
I apologize to you all on the length of time it took to get this chapter out. There was so much going on and I could not bring myself to split up the night of the Yule Ball into multiple chapters. I hope that this chapter was worth it to you all for the length of time you had to wait.


The day of the Yule Ball came swiftly and Hermione found herself swept up by Astoria in the early afternoon hours and deposited promptly in front of the familiar wall for the room of requirement. Hermione was slightly frazzled while she watched the other witch pace back and forth with a look of concentration, for she had been in the middle of a writing a very detailed essay on the vast magical properties of the Honeysuckle plant for her next Herbology essay due in January when she felt herself being pulled from her library seat along with all her things which were neatly placed in her bag with a quick flick of Astoria's wand. Around the time that the door appeared on the wall Hermione gained her sense of time and space allowing herself to realize what had happened but before she could speak the other witch grabbed her hand and yanked her into the room and slammed the door shut. Astoria set about locking the door from the inside with a few useful spells she had acquired while reading the plethora of books in the Ravenclaw common room that even impressed Hermione. Hermione looked around her in surprise to find that instead of their usual décor of the honeysuckle and ivory covered courtyard she was in a vast bedroom decorated in shades of purple and gray. To her right was a large canopy bed with the curtains tied back to reveal a heap of pillows and a very rich looking bedspread and to her left an oversized mirror stood floor to ceiling next to a vanity. A fire was crackling softly on the far wall flanked by two doors, and in front of the fireplace were two chairs and a loveseat. Every spare space of wall not taken with the already mentioned items were taken up by shelving set into the wall and filled with books.

Hermione felt this was the most perfect bedroom she had ever seen and walked over to the closest shelve to read the book titles. "Do you love it?" Astoria asked her. Hermione nodded and turned to the other girl. "How did you come up with such a place?" she asked. Astoria smiled broadly when she saw Hermione's confirmation that she liked the room, she spread her arms out and said proudly "Welcome to my room at Greengrass Manor." "This is a replica of your room at home? This is truly amazing Astoria. I could only dream of a bedroom with so many books. All the things I could learn from these! You are truly a Ravenclaw." Hermione laughed. She was still looking around the room when Astoria clapped her hands, "Alright enough dilly dallying around, we have a ball to prepare for!" she exclaimed. Hermione turned to her sharply with the announcement, her chestnut curls swaying with the motion. Eyes wide she asked "What do we need nearly six hours to prepare for the ball. Surely it does not take that long to put on a set of dress robes." Astoria walked over to Hermione and claimed her hands with her own and smiled. "Oh, but I assure you we do. You will be debuting to the school and wizarding culture itself tonight and declaring your intent to become one with our culture and customs. This will start with putting your very best face forward. Laserie!" she shouted at the end and a soft pop could be heard.

Hermione was shocked at the house elves appearance. She had always imagined that the house elves were treated poorly and overtaxed in their duties to serve magical families but looking at the small creature before, she could tell that this was another area of wizarding culture that she was woefully ignorant of. Sure there had been snide comments from Ron and a few other full blooded wizards and witches when she had mentioned her concern before but no one had taken the time to truly introduce her to one or to explain the entire relationship. Laserie stood proudly with a gown made of some very nice fabric with a small set of glasses perched on her face. The elf held a very calculating gaze in her eye but also held a demeanor of excitement for having been summoned. "Hermione this is my house elf Leserie. She has been with me since birth and is very precious to me. When I have a big event to get ready for she helps me, so today she will be helping the two of us. They can work wonders and it helps them strengthen their magic to use it often." Astoria told her.

Astoria turned to her house elf and asked for her assistance, "Leserie would you be so kind as to help my friend and I get ready for the ball tonight? The dresses are in the wardrobe green for me and blue for Hermione." Leserie curtseyed "It will be a pleasure miss truly, miss and her friend will be the loveliest of all witches at the ball they will. Leserie will make sure of that." She walked over and circled the two girls clucking as she studied them for a moment. With a sudden point to the right-side door on the other side of the room the elf motioned towards Hermione, "We will needs to be taming of the hair for you yes. Nows you will need a bath with the soaps and creams that Leserie will send to you. A cream for conditioning of the hair and for making the curls shine. Go with you now" she stated. Hermione was taken aback with the bossiness of the small elf and could not help but be amused. She looked at Astoria over her shoulder as she walked to the bathroom and the merriment in the other girl's eyes mirrored her own.

