Author's Note: Once again thank you for all the favs, follows and reviews! They gave me motivation to complete this.

Now let's see what is Adrien's after-prank relationship status, shall we?

Chapter 3 "Could this day get any weirder?"

In the end Adrien had plenty of time to think about the events of the previous evening and the morning that followed. He sent a short message to Nino to let him know he was grounded for a few days, until his father's clerks would assess the damage. He asked his friend to pass this news to everyone in class, because it turned out that all of his classmates (bar Chloe) had sent him texts asking if he was all right and if they could help him somehow. Adrien didn't feel like replying to them all and risking to be dragged into questioning, even through texts only.

He still didn't have the courage to contact Marinette. Her messages where vague, simply inquiring if he was all right and if he got home safe. Adrien found a little consolation in the fact that those texts were an evidence of her worrying about him, not being mad at him. But despite that he still had no clue what to do now. Above all, he wanted to talk to her in person, not over the phone or via text. He wanted to look into her bluebell eyes and see for himself how she felt about him being Chat, and if she still wanted to be his girlfriend after that moronic prank.

The evening came, while the boy was still lying on his couch and tossing his phone mindlessly. Plagg had long ago curled up in the crook of his elbow and dozed off. They were both alarmed by the sound of knocking. Not on the door.

Although it was dark, there was no mistaking to who was the person standing outside his window. In no time Adrien was opening it and letting her inside.

After a moment of awkward silence Ladybug finally gathered her voice.

'I… I just wanted to check if you're okay.' She said sheepishly. 'You haven't replied to any of my texts. Nino told us you were grounded, but I just… I wanted to check for myself.'

Adrien nodded dumbly, unable to say anything, unable to think of anything.

'Well, you're clearly all right, so… Imma… I'm gonna go…' The red clad heroine waved her hand in the direction of the opened window. 'It's late. I don't want to bother you.' Her voice was slightly shaking, her eyes glimmered with a promise of tears. This sight was what finally got Adrien's brain to reboot.

Wordlessly he reached out and pulled her into a hug. Ladybug let out a very Marinetty squeak but soon melted into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder and nuzzling her nose into his neck. Adrien pressed his cheek to the crown of her head, closed his eyes and basked in the familiar and above all most beautiful scent in the world. Chocolate chip cookies, vanilla, strawberry. Marinette. After a while the boy withdrew a bit, just enough to let their foreheads touch.

'I'm so, so, so sorry, Marinette.' He whispered, his eyes still closed.

'For what, Kitty?' She gently stroke his golden hair. He would have purred from delight if he wasn't so ashamed of himself.

'That prank was really stupid. I'm so, so sorry.'

'Well…' the girl murmured. He could feel her every breath on his lips. 'To be honest… I liked it.' She admitted with a small smile.

'What?!' Adrien's eyes shot open. He pulled away to look at her in astonishment. She was blushing so delectably that his heart skipped a beat.

'It was a great prank, Chat,' she said rubbing his ears, which was driving him crazy with pleasure even when he wasn't transformed. Seriously, how much more torture could he bear right now. Ladybug continued unaware of what she did to him. 'And if I wasn't a ball of nerves at the time because of what I was about to confess, I would have appreciate it. You know I would.' She kissed the tip of his nose lightly.

'It was just bad timing, Kitty, is all.' She whispered. And just when he thought he couldn't be more surprised, the girl added, 'Anyway, I'm sorry too.'

Could this day get any weirder?

'For what, my Lady?' Adrien croaked, utterly shocked.

'If I didn't scare you, you wouldn't have ended on the front page of every tabloid and newspaper in Paris. You wouldn't have been grounded. I'm really sorry, Adrien.' She pulled him closer and once again rested her forehead on his.

He smiled and kissed her, his whole body tingling with excitement. For the first time he got to hug her, to kiss her as Adrien, not as Chat. For the first time he could touch her with his bare fingertips, run his fingers through her soft and silky hair, finally knowing what it felt like. And it felt purely amazing and beyond.

