The lights flared to life, sending dazzling bright sparks through Harry's closed eyelids. He opened his eyes, hastily blinking them to get them used to the sudden light that filled the room beyond the door. He moved further into the room, allowing the others to follow him in.

What he saw made him smile. It was exactly the way he had wanted it to be. The room he had stepped into was large and round, with a high domed roof. In the centre was a recessed pit, a couch circling the rim, while the centre held yet another pit, with logs of wood set up, ready to be lit for a fire. The rest of the room held overstuffed couches and armchairs, low lying coffee tables, and a couple of bookcases filled to over flowing with various trinkets and magical objects.

Four doorways led out of the room, each leading to different areas of the Bunker. One was where Harry and the rest had entered, out into the dark cave, and the exit to the ravine. Opposite the entrance, the doorway led out into a large library, easily three levels of old, even ancient, texts on spells, creatures and magical history. Harry could just see the banister of the topmost level, the library having been dug down into the earth, rather than up. He knew that on the lowest level of the library there would be a long table that stretched for most of the length of the floor.

To the left a doorway opened up onto a hallway, lined on either side with more doors. They each opened up onto bedrooms for any other members of the pack, and would also act as spare rooms for the Wolf Pack, if any chose to visit.

The doorway to the right was the odd one out, and Isaac was the first to ask about it.

"Why is that doorway bricked up?"

And indeed it was bricked up. The doorway, with an arched top just like the others, was bricked up completely, blocking off whatever was on the other side, if there was anything. It stood out against the surrounding plaster wall, which had been painted to look like a forest in the early morning. If they had been hoping to hide whatever had been there, they had failed spectacularly.

"It's to stop anyone from getting in, obviously" Sirius said, strolling across the room to the bricked up doorway, pulling his wand out as he did so. He didn't have his wand core encircling his wrist, and as such still needed to use his wand for any form of magic. "No one is allowed down there, except for Harry and me. Only those keyed into the wards can go beyond this wall." He tapped the tip of his wand in a seemingly random pattern on the bricks, which hastily shuffled around and moved, revealing an empty passage beyond. "Anyone else will die, so I warn you not to try to go in." He said this last bit, glaring at Isaac, Scott and Ron as he did so, who nodded their heads in the affirmative.

"Dad, can I have the case?" Harry asked, walking over to the empty passage as he did so. "And where do I go?"

Sirius pulled out a small, match box sized object, before enlarging it, revealing it to be a black, metal case, inscribed with runes. He carefully handed it over to Harry, who carefully held it out at arm's length, not wanting to have it any closer.

"The main vault is just at the end of the corridor" Sirius said, his face grim. "Do you really need another, though? I honestly think one-"

"Dad, please, we've talked about this before" Harry said, cutting Sirius off. "It's necessary, and that's all I'm going to tell you. We all have our secrets, you know that."

"Yes, and yet you seem to have more than most" Sirius said in reply.

"I know" Harry muttered. "But that's why this is necessary. The less people that know about this, the better, and the less people that know what is inside, is even better then less people knowing about the vault. Please, just don't ask questions."

"Okay, fine" Sirius said. "Just, be careful, okay? Those wards are sentient, and can be really dangerous."

"Okay, I will. I'll be back soon. Show them around" Harry nudged his head in the direction of Scott, Isaac and Ron. "You know this place better than anyone."

And with that, he walked into the passage, the brick work falling in place behind him, sealing him off from the others. He breathed in slowly, before he flicked the lights on, illuminating the passage.

He made his way through the passage as quickly as possible. It wasn't long, and he reached the end in under a minute. What he saw took his breath away.

A large, round, vault door sat embedded in the wall, guarding the entrance to the vault that held the families riches. Large bars crisscrossed the door, bolting the heavy metal into place. Harry knew, from the smell of the chamber he was in, that the door was saturated in magic, protecting it from any form of theft, not that they would have gotten this far in the first place. But Sirius's suspicion of strangers and outside dangers was something that, despite his hatred for his family, had been engrained into him from birth. Always have more protection than is needed, he always said

Harry, however, wasn't looking to enter the large vault in front of him. He looked to the right, finding a nondescript wooden door, which was where he was headed. He moved over to it, pressing his right hand to the bare wood of the door. A quick, sharp pain, lanced through his hand, and he hissed in pain at the expected jolt, but didn't pull his hand away. The pain receded as quickly as it had appeared, and the door swung open, revealing a set of stairs that led down deeper into the earth. He quickly and hurriedly descended them, not wanting to take too long in doing what needed to be done.

The stairs continued to descend, before levelling off, and leading to a straight corridor, which continued on for a hundred feet, before opening up into a plain, stone room, lit only by a few, bare lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling. Across the room from the corridor was Harry's destination.