The attached bathroom offered by the room of requirement was decorated shades of blue and had a coastal vibe to it. The walls were a pale blue and seafoam green while the various pieces of art were all created in blues. Hermione noticed that there were already bottles along a shelve in the tiled bath wall for any sort of cleansing need she could have. With a swish and flick of her wand the tub began to fill with water while she rid herself of her clothing. Once full the taps were turned off and Hermione laid herself into the tub to soak. Smelling the various bottles Hermione found a few that smelled like juniper and surprisingly honeysuckle. She poured some out onto a cloth in order to wash. After a while of soaking and enjoying the scents that floated on the steam through the room she decided heard a knock on the door and Astoria's laughter reminding her that she also needed to prepare. Blushing slightly at herself for allowing the time to get away from her, Hermione set the tub to draining and wrapped herself in a large fluffy bath towel and left the bathroom.

"All yours" she said when she came out. Astoria laughed at her again and entered the bathroom shutting the door behind her. Leserie pointed to the vanity stool instructing her that she was to sit. The elf came up behind her, "I will be fixing your hair miss no drying charms with your wand today. They be ruining the creams from the bath, they will" she said. Hermione sat there dutifully studying every move of the small elf that she could through the mirror while the elf set about drying her hair. With a few hand movements Hermione's hair was completely dry and shined as if illuminated from the inside out. Leserie nodded to herself in approval of Hermione's hair. "Okay miss now is time for miss to be getting dressed." With a snap of the fingers Hermione's dress and all necessary accompanying garments were laid out on the bed. Hermione thanked Leserie and proceeded to get dressed. Hermione's dress was the perfect blend between modern and classic witch attire. Hermione knew that the majority of girls would be wearing gowns more like muggle prom gowns and felt a little twinge of fear that she would stand out too much with her clothing, but then remembered that Astoria's dress robes were made by the same tailor with a similar blending of the modern and traditional styles.

Leserie was just fastening the last of the buttons on the back of Hermione's dress when Astoria entered from the bathroom. She smiled at Hermione, "You are going to look stunning when everything is put together. All the boys are going to eat their hearts out!" she said excitedly. Hermione rolled her eyes and snorted at the younger girl. Astoria gasped at her actions "A lady does not snort nor does she roll her eyes. Remember Hermione that wizarding society is in love with propriety." Hermione just rolled her eyes once again. Astoria just laughed at her friend and proceeded to sit on the vanity stool ready for Leserie to work her magic. She was determined that the lessens she and Draco had been giving Hermione not change who she is but just gave her tools to thrive in their world. Hermione smoothed down the front of her dress and watched the house elf dry and polish the younger girl's hair and bring out her clothing to get dressed as well. Once they were both dressed they debated over hairstyles and makeup for a little longer until they were ready with a few moments to spare in order to make it to the grand staircase at the foyer of the castle.

That night the student body of Hogwarts castle was truly introduced to Hermione Granger for the first time. Gone were the basic uniform robes that she tended to wear even on off days and bushy hair and in their place, were a head of beautiful luxurious chestnut hair and dress robes cut from exquisite fabric that showed her beauty well. A few around the school had begun to notice that she recently began wearing nicer clothing on the weekends and to the few Hogsmead weekends they had had during the beginning of the year. She has adopted wearing a pair of delicate ankle boots with her uniform instead of flat mary janes while still remaining tasteful and even elegant at times. When she appeared at the top of the grand staircase there were a few faint gasps and murmurs. She stood there as if waiting for something or someone which was planned to give everyone a chance to notice her attire. She had on a soft light blue floor length gown with a gossamer overlay of the same blue. Over the top of her over gown was made from a crisp pale blue brocade. The pattern along the sleeves and hem of the dress was done in silver to match the belt that held her cloak around her waist providing the perfect amount of definition to her figure. The sleeves of her cloak were fitted to the elbow and then were split to hang loosely for a foot. Her hair was piled atop her head in an intricate fashion with tendrils left loose to frame her face but left her slender neck visible.

