- "Excuse me. Hi. I'm looking for a friend. Do you know if she's here? Her name is Santana."

Rachel had gone out from the party to get some fresh air on the porch, her boyfriend Finn, had drank a little too much tonight and now she was most expecting to go home. So she sat on the porch and waited for the party to end when a voice surprised her.

- "Oh my... You scared me."

- "Oh, I'm sorry. That was not my intention. It's just that I'm new in town and I'd meet my friend here I heard that there was a party here and assumed that this were the right place."

- "Well this is Lima, there is probably not a student party anywhere else than here, so that's probably right. Wait! Did you say Santana, as in Santana Lopez?"

- "Yes, thats her. Do you know her?"

- "Yes i do know her. We are in the same Glee club. The New Directions. Yes, she is inside with everyone else."

- "Well... Not everybody else."

Rachel looked up at the girl, she hade blonde hair, a touch of makeup, black slim jeans and a white shirt with a slim tie. The girl radiated self-esteem but Rachel did not get that the girl seemd overself-confident. The girl looked at Rachel with a cheekysmile. Rachel felt her cheeks blush and looked down quickly with her eyes on the ground instead. The girl sat down next to Rachel.

- "So tell me, what does such a cute girl like yourself on the porch here all by yourself?"

- "Well, for your information, stranger, I do not drink. And when everyone else gets too drunk I simply get enough and choose to go from there. Ergo, I am here. Outside. Alone."

- "There is something more. I can feel it... Come on, you can telll me."

- "Well, I'm a bit disappointed with my boyfriend Finn. He knows I do not drink, but still he's always get drunk with his friends and it feels like he's forgetting me because I do not drink, he believes I do not want to party. As if you have to drink alcohol just to party..."

- "I can relate to that, maybe not the boyfriend part, because I'm gay, but the other. I'dont drink either."

This surprised Rachel.

- "Really?"

- "Yeah really."

- "Sorry if I seem curious but I just have to ask, Why not?"

The blonde girl laughed a little.

- "I can't, I'm allergic."

Rachel thought what the blond just said, she turned her eyes at the blonde girl and spoke.

- "You can not be allergic to alcohol. That's not how it works!"

- "No. But that's what I say to people when they ask."

And that cheeky smile was back. Rachel looked at the blond girl, there eyes locked. But at the end, Rachel started laughing.

- "Haha! Oh my dear, it was a fun thing to say. I'll start using that."

- "Yeah you do that. Oh and one more thing, your boyfriend must be crazy leaving you alone like this. If you were my girl, I would not leave you alone at a party. Then you never know who or when someone could come in and sweep you off your feet..."

- "Yes, as if that were ever going to happen."

- "You never know. Besides, I think he should treat his girl like she is worth more than just sitting outside here, talking to a stranger."

Rachel began to feel a little more confident again.

- "You know what, stranger who knows Santana, I do! I do deserve more. I'm not like any girl. I am THE girl. I am a star and I deserve more. I am that kind of girl you love, not like. I am the kind of girl you marry and take home to meet your parents. I deserve more than this."

- "Quinn."

Rachel was interrupted in her little rant by the blond girl.

- "My name is Quinn. Quinn Fabray."

Quinn stretched out her right hand to Rachel who hesitated a little but took it.

- "Rachel Berry. Nice to meet you Quinn."

Quinn smiled at the brunette and continued.

- "You to Rachel. I suppose you go to the same school as Santana after you mentioned the Glee club. William McKinleyHigh school? I'll start there on Monday, I am a senior."

- "Okej. Cool, me to. So you just moved here?"

- "Yes, we just got here. I live with my mom and my sister is away at college."

- "Why Lima, Ohio? This is like the worlds end."

Quinn looked at Rachel with that cheeky smile again.

- "Why not..."

- "You said that you are friends with Santana?"

- "Yeah we know each other from kids summer camp a few years ago, we have been in touch since then, met a couple of times when we can and now my mom and I have moved here."

Rachel thought what Quinn had just said, she thought it was something that was a little different with Quinn. Mysteriously somehow. She herself had just sat and talked openhearted about her boyfriend-problems while Quinn ended up half responding to Rachel's questions.

- "Rachel...?"

Both girls turned around when they heard the male voice from behind.

- "Yes Finn. I am here."

So, this is Rachels wonderful and charming boyfriend, thought Quinn.