The room was empty, devoid of any sort of indication that the room had ever been in use. Every wall was blank and smoothly cut, as if by a laser. Aside from the doorway out of the room, there was no other way in or out. There was no sign of runes or magic of any sort having been cast anywhere in the room, but the scent of cloves and jasmine that permeated the air, almost intoxicating in its strength, and was the only indication, to Harry at least, of how much magic had actually been cast in the chamber.

Still carrying the case at arm's length with his left hand, Harry moved over to the wall opposite the doorway he had entered, pulling his wand out with his right as he did so. This was something that needed a little more finesse than a hand.

He placed the tip of his wand on the wall, at about eyelevel, before he moved the tip across the wall, leaving a glittering silver trail behind. He stopped a little to the left of his face, having created a horizontal line, before moving down to the right, stopping, then moving up to the right, creating two diagonal lines. Together, he had created a glimmering, silver, and upside down triangle. He removed his wand from the wall, placing it at the lowest point of the triangle, and moved his wand up, in a wavy line, that ended just above the horizontal line, so it bisected the tringle.

It was a symbol he had found while reading a muggle book series, one that had been mentioned quite often. But it was a symbol that no wizard, at least no muggle hating wizard, would know about. And Harry knew it would only be muggle hating wizards that would be looking for him and what he had to hide.

The symbol flashed an emerald green, showing that, yes, it was correct, and that Harry was not an imposter, before fading out of existence. Harry waited patiently for a second, before a tiny hole appeared, right in the centre of where the symbol had been. It gradually, and quickly, widened into a large hole in the wall, still in the shape of the upside down triangle, and was large enough for Harry to walk through without having to duck his head. He walked through the opening, and found exactly what he had come down here for.

It was a large room, not as large as the main room of the bunker, but still fairly large on its own. It was square, the walls smoothly cut, and made of obsidian. It was rare to find obsidian in such quantities as this, but it had many magical properties. Obsidian was highly resistant to magic, and could withstand full frontal attacks from even the darkest and most powerful of spells. But it had one unique property that made it highly sought after. It absorbed any and all magic that was used against it, and used it to strengthen it even more. It was highly sought after for this, and was used mainly for either magical bunkers, or for extremely high security vaults, such as this.

The room was somewhat bare, however, with the only furniture in the room being a wooden table, and two bookcases that stood empty against one wall.

Harry moved over to the table, carefully placing the metal case on the table, popping the locks on it open as he did so. He took a deep breath, before he opened the case, almost as if what was inside could kill him instantly. 'Although' Harry thought 'That isn't far from the truth.'


The sound of footsteps on the stairs was the only indication to the others that Harry had returned from whatever it was that he had been doing in the vaults. They looked up to find him descending the final few stairs, looking slightly dishevelled, but otherwise fine.

"What happened to you?" Sirius asked, a mischievous grin on his face. "Did someone try to snog you on your way back?"

Everyone laughed, Harry chuckling a little while he attempted to fix his hair in a mirror that hung from the wall, his cheeks flushing as he did so. "You do know, dad, if someone else had managed to get in here, I would be a little worried. You're meant to be the best Ward Smith in the country. If someone got in here without our permission, I'd like a refund."

Everyone laughed again, and Sirius just smiled at Harry's comeback good naturedly.

"So" Harry began, turning from the mirror, having failed to fix his hair. "What do you think of the place? Do you like it?"

"It's great" Ron answered, smiling as he did so. "The whole place is amazing. The Library is awesome. Hermione would have loved it."

Harry smiled at his friend, agreeing with him whole heartedly. Hermione would have loved it.

"I think this place is amazing" Isaac breathed out in awe. "It's not often you find out that your friends brother is magical, and that he has a hidden underground bunker that he uses for pack meetings. And it's all made by magic, from what I've been told. It's just, mind blowing."

"You think this is big?" Sirius asked, spinning around, arms spread out, motioning to the library and its upper two floors above them. "You should see the Ministry of Magic back in England. Nine levels accessible by lift, all underground, and the lowest two levels are only accessible by stairs. And even then, those lowest two are in the Department of Mysteries, and only Unspeakables could access them."

"Unspeakables?" Isaac asked, at the same time as Scott asked "What are they?" The two looked at each other, a grin on each of their faces for having spoken at the same time.

"The people who work in the Department of Mysteries" Sirius said in answer, while Harry went and began looking through the books, with Ron's help. Sirius continued talking, completely unaware that Harry and Ron had walked off.

The subjects covered by all of the many books ranged across all of the subjects studied at Hogwarts, from Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, to Care of Magical Creatures, Transfiguration and Charms. Many of the books also covered subjects that were considered too dark to be taught, or too difficult for those still only learning to harness their magic. Despite this, Harry ascended one of the staircases to the second level, Ron hot on his heels, looking for the vast section that covered Werewolves.

