Disclaimer: I do not own Bones or any of the shows characters. The only thing I own is my OC Tera.


The Thread in the Bone

Chapter Two: Artistic help and awkward silences


The Next Day

I scowled down at the large sketch pad on my lap. For the life of me I couldn't seem to properly draw this damn dragon's wings right. They kept coming out weird and uneven no matter how many times I erase them and redraw them. I had to draw a huge piece for my art class, and it had to include no less than three mystical creatures. It counted for half my grade, and at this rate I'm going to fail if I can't get theses wings right.

I'd chosen to draw a scene of a Phoenix and a Dragon fighting while fairies watched. The Fairies and the Phoenix were finished. I sighed and leaned back on the couch. I'd been working on this project for the past two weeks and it was driving me crazy. I was just about to give up on working on it for the day when Angela walked into the room.

"Hey sweetie what's the problem?" Angela asked.

"I'm working on my art project for class and I can't seem to get these dragon wings drawn right!" I lamented.

"Here let me see," Angela said, gently taking the sketch pad from me.

I leaned my head back as she looked over the drawing.

"Wow Terra this is really good. There's so much detail in the scales, and the feathers," Angela exclaimed.

I glanced up at her and shook my head.

"I don't know, honestly the whole thing doesn't feel right to me, but mostly the dragon wings," I denied, scowling at the sketch pad in her hands.

"Sweetie what you have so far is amazing, and I'll help you with the dragon wings," Angela replied, sitting down next to me.

For the next twenty minutes Angela sat with me, helping me draw the wings just right. We'd just finished with the drawing when Dr. Brennan walked into the room with a skull in her hands.

"There you are Angela. Could you do a reconstruction of the face for this skull for me?" She asked, holding the skull out to Angela.

Angela grimaced slightly, but took the skull from Dr. Brennan.

"Yeah, sure," She replied, frowning down at the skull.

It was obvious that she didn't like holding it, and I can understand why. I would be freaked out to if I had to hold some dead guys skull in my hands. My phone buzzed in my pocket as Angela and Dr. Brennan left the room, and I pulled it out and glanced at the screen. I smiled as I saw the picture of Olivia that I set up as her contact photo.

"Mom! I'm so glad you called, I miss you," I exclaimed, answering the phone.

"Oh honey, I miss you to. I was just calling to check up on you before I left for work. How'd you sleep last night?" She asked, worry evident in her voice.

"Okay I guess, it was just weird being in a different room is all. I wish I could come home," I replied, leaning back against the couch.

"I know you do, and I wish you could to. But the police still don't have any leads on who your stalker might be. But I'm sure they'll figure it out soon, and then you can come back home. How's your school work going?" Olivia questioned.

"Great. One of Booth's coworkers just helped me finish up my art project. Her names Angela and she's a really great artist. She showed me how to get the proportions of the dragon's wings right," I explained, glancing down at the sketch on the coffee table in front of me.

"That's great! I know you've been working on that sketch for a while now. And I know those dragon wings have been annoying you to no end. I'm glad you were able to get it fixed," She paused for a moment and I heard her curse under her breath, "Listen honey, I've got to get going to work now. I'll call you tomorrow night before I go to bed okay!"

"Yeah okay, sounds good. Talk to you tomorrow, love ya," I replied sadly.

"I love you too honey," She said, just before she hung up.

I sighed and dropped the phone onto the couch. God this sucks! I just want to go home. But I was also scared to go home. This stalker had managed to get inside my house, who knows what else this person was capable of?! I felt like screaming, or crying, or maybe both. Why does my life have to be so damn complicated? I groaned and buried my face in the decorative pillow that was lying next to me, tears streaming down my face…


I groaned as I woke up slowly, feeling like absolute crap. My head and eyes hurt from crying, and I knew my face must be red and puffy. My neck and back hurt from having fallen asleep on the couch in Dr. Brennan's office. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the time for a second, realizing that I'd been asleep for two hours, before sitting up. What the hell woke me up?

"Um, miss Moore?" A voice questioned from the door of the office.

I jumped at the sound and turned to see Dr. Brennan's intern, Zack I believe, standing awkwardly in the doorway. Oh, so that's what woke me up! Well it's no wonder he looks so damn awkward, I must be a complete mess. I took a second to gather my bearings and to look him over. He had shaggy brown hair that framed his face, and a pair of pretty chocolate brown eyes. If I was being honest, I'd have to say he was pretty cute.

"Just call me Terra, and you're Zack, right?" I asked.

He nodded his head at this.

"Yes Ugh, Booth wanted me to tell you that he had to leave with Dr. Brennan to talk to a suspect and that he might not be back for a few hours," Zack explained.

"Oh," I murmured, frowning.

Damn a few hours? Lord knows when he'll be back. I groaned. We were gonna stop and get something to eat on the way back to his place, but I was hungry right now. I glanced back at the door to see that Zack had left, and I quickly jumped up off the couch and dashed out of Dr. Brennan's office. Zack hadn't gotten too far, and I was able to easily catch up with him.

"Hey ugh Zack, do you think you could show me where the cafeteria is in this place. Or maybe a vending machine or something?" I requested.

He stopped and stared at me for a moment before nodding his head.

"Ugh, yeah sure. The cafeteria's this way," He muttered, turning around.

I followed him through the halls of the Jeffersonian in silence. I wasn't sure what to say to him. He seemed nice enough, and he was defiantly smart, but he seemed so awkward and unsure of himself. But this silence is killing me! I've never been good with awkward silences, or just silence in general.

When I was younger, one of my first foster parents would lock me inside a tiny closet for hours on end when they didn't want to deal with me. It was dark, cold, and very quiet inside that closet. Ever since then I hated absolute silence… and small spaces. Which is why I found myself suddenly breaking the silence.

"So, Zack, how long have you been working for Dr. Brennan?" I asked, glancing over at him.

"Three years," He replied, not even looking at me.

I was about to ask him another question when we finally reached the cafeteria. Zack muttered something that I didn't quite catch, then took off back down the hall, heading back to the labs. The hell was that?! All I did was ask him one question! I shook my head, and headed further into the cafeteria so I could get some food. I'll ask Angela later about what I did wrong, right now I need something to eat…


AN: Wow it's been a while since I updated this story, sorry bout that ya'll! And I know this chapter is short, and I'm not completely satisfied with it. But I've been having some major writers block for this story, and I just wanted to get a new chapter out for ya'll! Review and let me know what you think.