At age twelve, after the Dobby incident, Harry Potter gets his mutant powers which Dudley realizes, he then discovers that James Potter isn't his biological father, a man named James Howlett is. Harry goes to Gringotts to confirm this, Harry gets emancipated, he uses one of the powers that he replicated to travel which leads him to meet St. John.


A twelve year old Harry Potter, just after he had finished his second year and had his 12th birthday is sitting in his room after the Dobby had dropped a cake on Mrs Mason who had been with her husband who was having a meeting with his uncle.

Harry hears the thundering footsteps up the stairs and his bedroom door is slammed open by his uncle who yells "what do you think you were doing lying to us ? huh FREAK ? you lying little FREAK, you dropped that cake on our guest"

"I didn't do it, I didn't drop it on that lady" replies Harry.

"then why was it floating ?" asks Vernon before he storms over to Harry who doesn't register the hit until he is on the ground as Vernon starts to beat on him. As Vernon beats into Harry he doesn't realize what is about to happen. Harry suddenly feels a surge of angry, he twists his body and catches one of his uncle's fists and his fingernails sharpen and start to grow, digging into his uncle's fists, he then uses his other set of claws to slash at Vernon's chest.

Vernon yells out in pain at the slash and he steps back. Harry gets onto his feet, looks at his new claws, he looks at them with a tilted head before he looks at Vernon with a look of pure hatred. He yells and leaps at Vernon, aiming his claws at Vernon's face. He slashes Vernon's face and chest as Vernon lays on the ground, he hears a noise at the bedroom door and he looks up to see Petunia staring at him with a look of shock, with a lot of fear in her eyes, her face is extremely pale too and Harry asks her "what's wrong, auntie ? you look pale"

"what did you do ?" she asks.

"I used my claws" replies Harry showing his aunt his new claws which retract out, scaring his aunt and causing her to scream a bit. Harry gets off his uncle's body unconscious body and steps towards Petunia who backs away making Harry smile and he asks innocently "why are you backing away, auntie ? you scared of me ?" Petunia nods in a scared way. Harry grins an evil grin and says "good, now you know how I felt growing up, now you're going to leave me in peace so I can pack and leave this house, forever"

"you can't just leave" yells Petunia.

"yes, I can" says Harry before he asks "who told you that I can't leave ? and who placed me here anyway ?" he then says "I doubt that my mother would want me here" Petunia doesn't answer so Harry yells "who placed me here ?" making Dudley come upstairs and he sees what's going on but he's confused so he asks "what's going on ? and why does Harry have claws ?" tilting his head.

"he's more of a freak than before" replies Petunia making Harry growl and he growls out "I ain't no freak"

"no, you're a mutant" says Dudley with a smile, he then says "my friend's older brother is a mutant, he can turn invisible"

"that sounds cool" says Harry before he says "I think my only power are these claws" Suddenly Vernon gets up, grabs a piece of glass that had broken and he attacks Harry, slashing at Harry, hitting Harry's throat. Harry falls to the ground and Petunia asks her husband "what did you do ?"

"I killed the little freak" replies Vernon before he says "now we don't have to worry about those freaks coming here, we can get back to our normal, originary lives"

"think again, uncle" says Harry as he gets off the floor, his throat is completely healed up and he says to Dudley "I guess the claws aren't the only power I got"

"you can heal" says Dudley amazed by what he had seen and Harry says "I'm guessing that every scar I've ever gotten has been healed up completely too, every broken bone is healed correctly too"

"good" is all Dudley says. Vernon charges at Harry with the piece of glass but he doesn't stand a chance as Harry aims his claws at Vernon's chest and slashes Vernon's chest open, Harry then grips Vernon's groin with his claws digging into Vernon's groin. Vernon is grimacing in pain as Harry keeps adding pressure till he feels his testicles burst and Vernon screams in pain and Dudley cups his groin protectively, Petunia widens her eyes at what Harry had done before Harry says "that was for attacking me, asshole, you're lucky you're alive" he then grabs his trunk and Hedwig's cage. Harry walks past Petunia and Dudley heading downstairs with his trunk, he then gets an idea and he asks Petunia "auntie, where are Vernon's guns ?"

"his guns ?" asks Petunia sweetly.

"yea, I know he has some in this house" replies Harry before he asks "where are they ?"

"in mine and his bedroom, in the closet" replies Petunia making Vernon yell at her for telling Harry where his guns are. Harry goes up to Petunia and Vernon's room with his trunk, heads into the closet and he finds a box with three handguns with three boxes of ammo, one box for each gun. One box holds atleast fifty in each box and the guns are all fully loaded with bullets, even if Harry doesn't really need them because of his claws. He places the guns and the ammo into his trunk, he hides them under his clothes after putting the safety on each of the gun.

Harry leaves the bedroom and head back downstairs, he looks at his uncle who is turning purple with rage and he says to his uncle "I'm taking your gun with me, they're not registered either and the serial numbers have been filed off, so I think they'll come in handy" he then says "goodbye, I hope that I never see you Vernon or you Petunia, you are not my family, I spit on you and your family name" he then literally spits on the ground where they stand making Petunia even more angry and he yells "you will not spit on us, we took you in from the goodness of our hearts, we fed you, clothed you, we took care of you and this is how you treat us"

"you barely fed me, I use Dudley's hand-me-downs and you never took care of me, I took care of myself and everything else around this fucking house, even the fucking gardens" Harry yells back but with more of a growl in his voice. Dudley says to his mom "stop it, you're only making him more mad, and you know what he already did to dad"

"he won't hurt me, I'm his mother's sister, a slut of a sister who slept with a man, got pregnant and then married that Potter" Petunia says to Dudley who mutters "oh shit"

"who was the man ?" Harry asks her calmly.

