Before I begin, this is a total rebuild of my original story The Great Hero Familiar, also known as The Hero of Tristian. I kept this on the back burner because I had no idea on how I wanted to redo this for the longest time. Then I played Breath of The Wild, and it gave me some inspiration. Now if you want to see the original version of the story (Meaning reupload the original version) just let me know in the reviews, and I will reupload it. Other than that, yeah. This is the first chapter of the remake. The one Link being used is not the OOT Link this time, I changed it to BOTW Link as I think he fits in more, but the clothes he will have is the champions tunic, the Hero of time set (Amibo) , the Goron Armor, Zora Armor, and the Male Gerudo outfit. Weapons, he will have the Master Sword, Royal bow, and Hylian Shield. Note in this story that the shield and bow won't break. Why? Because I don't want them to in this case. So yeah. Enjoy the first chapter remake. Note this takes place after the battle, where Zelda does something to Calamity Ganon (I have no idea if it was a kill or a seal shot. Seriously I am unsure. So I will go on a assumption of sealing here) Also It has been FOREVER since I last watched the Familiar of Zero anime (I can't read japenese, though it is a future goal to learn it.) so I may not remember the biggest things, as I plan to wing most of it. Except the beginning, and certain plot necessities like the dragon, the finals of each season. Obviously Saito is shot with a shotgun in this story as he is NOT in it except as a joke whenever someone says something about stupid dog. So yeah. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 1: The unintended Familiar.

In a grassy plain land, miles from the nearest village, lays a battle between the giant dark boar demon Ganon, and a young man named Link, who has just fired the final arrow need to complete the process of taking Ganon down for a good long time, as Zelda comes and uses the power of her ancestors, the power of Hylia, to seal the demon king away, hopefully for a long time. But during the sealing process, Ganon had activated a back up plan of his, and activated it, send Link, the dimension between dimension, with the remained of his power he can use at the current moment before being fully sealed. Zelda realizes, Link is gone, the only indicator he was there was the bow of light, dropped when Link was banished.

"Link! LINK! WHERE ARE YOU! Link! Link." Zelda says freaking out then collapsing crying. "No. Link. Not you." A wolf howls before bursting a explosion of light, to a place unknown.

One Week later in Hyrule

Due to the exploits of Link, the land was able to start recovering and beginning to unite to bring back a sense of unity, in honor of Link, as he did help the people of Hyrule, and did many things that allowed them to rebuild beyond a few villages thats to all the rupees he spent on arrows alone. Seriously, at least 20,000 or mare for just REGULAR arrows. I am not even counting the other types.

"If only he was here, able to see what has been done. All the effort he put in, to save the land and end the rule of Calamity Ganon." Zelda says, looking through the remains of Hyrule Castle, especially her study and bedroom. A tear falls of her cheek, landing on a silent princess, making it glow a bit brighter, unknown to her.

In the dimension between dimensions

A warrior clad in a bright green tunic, just like the Hero of Time, is slowly losing ground to monsters and demons of untold strength and their never ending hordes. But Link, the warrior who faced off against dozens of Guardians, Lynels, Hinoxs, and all other types of creatures, refuses to back down, to remain fighting, even though he has lost the use of his right arm Shield arm and is bleeding profusely and is practically on his last leg. Due to the battle, Link misses the green portal and chanting that was being done, and the monsters force him to step back and fall in the portal, healing him enough to survive until the one who summoned him so they can get him fully healed.

Meanwhile in a courtyard of a castle, that is a school as well, where a pink haired girl, and a group of practically nobodies, minus a few, are waiting for Louise's familiar to show up from the smoke, when a portal that appears from ABOVE the smoke appears and a green blur lands, causing the ground to shake from the impact of the force and causing the entire group to dance around a bit. After a minute of the shaking, it stops as the smoke dissipates from the impact area to see a young man in his later teens, just laying there covered in blood, a arm in a painful looking position and clothes that for some reason look as fresh as a daisy, minus the blood stains.

"HOLY HELL! We have to help him!" shouts a busty lightly dark skinned female with a large bust, with a reddish orange hair.

"I will get him to a medical area. Louise, follow me." A man with a blue robe and a staff says as he begins lifting the man with magic to get him to levitate and prevent anymore blood lose.
"Fine Teacher." Louise says in a annoyed way. After they leave the group realizes that it was a commoner of sorts judging by the clothing. "Did we just try to help a commoner?" A generic male student asks.

"Yes." A generic female responded.

With the headmaster

"Well, that was a show. Never expected a human to be summoned. I can tell from here that he is powerful in terms of magic, though it is untrained. Though it is intriguing that this has happened." The headmaster says. "I need to do something about that annoying buzzing that forms words in the room. Seriously it is annoying." The headmaster says to nothing.

In the medical area

"Well, we managed to stabilize him where he won't die in a minute, but whether he survives or not is completely by luck. Of course if the familiar bond is complete like it should be done, then it will most likely to increase his chances by 50%. it is not a guarantee that it will, but it will be a factor in his health." The nurse says. Louise gets a annoyed look.

"He is nothing more than a commoner, the stupid dog (in a another universe, a boy with black hair and a blue and gray(?) jacket sneezes, and gets beaten up by a cat) that doesn't even deserve the privilege to lick my shoes!" Louise says in anger.

"Louise, you know full well that if you don't complete the contract with your familiar, no matter what, you WILL be sent expelled for not having a familiar." The teacher says with a neutral tone. "If you wish to stay, you must do it, regardless of your beliefs."

Louise sighs in annoyance, knowing the consequences of her being expelled, and how her family would react.

"Fine. I don't like it, but to protect my families reputation, and prevent any... future problems, I will seal the contract. Though may I ask why if we are trying to heal him, he is not unclothed, as healing magic needs to be exposed to the injured area without clothing in the way I thought?"Louise asks.

"Normally yes, but the magic to heal him would require a B class, and lucky the nurse here IS a B Class, though his worst injury besides his having a bunch of cuts and a minor case of blood loss, was his arm being broken. Which probably is his WORSE injury. The arm is broken in five areas. He will be lucky if he gets 50% use back. Of course in a world like ours, anything is possible." The nurse says.

Lousie decides to stop delaying the inevitable, and moves in to complete the contract, saying the words required, and seals it with a kiss on the lips, causing the symbol of Gandalf to appear on his left hand.


In this story, beyond elements, Healing magic exists, just much harder to use compared to other magic types, minus void. I don't even remember if there WERE Magic healers (Not potion makers) in the story. So yeah. That's about it.