Thank you to everyone who has favorited, followed, or commented on this story! I had fun writing it and hope you enjoyed it. This is the last chapter! Please let me know what you think!

After hugging and drying their tears, Clarke and Abby went out to join Bellamy and Marcus who were talking about the deck project. Clarke handed her mom a beer and took one for herself. Now that she was here, Clarke felt the last talon from the past lift from her shoulders. She could finally let go of what had happened.

"I was just telling your stepdad about how bad the deck was before," Bellamy wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"It was a disaster," Clarke chuckled.

About 45 minutes later the group started to arrive. Octavia, Raven and Harper were amazed at what she and Bellamy had done to the house and insisted they needed to go into business together. All the men feigned interest then excused themselves to the deck to pass around the beer. Bellamy introduced Marcus to the group and he immediately fit in. He was amazed at how easily the man was able to relate to them. And it was obvious to them how much he cared about Clarke. Bellamy put the burgers on the grill and Clarke took the opportunity to have him to herself.

"Do I get to kiss the chef?" Clarke wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Only if your mom and stepdad aren't looking," Bellamy replied with a smile. Clarke giggled and pressed her lips to his.

"Thank you Bell. Not just for today, but for everything. If you hadn't come into my life when you did I don't know where I'd have ended up," Clarke smiled up at Bellamy. "I love you. Very much."

"I love you too," Bellamy kissed her forehead.

Clarke reluctantly pulled from his embrace when she felt her mother's eyes on them. She knew Bellamy was self-conscious about showing affection in front of her mom and stepdad. This was the first time he'd ever been in a relationship that meeting the parents was involved. The day before they'd arrived he had confessed how nervous he was which at first had made her laugh until she realized how serious he was.

Clarke spent the rest of the weekend with her mom and stepdad. Bellamy spent as much time with them as he could too except the evenings. He spent the first weekend in a long time at his home. It was strange being at home without her. On Sunday night Bellamy was extremely antsy and decided he'd rather spend some time working on reports in his office rather than counting down the minutes until he could see Clarke again.

When he arrived at the station, Miller was sitting at the reception desk looking extremely bored. He sat up in surprise when Bellamy walked in. Glancing down at his watch, he looked back up at his friend and boss with his eyebrow raised in question.

"Couldn't sleep or sit still," Bellamy shrugged. "Figured I'd get some reports done instead."

"Clarke's mom and stepdad are still here aren't they?" Miller teased.

Bellamy wanted to deny that was the reason, but instead he just chuckled. "Yea. I've never felt so restless. I don't like my place anymore."

"So just move in with Clarke," Miller replied like it was the most obvious choice.

Bellamy opened his mouth to protest, but realized he didn't want to. He wandered to his office and rather than doing the paperwork he came for, he looked into putting his home on the market.

The next day, he stood on the front porch of Clarke's house waving to Abby and Marcus. Clarke had her arm wrapped around his waist and tears rolling down her cheeks. She waved back at her mother and stepdad and watched until they couldn't see them anymore.

"I'm so happy they came," Clarke looked up at Bellamy and smiled. "But I'm also glad they're leaving because I'm super horny for you."

Bellamy laughed and surprised her by picking her up in his arms, his erection getting harder when she wrapped her legs around his waist. "You and me both Princess."

Later they laid in her bed, their sweaty limbs tangled together. Clarke rested on her stomach, her hand lying on his chest and her head against his shoulder. He rubbed his hand against the arm resting over his heart and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"What would you say if I told you I put my house on the market this morning?" He hesitantly asked.

Clarke shifted so she could look up at him. "I'd ask why?"

"This last weekend made me realize something," He reached up to brush the hair from her eyes. "Not being able to stay here at night with you or wake up next to you made me realize I don't want to go back to my place. I want to stay here with you. Be with you always."

Clarke smiled up at him, love clearly shining from her deep blue eyes. "I would love that. Very much."

A few weeks later Bellamy was pulling in the driveway with boxes piled in his car followed closely by Lincoln who had boxes in the back of his truck. Octavia and Raven followed Clarke out of the house where they'd been waiting for the boys.

"Thank you for making my brother so happy," Octavia wrapped her arm around Clarke's waist and squeezed.

"It's the least I could do considering he saved me," Clarke wrapped her arms around Octavia. "You all did."

Later that evening Clarke and Bellamy were sitting in the living room staring at the bookcases. The only boxes they had left were his books, but the daunting task of mixing their collections was too exhausting to tackle.

"We're going to have build another bookshelf," Clarke said. She was laying on her side on the couch with her head in his lap. He had his feet up on the coffee table and gently ran his fingers through her blonde curls.

"I'll consider that a great problem," Bellamy replied. He rubbed her hand across her side. "I love you."

"I love you too," Clarke rolled over onto her back to accept the kiss he placed on her lips.

Clarke couldn't believe she'd gotten this lucky. She left all she knew behind in pain and needing what she thought was just solitude. But as usual with life she was thrown a curve ball. Instead of fighting that curve ball out of fear, she'd taken a leap of faith and found herself walking away from her past with everything she'd ever wanted. She'd never been happier in her life and knew that this was the beginning of the rest of her life.