As if hearing, something to her left she looked and everyone gasped loudly this time as Astoria walked up beside her and smiled. Astoria was similarly outfitted with tones of seafoam green and a more daring cut to her over robe as it covered only one shoulder and crossed over to be fastened with a broach at the opposite hip. The top of her hair was pulled back in a fishtail braid with the lower half tucked behind her ears. Her main dress was a sleek satin that pooled slightly at her feet. Hermione reached out and grabbed the other girl's hand and they shared a moment before turning to descend the stairs. At this point many began to look around to see if the girls had dates or if they had decided to attend the ball together and were braced to have another shock for the night. However, when many of them spotted Draco and Neville standing next to one another in a seemingly nonchalant manner watching Astoria and Hermione approach they breathed a bit easily for surely Neville and Hermione must have decided to go as friends as Draco would surely be waiting the arrive of the pureblooded witch at Hermione's side.

Once the four met up it was clear to see that all those watching the events unfold were completely mistaken in what they thought of the way things were for Draco looked at Hermione like there was not another person in the universe and Neville wore a similar expression as he stood in front of Astoria. That was when they noticed that Draco's dress robes were a blend of modern and traditional robes that complimented Hermione's dress down to the accent color on the embroidery that adorned his sleeves and the color the shirt resting beneath his robe. His sleeves were in the same style as her dress also which further exposed the sleeves of his shirt. Neville had a more modern cut and style to his dress robes but his bowtie and undershirt matched Astoria's dress all the same.

Draco excused himself and pulled Hermione off to the side to stand before one of the alcoves that lined the foyer walls for a moment. She looked at him curiously as he reached under his outer robe and revealed a small cherry wood box with a gryphon and snake fire etched into the lid. He smiled at her and with a hint of amusement in his voice he said "Imagine my surprise Miss Granger when I received an owl from none other than one Lady Adelaide Granger instructing me that she had heard mention of me escorting her great granddaughter to the Yule Ball and felt it would be best if presented with a token for the occasion." Hermione was shocked, how could her great grandmother had known what was happening during Hermione's school days? She had only visited briefly over the past summer and thought she might have been going around the bend as she started to mutter on about some oddities that had taken place when she was younger. Hermione had mentioned to her mother a few weeks ago, about going once Draco had stated his desire to take her. It was a very strange occurrence that she was determined to file away and investigate at a later date and time.

Focusing back in the present Hermione lifted the lid to the box and was amazed at what she found inside. Nestled in a bed of tissue paper was a delicate circlet of honeysuckle made out of silver. She was studying and gave a soft squeak of delight when a small silver dragon popped out from between the flowers. "The circlet is from your great grandmother and the dragon was my own addition." He produced another small rectangular package and handed it to Hermione, "And this one is from me solely." He said. Hermione blushed and shook her head slightly, "Draco do you know what sort of magic is symbolized by a circle of honeysuckle? I couldn't accept something from you that symbolizes such magic in an everlasting medium such as silver." She handed the box back to Draco but he shook his head and placed his hands at his side. "Hermione, I must explain something about the bracelet that I gave you to accompany the circlet from your grandmother." He said hesitantly, "In our culture when a young witch is presented with jewelry from a male that is not a family member it symbolizes an understanding between the two. It shows to the rest of the world that the young lady is being formally courted and everyone will see us together and the small dragon flying between the flowers and know that they are from me. Just know that I mean every bit of what this symbolizes if you accept." He looked at her, his slate grey eyes searching her deep chocolate irises with a vulnerability she had never seen in another person before. "You have me my redemption by allowing me to teach you more about this world but you have also given me a much greater gift above all. The flutter my heart takes and the loss of breath I feel when we are together is something I want to hold close and never let go."

Hermione felt herself melt with his speech. She had begun to harbor a soft spot for Draco once he had dropped his guard during their time together. She often found herself thinking back to their lessons while trying to study or drift off to sleep. She held the gifts to her chest while she pondered over what this would imply. "What about your parents or more so what about mine? These sorts of customs were done away with centuries ago in the non-magical world." She stated biting her lip in an obvious display of her worry. Draco closed the already small distance between them and wrapped her in his embrace, speaking into her hair while her head rested on his chest, "I have been speaking with my parents about you and your desire to learn so much about our customs and culture. I may have mentioned before about how it was not blood that they fear but rather the increased risk of exposure to those who could destroy our very existence. I pointed out that it was hypocritical of them to fear that which they would so readily inflict on another group of people by following the Dark Lord's orders. After much debate, they came to see things from my point of view and agreed that the path they were on is not the right way. They also feel that neither the headmaster nor the Dark Lord are good for society as a whole and ether one will lead to a great loss of magical blood. Father is considering running for Minister of Magic under a third more realistic party advocating sensible debate and solutions to strengthen our secrecy.

