Hello my loves! So, who is ready for the LAST One-shot of The Start of Our Life Together?! I know I am not ready for this. This series is like my baby and I'm so sad to be moving on from my first group of One-shots. I'm not crying at all…. You are! Lol no but in all seriousness, don't worry guys. There is A LOT more to come! So who is ready? Let's do this!

The Best Day of My Life!

Today is New Year Eve and Masamune has been very nervous for some odd reason. All day he has been jumpy and on edge. After we ate dinner, I suggested we should go buy some alcohol and wait for New Years in the quietness of our home. However, Masamune seems have other plans. It is now 9:45pm and we are driving to some park.

"Masamune I'm really starting to worry about you. Please tell me what's going on?" I begged him as we stopped at a red light. He sighed and turned to look at me.

"Ritsu I promise everything is okay. I just have something I wanna give to you and it happens to be at the park." The light turned green as I huffed. I crossed my arms and looked out the window. I couldn't stop myself from worrying about him.

Masamune…. What is going on?


"Okay, sit right here." Masamune pushed gently on my shoulders and made me sit on a bench. I looked up at him as he smiled. "Please trust me Ritsu. I really think you're going to like this."

"I trust you more then anyone in this world Takano Masamune." I answered honestly as his smile grew bigger.

"Okay. Now close your eyes." I smiled as I closed my eyes. I felt something move closer to my face "Koishiteru baby. I love you Onodera Ritsu more than you will ever know." I felt his lips brush mine softly until he pulled back. "Keep them closed okay?" I smiled more as I nodded my head. Soon I heard him walking away but like I promised I kept my eyes shut. I heard the sound of someone coming closer after a minute.

"Hello Onodera." I snapped my eyes open after I heard the sound of a grumpy bear.

"Yokozawa?!" I asked with shock as I looked around. "Where is Masamune?"

"You will see him later but for right now I need you to come with me." I felt my eyes widen as I looked him up and down.

"Umm… Yokozawa I'm very confused right now. You like aren't going to… kill me, right?" I asked the only question that came to mind.

"HUH?!" He roared as I jumped.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's just... this looks like a horror movie I saw once!" I answered as he sighed deeply and put his hand on his head.

"Look Onodera. Masamune has a surprise for you but I can't help you figure it out if you don't come with me Baka." I stood up slowly and looked around one last time.

"Alright I'll trust you. Let's go."


Yokozawa made me put on a blindfold as we pulled up somewhere. I heard the car turn off as he got out.

I am really confused and kinda scared right now...

I heard my car door open and I looked to the sound of Yokozawa voice. "Onodera, I'm going to lead you inside but no peeking." I nodded my head as I held my breath. "Im not going to hurt you okay!" He snapped at me after I jumped from him touching my arm. I took a deep breath.

I am being stupid. Masamune would never put me in harm's way. He loves me too much to risk my safety.

I felt Yokozawa help me out of the car as my fear left my body. He held onto my shoulders and we walked into a building. We made a couple of turns until he told me to step. We went up two flights of stairs until he stopped. I heard him open a door and all of sudden a smell hit me like a train.

This smell of old books and wood... Where have I smelled this before...

He leads me inside and turned right. There he stopped and ripped off the blindfold. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I sucked in my breath. I couldn't believe my eyes as I looked around. I was in our old high school and in front of the bookcase where I confessed my love to him. I turned around to Yokozawa with shock as I tried to speak.

"H-h-how... I d-don't understand..." He smiled softly and walked away. I called out to him but he just walked out of the liberay. I whipped my head back around and saw the book that start all this. I held my breath as I reached for it. I pulled it out and opened the cover. There it was, Saga Masamune and right under his was Oda Ritsu. I laughed happily as tears formed in my eyes. I just couldn't believe it. As I closed the book, a note fell out and landed on the floor. I tilted my head and I reached down. It was shaped in a heart with writing.

Oda Ritsu,

This was the best day of my young life. The day you confessed to me opened a whole new world to me. You showed me what love was like and I can never repay you for that. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, love.


My tears fell slowly down my cheeks as I read over the note. I held it close to my heart as I let myself feel every emotion I possibly could. After a minute, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I grasped as I turned around.

"It's okay Onodera-san, I understand you must be feeling a lot of emotions right now."

"Hatori!?" I smiled happily seeing another one of my friends as I wiped my tears away.

"I'm here to take you to our next stop." I laughed happily as I nodded my head. I folded my heart note and slid it into my pocket. Hatori smiled and lead the way out of my old high school. As I got into his car, I looked out the window. I could have sworn as we pulled away I saw my Saga-Senpai staring at me from the library window.


