A/N: For starters, to all that clicked on the link, this story is pretty much a crossover. But given that there will be a good amount of changes made to the plot I figured that it deserved to be in the main category of RWBY stories.

Now, I've been a fan of Logan's most of my life. And with the latest movie being out I figured that I would try to write an OC into the RWBY-verse who had a similar background and origin to Wolverine. But at the same time, bring him into the storyline in a different way and have the world itself greatly changed with his arrival.

That being said, this story is rated M for violence, gore, language and possible sex content later on down the road. It had to be done, this is a 'Wolverine fic'. And thanks to all that give this a chance.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Deep within the snow covered forests of Patch, two small girls could be seen making their way up a long, winding trail. The path taking them farther and farther away from the safety of their home village as they ventured deeper into the nearly barren trees.

The two girls, sisters, went on their journey ignoring the obvious danger of what lurked in the shadows around them. One of them, the smallest of the duo, wore a red hood and was currently napping in a small wagon that was being pulled by the older girl who wore brown shorts and a baige shirt with her long blonde hair in pigtails.

"I will find you, mom." the older sister thought strongly as she trudge forward, small cuts and bruises covering her small form given how long she had been moving and pulling her little sister along. "I don't know why you left me and dad...but I will find you."

Just as the sun began to set, the blonde girl finally reached her destination. Breathing in relief as she took in the old abandoned house that was crumbling on its foundation. He lilac eyes looked around, searching for any sign of someone living there or would have been living there.

But to her great disappointment, there was nothing. No clues, no tracks, no anything.

When she was about to give up and head home, her eyes misting over with unshed tears when a low growl emitted from deep within the derelict house.

Freezing in her tracks, the girl looked toward the open doorway and found four sets of glowing red eyes leering right back at her. Fear gripping her small heart as four large, wolf-like creatures covered in spiked armor stalked out into the open, spreading out and surrounding the girls on all sides with hunger in their gazes.

The blonde swallowed thickly, her throat dry as she backed up, putting herself between the creatures and her little sister who was still blissfully sleeping in the wagon. Far to tired from her long journey to protect either of them, let alone try and escape. The outcome looked grim for the sisters.

One of the creatures growled, opening its salavating maw and drawing in closer when another growl was heard from nearby. All eyes turned to the trees where something could be seen lurking in the shadows just out of sight.

Whatever was making the new noise stepped out into the fading light, revealing a boy that looked roughly the same age as the blonde girl, if not a little younger.

His body looked to be made up of hard muscle, despite his youth, and only wore a torn pair of black boxer shorts. The cold around them seeming to have no affect on him. His hair was black and stretched down past his shoulders in a wild mane with leaves and twigs stuck in it.

The boy's teeth was bared, his whole body tense and vibrating with the growls coming from the base of his throat, elbows and knees bent like a series of cords ready to snap. His eyes pitch black, pupils dialated to the point that his iris color was impossible to make out.

The wolf-creatures turned from the girls and rumbled right back at him in challenge, but the boy only growled louder, skulking out from the treeline with his hands tightly clenched...

Then, to the utter shock of the blonde, a trio of long blades slowly slid out from between the boy's knuckles. Three on each hand stretching out nearly a foot and ended at very sharp points, each one glinting in the light of the slowly rising moon.

As if by a silent command, the boy launched forward, a mightly leap that closed the distance between him and the lead creature. His smaller frame tackling the monster to the ground where he repeatedly stabbed his metal-like claws into it's chest and throat.

The other beasts roared and went on the attack, the boy glared at them, covered in the black ichor that was the first creature's blood before unleashing a roar of his own and meeting his attacker's head on.

One of the wolves swung its claws at him, only for it to be blocked by the boys claws in return. The second set coming up and cleaving the creature's arm off with ease that left it stumbling back with smoke and ichor billowing out of the severed stump.

Dropping low, he swiped his claws in a wide circle around him. Slicing the armless creatures' legs and dropping them down before jumping up and over it. Driving the blades into its back with savage abandon before taking its head off.

Not stopping, he charged one of the remaining beasts. Weaving around its strikes and jumping upward, both sets of claws burrowing up through its lower jaw and into its head. The red eyes dimming as the life left it while the boy jumped away from the quickly dissolving body.

The last creature roared, having seen its pack slaughtered and charged the boy. Claws ripping up the snow covered ground in its pursuit.

Spinning around, the boy roared back, spittle flying from his mouth before the two crashed into one another. Claws and teeth tearing at flesh and fur, black and red blood splashing across the snow.

One strike has the boy skidding back along the ground. Several jagged tears and slash marks could be seen on his torso, yet his focus was locked on the creature that bore its own damage.

The two started to circle one another, their respected claws extended and at the ready as they waited for the moment to strike the other.

Without warning they lunged again, the feral boy jamming his left arm into the beast's mouth where it clamped down hard onto it. Sharp fangs tearing into flesh and muscle.