Hermione was shocked more than she had been when she found out she was a witch that would be attending a school specifically for magical children. She pushed herself back from Draco slightly and stared up at him. His eyes held a truth to him that she had begun to trust over the last couple months. Deciding that this was something she wanted she took a few steps back and took the circlet from its box and placed it on her head. The tiny dragon flew down to eye level and twitted happily before diving back into the metallic blossoms to play amongst the leaves and her curls. She then took the bracelet that matched perfectly and clasped it around her wrist. She looked back to Draco with a slight blush to her face. Deciding to play up the new way she was conducting herself she handed him the empty boxes to tuck away and with a tilt to her chin she said "Well shall we see what all the fuss is about inside the Great Hall?" She smiled at him and allowed herself to be escorted into the Great Hall in search of Astoria and Neville.

Astoria's hands went to cover her mouth when she noticed the jewelry Hermione now wore. Her eyes widened when the little dragon flew out of Hermione's hair to her wrist to play among the bracelet. Her eyes held so many questions that were asked silently to the other girl and Hermione simply nodded her head and smiled back. Neville watched the two girls and flushed bright red when he stammered out congratulations to Draco and gave Hermione a slight bow. They turned to watch the opening ceremonies and inaugural Tri-wizard Champion dance along with the rest of the students in attendance. Once that was complete Hermione took the time to look around and notice the decorated hall. There were several large evergreen trees decorated with small balls of light and dusted with false snow. Small fairies flitted back and forth through the branches and rang little chimes that hung between the balls of light. The ceiling was enchanted to mimic the world outside with snow falling from the high rafters and disappearing as it reached the heads of the crowd. Holly and fresh greenery adorned the tables that were spread out for students to sit at and enjoy food from the buffet tables.

A short while after the opening ceremony the band began to play one of the songs that Draco and Hermione had used during their dance lessons with Astoria. Draco turned to Hermione and offered his hand asking her if she wanted to dance. She laughed lightly and placed her hand in his to be led out to the Dance floor. The students who had yet to notice that Hermione and Draco had walked in together stopped and stared at the pair when they reached the middle of the dance floor. Hermione curtseyed and Draco bowed as was proper and stepped into frame for the waltz. The music swirled around them as they fell into step with each other, anyone observing them could see that this was not the first time they danced together and wondered what alternate reality they had been swept into. Draco moved his hands to grip Hermione around her waist and lifted her up gracefully and all the girls swooned. If the two noticed that they were the only ones on the dancefloor as everyone watched they did not show it, every step was perfect and their eyes never left one another. At the end of the song they finished their dance and several people around the hall began to clap which caused them both to look around in amusement but they quickly schooled their features and walked back to their table.

After sometime Hermione mentioned that she was going to get some fresh air and would be back in a few moments. She made her way out of the hall and towards one of the open windows along the hallway. The ornate window was dressed in heavy curtains to help with the winter chill and were parted slightly to allow students to gather some fresh air. What Hermione didn't realize was that she was followed by two people she would not have expected to interact with that night. Ron Weasley had noticed instantly who Hermione was with that evening and the jewelry that she wore. When he spotted the little silver dragon playing he grew livid, Draco was everything he stood against and in his rival house and he was trying to claim the one thing Ron had desired since last year. He had begun to notice that Hermione wasn't around much this year but had figured she was studying like always in the library. Now he realized that she had been meeting with Draco and there had been a gift of jewelry at some point. He knew he had to set her right. He couldn't believe what he had been seeing as they danced. Hermione had been promised to him when he was 12, all he had to do was keep her ignorant of the more intricate social patterns and customs of wizarding society so that Dumbledoor could use her to show how woefully ignorant muggleborns were in order to further his cause to drop the Statute of Secrecy. Dumbledoor planned on making the wizarding world feel for the girl and for her to be a martyr to the cause. She would be married off to Ron, as a way to "protect her from harm at the ignorance". Leave it up to Hermione to not allow her knowledge to be lacking in any area of her life. He was not going to just let this go, she was his and he would not take no for an answer.