I was forced to wear another blindfold as Hatori lead me out of the car. I almost fell as he opened the door; luckily, he caught me. We chuckled as he entered an elevator. I had a feeling where we were going next as I was pulled into a room. Hatori pulled off the blindfold as I was met with a pink room. I giggled as I looked around the office and went up to my desk. I looked towards the door only to find Hatori gone. I half smiled as I looked down at my desk. On top of it was another heart note and I picked it up quickly.


Who used to read all the books in his high school library. This was the moment I knew I found you again. It was also the moment I became very confused again. I knew I still loved you but I knew you had changed. I chased you, hoping I would get a confession quickly but I was wrong. You held your ground but that only made me fall harder for who you are now.

"The Great Editor and Chef"

I smiled brightly again as I read over his note and laughed musically as I read "The Great Editor and Chef".

"Well, that's one cute laugh Onodera-Kun." I looked up to find Yoshino smiling happily.

"Hey Yoshino." I smiled him as I waved.

"I guess you know why I am here huh?" I nodded my head and he laughed. "But I bet you don't know where we are going."

"No, but I can't wait to figure it out!" We laughed as I put my second note in my pocket and we made our way out of the office.


I put the blindfold on as Yoshino told me we were getting close.

"Are you excited?" He asked as I turned to his voice.

"Yes. I can't believe Masamune thought of doing something like this for me. It's so sweet and romantic. I didn't know he could be like this." I confessed as I felt heat in my cheeks. Yoshino chuckled happily as he turned.

"I didn't either but I'm happy he did. Do you know why he is doing all this?" I shook my head and sighed.

"No, I don't. I don't think it's a special day but Masamune always seems to surprise me when I don't see it coming. Either way, I am happy he did."

"I'm sure you will find out soon." I felt the car stop. "We are here!" Yoshino said happily as he turned off the car. He opened my door and like everyone else helped me find my way. It was cold and I had to pull my coat tighter around me. Soon we stopped and the blindfold was ripped off once more. As I opened my eyes, I was met with the wide view of the city. We were at the park where Masamune brought me when we spent his first birthday together even though I was unwilling. I smiled happily at the view.

"Bye Onodera-kun!" Yoshino waved as he walked away. I waved back as I looked down. I looked for note until I saw it taped to the rail. I pulled it off slowly, careful not to rip it.


This was my first birthday with you. Even though I had to force you, I was still really happy. This was also the moment I realized I love you competely for who you are. I loved your stubbornness, smart mouth, passion and willingness to get a job done. You might not be the shy kohai I once knew but you are still the only person I will ever love.


I giggled as I read over his note.

He is so cute and sweet. I love him so much. There is just too much love in my heart for him. I feel like I am flying when I think of him. When he with me, I feel like I could do anything in this world.

"Awww Ri-chan you are blushing!" I turned around to find my best friend. I blushed brighter as I called out to him.

"Hey Kisa-san... I guess you saw me gushing over this."

"It's okay Ri-chan. I think it great. I'm so happy for you two."

"Thank you Kisa-san but we are just dating." I chuckled as I scratched my head.

"For now~" I looked at him in shock.

"Huh!? What are you talking about?" He giggled behind his hand and shook his head.

"Nothing Rittie. Come on or we are gonna be late."

"Late for what?" I tilted my head as he grabbed my arm and dragged me off to the car. I took one last look at the park and view before it was out of my sight.

Hmmm... what is Masamune up to?


Kisa-san parked the car and looked at me. "You don't have to put the blindfold on this time Ri-chan." I nodded my head and looked out the window.

"Where are we Kisa-san?" He smiled as he opened the door.

"You will find out soon." I opened the door and got out of the car. The first thing I notice was the smell of flowers and trees even in the winter. I looked ahead to find a path of roses and candles. I giggled and walked along the path. As I got closer, I saw a long arch cover in all kind of flowers and bright lights. My breath was forced out of my body as I saw my Masamune at the at the end of the arch. He was shining brightly along all the lights and candles. The moon light was shining off of the water. That's when it hit me that we were at the lake Masamune and I had a date at. I walked up to him and stood right in front of him.

"Masamune, what is all of this?" He took a deep breath as he dropped onto one knee. I gasped as I jumped back. I couldn't believe what was happening. Masamune gulped as he looked up at me.

