Pip was nine when his older brother and only living family member was murdered right in front of him. The murderer had no idea he was there, hiding behind the dumpster as Ash had instructed when he shoved him back, panting from their flight. Their flight to get away from this man. He was easily recognizable from the billboards as one Chris Bradford, but if Pip went to the police he'd get put in foster care, not to mention that no one would believe his story, the murderer knew how to clean up a crime scene. Pip never found Ash's body.

Needless to say, Pip was an angry kid, now that anger was focused on any type of martial artist, the one clear thing he knew about his brother's killer. So when a man that he knew was a ninjitsu master approached him and offered him a job, naturally pip was wary.

"The foot clan has little human warriors left." Oroku Saki explained calmly as pip glared at him.

"Why do you want an orphan like me then?"

"I can train you, and then you can get whatever revenge you wish for whatever you want revenge for." he paused, "if you help me get my revenge first"

Chapter one

"Hi Karai." Leo sighed, it was hard to get away from the lair as often as he liked. "How are you and Shinigami?"

"Better." Karai said, rolling her newly repaired shoulder in it's socket. "It feels good to have shredder's shadow lifted from New York."

"It does." Leo agreed, Karai's face darkened and Leo saw something that almost made his heart stop. A thin scratch went up the left side of her jaw, when she realized he had noticed it she turned away.

"Leo, i fear shredder's legacy is not yet gone." she murmured, "i met someone on the way here."

"Who?" Leo demanded, "who did this?"

"Leo calm down." Karai gasped, "i'm telling you something no one but those in my fa- in shredder's inner circle knew about." Leo felt a shiver run up his shell, Karai had almost called shredder her father. "And i didn't tell you before now because i thought he was...dead."

"Who?" Leo demanded again, Karai sighed.

"A boy i once called brother."

"What?" Leo whispered hoarsely. Karai sat on the edge of the building and hugged her knees, obviously living in the past.

"When i was ten my father made a trip here, to america." she said, "he returned with a boy my age." Karai took a shuddering breath. "He trained with me side by side, but always remained a family secret, my fathers secret weapon. When we were thirteen Pip became unstable, wanting revenge for the man who murdered his brother, Ash. He said shredder promised him revenge, shredder took him away and i haven't seen him since. Until tonight."

"What-what happened?" Leo asked, barely a whisper. Karai gave a short and soft laugh.

"Pip would never hurt me Leo, the only reason i got scratched was because he didn't realize who i was, we had a chat, but I'm afraid Pip is still unstable. He is overcome with grief."

"But, he hurt you." Leo said numbly, "why would he even attack you?" Karai sighed, shrugging.

"He has a grudge against martial artists." Karai said softly. "Shredder trained him, he would never hurt me, or my family, but i don't know how he even arrived in america."

"What did he say to you?" Leo asked, "this could be important Karai!" the girl took a deep breath.

"He told me...shredder offered him a deal all that time ago. That he would help Pip with his revenge...if Pip helped him with his." Leo's blood ran cold.

"So, do you think shredder brought him here, to help find us?"

"I guess." Karai sighed, "but why now? Why, after both clan leaders are dead."

"I don't know." Leo replied "but maybe he doesn't know they're dead…" he paused, "or maybe he's after the new leader of Hamato Clan."


"Are you sure?" Raph rolled his eyes at his younger brother's worry.

"Yeah I'm sure, Leo's on a date with Karai right now and he won't be back for hours, he'll never know we left...unless we run into him of course."

"Raph." Donnie added to Mikey's stammering. "Leo is not on a date, Karai is our sister so-"

"Whatever." Raph growled, "let's just go." the red masked turtle thought for a few moments as they ran through the sewers, toward the docks. "We can train, that way if fearless finds out, we'll have an excuse."

"Ok. I guess." Mikey said, "i just...i have a bad feeling."

"You always say that." Donnie pointed out, Mikey shrugged and started up the ladder to get to the surface. Once there, the three teenagers climbed onto the rooftop and raced toward the docks.

"When we get there," Raph said, "we'll have a tournament to find the greatest ninja. Mikey and Donnie fight first, then the winner fights me, and that winner fights Leo when we see him again. Got it?"

"Sure thing." Mikey said, rolling his eyes, "race ya!" the fastest turtle sprinted forward and jumped onto a fire escape, "i'm gonna get there fi-irst!" he sang, Raph and Donnie laughed as they sped up to follow him. The three were unaware they were being watched.


Pip narrowed his eyes, these were obviously mutants, and ninja. He stalked them silently toward the docks, his eyes narrowed further when he observed the three. The one in red painfully reminded him of Ash, the way he talked, walked, playfully pushed the other Pip only really knew he had cornered his prize when the one in orange started showing off his throwing star skills. One planted itself in the wood next to him, it bore the Hamato clan symbol.


Leo paced back and forth, the look on Karai's face was enough to assure him he was correct.