Pansy Parkinson watched Draco and Astoria from the moment they entered the great hall. She had known that the younger Greengrass did not think along the ways that the all the young pureblooded children had been told was the only way allowed and that was why she was sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Slytherin. Ravenclaw was known for being notoriously neutral in anything political, reserving action until necessary and only then if it provided them with knowledge gained. She was really shocked to see Draco come in with Hermione (yes she referred to the Gryffindor girl as Hermione in her mind for she only showed a façade to the rest of the world). Her eyes had become as large as saucers as she noticed the jewelry Hermione wore and the way she followed all the social cues of proper wizarding society. She looked like she belonged to this world more so than half the students in the hall tonight in her traditional dress robes, she and Draco matched perfectly. Pansy noticed that Neville and Astoria also matched perfectly and smiled at the picturesque scene the two made as they waltzed around the dance floor, enchanted snow falling gently to land on their heads and shoulders before being magically whisked away to fall once more. Pansy watched as Hermione made her way out of the hall and guessed that she probably needed fresh air. She started to worry though when she saw a very menacing looking red head stalk after her. Noticing that Draco was unaware she decided that it was now or never and without a moment's hesitation she quickly exited the hall in the same direction.

Hermione was smiling to herself while she looked up at the falling snow outside, her breath coming out in small puffs of steam. She absentmindedly she played with the bracelet on her wrist when Ron stepped up behind her. He cleared his throat and caused her to turn around quickly at the sound. Ron was so close that Hermione was almost knocked over when she turned around, feeling cornered and strangely fearful she tried to back up in the small space between him and the windowsill. "Oh Ron, you startled me." She said, "Are you having a nice time at the ball? It has been very splendid so far" she gave a small bow as one would to a young wizarding peer from an ancient house. Which caused him to narrow his eyes and scoff at her "Hermione what are you doing attending the ball with Draco sodding Malfoy?!" he yelled at her. "Do you think you are something now that you are fraternizing with the enemy? How could you he is in Slytherin for Merlin's sake. He is just using you for something Hermione you have to know that, why else would he have a mudblood with him parading her around with all the proper steps and mannerisms of wizarding society. You wouldn't know that sort of stuff if he didn't teach it to you because of where you come from." Hermione's anger had grown with each sentence Ron spoke. She was starting to see red and her breathing was getting heavy as her blood pumped faster. Ron continued with his rant not realizing the hole he was digging, "You just couldn't leave it alone could you? You don't belong here but my family took you in I was supposed to have you and shelter you from this world in all your ignorance once we graduate but you blew that. You and your bloody huge brain that needs to constantly be learning, mum was right you know. Witches only need to learn domestic spells so they can better run the house during the day, no need to know every blasted bit of knowledge in existence!"

Pansy arrived on the scene at the same moment that a very loud sound of flesh on flesh resounded through the hallway as Hermione's fist made contact with Ron's face. The force was so great that it sent his head whipping to the side and sent him sprawling on the ground. Pansy was stunned as she looked at Hermione in a new light. Ron rose to his feet holding his wand towards Hermione, his face was as red as is hair. Blood flowed from his broken nose and split lip and on to his dress robes. "You stupid swot. Everyone is right your blood really is muddy to believe a pureblood would truly want anything to do with you." He shouted and then paused smirking, "I know how to teach a lesson, Cru.." "Well well Weasly, I didn't know you had it in you. I would say you should be in the house of ancient and noble purebloods but you are honestly too stupid. Hermione is the brightest witch of our age already at year 4 and she is just getting started." Pansy said as she walked up to the two her wand trained on the boy. "I would suggest you get out of here before you find out just how effective the unforgiveables can be." Ron paled slightly at Pansy's threat but backed away glaring at the two girls. He spat blood in their direction, it landing on the ground a few inches from the hem of Hermione's dress robes, and then stalked off.

Hermione watched him go until he was well out of sight and then collapsed to the ground. The adrenaline she had coursing through her from the confrontation left her and she found it impossible to keep from shaking as she breathed. As she sat there attempting to collect herself she became aware that Pansy had walked closer and offered her hand to help Hermione up. Gingerly she accepted and was pulled to her feet by the Slytherin. "The nerve of some people" Pansy said as she helped dust of Hermione's dress. "Really you would think that people would understand that there is more to this world than blood status. I meant what I said about you being the brightest witch, I would not want to ever find myself on the wrong side of your wand." Hermione stopped her own attempts at dusting off her robes when she heard Pansy's words. Her eyes were wide as she looked at the other girl before a smile spread across her face. She realized what Pansy was doing. Pansy had subtly told her that she thought the same way that Draco and Astoria did while also politely not prying further into what had happened moments ago. It was how Astoria and Draco told her a proper witch should behave in public. Hermione bowed slightly to Pansy "I appreciate the compliment greatly…. Pansy". Calling the other girl by her first name was a strange feeling after being what she thought was on opposite sides of the blood prejudices. Pansy smiled when she heard Hermione speak her name, she felt like this night was going to change a lot of things for many of the wizarding world and she was sure she would be on the right side. "Alright let's get back to the ball. I am sure there is a young unnaturally blond wizard wondering what is taking you so long to return." Pansy stated, linking her arm around Hermione's and ushering her back to the Great Hall.