Once they had reached the section, Ron asked "Why are you here? I thought you knew a lot about Werewolves?"

"I know a lot about Werewolves, Ron, but I don't know everything" Harry said in reply, pulling various titles off the shelves seemingly at random. "It's like how you don't know everything about wizards. That's why we learn. Here, take these."

He then handed over a large stack of books, which caused Ron to stumble and almost drop them from their combined weight. "Warn a guy when you give him something this heavy next time, will you?"

"What are you talking about? That wasn't heavy, it was-" Harry cut himself off when he looked at Ron, noticing the strain he was under from the weight of the books. "Right, sorry, Werewolf strength, remember? What's heavy to you, isn't to me. Here, let me take some, let's go back down."

They carried the books down stairs, to the large table that stretched across the room, Ron struggling somewhat, before they dropped the books on the table with a loud bang, causing Sirius to stop talking about whatever it was he had been talking about before they had returned.

"What's all this for, then?" Sirius asked, his curiosity piqued at whatever they were doing.

"We want to know why there would be an Alpha Pack, and if there has been anything of the sort in the past" Harry said by way of explanation. "And actually, now that I think about it, something on the Darach as well would be useful." He waved his hand almost carelessly as he said this, before a whooshing sound caught everyone else's attention. A number of books had shot off of the shelves, and zoomed around the room, before landing in a neat pile right in front of Harry. "Okay, it's about time that we get started on this research. Come on, chop, chop, we don't have all day."

"Wait, wait, wait" Ron said, jumping up from the chair he had been sitting in. "An Alpha Pack? Another one?"

"Hang on" Scott said. "You said something about the Alpha Pack earlier, at the Motel. Didn't you?"

"What's going on, Harry?" Sirius asked, a hint of worry creeping into his voice.

"Harry" Ron muttered, moving around the table to crouch beside his friend. "What's going on? How does this have anything to do with the war?"

Harry sighed, closing his eyes as he did so. He muttered something, but no one was able to hear what he had said.

"Can you speak up Harry? None of us heard that" Ron said, calmly waiting for his friend to speak up.

"He was a part of the Succession. We had to get rid of him" Harry said, as if that answered anything. "He had to be killed, if not because of that, but because he was a monster."

"But of background would be nice, Harry" Sirius said, while Ron's face became a mask of horror and understanding. "Succession? And who was killed? Please, anything would be helpful."

"Voldemort, and his Line of Succession" Harry said calmly and quietly, his voice carrying in the silence of the room. He took a shuddering breath, before he continued. "He had contingency plans in place, so that, if he were to die, even though he thought it was impossible, the war would continue. He had a Line of Succession, a list of people who were to assume command were he to die." Harry took another breath, steadying himself, before continuing. "Each person on that list was as monstrous as the next, and would have burned everything to the ground if it meant they would win. So, we did the only thing we could possibly think of, that would permanently remove them as a threat. Azkaban was no longer an option, as Voldemort controlled it and the dementors, so we did the next best thing."

"We assassinated them" Ron said jumping in to give Harry a break. "One by one, from the ground up, we took out everyone who would be in line to take power were Voldemort to die. One of them was Fenrir Greyback, I think he was sixth in line to take over. But that's the thing, Greyback wasn't working alone. There was an Alpha Pack, which Greyback was a member of, and I think he was pretty high up in it too."

"How many were in the pack?" Scott asked, hoping that they weren't the same pack's they were talking about.

"There were about ten members, maybe twelve, I wasn't entirely sure" Harry said, taking over from Ron. "But it was through them that Voldemort got the Werewolves on his side. All but me and Remus, of course. But many of the members of the Alpha Pack were killed during the war, and I think there was only about three left. What was his name? I always forget. Dagnar? No, Daelos? No, not that either."

"Is it Deucalion?" Isaac asked, and Harry's head shot up, eyes snapping open as he did so.

"That's it, Deucalion and his Lieutenants, Kali and Ennis. They were the only ones left after the war."

"But there's five now. They have Aiden and Ethan on their side" Scott said.

"Then they must have been recruiting" Harry muttered, while he focused to keep his heartbeat steady. "And that must be why they're here, or at least one of the reasons."

"What do you mean 'one of the reasons'?" Sirius asked, looking on doubtfully at Harry and the others. "They're recruiting, so what? Their not hurting anyone, are they?"

"They are, and there is the problem" Harry said, worry tinting his voice. "Deucalion, from what it seems, is trying to get at Scott, someone he knows I am very close to and for good reason."

"What do you mean, he's trying to get to me?" Scott asked, a look of worry passing over his face.

