Leaves began to fall as she hid behind the notebook at her desk, eyeing the hyperactive blonde boasting about his goals. Seeing him like this always encouraged her to do better herself, making her feel a little brave from her normal timid self. Beside him was a boy with raven hair, the one always arguing with him. Feeling a little glum, she sulked a bit as the bell rang, prompting her to leave her desk. Today was the day they were separated into teams, and she wasn't placed into hers.

"H-hi...I-I'm Hinata Hyuga" stuttering as she nervously introduced herself to her teammates, fidgeting, she couldn't help but feel nervous as she hardly ever spoke.

Feeling their instructor pat her on the shoulder, she jumped a little, "Good job" she congratulated her before turning back to the other two, "As of Today, we are Team 8, and we will learn to work together. Now, I'll be honest, this is the first time I've been assigned as leader, so I hope to do well for you three"

"Man... Why did I get stuck on the same team with bug boy over here?" groaned the boy with red marks on his face, wearing a jacket with a fluffy rimmed hood pulled up.

Talking to the silent boy with a light green jacket, a collar raised up that easily covered his mouth, "...I think it's just fine..." bluntly saying in a quiet voice. It was hard determining his expression, as his eyes was covered with sun glasses.

"Now quiet you two" the teacher instructed, "For the remainder until you form a team of your own, we are to work and cooperate as a team... is that understood?"

She couldn't help but keep silent during this moment. Watching them go back and forth with another, she felt a bit hesitant; not wanting to bother them as they continued on. The moment the instructor dismissed them for the time being, she watched as her own teammates began to go off on their own ways.

"I wonder what he's doing right now..." thinking to herself she wondered what the blonde hyperactive kid was up to at this moment. She was disappointed that she wasn't placed in the same team as him, thinking that perhaps she could have been a little more motivated to do more and speak more.

Thinking for a moment, she looked around, and began making her way over around, fidgeting a little as she lost in her thoughts. The mere thought about of having him on her mind only made her fidget a little more, her face flustering.

Hearing noise, she made her way around, carefully keeping herself close to the trees. Hiding in the shadows was something she's always down; too afraid and timid to deal with confrontation. She was shocked at how the other team was compared to hers. The girl with long pink hair, Sakura, was carefully planning her every move as they went against their teacher. However, she was distracted as she was too busy watching the raven haired boy, Sasuke, pull off solitary techniques. What caught her eye though, was the blonde haired hyperactive kid, Naruto, who was busy being rash and stubborn.

Eventually as time went on, the three were eventually promoted and congratulated for working and thinking like a team. "Sakura~" he heard him call out to the pink haired girl, "Let's go have some Ramen together" smiling sheepishly.

"Shut up, Naruto" Angrily looking down on him before turning back to the raven haired kid, "Sasuke~ How about we go?"

The boy just ignored her, "You two go on ahead" telling them nonchalantly, "I have some things to take care of" Sending them off, the two left, Naruto desperately chasing after Sakura as the latter tried to get rid of him. Wanting to follow, her thoughts were interrupted, "You in the forest... come out"

Her heart began to pound realizing that she was found out. Knowing that leaving was impossible at this point, she peered out from behind the trees, looking towards the raven haired boy, "Y-yes...?" she felt scared, not knowing what to do in this situation, "S-sorry... I was just..."

"...Don't care" dulling his eyes towards her, he closed them half way, "I figured you were a threat... nothing more" saying as he began to make his way off.

Watching him turn his back, the well-known emblem of a clan that was massacred one night, she felt her heart beat against her chest. The experience scared her, thinking that she wouldn't have needed to confront such a scary person. Waiting until her heart calmed down, she slowly made her way back to town, hoping that she could forget the existence entirely.

Bustling, everyone she graduated the academy with was out doing their own things after first getting to know their new teams. As it was midday, she made her way around, hoping that she could find some place to have a meal, feeling a little hungry after today. Walking around, she overheard a familiar voice as she passed the ramen bar.

"One Ramen please" an ecstatic voice rang out. Hearing the voice she quickly hid behind the pole, "Ah, this'll be great!" watching as he happily ate down his meal.

Watching, the nervousness in her stomach began to stir once more. "N-Naruto..." feeling embarrassed, she couldn't bring herself to make her way to talk to him.

"Ah... that was great... one more!" she heard him ask.

It was at that moment that her teammates came up from behind her, "Hinata, what are you up to?" asked one the rowdy one, Kiba, "You're hiding behind that pole like you're trying to get away from someone.

"A-aah!" startled, she leapt back, hearing him speak. "S-sorry, Kiba" bowing a little.

