound as he began leading me from the woods. "WE'RE going home now and I'M addressing your hands."

I wanted to keep practicing and every part of my brain screamed to protest. However, I had a feeling that was a bad idea, so I tried telling myself it was getting dark out anyway, and we should be heading back regardless of my minor hand injuries. The ride back was rather silent, not in a silent treatment kind of way, which I would not put past my weapon partner, but in a peaceful way. Instead of watching the city I knew so well flash by, I found myself watching Soul's face in the side mirrors of his bike. How he blushed ever so slightly when I wrapped my arms around him rather than keeping my hands at his side. How he'd smile a little whenever the bike would accelerate. When he turned the bike a kind of concentrated smirk would appear, and his forehead would wrinkle up gingerly. More than anything, being this close together I could feel his heartbeat as it followed the pace set by the bike. There was something home like about the whole experience.

"Soul when I agreed to let you drive us to our next mission, I hadn't realized you meant on your motorcycle." I stood a safe distance away from the metal death trap that stood before me.

Soul was perched atop it, holding the one and only helmet out towards me. "I'm sorry, were you expecting me to be driving a mini-van? Come on, hop on, it'll be fun." He smiled that smirky, shark tooth smile at me.

I huffed, "No, but I didn't know you owned a motorcycle." Despite myself I shuffled a little, hands rubbing together in nervousness.

"Maka you fight evil monsters consuming human souls, with the intention of becoming kishins on the regular, and you're afraid of a bike?" He gave me a dumbfounded look.

"That's not a 'bike'. AND you only have one helmet. What about you?" I was making poor excuses and I knew it.

He just gave me a look. "Do you really think I ever wear this helmet? I won't wreck I promise, besides imagine how pissed your dad would be." He winked.

Sadly enough, that was a mildly convincing thing of him to say, at this rate we were going to be late. I stepped forward to take the helm-

This was possibly the worst time for me to get a memory back, as the following pain caused me to grip tightly to Soul, which then caused him to swerve the bike. Not badly enough to cause any damage though. Just startle everyone. "Maka?" I could barely hear him over the wind.

I leaned upwards to his ear. "Sorry, I was just remembering the first time I got on your motorcycle. I'm honestly kind of surprised I was scared?" My grip on him hadn't loosened.

"How's your head?"

I didn't answer and I wasn't brave enough to watch his face in the mirror anymore.

It wasn't long after we returned to our apartment before Soul had me on the couch, telling me not to move while he went to dig out the first aid kit. Of course, I didn't listen, I moved to the kitchen sink to run water over my hands before he returned.

Blair popped up beside me, her breast pressing into my back as she fussed. "Maka, you really should take better care of yourself. How did your hands get like that!"

I tried to shush her, not wanting Soul to hear. "It's really not that bad, me and Soul we're just training. Our souls just weren't quite aligned yet."

"Quit trying to smooth things over. Didn't I tell you to stay on the couch?" Soul deadpanned as he walked back into the room. Blair bounded over to him before he could reach me however, engulfing him in her arms, and breast. I felt a flare of all too familiar jealously, which was followed by a brigade of flashing memories.

"Scythey-boy you really should take better care of our little Maka." She swung him back and forth. I could see a little bit of blood leaking from his noise, would have thought he'd outgrown that by now.

"Blair." Soul spoke sternly, trying to coolly disentangle himself from her. "I need to clean her hands." She pouted of course, shifting back into a cat with a huff before heading to her room.

Soul approached me, setting the variety of first aid materials on the counter. "Sit down." He ordered, I saw no reason not to comply. I lifted myself onto the counter, my miniskirt hiking a little farther up my legs than I had meant it to. I held my hands out for him, he placed one of his hands beneath mine. Slender fingers running across my wrist as he used a towel to dab the water away. He pulled out a disinfectant wipe, running it over my hand, leaving a lovely stinging trail behind. I hardly noticed, being distracted by his proximity, and admittedly my hands already hurt pretty badly. His face was leaning down, intent on his task, his hair was shielding his eyes. He applied some burn ointment after he was sure the wounds were clean, and then finished by wrapping them in white bandages. Bandage wrap always did make me feel like a mummy. His next action caught me off guard, he lifted each of my palms to his face and kissed the bandage there as lightly as a feather might dust my skin. Where is this coming from? His eyes were looking straight into mine now, I couldn't read them. He rested his hands on my thighs, my hand reached forward to move his hair, out of his face, because that's what my body told me to do.