If the students and faculty were surprised at seeing Draco and Hermione enter the ball together, they truly believed the world had flipped on its head when Pansy and Hermione walked in with their arms linked and laughing together. Many of the Gryffindor and Slytherin students completely stopped what they were doing while the Hufflepuff students were happy to see two witches from rival houses appearing to enjoy time together. The Ravenclaw students in attendance watched with calculating eyes as they continued in whatever action they had been doing, simply waiting for future events to unfold. Pansy delivered Hermione to Draco who wore a look of both bewilderment and joy that the girl he had fallen in love with and one of his very best friends appeared to be enjoying the company of each other. "What?" he had begun to ask when Hermione gave the tiniest of shakes to her head, signaling that they would talk about it later. Clearing his throat to cover the sudden loss of speech Draco offered the girls a seat at the table he was sharing with Astoria and Neville. They all talked and laughed into the night, taking breaks to dance, everyone dancing with nearly every other person in their little group. Hermione laughed delightedly as she and Pansy twirled each other around the room before Draco cut in.

"Are you having a nice night?" Draco asked. A soft "mhmmm" could be heard from the spot where Hermione's head rested against his chest. As the music got more modern they switched from traditional styles of dancing to slowly swaying back and forth. He looked down at the top of her head and smiled softly. He could not believe he was there in that moment with her. He silently sent prayers up to every founding member of Hogwarts and a few other notable ancient wizards that the future would pan out the way he was hoping. "Hermione, would you be so kind as to explain to me what led you and Pansy to walk in together earlier this evening and laughing together no less?" he asked her. Hermione pulled back to look at him and decided she would tell him about everything that had happened from the time she left the ball earlier to the time she had returned. Draco's spine stiffened with each moment during her story. He was livid but he knew that he could not simply challenge the red headed weasel to a wizard's duel at 15. He would have to use all his house traits in the coming months and get him back once the boy relaxed and thought he was safe. For now he had a plan that he thought would work to get Hermione away from the dangers of being in Gryffindor any further.

"Hermione, how would you feel about changes houses? It doesn't happen often but if a house truly does not fit a student their parents can petition to have them re-sorted. My father is on the Board of Directors and I am sure if we went to your parents along with him that they would agree. He can get the full support of the Board also. We can't let you be hurt just to further that old crackpot's agenda. They were willing to keep you ignorant for Salazar's sake!" Draco said. Hermione and Draco had wandered out of the ball and back to the Room of Requirements after bidding the rest of their party goodnight. They now sat on a beautiful soft leather couch in front of a fireplace splendidly decorated for Yule. Hermione was surprised, she had no idea that was a possibility. Oh how she would have done that last year if she did. She had realized quickly that Gryffindor was not the place for her. She had gone to bed frequently in her first and second year wishing she had been sorted differently. "I would gladly be resorted." She told him. She chuckled softly as a thought popped in her mind. "I would even be proud to wear Green and Silver like the hat originally wanted." She said smirking at him. Draco's eyes grew wide at this information and hi grinned, moving her so that her head could rest against him and he could place his arms around her. "We will get to work on that tomorrow then." He said.

The two stayed on the couch for the rest of the night talking about the future and formulating their plans. They both knew what they wanted to take place and knew that they had the brains to achieve it. Eventually they drifted off into a blissful slumber.

Alright everyone! The Yule Ball is finished! What did you think? I tried to add some drama to the night but I am not sure if I was successful or not.

Did anyone catch that the circlet came from Hermione's grandmother? (That will be expanded upon with the next post)

What house do you think Hermione will be sorted into? Which one do you think she should be in?

As always I love all reviews. Also I welcome any and all pm's with any critiques as I do not have a beta and this is my first fanfiction.

Until next time.