Standing there, she felt a little too shy to continue on, noticed by her teammates, "Any who, our instructor wants us to head to the training field for some team practice, saying that she wants us to get to know another's weakness... or something"

"O-okay" still feeling out of it, she followed her teammates to the training area, a little disappointed she had to leave him.

Training was a little rough. The three of them were out of sync as Kiba dashed around the field in a spiraling blitz. Shino, her quiet, bug-loving friend constantly had to keep Kiba on track as he used his mass of insects to forcefully direct his teammate towards the target. However, she was too shy, unable to do anything as she just stood back.

"That's enough for today" their instructor sighed, pressing her forehead into her hand, "Tomorrow we'll get try again and we'll start our first mission together as a team" leaving abruptly.

Annoyed, Kiba began to rant a little, annoyed that the instructor wasn't too pleased. "Shino, I totally had it!" getting up in his face, "If it wasn't for your stupid bugs, could have hit the target"

"...If it wasn't for me, you'd have accidentally hit Hinata..." making a point, the two of them looked over at her.

Startled, feeling a confrontation, she backed off a little, falling onto the ground, "S-sorry... I just wasn't sure... what to do..." twiddling her fingers.

"Oi, Hinata..." glaring at her, Kiba looked at her disgruntled, "you can't be hiding all the time... we need you to be a part of this team"

Nodding nervously, she replied, "O-okay" a bit taken back, "I'll try my best"

With that, her two teammates made their way off, leaving her behind. Alone with her thoughts, she looked back on what Kiba had said and realized that he was right. If she couldn't work up the courage to even act in their team, she likely couldn't do anything about the spiky haired blonde she has a crush one.

Just as she was making her way back, she heard grunt and noises coming from deeper in the forest, "Huh...?" thinking to herself, she steadily made her way towards the noise. To her shock, she watched as someone continued on their own.

It was the raven haired boy she had just talked with, doing some solitary training. Around the scattered ground, were straw dummies standing straight up. "Fire release: Fire ball technique!" reciting as he leapt in the air, stringing hand seals together he inhaled greatly before releasing a large ball of fire towards one of the dummies, incinerating it.

"A-amazing..." as much as she didn't want to admit, he was definitely skilled. The ability to develop element techniques were beyond something someone of their rank should be able to do "Then again... he is from that family..." she continued thinking to herself.

Resting a bit, he pulled two kunai's from the holder on his leg and quickly tossed them in her direction. Seeing it, she dropped down as they impaled the tree behind her. Her heart racing, it only got worse as she came face to face with the boy himself.

"What are you doing here" dulling his eyes towards her, he approached her, "hm...?" taking note at her eyes as the flame symbol on the shoulder of her jacket, "You're of the Hyuga clan..." almost as if his tone became more aggressive.

A cold bit in her stomach formed, feeling a little more scared, "S-sorry... I-I didn't mean to..."

"..." watching her fidget and stutter for some reason demolished what aggression was building up, "You say sorry way too much... stop that" his eyes closing half way, narrowing down at her.

It was almost instinctive, as she began shaking a little more from the fact he was still talking to her, "S-sorry!" cringing a little, feeling him glare at her as she apologized yet again, "I was just... curious... I-I heard noise and..."

"...It's fine" giving up, "You weren't bothering me... so I'll be on my way" saying as he turned his back towards her, making his way over to the training field.

Again, the confrontation startled her. Watching him leave, her heart was skittish as she tried to recover from that encounter. Hesitantly, she reached out for him "W-wait...!" calling out to him a bit weak.

"Mm?" hearing that, he stopped and turned around, facing her, "What is it?"

Gripping onto her chest, she gulped nervously, "I... I'm..." shaking a little, she continued on, "I'm Hinata Hyuga..." her voice growing faint, "I was... was... wondering if..." dazed, she stopped talking for a bit before she continued, "you could... help me... gain confidence"

"..." disinterested by her out of the blue introduction and declaration, he turned his back facing her, "...Sasuke Uchiha" his hands placed on his waist, stopping short.

Feeling a little prideful in her ability to introduce herself and declaration all of a sudden, she felt a bit more confident already. Wanting to continue forward, she hesitated a little before realizing he had already gone back to his area of training, prompting her to go after him suddenly.

A/N: Well here it is! the first chapter. I had this written a while back but just recently had the courage to post it. It's sort of an AU, and basically what happens normally will be mentioned but not shown (I mean... you've seen it...so...why xD) but I will write out the different events that'll happen over the course of this :3. It IS a sasuhina sort of fic, but it does/errr will contain NaruHina moments, so there'll be both moments,... in a sense. Leave me some feedback on your thoughts of how its starting! :3