
Every time night fell over Anistar City it was a magic moment, especially for a certain person. A little girl awaited anxiously nighttime because she knew that then, either her father or her grandmother would tell her stories that made her dream of adventures she wished she was involved in, things that she hoped to get to experience some day. Those stories made her believe that everything was possible and helped her escape from reality because, at her young age, that little girl was holding out for a hero.

"Dad, tell me again that story from last night!" The little girl was already tucked in her bed, her eyes sparkling like the city's sundial did at midday.

"Of course! It's one of my favorites too." Her father smiled upon seeing his daughter's enthusiasm. Sadly, seeing her like that was relatively rare. "But remember Juliette, grandma tells it better than I do!" The man laughed.

"I don't mind, I know you can tell it well too!" The little girl encouraged him, eager to hear that fable again.

"Alright then! Let's begin." Juliette's father cleared his throat. "Many years ago, when the Kalos region was still at its dawn, the first humans appeared. At first, they took care of the land like they should, treating it with great respect. The three deities that reigned in the region…" The man paused so his daughter named the Pokémon, whose names she knew by heart.

"Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde!"

"Well done!" Her father congratulated before continuing with the story. "Yes, those three Pokémon looked over the humans and Pokémon living in the young region. While Xerneas gave life to all the inhabitants of Kalos, Yveltal took it away whenever the time came and Zygarde made sure that balance existed between the two Pokémon and their duties. He also looked over the environment of the region, punishing those who harmed it in any way."

"What did he do?" Juliette asked excitedly, she wanted to know every detail, it always was like that whenever she heard one of those stories. Even if she already heard them before.

"Well, he exiled them to the southern part of the region, at that time it was a very arid and harsh place. Many of those who had the ill luck of falling into that place ended up regretting their bad actions." The man paused before continuing, marking a change of subject in the tale. "Alright, what came next? Oh, I got it! After many people harmed the ecosystem, the Pokémon decided it was time to do something about it. So, after informing Xerneas and Yveltal, Zygarde split himself into no more and no less than one hundred cells!"

"But what about the cores?" The little girl remembered her grandma mentioning them last night, while her dad seemingly forgot about them. Sometimes he could be a bit absent minded.

"Oh, the cores! See? I told you grandma tells it better than I do." He smiled shaking his head. "Aside from the cells, there were also five cores. Those could see through the cells scattered across the region if everything was going well. Whenever someone did a bad thing or the balance of Kalos was in danger, one of those cores would gather enough cells to where Zygarde could appear to take the pertinent actions."

Juliette pondered for a while after hearing that part of the story. "So, does that mean Zygarde watches over us?"

"Of course! He always does, even after all these years. His duties will never stop." The man ruffled her daughter's hair.

"Is it possible that he knows what I go through at school?"

Those words sounded unsettlingly mature, at least to Juliette's father. It was true that the things Juliette had to put up with at school somehow made her mature fast, maybe as a way of trying to keep the kids from treating her like that. But sadly, that didn't work.

After snapping out of it, the dad finally responded. "Yes, it's very possible. And I don't know how but, I'm sure someday and in some way, he will get to save you from all that."

"Really?" Juliette's eyes lit up with hope, wanting to believe it would indeed happen some day.

"Yes, really!" Her dad smiled once more, he wanted his daughter to stay strong and overcome all those problems. He wanted to continue telling her the tale she loved but after accidentally glancing at his watch, the man found out it was already getting late. "Oh no! It's time to sleep, Juliette. Don't you have an exam in school tomorrow?"

The girl's expression changed suddenly and dramatically; her face didn't show glee or excitement anymore, now she looked just like if somebody told her that she was about to be fed to a pride of Pyroar. After some long seconds of tense silence, Juliette finally spoke. "Yes, it's a Geography exam."

"Did you study for it?"

"Yes, I did." Juliette lied on her side, yawning in the process.

Her dad smiled warmly. "Then you shouldn't have any problem!" He got up from the bed and walked towards the door, opening it with a slow gesture. "And have sweet dreams!"

"Same to you, dad!" The kid answered with a hearty tone, she didn't look that upset anymore.

When her dad closed the door, Juliette lied on her back again and spent several minutes staring at the ceiling as she waited for sleep to catch her. All the legends her father and grandmother told her were fascinating to her and she always pondered about them before falling asleep. Besides that, there were always other thoughts on her mind before falling asleep: would she ever get to see Zygarde, the Pokémon that always saved the day on those stories? Would he ever save her day? Or was he just an imaginary creature that never existed, like the kids at her school always said?

Maybe she would never find an answer to these questions, deep down she knew it was definitely something out of her reach. But, don't they say that everything is possible? All she had to do was wait and see, maybe one day something surprising would happen, nobody knows what fate has in store...

Present time, 7 years later

Juliette never imagined she would have to do this, she was convinced that she would live in Kalos for the rest of her life… But there she was now, getting ready to take a flight to a region she knew nothing about. Alola, she believes it was called. They were going there because of a job opportunity that emerged for her mother, she got an offer to work in the Pokémon Center of Paniola Town and after thinking about it, she finally said yes. Besides, as the woman said, that would finally make Juliette get away from the bullies at high school. That was one of the advantages of being hated by everyone, she had no one to miss after leaving Kalos. Well, actually, that wasn't the truth.

There was the Pokémon she had always heard about ever since she was a little girl, the Pokémon she hoped to see by herself one day. Now she was leaving the only region where that Pokémon could be found, the region he watched over. Deep down, Juliette always knew she would never see Zygarde. Maybe her cruel classmates were right after all and the Pokémon simply didn't exist.

But her grandma had a very big surprise for her, a surprise she refused to unveil until they reached the region where their new home awaited them. Maybe it was just a little thing, like her new bedroom being bigger or something. Little did she know that her grandmother's surprise would revolutionize her world!