James Novak had everything he would want in his life. His wife, Amelia, was the epitome of beauty and he had loved her since her first saw her.

When they came of age he asked for her hand in marriage as soon as he could. Because her father did not approve they eloped and moved to a faraway kingdom, Lawrence.

There was the New King and Queen Jonathan and Mary Campbell; they went by her last name for she was the heir and rightful ruler.

It was as much a marriage for love as it was politics. Mary and John were in love and soon had their first born, Dean, who would go by Winchester, his father's name. It's said that Dean was a gentle yet wild child and would spend hours in trees and the gardens playing with the other children.

Often he would bring in injured animals he had found to help nurse them back to health. Every new child in the Castle, high or low born, Dean would be nearby, insistent to help look after them.

James and Amelia near the same time were blessed with a child after countless attempts. One, which still hurts them both, was nearly successful, when the child was lost close to term.

It was a year or two before they even tried again but thankfully Amelia managed to bear a son, Castiel, named for angel of Thursday, the day he was born.

Castiel was a quiet and reserved child. He would spend most of his time with his mother in the library, reading to her. Amelia was frail and sick; the childbirth was hard on her James spent more time at home, taking most of his business in his office rather than travel.

Castiel helped around the house with the servants when he wasn't with his mother. He didn't have many friends beside the cook Miss Mosley who let him tell her about what he had read.

When Castiel was five, he and James lost Amelia. She went in her sleep, quietly.

James started travelling again

Just as the Novak's lost Amelia, The Royal family experienced both loss and tragedy.

When Dean was four (and Castiel was five), Prince Samuel was born. In that year everything was well for the family, Dean doted on his younger brother. Mary would find herself often reminding Dean that She and John were the parents not him.

Sadly, this changed very quickly when the Queen was assassinated.

The funeral was open for all, it found the Novak's in the crowd outside the castle. Castiel stood with James and Miss Mosley is a sea of black cloth and mourning for their lost Queen.

Then the King and Princes appeared on the Balcony to address the crowd before they dispersed. Castiel's eyes never left the eldest price that looked to be around his age.

Dean, looked blankly at the crowd, he knew his mother was dead but he didn't understand why all the people were there. It would be a few more years until he completely understood his place as Crown Prince.

King John took over the royal duties that his wife was responsible for. Dean spent more time looking after his brother and being tutored about his future role as Prince, and Then King.

By the time Castiel was 13, and slowly leaving boyhood, his father brought him a horse; a Large Black Mare, Meg. Castiel would spend his days working and talking with Miss Mosley in the kitchen, reading in the library or out with Meg exploring.

On the Days that James would be home, Castiel would stay firmly by his side, drinking in the stories of the other kingdoms that James traded with, he kept note of where his father was and what he did, the small details such as foods and smells that he would bring home.

Then just as he was turning fifteen, the end began for poor Castiel.

You see, there was a detail that James seemed to neglect about his travels. In particular, his visits to the Widow Abaddon. Abaddon was widowed young and had two daughters, Ruby and Lilith.

Ruby was thirteen and was a spoilt, jealous child, coveting anything Lilith had. Lilith the elder and a year older than Castiel, was, kind of a sociopath, she would often catch mice and birds just to amuse herself by killing them.

Abaddon however was the worst of the lot, her husband, and a knight of Lawrence died a suspicious death and she was left caring for her girls with is entire inheritance. But the money became low.

Enter James Novak, a merchant of unusually high standing; not currently enough to land a place in the Royal Court but he had contacts and with enough work he could easily become a part of the furniture at royal events.

Naturally when the Widow Abaddon met him, she put out her perfected womanly wiles, and caught him, hook, line and sinker. After a year he brought them to his home in preparation for their marriage.

Castiel was stunned when his father came home early and told him to go upstairs and put his best clothes on. Of course Castiel did what he was told without a fuss but then he came down and asked what was going on.

"My fiancée, the Widow Abaddon and her daughters are arriving today with their belongings. We are to wed next week." James told him with a near serene look on his face.

Castiel was shocked, he knew his father's heart would heal eventually but wasn't this too soon? When did this all happen? Calmly, Castiel expressed his concern, but James waved him off. It was to happen, James was merely being courteous by forewarning the boy.

There was a knock at the door and the Novaks answered it. An old man with a wilted face and a nose closer to the sky than Castiel had ever seen was on the other side. Behind him was a luxurious looking carriage, the old man nodded curtly and the three of them walked to the carriage, Castiel with a large knot in his gut.

The Old man opened the door and Castiel shrunk behind James as a tall, red headed woman walked out.

Her dress was large and black and Castiel was reminded of some of the high-born woman at the Queen's funeral when he was younger. However, that was for a terrible and large event, what kind of person dressed like this on a daily basis? Castiel chastised himself, He was dress nicely, and he should assume the Lady was doing the same.

Castiel's immediate impression of the Widow Abaddon was that he had met snakes and seen poisonous berries that looked as nice as she did. They too, gave him the instant feeling of danger. Her lips spread into a cutting, red smile as she looked over Castiel; he returned it with a meek smile.

Yelling burst from the carriage, "I wanted to get out first!"

The shrill voice pierced his ears and Castiel winced as a blonde and a brunette, both in equally rich clothes walked out of the carriage. In truth the more or less shoved each other out.

After removing and giving each other a cold look they allowed James to take their hand and greet them before turning to Castiel.

Now, the only women Castiel had been around were his mother, Miss Mosley and the maid. Due to this he had no idea how to properly great Ladies of high status. The widow Abaddon and her snakes of children, noticed his ignorance in a second.

Abaddon looked over Castiel and put a hand on James' shoulder, "Does your son have" she gave a sickly fake polite smile, "issues, or does he just not understand how to interact with people."

Feeling gobsmacked, Castiel looked to his father who laughed "I'm sorry ladies; I forgot that I haven't really introduced Castiel to society, I've always been so busy it slipped my mind." He looked apologetically at the three of them.

"I'm-" Abaddon started talking too, almost as if to purposely cut Castiel off.

"James, love, you must show me the house, the girls are looking forward to see their room" with that a whirlwind took them into the house.

It was as if Castiel's life suddenly turned on fast forward.

The wedding happened so quickly, and then James was off on business again. He spent more time with Mosley, and started helping out around the house and garden, when they had to lay off the Groundsman.

Castiel wasn't involved in money affairs but he suspected it may be connected with the absurd amount of money what was being spent on dresses.

Castiel, even when his father was around. Couldn't spend time with him, further, he wasn't sure if he wanted to be around Castiel. Abaddon would often parade around the kingdom at lavish parties with her girls and James too. C

Castiel would be often left behind, and when he did go he wished he hadn't, they would always come back with the girl snidely talking about how Castiel was inept and dull to be around and was embarrassing his father.

Lilith would leave dead animals in his room, then when he would comfort her she would deny it. He would show Abaddon and the animal was gone. He was in hell, a pit of snakes and then his father died.