Then he thought about the photo in the old album and with a mysterious smirk he said, 'Totally worth it.'

The scrapbook lied abandoned on the coffee table, still opened on the bookmark. Adrien hadn't meant to show it to Ladybug, it sort of happened without any intention on his part. The girl just looked curiously at the album and when he followed her gaze it was already too late, she found the photograph and was staring at it with her eyes opened wide.

Two people stood at the front door to a private female-only dormitory, as it was stated by the large sign next to the entrance (completed with additional sheet of paper clarifying "NO BOYS ALLOWED"). Marinette immediately recognized the person on the left – long golden hair, green eyes, Adrien's smile. It was definitely his mother, a little bit older than in the picture that served as the boy's computer background. As to the person on the right, she had to take a really close look but when Marinette finally recognized who she was seeing Adrien barely managed to cover her mouth with a pillow before she started tearing up from laughter.

Because on the right there was a much younger, and much more cheerful Gabriel Agreste, with a cocky grin across his face that strongly reminded Marinette of a certain feline hero. The man was wearing a hideous flowery women's dress and red ballerinas. There was a chestnut wig of shoulder length hair on his head and he was most definitely wearing make-up and even had his nails done, as evidenced by the hand proudly displayed on his hip. The note next to the picture written in a beautiful handwriting said


The first time Gabriel managed to by-pass "no boys allowed" rule

He got caught by the third time :)

Under the note there was a piece of officially looking document that said Adrien's father clearly got a reprimand for indecent behavior.

When Adrien was finally allowed to go to school it took all of his will power not to run straight to his girlfriend to kiss her. He found Marinette in the locker room surrounded by girls. The boy gave them a little wave. For a second his eyes locked with hers and she sent him a reassuring smile. Everything was going according to their plan. When she visited him for the second time during his house arrest they had decided to take things slow in public before they reveal their relationship. So no signs of affection at school for now, but they had plenty of time in the evenings to make up for that inconvenience.

The boy went to his locker, totally unaware of a certain pair of blue eyes watching carefully his every move. Nino just wandered into the room so instead of looking what he was doing Adrien turned to greet him. He jumped when the door to his locker burst out and there was a silent susurration of a hairslide.

The blond looked around. He was buried up to his knees in wigs of all colors and hair styles. Nino gaped at them in surprise, his stupefaction rivaling Adrien's own.

'Dude?' Was all his friend was able to stutter out, but Adrien was already grinning from ear to ear, his eyes sparkling in comprehension.

Marinette and Alya came to them, the redhead smiling wickedly. 'Hey Agreste, looks like your little stunt won't be so easily forgotten after all,' she snickered. Marinette stood beside her with an innocent smirk. Too innocent to his liking.

'I didn't count on that,' Adrien gave them a wink. He dipped his hand in the pile of wigs and quickly fished out a Ladybug one. 'But I guess I'm going to take it like a man.' Flashing them a wink the boy slammed the wig onto his head. He looked Marinette straight in the eyes. There was that very familiar gleam of mischief in them, which he returned with one of his own.

Oh, this prank challenge was sooooo on!

Thanks to the PR team and some quick thinking the following fall Gabriel brand released a new 'Magical Girl' line targeted at teenagers. And guess who was modeling this collection?

Author's Note: Whoopsie… Waiter? What's that Ladrien doing in my MariChat? :3

That's all, guys! I'm still not entirely convinced it was a good idea to share those two bonus chapters, it's for you to judge. My personal opinion is that I definitely have a problem with one-shots, namely how to leave them in [one] peace ;)

Anyway, check out my other stories, I've been told they are rather good ;) And visit me on tumblr from time to time!

Btw I've drawn some doodles for this fic. I deliberately won't use the term 'fan art' because art is definitely not the right word here ;) Still, if you're curious you can check them out either on tumblr (perditaatottachocolate-blog. tumblr. com tag 'prank' should do the trick) or on AO3 – where I've actually included them in the story (while it's not possible on FF).