"I should call the guys." he muttered, reaching for his phone, "tell them to stay in the lair."

"I'm sure they'll be fine." Karai said halfheartedly. Leo shook his head as he dialed Raph's number.

"Not if they're caught off guard." he replied, Karai nodded slowly. The phone rang ten times before he got voicemail, and as he tried his other two brothers they didn't pick up either. The blue clad ninja sighed and rubbed his temples.

"I'm sure they're fine." Karai said again, "come on Leo, give them the benefit of the doubt. They're just as good of ninja as you, i'm sure they're just distracted."


"Take that! Hiya!" Mikey laughed, back flipping over Donnie's head, "aw yeah! Who's the master now?" Donnie replied with a swing to the head that Mikey dodged before tripping his brother, and placing a foot on his shell. "This guy!"

"Yeah yeah." Donnie said, picking himself up, "but now you get to fight raph." the purple banded turtle walked to the sidelines. "Good luck" Mikey shrugged as raph walked forward, cracking his neck, the freckle faced ninja swing his nun-chucks awesomely and grinned.

"Come at me!" he taunted, back flipping away, Raph drew his sais and charged, grinning as well. But as he approached his eyes widened, and the older turtle stumbled. Mikey frowned, lowering his chucks.

"Raph?" Donnie called, "raph!" the red masked turtle staggered a few more feet, stumbling towards Mikey, his eyes were dilated in fear, and then he fell onto the boardwalk and lay still.


Pip lowered the blowgun, the eldest had been tranquilized easily, but he was not yet done with the Hamato clan. He turned as the one in purple grabbed a phone from his belt and held it to his ear, at the same time running to his teammates side. The phone was easy to destroy with a well placed arrow, pinning the sparking technology to the wood of the docks. Brown eyes looked skyward and Pip grinned, lowering his metal mask, pieces cut out to resemble a skull, not unlike the human's mask, the human whom Pip had already taken care of.


The doorbell rang and April looked up, who could it be? Casey was off vigilante-ing and the turtles never came to the door. Sighing, the red haired girl got to her feet and walked to the door, hearing strange scraping and gasping noises from the other side, she opened the door and gasped, staring in horror as Casey fell onto the floor, an arrow jutting from under his rib cage.


"Casey?" Donnie wondered, staring at the reflection of light on a metal mask. "Is this a prank?" Mikey was shaking Raph violently, yelling for him to wake up, Donnie focused and felt his brother's neck for a pulse, it was there, fluttering lightly.

"He's alive." a voice that was definitely not Casey said, "for now." Donnie spun around, a young boy, Karai's age, stood over them, wearing a mask very similar to Casey's.

"Who are you?" Don asked, getting between the boy and his brother.

"Pip. The son of Shredder."


Leo's phone buzzed and he picked it up, placing it against his ear. "Don?"

"Leo! It's raph! He's-" the line went dead and Leo stared at the phone in his hand. It buzzed again, now April. He answered, bewildered.


"Leo! Casey's hurt! The ambulance is on the way, but the arrow that was in him had the foot symbol on it, do you know anything about this?"

"Uh, one sec." Leo said, he turned to Karai. "What weapons does he use?"

"A blow gun, and a bow and arrow."

"Right." Leo said, he uncovered the phone. "I think i know, but i think my brothers need me more than Casey does right now, i'll call you back."

"Ok. Bye." April replied, she hung up and Leo frowned, he turned to Karai.

"Pip apparently got Casey." he sighed, "the ambulance is in the way but i think he also found my broth-" a text appeared on Leo's screen.

Dude! At the docks! Hurry!

"Mikey." Leo said, "Karai, they're at the docks. Let's go." Karai nodded and got to her feet, she ran next to Leo as he raced to the other side of town, why had his brothers even gone to the docks?


Mikey finished the text and hit send, a split second later another arrow pierced his phone, pinning it against the planks. Mikey spun and whimpered as he saw Pip throw Donnie out of the way, before advancing on Raph. Pip cast a threatening glare at Mikey, but the freckle faced turtle stared back determinedly.

"Be safe." pip sneered, but then took a step back in shock as Raph grunted, he opened his eyes and lifted himself onto one elbow. "H-how? That should have kept you asleep for-"

"Shut up!" Raph snarled, sounding stronger than he was. "What's your problem?"

"You are a Hamato." Pip growled, "that is reason enough no? I have come to destroy your clan, starting with the eldest." he pointed at raph. "You." Mikey opened his mouth to speak, but Raph shot him a look that meant to be quiet.

"Ok," Raph said slowly, "how, how about a compromise?"

"What do you mean?" Pip snarled. Raph looked steadily back.

"You kill me, and leave my fam- my clan alone."

bum bum bum! this takes place after the most recent episode of the 2012 cartoon, i hope you enjoy this...so yeah. Read and Review please!