This is my first fanfiction (that I've shared at least) so I hope you guys like it! It's going to be multiple chapters- don't worry. This is my take on the events, post-Gaurdians of The Galaxy 2. Enjoy, and like of you'd like!

It was only once the adrenaline died down, that the total shit storm of events, that had been the past few days, fully sunk in with Peter. Between almost dying, holding a funeral, and repairing his ship, not much time was left for rest, let alone emotional assessment. But it was during his first real night of sleep, about two days after the fight with Egos, that Peter truly felt the backlash.

He and Rocket had finished repairs on the ship, they had laid Yondu to rest in the depths of space, and he had made sure the most demanding of his teammates' wounds had been patched up. He finally had the opportunity to make the drastic mistake of shutting his eyes.

He fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, surrendering him to the world of past traumas. It all rushed back to him… That son of a bitch he got to call his father, the loss of the last gift left to him by his mother, the near loss of his friends, and sacrifice of his adoptive dad. The exploitation of his being, used a human battery. Being impaled by a beam of light, all his energy drained out of him, leaving him helpless to do anything, like a worthless puppet. With the memories came the pain. A sharp feeling in his abdominal mirrored in the small of his back, like being stabbed clean through. He heard a voice as well, as ominous as it was familiar "I will never let you go, we will always be connected."

Peter awoke with a jolt, he wanted to believe it was all a dream, but his aching stomach told him otherwise. Whatever kind of crazy shit was going on, it was as real as the leftover pains he was feeling. He must have been yelling too, because Gamora was standing in the doorway staring at him expectently.

"Peter! Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" he attempted to say back, but his, now sore, throat wouldn't let him get past a whisper.

She let herself in, and approached Peter.

"What the hell happened to you!"

"Well let's recount, shall we? My demonic, celestial, son of a bitch father attempted to use me as a battery to destroy my home planet along with the entire galaxy… so yeah. Nothing." The look on her face was all he needed to tell she was unamused.

Peter sighed, "It was a nightmare."

"You're usually not the nightmare type."

"Well some good ol' trauma will do that to a person. I've always wanted to know what PTSD felt like." He quipped.

"Peter, are sure that's all that's going on?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You didn't hear yourself yelling." She sighed, as he raised an eyebrow. "I'm worried, ok? You battled a god! What ever happened there… It was a first for all of us."

"Well I'm fine, I promise." He lied, voice still raspy.

"Is there anything you need, water." Water sounded nice, but he refused to be coddled.

"I can get it for myself," he said, pushing himself up, which proved to be a mistake as his body fell limp against the bed. Gamora shook her head.

"Just rest, ok?" She left the room, giving her friend one last concerned look.