"I only know that his name was James or Logan or something like that" replies Petunia getting scared. Harry then asks her "did she have a power like I do ?"

"a mutant power ?" asks Petunia.

"yes, did she ?" replies Harry.

"I don't know, I swear, I don't know but, maybe her journals have the answer, I'll get them for you" says Petunia, she then runs out of the room, heads up to the attic, grabs the small box with her sister's journals, comes back downstairs where she gives Harry the box of journals and says "here, take them" Harry grabs the box and places it inside his trunk. He heads for the front door, Vernon suddenly says to his wife "we can't let him leave, he needs to stay here"

"no, I don't, Vernon" says Harry before he heads to the front door, pulls it open but Vernon grabs Harry by the arm and backhands him making Petunia gasp as she sees that someone had seen Vernon hit Harry, the person then walks away to call the police, not that they will be any use. But it's too late Harry is angry, even more angry than before and he slams the front door shut and pounces onto Vernon, slashing at him, slashing everywhere with his claws, Harry starts getting blood all over his claws.

After a few moments Harry gets off Vernon who is laying in a puddle of blood which grows with each second. Harry steps over the body of his dying uncle and heads out the front door licking his claws clean of all the blood, he walks down the street until he sees a beautiful expensive looking parked, unlocked car in front of a expensive looking house and he decides to try and hot wire it, he opens the door to the car and after a few tries he gets it right, he starts the car and drives away. He somehow knows how to drive and he drives down the street past the Dursley house in the the car as Dudley stands outside, jaw dropped to the ground when he sees Harry driving the car.

After he had gotten away from Privet Drive Harry summons some license plates to change them before he magically changes the car's color from black to gold, he changes the rims on the car too. He then decides to go to Gringotts to get a blood test to find out the truth, as blood never lies. Harry gets into the car and drives to the Leaky Cauldron, when he gets to the Leaky Cauldron he gets out of the car, shrinks the car to place in his pocket and enters, he goes to the entrance to Diagon Alley where from there he walks to Gringotts.

Once he gets to Gringotts he enters the bank, he walks up to the head teller and says "hey, my name is Harry Potter, I wish to get a blood test, I just found out that James Potter may not be my father"

"of course, Mr Potter" replies the teller. He calls for one of the Goblins who heads towards them, Harry recognizes the goblin as the one who first shown him to his trust vault, Griphook. Harry and Griphook walk to the blood chamber where Harry is told to cut his finger and to drip the drops onto the magical parchment, Harry does this and the parchment glows, it starts to get covered with writing which tells him that James Logan Howlett is his father but James Potter had known about the other man and had blood-adopted Harry.

Harry gets a list of family members but he decides to just emancipate himself just in case that he is forced back to England which the Goblins agree to do for him, for a price. The price is paid and Harry becomes emancipated unknowingly destroying some knick knacks in Dumbledore's office, Harry then, after finding about all of his family vaults decides to get a card that will be connected to his vault. Harry finds out that some of his money had been stolen by Dumbledore who had also stolen some of his items from his family vaults and blocked some of Harry's magical abilities.

Harry then leaves the bank, heads into the other stores in Diagon Alley to buy books for magical learning, all the subjects for magical learning, well what is available in the store.

He then leaves Diagon to head back into the Leaky Cauldron where he suddenly sees Dumbledore drinking with a foppish, blandly handsome wizard with wavy blonde hair and particularly straight and shiny teeth. The wizard is wearing flamboyant, flashy and incredibly extravagant robes in a wide assortment of colors. The wizard leaves to go get another drink when he spots Harry, widens his eyes and says "Harry Potter" he then says "it's nice to meet you, I'm Gilderoy Lockhart, I'll be your defense Against The Dark Arts Professor this coming year" Harry gets a look of disgust on his face but that changes when Lockhart grabs him to drag him over to Dumbledore.

Harry, not wanting Dumbledore to know that he's not with the Dursleys uses his claws on Lockhart's wrist before he pounces on Lockhart and punches the man to make the man dizzy. He then leaps towards the exit, runs through the exit, takes the shrunken car out from his pocket, returns it to normal size, gets in the car and drives away. As he drives away he sees Lockhart and Dumbledore exit the Leaky Cauldron, Dumbledore looks slightly panicked while Lockhart is possibly telling Dumbledore that he saw Harry before the younger wizard had tripped him or some other story as Harry could sense that Lockhart was as useless as Quirrell but not as evil as Quirrell.

Two weeks later, Tiger as he is now known is in Washington Heights, Manhattan in New York City to see the sights. During the previous two weeks Tiger had discovered another ability, the ability to replicate the power of any mutant he touches and keep the power for himself, he discovered that power when he touched a mutant who could detect mutants and what power they have, she also have super-speed but only in small bursts. The mutant tells him about his ability after he had bumped into her accidentally and when he got her abilities she gasped and said to him "you have my powers, you can replicate powers from any mutant that you touch but be careful not to overload on powers, OK ?" The woman introduces herself using her mutant name making Tiger introduce himself with his mutant name for the first time before he shows her the claws. Tiger ends up meeting other mutants, some of them he ends up touching to gain their powers but he was also pretty careful not to overload himself, he touches Arclight getting her shock-waves and Pyslocke getting her powers (the powers from X-Men: Apocalypse). Tiger leaves the Omegas and travels to Australia, he had decided to do a world tour using one of the powers that he had replicated before he had met the Omegas.