"Ow, Soul that hurts." I complained from the side of the bathtub. Soul was dumping peroxide on my bloody knee, clearly not aware of how to properly clean something. But I was enjoying him trying. His spare hand was also a ways up my leg, which I guiltily admitted to myself was nice. So, I let him continue, and soon enough my knee had a nice big bandage over the top of it. "That was probably more painful than receiving the actually injury." Sometimes he was fun to irritate.

"How 'bout I kiss it and make it better then?" He spoke sarcastically, but his eyes were shining with mischief. He leaned down and kissed my knee, his hands on either side of my thighs. He looked up at me before continuing his trail of kisses upwards, towards a certain other part of my anatomy.

I winced as pain shot through my head, honestly I was starting to get used to it. "You telling me stories may not bring back my memories, but apparently, you wrapping me in bandages does." I rubbed my temples, massaging the pain away.

"Guess that just goes to show you've been clumsy for most of your life." He smirked at me, a true Soul Eater Evans smirk. Flashes of all the times he'd made fun of my flat chest, among other things, flitted through my mind.

He seemed more like himself in that moment. "You're lucky all my books are in the next room over." I sounded flirtier than threatening. Snaking my legs around his body, pulling him closer to me, his hands slid up my thighs.

"I'm sorry I burned you." He whispered against my throat before he kissed there. Do you feel that guilty?

"It's" my voice shook "not your fault."

He continued kissing upwards until his mouth was at my ear. "Let me make it up to you?" His voice was husky.

Who was I to argue? His hand went under my skirt, his way of making his intentions clear. He nibbled the lobe of my ear, pulling it downward with his sharp teeth. "Yes." I muttered mid-gasp.

He hiked my body up to his, hands on my ass, my legs tightened around him as he carried me to our bedroom. He used his foot to close the door the behind him, all the while creating a hickey on my neck, my hands were in his hair begging for more. Soul was all too willing to comply. He laid me down on the bed, his body keeping my legs apart, he ran a hand up my thigh as his lips found mine again. Kissing me hungrily, the months apart showing through his fever. His fingers ran across my other set of lips, still hidden behind my panties. Applying just enough pressure there to tease me. He bit my lip, I did love those shark teeth of his. A familiar warmth was gathering in-between my legs once again. His palm now pressed roughly against my privates, arousing my clit. "Do you want more." He stated, open eyes peering into mine. "You have to say it."

This boy would be the death of me. I ran my fingers up through his hair, gripping the locks roughly, bringing his ear to my lips. "Give me more." I wasn't sure where my sudden boldness was coming from, perhaps from my arousal, perhaps from some memory I didn't have.

I felt his smile spread against the side of my face before his lips found his way back to mine. His hand began its work, fingers barely slipping underneath the top of my panties, tickling the smooth skin before stripping the fabric away. I shifted my hips to allow their removal, and his fingers slowly trailed back upwards to the moisture gathering in-between my thighs. He was good with his hands; piano lessons were good for more than one thing. He started with my bundle of nerves, stroking it slowly, causing me to wiggle my hips impatiently. His strokes got rougher, and just when I thought he never would, he slid a finger into me without warning. I moaned into his mouth and he used that as a chance to slide his tongue down my throat. He already knew everything that turned me on, his finger finding the right spot in no time. The pace of his finger never slowed as he inserted another, moisture beginning to seep outwards onto his palm. His thumb found its place back on my clit, roughly rotating the bundle. My hips started to buck into his fingers. As I could no longer focus on returning his kisses, his mouth traveled to biting my ear, and then my neck, shoulder, lower. His pace stayed consistent as I moaned his name. It wasn't long before I reached my limit and he watched my face as I came, leaving his fingers in me as my muscles clenched around him. Only after did he let them slide out, my eyes found his again, and as the last waves of my orgasm ran through my body, Soul licked his fingers clean. With a certain smug look on his face, he then leaned back down to kiss me, his tongue sharing the taste of me, with me.

Unexpectedly he rolled off me, heading to the dresser to toss pajamas at me, casually, like the previous events had never happened. "What about yourself?" I asked, a mild blush crossing my face at the question. I could see his arousal though his pants. I have no idea where he gained this restraint of his, it was almost superhuman.

