Okay this is it! The epilogue is here and that brings the story to an end! Thank you so much for your continued support on this story over the years!

Hermione only just got to the toilet in time before her breakfast made a reappearance, this was the third morning in a row that she had to make a mad dash to the closest bathroom after a meal. Draco followed behind her this time as they hadn't gone to the Great Hall, wanting to have breakfast just the two of them. Holding her hair back, he said, "I think it's time we took you to Madame Pomfrey, love. It's been three days and this stomach flu is getting worse."

Hermione nodded, knowing it wasn't the stomach flu. She had missed her last two periods and they weren't exactly sure of how many times they had forgotten to use the contraceptive charm in their race to rip each other's clothes off and make love.

"Let's go now, we've both got a double free and will hopefully be good to go before our joint class," Draco said, helping her up from the ground and supporting her as she started out of their rooms.

Their relationship was going well, two months in and only the smallest of things would cause them to fight and then they'd get over it and go back to being happy. Hermione just hoped he was happy when Madame Pomfrey said that she was pregnant. They hadn't discussed when or if they wanted children and they were still in the early stages of their relationship.

"I just wish that we could figure out what you ate to cause this," Draco said on the way.

Hermione shook her head, "It could simply be something that's going around, Draco."

Not wanting to ruin the surprise that was coming.

"Yes, but I haven't seen anyone else sick, I don't think." He continued.

"Let's see what Madame Pomfrey has to say," Hermione said, as they entered the Hospital wing.

"What can I do for you, Professors?" The matron asked as they got to her station.

"Hermione has been feeling unwell for the last few days, has there been anything going around?" Draco answered for Hermione.

Hermione placed her hand over her abdomen as the matron looked at her, and a look of understanding came over her.

"Let's get you into a gown and see what the diagnostic spells say, shall we?" She said gesturing to the closest bed.

Hermione quickly changed behind the privacy wall, eager to see her baby.

"Let's see, hmm no bug present, let me try one more spell and see if that's the cause," Madame Pomfrey said, smiling at Hermione and then quickly frowning as Draco looked at her, "Ah yes, there it is. The cause that is going to be about seven more months to sort out."

"Oh god, what is wrong with her? Is it serious?" Draco questioned, panicking that he had only recently found her and in seven months he could lose her.

"Well it's pretty serious, you're having twins," Madame Pomfrey announced happily.

"What!?" Hermione exclaimed. "Twins?"

"Yes, there are two heartbeats there," She said.

"Oh my, twins," Hermione said, breathlessly.

Draco remained stunned, he had just freaked out over losing her but now he was not only keeping Hermione but gaining little versions of her.

"Draco, how do you feel about that?" Madame Pomfrey asked, flicking her eyes to a panicking Hermione.

"This is.." he paused and then it really sunk in and a smile lit up his face, "Perfect. Absolutely perfect, we are going to be parents."

Grabbing Hermione into a hug, he squeezed tightly.

"You're really excited about this? Not just saying that to make me happy?" Hermione asked him in a soft, barely-there voice.

"Yes, love. I'm really excited about this," Draco stated with a giant smile twisting his features.

"Congratulations Hermione and Draco, now we will need to have regular appointments to monitor mum and bubs but everything looks normal at the moment," the Matron smiled before continuing, "Now I'll give you some potions that you will have to take and one to help with the morning sickness, so that you can get through the day."

Hermione and Draco sat there grinning like fools, they were going to be parents, yes they had only just started their relationship basically but they were not young teens. They were adults who had been married before, and both had amazing jobs.

They could get through this, after all, they had gotten through a war and mended fences with one another.

Their family would be perfect.

Hope you enjoyed this little sneak into the future months of their relationship x