"Ritsu... all my life I thought I would be alone until you came along. I didn't know how to react to your confession at first and I just wanted to break you. Soon, I realized I could never break someone as kind-hearted as you. You gave me love when I really needed it. You cared about me like no one else ever had. When I finally realized I was in love with you, it was too late. I lost you because I was dumbass and didn't think about how my laugh would have made you feel. I lost everything again and I would cry and beg for it to come back. I told myself you would come back one day and I would win you back and we would be okay. However, as time passed, I lost all my hope. That was until a newbie editor came to work with us. I had a feeling I knew you but I couldn't remember where. Then that day happened, the day you trigger all the memories to come back to me. I chased you because I felt all the hope and light return to my body as days passed. I fell madly in love with you all over again and I was so happy just to have you near me. On your birthday, all the love and happiness I could ever want came back to me and I couldn't be more thankful. Over the past months of being together, I started to dream of being married and adopting children. I loved the dreams so much that I just can't wait any longer." Tears were falling down my cheeks like a waterfall as Masamune reached into his pocket. He pulled out a black box as I lost all my breath again. He opened it up and inside was a beautiful ring with an emerald gemstone in the middle of a blooming flower and four leaves on each side. "Onodera Ritsu, will you make me the happiest man alive and stay with me for the rest of our lives? Ritsu, please become my husband." I couldn't stop my tears as I covered my mouth to hide my sobs. I heard all our friends count down as it got closer to the New Year.

"10!... 9!... 8!... 7!"

Oh my god Masamune! I love you so much. I can't believe this happening!

"6!... 5!... 4!"

Masamune started to sweat as I tried to form the right words.

"3!... 2!"

"Yes Takano Masamune! I'll marry you!"

"1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" I dropped to my knees and I pulled him close to me. I cried happily into his shirt and I held onto tight.

"Koishiteru Masamune. Koishiteru. Koishiteru."

"Ritsu... you really said yes..." Masamune kissed my forehead and he held me close. "Koishiteru baby. Koishiteru."

Everyone came closer as Masamune pulled back. He slipped the ring onto my finger as I stared at it. It was the perfect ring and I couldn't be anymore happier. I grabbed Masamune shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He kissed me back until we head someone cough. He pulled back and laughed as I looked at everyone. Yukina, Kirishima, Mino and Yanase were all here along with Kisa-san, Hatori, Yoshino and Yokozawa.

"I got it all on film" Mino smiled happily as he showed us the video camera. I laughed thinking about watching myself cry like a baby. We stood up slowly as everyone start to gush over us.

"Congratulations you two." Yanase smiled and he wrapped his arm around Mino.

"I love happy ending so much. This is just like a manga!" Yukina sparked as he jumped up and down, clapping.

Kisa-san and Yoshino cried as they yelled how happy they were for us.

Hatori patted Masamune on the back and congratulated us. While Yokozawa gave Masamune a hug and shook my hand. He smiled happily as he spoke up. "I'm so happy for you guys. I never thought this would have worked but now I am happy it did. I can see how happy you both are and I'm glad you stopped dicking around Onodera."

"I think it is Bakano who has been dicking around... if you know what I mean."

"Fuck off Kirishima!" I laughed as Masamune punched Kirishima on the shoulder and laughed.


I sighed happily as we walked into our apartment. I took off my shoes and walked over to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and took a drink as Masmaune followed me. He took the cup from my hand.

"Hey Baka~" I laughed as he picked me up and put me on the counter. He kissed me hard and I returned with the same passion. He pulled away and kissed my neck.

"Well Onodera Ritsu, this has been the best night of my life." I laughed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You always say that babe." I giggled as he laid his forehead on mine.

"It is always true. All my nights and days are the best with you. However tonight is the going to go down in history."

"How did you set all this up without me finding out?"

"I had help from our friends. Yukina, Mino, Yanase and Kirishima helped me with the flowers, candles, arch and lights while Yokozawa, Hatori, Yoshino and Kisa helped me get you to all the places that mattered the most in our relationship to me." Takano smiled as he kissed my nose. "And now we are going to get married baby. Soon I'll call you Mr. Takano." I giggled as I thought of my name charge.

"Takano Ritsu... I love the sound of that." I bushed my lips against his as he picked me up.

"So, do I love." He took us into the bedroom where the rest of the night was history for me and my fiancé.

For this is the start of our life together...

Guys... I might be crying happy tears... lol so there you have it! The end of The Start of Our Life together. Aww I love happy ending, how about you? I am still so sad to see this finally come to end but everything will be okay because... We are moving onto the next big story in my series! I'll give you a little spoiler... are you ready? They might be meeting PARENTS! DUN DUN DUN! Lol anyways you guys know the deal... Keep your eyes open for the next exciting big story in "It's Time to Tell Our Parents" in my series "Our Super Crazy and Loving Life."

Until next time!

Kiss kiss xxx