"Don't worry about it, it's late, you need your sleep. Besides I was making it up to you remember." He winked at me, taking off his clothes as well. I started to protest, but I really was beat. He came back to bed after turning off the light in only his boxers, at this point I was just wearing his t-shirt. Considering his t-shirts were my pajamas, and I didn't feel like retrieving my underwear. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me against his body, his still evident arousal pressing into my stomach. I leaned up to kiss him softly, his manhood pressing a little harder into me at the shift. "Maka, I only have so much self-restraint." He warned. He rolled onto his back, and I curled up into him, taking comfort in the warmth.

"Maka we should stop here." Soul paused, momentarily pulling himself off me.

"Why?" I didn't understand why he didn't want to continue with our… activities.

"I only have so much… self-restraint. I can't go much farther without wanting more, and I don't want to… force anything on you…" He blushed. It was sweet.

With the realization of what he was implying however, I blushed too, looking away before whispering. "It's okay you wouldn't be forcing anything, I want to… too."

His hands turned my face back towards him. "Are you sure, we really don't-"

I shut him up with my lips before grinding my hips into his. Hearing him moan, feeling him press against me, it was new, but not bad.

"Are you determined to make life hard on yourself." The little demon spoke angrily.

As per usual, all of this was followed by pain. I hid it from soul however, just further burying myself against him, his hand ran through my hair. I didn't particularly want to articulate that memory to him. I wrapped my arm across his body, soon the pain faded and we both fell asleep.

I awoke before Soul for the first time since I returned from the hospital, which felt instantaneously more normal than how it had been the past week and a half or so. Which also meant that I got to cook, something I'm sure was better for the both of us. Slipping out of bed as to not wake him, I headed to the kitchen to start on breakfast, I was going to make omelets. "Maka." Soul mumbled in his sleep.

I paused at the door frame to look at him, I hadn't woken him. It was more like he'd realized I wasn't curled up against his side anymore, and had called my name in his sleep. His hand gripped the sheets at the side my body had previously been on before he rolled over, effectively finding himself on my pillow. The light from the windows danced across the smooth, pale skin of his back, highlighting the indents of his muscles. The sheets were down around his hips at this point. It was a distracting view I admit. What did I feel for this boy? I couldn't quite decide. I couldn't place my feelings for him yet, they were too jumbled with all the holes in my memory. I turned from him, continuing my path to the kitchen. On the way there I lightly knocked on Blair's door, I didn't hear any movement on the other side which could only mean she'd headed out to charm the local fisherman. I laughed lightly to myself, setting about my task the morning filtering by to the mild sound of the stove sizzling, and the cracks of egg shells being broken.

"Whatcha cookin' good lookin'." Soul called from his position leaning against the kitchen counter. His sudden appearance startling me and I jumped about a foot in the air before whirling around to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry did I scare you." Soul's eyes laughed at me while he smiled. A real smile, one that pulled his lips up over his teeth.

"I've missed it."

"What?" He looked momentarily confused.

"Your smirky smile." Before he had a chance to respond, I continued. "Anyway, I'm making omelets. When did you get to walking around so quietly?"

"Are you implying I'm normally loud?" Aside from a quizzical look on his face, he let my comment go.

"Of course, just like big foot." I laughed at his now annoyed look, placing his omelet on the counter in front of him. I brought mine over as well, plopping down on a bar-stool, eating my omelet with a fork. Soul on the other hand never sat down, he engulfed his food in about two bites and then decided to clean up around the kitchen. I just watched. When I finished eating, I spoke up. "You ready to get back to training?"

"I was waiting for that one, change the bandages on your hands first." He peered at me, his face for once impossible to read because his soul was just, calm.

One bike ride later and we were back in the clearing, Soul nodded towards me shifting into his weapon form. I caught him, but I was surprised to find his handle wasn't burning me. It felt a little off, a little too warm in my hands, but it wasn't burning. Not like yesterday. I set about wielding him, twirling the blade around in muscle memorized patterns, reflecting the sunlight off the blade onto the forest floor. It was like a dance, the more my body moved with him naturally, the more our souls fell together like cogs in a machine.

"Alright class, I've asked one of our better one star meisters to demonstrate to you how weapon partners function with their meisters." I heard professor Sid, pre-zombie, call from inside the classroom. I took a breath; I was a little nervous before stepping into the classroom. Soul had placed a comforting hand on my back as we walked in.

"Hello, I'm Maka Albarn, one star meister." I looked at all the new faces within the classroom, they hadn't even partnered up yet.

"I'm Soul." He smiled, shark tooth teeth and all. He got a few murmurs from the class before Sid asked us to continue.

