There was something indescribable about being free after so long. The feeling of one's confines, the only thing keeping them from enacting their plans, finally bursting off and freeing what they contained left a person, or a ghost in this case, feeling like they could conquer the world. And this particular ghost, who stood above broken pieces of the Fenton Thermos, probably could do just that too, but that wasn't part of his agenda. Well, not yet anyway. Maybe after he broke his past self's neck with his bare hands for trapping him there in the first place…

'No,' He thought, slowly shaking his head. 'dwell on that after dealing with-' The ghost's red ghost sense came from his nose, as his body readjusted to the feeling of both the extra space, and the Ghost Zone in general. Turning, a fanged grin full of deceit and cruelty formed on his face as his eyes locked with the empty gaze of the time master. "Clockwork."

"I see you're awake, Dan." Clockwork said, grip on his staff tightening as he continued to look into the other's eyes, not even risking a blink.

"Yeah… The thing is though, I'm not happy." Dan said, slowly walking towards the time ghost with intentionally loud footfalls. "I mean, the person that trapped me in that damn invention is still alive and you, the reason my plan failed in the first place, are standing right in front of me."

Clockwork frowned as a silence settled over them, each one waiting to see what the other would do. The ticking of the tower seemed increasingly loud, as the quiet remained. And then, all at once, the silence was broken as Dan flew past the time ghost like lightning, and darted towards the shelf of time medallions. Clockwork, in response, pressed the button of his staff before he could reach them, and shouted "Time out!" causing the ghost to freeze, inches away from his prize.

Once that was done, Clockwork floated past the unmoving ghost, and reached for the time medallions. He planned to put them somewhere safer, somewhere the ghost wouldn't think to look, but he wasn't able. Quickly, the "frozen" ghost's hand launched forward and grabbed Clockwork's staff, sending a bout of surprise through the time master for the first time in ages. And with a simple swing, Clockwork was forced to let go of his staff and crash into a wall, his body now stuck in his adult form.

"Honestly Clockwork, you should've known your little "Time out," wouldn't work on me. I exist outside of time, just like you said. Or did you forget that little detail?" Dan asked, condescendingly. "Well, if you don't know everything, then you certainly aren't very worthy of this thing."

Taking the staff into both hands, Clockwork could only watch in horror as his staff was snapped in half with a quick knee to the center. The clock ceased ticking and it's glow ebbed away, as it was tossed to the floor like a piece of garbage. Once that was done, Dan pulled one of the time medallions off of the shelf and smirked.

"Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to be somewhere at a specific time. Namely… Oh, let's say about 14 years ago." Clockwork instantly understood, and the shock must have been evident on his face, as Dan laughed. "Thanks for the ticket to a better future, Clockwork!"

With that, Dan held up the time medallion, which glowed in a blinding light before it pulled him along the path to the past, and left Clockwork alone in his tower.

Said ghost did his best to float upward, back feeling sore from slamming into his wall. He'd have to fix the dent left behind, but his staff was far more important to as of right now. Without it, his power was limited, and that certainly wouldn't be of any use to him at all.

So, picking up the pieces, Clockwork floated away from the room. He could only hope he could fix it quickly because, if the blurry fragments of alternate futures he could see alongside Dan came to pass, there might be nothing he could do.