5. Cuddle Buddies Or How To Pick A Vampire When Your A/C Breaks (Pouting Vampires Included)

I love the summer, I really do. But what I don't love is my A/C dying in the middle of a heatwave. I tried placing a call into my landlord, but everyone else's A/Cs in the complex died out too and the waitlist was horribly long.

So, if you find yourself in this situation, this leaves you a few options:

A. Dying of the heat

B. Stripping down to the basics and blast yourself with fans in hopes of cooling down (Chances of you sticking to whatever surface you lie on is exceptionally high)

C. Calling a repairman, though the price would steep considering the heatwave

D. Sit in a bath of ice that will either quickly melt or you give yourself hypothermia

E. Or if you're lucky (or unlucky) to have a vampire or three living with you, cuddling up to them

I wouldn't reccomend the last one unless you have no other option. If you have to resort to this option, be careful in which vamprie you pick and make absolutely sure they're ok with this.

I had already reached option B and being a poor college student, couldn't afford option C, nor did I intend to go through with option A. I doubt very much Aro would let me die of heat. Option D was also out of the question as by the time I got enough ice to fill the tub up, it'd have melted anyways. So that left me at E.

Aro was a complete no go. I had decided to wear a sports bra and shorts, which meant more skin exposed, more chances for him to read my thoughts. No thanks.

Caius was also out. I'd highly advise against cuddling with him as he avoids all contact like the plague, (unless it's the hyper devil, who is just freaking relentless) and it's like trying to cuddle with a porcupine, you just don't do it!

Marcus is the safest bet, considering he didn't do much, just sat and read. He was more than happy to oblige me while Aro pouted the entire time. Trust me, that isn't a pretty sight. I'd be reading or watching TV and whenever I'd turn my head, Aro would be right there staring at me. I was going to resist. I was strong and was so not going to give in!

...I gave in. What? Don't judge me, he was pouting! I wanted him to stop, it was creepy! Now Aro's grinning like a maniac while he has me sit in his lap. Not my idea, it was his. Trust me, that puts my throat too close to his mouth for comfort and he's being a jerk. How you ask? He's taking delight in blowing cold air across the back of my neck. He says it's to help cool me down, but I know he's doing it to freak me out. If that rumbling at my back is any indication, he knows exactly what he's doing. He'll stop after awhile and just when I start to relax, he lets out a really creepy little giggle right in my ear, scaring me to death.

His reason? He likes to hear my heart beat go wild. 'Like the thrumming of a bird's wings fluttering in a cage.'

Eventually, I managed to fall asleep. That's right, I fell asleep in Aro's arms, someone please direct me to the nearest mental hospital. The fact that I was able to do that astounds me. I wasn't able to sleep when they first arrived because Aro would sneak in. Oh, no! I've gotten used to the hyper devil! Send help!