Roaring in pain and fury, the boy managed to move his entraped arm, his claws bursting out the top of the wolf's white mask just as he drove his other set of claws into the monster's neck.

The creature collapsed to its side, taking the boy down with it. Once on the ground, he retracted his claws from the monster's neck, grabbing it's mouth and forcing it open wide enough to pull out the nearly shreaded arm that it had been attempting to tear off.

Once the limb was free, the flesh on the boy's arm seemed to come alive. The torn tissue mending itself back together and healing itself at a rapid pace until unblemished skin was left behind. Not even a scar was visible, much like the other injuries he had sustained.

Turning around slowly, he looked toward the two girls. The blonde still standing protectively infront of the wagon where the smaller girl was now wide awake and looking at him with awe.

He smelled the air, his claws slowly sliding back into his hands when he didn't sense hostility. But there was something that drew his attention, the scent coming from the girls, the same scents that drew him to this place to begin with.

Moving closer to the girls, the blonde took a cautious step back as he approached, following the soothing smells to their source.

The blonde smelled strongly of lilacs and citrus, while the brunette with the red tips gave off the scent of roses and vanilla. The combinations soothing his fury, lifting the red from his vision like a shroud.

"H-Hi..." the older of the two girls said hesitantly, not nearly as worried when she saw the boy's claws slide back into his hands. "I'm Yang, this is my sister Ruby. Thank you for helping us." she said in introduction.

The boy tilted his head at her, eyes wide and curious.

He moved forward, his body hunched over slightly until he stood infront of Yang. Reaching up, his fingers brushed gently through her right pigtail. Feeling the soft, almost silky texture. Leaning in and inhaling the citrus and lilac scent deeply and letting it flow through him.

Yang blinked owlishly, her cheeks blushing as she watched the strange boy play with her hair. His dark eyes turning to Ruby before moving over to the side of the wagon. The little cloaked girl blinked, equally curious after having seen him destroy the monsters that tried to hurt her and her sister.

The boy's hand touched her cloak, the warm fabric foreign to his calloused hands, but brought a strange sense of comfort and peace.

His eyes turned to the girl's face, his gaze locking onto the innocent orbs that looked right back. They were of the purist silver, like the large, bright broken thing that glowed in the sky at night.

Ruby smiled softly at him, "Hello." she chirped happily, not at all threatened by the boy.

Whatever else could have been said was broken when they heard dry branches breaking from somewhere nearby. The boy growled ferally, lips pulled back over his teeth before he stalked forward infront of the sisters. His metal claws snapping back out with an audible 'snikt!' as he glared across the clearing where a large, lumbering form came out into the open.

Unlike the last creatures, this one resembled a bear with even larger spikes sticking out, but had the same bone-like mask with red markings.

The creature hauled itself up on its hindlegs, standing almost as tall as the ruined house and roared at the children.

A second roar answered the first as the boy charged his newest opponent. Jumping up and ramming both claws into its chest where he began stabbing it again and again.

Bellowing in response, the bear-creature swung one of its massive paws and swatted the boy aside. His much smaller body colliding with the side of the house, splintering the wood with the harsh impact before falling flat to the snow and laid unmoving.

The beast growled at the unconscious boy before swinging its head around and leering at the terrified girls, preparing to strike them down when someone else came bursting from the trees above them.

An older man with spiked blake hair wielding a massive sword that converted into a scythe that cleaved the monster's head off at the shoulders. Landing on the ground with the rapidly dissolving monster falling beside him, he turned to the girls who beamed at his appearence.

"Uncle Qrow!" Yang shouted as the man lifted his weapon and rested it on his shoulder.

"You kids are in a heap of trouble." the man said with a shake of his head before sticking his scythe into the ground blade-first and wrapping both girls in a tight hug. "Don't ever do something like that again! Your old man and I were worried sick!"

Ruby broke the hug and got her 'Uncle's' attention. "Uncle Qrow he's hurt!" she exclaimed, pointing toward where the boy that helped them.

Qrow turned to where his youngest niece was pointing, "Shit." he cursed under his breath before jogging over and looking the boy over. His red eyes snapping down to the glinting claws sticking out of the kid's hands that steadily slid back into them with his unconscious state.

"He...He killed the wolf-monsters that attacked us first." said Yang as she and Ruby ran over to join him, "He saved us."

Pulling off his jacket, Qrow wrapped it around the boy to keep him warm before scooping him up in his arms. "Come on, I'll get ahold of your dad and we'll meet him back at the house." With that being said, the trio started making their way back down the path the sisters had come up through before.

The boy in the huntsman's arms blissfully ignorant to the drastic changes that were about to occur in his life.

A/N: And with that one act, the RWBY-verse is greatly changed.

I have yet to come up with pairing options just yet, but with how things can play out that will change rather quickly. This chapter wasn't as big as I was hoping it would be, but the next one will be much longer and have much more to offer for those that are still interested.

Leave your reviews and tell me what you think. Until next time.