Soul shifted into his weapon form, and I went about twirling him around my body. Easy as breathing. Sid was narrating to the class, trying to explain the process, what they shouldn't be worried about and so forth.

The black bloods familiar pain attacked my skull, I faltered for a moment before regaining my pace. Working past the pain. "Hey Soul." I knew what I wanted to try.

"I'll follow your lead." I saw his eye turn towards me.

"Alright, here we go. Let's go soul resonance!" I called, trying to hype myself up, convince my soul it would work. I felt our souls link together, stronger, wavelengths passing back and forth. A little too unstable, I wobbled on my feet, his scythe shifting forms. Witch hunter. A multitude of its uses flashed around me, my brain unable to concentrate on one. However, I didn't have control, and I slipped up, sending an unfortunate number of trees timbering throughout the forest. I landed on my ass. Our resonance wasn't quite right.

BlackStar dodged my attack that went tearing towards him. "Watch it Maka, we're supposed to be attacking Sid. NOT ME."

Sid dove back underground, tunneling away. "Focus Soul, we can't afford mistakes like that!" We continued to bicker as Sid came back for us.

"This is becoming tiresome Maka." I didn't see the demon within the checkered room. I only heard his voice.

Pain racketed through my head, and I whimpered mildly as Soul slid his now human arms around me. "We'll get it Maka. Don't worry. Something new always takes more than one day."

"That's the thing though. It's not new." I grumbled to myself, leaning my head against his shoulder. I looked up at the sky, birds filtering through the trees. I retold him the memories I retrieved, and he kissed my forehead before standing up to offer me a hand up from the ground. Him doing the same after I told BlackStar to punch me, the same smile on his lips. I took his hand, hiking myself up from the ground. We set back to work, trying again and again to use witch hunter, but never getting it quite right. This happened before, when I was first able to use genie hunter. I had a feeling that memory was different however, currently I can't control witch hunter because I can't resonate my soul with Soul properly. Back then, I was trying to master a new technique. I need a different approach. I need my memories back. "I need my memories back for this to work, don't I?" I said more to myself than Soul. Soul shifted back as I continued. "I just don't know how."

"Well. I guess if you're going to get your memories back, I'm going to have to stop being uncool." I looked up at Soul, mildly confused as he stepped towards me. "It took you a few days to get past my scar. I've had months. You were cool then, finding the courage to face your fear."

Just those few words were all I needed to remember that day clearly, which was odd considering his story hadn't sparked my memory at all yesterday; but, the day I remembered, was the day I had told Stein I'd found what I was missing, courage. Pin needles were poking into my brain, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I ignored the mild pain as I spoke. "I only found the courage because I wanted to do right by you. You were so much stronger than me."

"All I've ever wanted to do, was do right by you Maka. You've always been the strong one." He placed his palm, flat, gentle, against the worst part of my wound. A mirror image of myself that day. Except he leaned over to kiss my forehead, and smiled. A real smile, one that pulled his lips up over his teeth. "I'm going to find the courage to face this, like you did."

I put my hand on top of his. "You don't have to do it alone."

"You don't have to do this alone you know, I'll help you." Soul whispered in my ear from his position beside me on the couch.

His hand was on my thigh. "I don't call that helping, I call that distracting." I swatted him away with the magazine I was holding.

He snatched it out of my hands, flipping through the pages like he'd gone through them before, he stopped and pointed at an image. An image of a wedding dress. "This one's pretty." Even though he tried to hide it with his sarcastic smirk, he blushed a little.

"Haven't you ever heard its bad luck for the groom to see the brides wedding dress before the wedding day." I pushed the magazine away crawling into his lap, he'd distracted me.

The little demons angry fist came down on the broken piano, eliciting a horrid noise-

I didn't want to delve into this memory with him right now. Surely it wasn't what I think it was, I was probably trying to help Tsubaki pick out a dress. But the memory filled me with some kind of soft warmth. I used this to help block the pain, to keep Soul from noticing.

"I know." His eyes softened as they looked in mine. My memories were starting to tick into place. Timelines making sense, events falling into order, even if there were still holes.



"I think I'm in love with you." I was staring at our feet.

He put his hands on either side of my face, urging me to look at him, he spoke. "Maka, I know I'm in love with you. I'm just waiting for you to catch up, and I would wait for my entire life." I'm not sure if I kissed him, or if he kissed me. But we kissed, longingly, slowly, and for the first time I realized he wanted me to remember just as badly as I did.

"Should we give it one more shot?" He pulled away asking me.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."