"He wants revenge" Harry said simply. "He wants to kill you, or at least corrupt you, because I killed Fenrir Greyback. He wants to get to you, because I killed his brother."

This statement left the room silent, before, without another word, Harry cracked open a book, and began doing some research, hoping no one would ask any questions. And his silent plea was, thankfully, answered, when the others wordlessly pulled books over to them, and began reading themselves.


The alarm blared loud and clear in the early morning the next day. With a groan, Harry pulled himself out of bed, sending a wandless silencer towards the alarm as he did so. It was only now that he regretted ever thinking of going to a muggle school after Hogwarts.

Across the room, Ron also groaned as he moved out of bed, wearing sweatpants and the same, threadbare shirt he had worn when Harry had gotten home two days before hand. Harry, meanwhile, wore only his sweatpants, having been too hot the night before to wear a shirt. The boys quickly and efficiently got changed into their clothes for the day, Harry having to help Ron pick out muggle worthy clothes as he did so. He and Hermione may have tried to help Ron with his muggle clothing during their schooling, but he still had a long way to go before he would be able to pick out his own muggle clothes.

They stumbled down the stairs, somehow not falling down them in their sleep deprived state and breaking something. They had returned to the house shortly after midnight, their attempts to find anything on Alpha Packs and Darachs having been a waste of time. Due to the size of the library in the Bunker, it would take weeks to look through everything they had, and so far they had nothing. It was somewhat frustrating, that they didn't have anything, and Harry somewhat wished Hermione were still with them.

They gradually made their way to the kitchen, where they found Scott, Isaac and Lily sitting at the table, munching on some bacon and eggs. The sight, and smell, of food quickly woke Ron up, who bolted to the table with a speed that surprised Harry, especially due to the time. Harry, meanwhile, shuffled his feet over to the kettle, quickly making himself a coffee, and gulping it down in seconds, before making himself a second, and then a third in quick succession.

"You do know that much coffee can be bad for you, Harry."

Harry jumped a little, having forgotten, in his rush to get to the coffee, that there were others in the room. He turned around, smiling sheepishly at the others, deciding that not answering would be the best option, before making himself a fourth cup of the delicious brew.

"So remind me again, why do we need to get up this early?" Harry asked instead, taking a seat next to Ron at the table, and shovelling some food onto his plate. "You don't usually get up this early to get to school, do you?" He directed this last question at Scott and Isaac.

"Are you that used to being at boarding school that getting up early is a problem for you, dear brother?" Scott quipped sarcastically, a broad grin on his face. "And actually, yes we do get up this early. The fact that we were up late last night doesn't bother us. In fact, I think we're used to it. Which, now that I think about it, might be a problem."

Isaac chuckled at Scott, while Lily spoke up. "You need to get to school a little earlier so you can get your timetable. And probably a book list, too. You're going to need them for class, depending on what subjects you take. I think you might be able to leave school at lunch to run over to the book store and get them."

"Where's dad, by the way? I thought he had the day off today?"

"You know the sheriff's office, something came up, and he got called in. Really, it's the only downside to him having used magic to solve some of the cases he has. He gets called in for anything that comes up, because they think he can solve everything right away. That, on top of him being a Ward Smith, makes his timetable hectic as all hell. But, what are you gonna do?"

"Okay. Is there anything else I should know?" Harry asked, before something more important popped into his head. "Actually, how are Ron and I getting to school?"

Lily smiled mischievously as he spoke, and he shied away a little, knowing that nothing good could come of that smile. He was going to get grounded for something bad he had forgotten he had done, or he was going to get congratulated and then grounded for something he had done. Either way, he was screwed.

"Your father and I have decided that, since we got Scott his dirt bike for his birthday, we would get you that car you wanted as a birthday and coming home present." She fished around in her pockets, and pulled out a set of keys, throwing them at him without a warning. He caught them effortlessly, his Seeker reflexes, and enhanced Werewolf reflexes working together to catch them before he could even think. "I think you'll like what we got you."

So maybe he wasn't screwed. He gaped slightly at the keys in his hand, before looking at his mother, who had a broad grin on her face at his reaction. He immediately got out of his seat, moving around the table to pull her into a hug, laughing and smiling as he did so.

"Well, go on, then" she said, pulling away from him as she did so. "It's in the garage. Go and have a look. And don't damage it on the way to school."

He hurriedly grabbed his stuff for school, before walking into the garage, flicking on the lights as he did so.

There, in the middle of the garage, sat a dark blue, ford mustang, of what seemed to be the newest model. Though the doors were shut, Harry could still smell the scent of fresh, new leather in the interior. It was gleaming in the dim light of the garage, all sleek, sharp lines and rounded edges. This was the best present he had every gotten.

"Well, boys" Harry called out to the others. "I think it's time we go to school, don't you think?"